Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
April 7, 1926

John Hall, who is a student at the University at Des Moines, spent the week
end with his parents, Mr and Mrs Edward Hall.

Lester Price arrived from Cedar Falls last week. He began work April 1. He
is assisting his brohter Wilbur on his cream route.

Miss Bernice Hughes, who teaches in the Ruthven schools, enjoyed her spring
vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Hughes, of Emmetsburg.

Joseph Joynt and niece, Miss Bernice Joynt, returned home from Algona last
Thursday where they visited Mr. and Mrs Charles Joynt and family.

Miss Ruth Freeman, who is a student at Grinnell college, arrived home
Thursday to spend her spring vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs W.B.

He Violated the Mann Act
Wednesday Mr and Mrs Harry C. Carmen, the latter formerly Miss Laura Harris,
of Memphis, Tenn., were separated at Mason City when federal officers took
the husband on charges of violating the Mann act and sent the 15-year-old
bride back home. It was claimed that Carmen has another wife in Wisconsin.

Spanish-American War Comrades Spent a Few Pleasant Hours With Him
Last Wednesday evening the local Spanish-American veterans, after holding
their usual camp meeting, visited the home of Sergeant Nelson where a few
pleasant hours were spent. They brought with them delicious refreshments.
Sergeant Nelson is one of the most deserving officers of the organization.
It is needless to say that he appreciates the honors of this kind. The
gathering will be recalled with pleasure.

An Emmetsburg Teacher Given High Rank
Mrs. Martin Morrissey and her daughter, Miss Florence, returned home from
Sioux City Saturday morning after an absence of several days. Miss Florence
attended the teachers' convention at that place instead of Fort Dodge, as
her two sisters, Misses Veronica and Josephine, have good positions at that
place. The teachers of Sioux City are graded in five classes and Miss
Veronica is, we are pleased to report, holding first rank for efficiency and
devotion to duty. She is at present in charge of a committee of teachers to
arrange special grade work recommended by Superintendent Clark, who is rated
high among school men. Mrs. Morrissey reports that she attended Epiphany
cathedral Thursday and Friday during the holy week exercises. A large number
of priests from the various parts of the diocese assisted Bishop Heelan. The
edifice was jammed during all the exercises.

Sheldon Man Injured at Sioux City
Saturday night W.J. White of Sheldon was run over by an auto while crossing
a street at Sioux City. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where it was
discovered that one of his pelvic bones was broken. His right eyebrow was
badly cut and he sustained other bruises. He regained consciousness some
time after he was carried to the hospital.

W.H. Nally With Gen. Goethals Co.
Visits Many States in Making Appraisals of Properties. Interesting Work.

Saturday, in conversing with W.H. Nally, who was called home a few days ago
by the death of his mother, we learned that he is in the employ of the
George W. Goethals company of New York City. When the writer visited the
Panama Canal nearly 20 years ago, General Goethals was in charge of the
plans and the general construction work. Many editors from all parts of the
United States visited with him and the other officers, all the points of
interest on the canal and he explained many important details to them. The
great work he accomplished will live in history. After the completion of the
canal. General Goethals returned to New York where he opened an appraisal
office. The work of his company is the valuation of railroad lines, mines,
factories and various other lines of industry. On account of his engineering
skill and his special ability in other ways, his estimates are considered
standard by financial houses that make loans on his valuations of property.
His labors also cover income tax estimates. His son, Colonel Goethals,
visited Gilmore City a few years ago to value the plant at that place.

Mr. Nally has been with the company for four years. He was engaged with a
Chicago valuation firm before going to New York. He has visited many cities
in the United States and is finding his labors enjoyable as well as
profitable. His experience will be very valuable to him later in life. He
will return to New York in a few days. His brother Ray left for Chicago last

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County