Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Thursday, Dec 1, 1926

Short Items of Local Interest

     H.W. Beebe went to Marcus Wednesday to visit relatives.
     T.M. Prall of Sioux City spent Thanksgiving with his family in this city.
     Miss Genevieve Doherty spent Thanksgiving with her parents at Rock Valley.
     Mrs. Alva Ross returned to Algona Friday after a short visit with the O.P. Carroll family.
     James Jennings of Corwith spent Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Jennings.
     Mrs. Frank Fordyce sent to Spencer Friday to inspect the Women's Relief Corps at that place.
     Mrs. Robert McMahon and Peter McMahon were called to Green Friday by the death of Mrs. J.S. McMahon.
     Misses Gertrude Thornvall and Nina Lee went to Le Mars last week to spend Thanksgiving with relatives of Miss Lee.
     John Hall, coach of Belmond High School, enjoyed Thanksgiving day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall.
     Walter Hilton, who is a brakeman for the Milwaukee out of Mason City, enjoyed Thanksgiving day with his parents at this place.
     Miss Arlene Scott, who is a member of the Mason City teaching force, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Scott.
     Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith and daughter, Miss Jeanne, of Eagle Grove enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with the John Zimmerman family.
     Miss Florence Morrissey returned Sunday evening to Mason City. She came home to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Martin Morrissey.
     Mrs. M.J. Buttimore and son returned to Dubuque Friday. They were called to this city by the serious illness of Mrs. Buttimore's brother, Will Carney.
    Mrs. Ed Postel of Independence is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lou Moses of this city.

Subject Given Attention in Fern Valley Township

     Rodman, Ia., Nov 30
     Monday, November 22, the Women's Community club of Fern Valley township met at the home of Mrs. George Sloan. Miss Van Horn, nurse for Palo Alto county, co-operated with the members and organized a class in home hygiene and care of the sick. The officers chosen are as follows:
     Mrs. Mary Fenn, president; Mrs. H.R. Snyder, secretary.
     Miss Van Horn also gave a very instructive talk on the practical bed in the home and demonstrated the making of paper pads.
     The next lesson will be given at the home of Mrs. Mary Fenn of Rodman on December 6.
     Mrs. C.F. Carter, Publicity Chairman.


     Thursday a farewell surprise party was held at the John Jones home in honor of Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. Ed Wollner, who will leave shortly for Salem, Oregon, where she will remain during the winter months. Perhaps twelve or fifteen ladies were present. Each brought a well filled basket. The evening was spent in playing cards, after which refreshments were served. The affair will be long and pleasantly recalled.

Death of a Rodman Child.
     Rodman, Ia. Nov. 30
     (Special) Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Farmer, who live northwest of Rodman, mourn the loss of their baby boy, a little past a year, who died Friday. A short funeral service was held at the house Monday morning. The remains were taken to Fort Dodge for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer have the sympathy of the whole community in the loss of their loved one.

Mallard Young Folks Wed
     Mallard, Ia., Nov. 30
     (Special) Last Thursday morning Mr. William Wagner and Miss Grace Compton of this place were united in wedlock at Mason City. They are well known in the community and have many friends who will be glad to offer hearty congratulations. We wish them success.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County