Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 4, 1925

Called to See Miss Rooney

     Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cullen of Whittemore came Saturday evening for a visit at the J.J. Rooney home. Mrs. Cullen will remain to help care for Miss Margaret Irene who arrived last week to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Rooney. Miss Rose Daughterty of Emmetsburg, who had been here as a nurse for the mother and baby left Monday.-- Spencer News-Herald.

Mourns Loss of Daughter

     Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bowman of Ayrshire mourn the death of their ten year-old daughter, who died the last of the week. The funeral was held at Ayrshire Tuesday. Many citizens sympathize with them in their loss.

Ten Acres of Alfalfa Net $510

     D.B. Blake, residing on the "Braddell" farm just at the top of the hill west of town, and reputed to be one of the best farmers in Emmet county, told us the other day that he sold $510 worth of alfalfa, last year from a ten acre tract. He harvested three crops and the last crop he sold for $18 a ton after it was stacked.--Algona Upper Des Moines Republican.

Married Five Years

     Monday, February 23, a large number of neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen of south of town, gathered at their home to assist them in properly observing their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Ladies Aid Societies Jipped
They Have Been Selling Misbranded Vanilla Extract

     A letter received this morning from the Iowa Department of Agriculture, managed by Mark Thornburg, says: "The Department of Agriculture recently found shipments of misbranded vanilla extract coming into Iowa and being sold through the ladies' aid societies of the various churches. The product is purely an imitation but is not so labeled. As the company which sells this product is in another state steps are being taken by the department to furnish the federal food authorities with the proper evidence for legal proceedings.

Mrs. E. Kennedy Dies at the Age of 86
Came to Emmetsburg in 1880
Burial Will Be Tomorrow

     Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, one of the oldest ladies in our county, died at her home in this city yesterday shortly before the noon hour. She was seriously ill only for a short time. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Services will be conducted at her home east of the M.E. Church. Dr. DeRoy T. Weeks will officiate. The burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. The pall bearers chosen are W.H. Vaughan, John Young, Herbert Young, P.G. Smith, Maurice O'Connor and P.F. McBride.
     Elizabeth Bennet was born in England November 20, 1848. Her age was 86. When she was twelve years old her parents came to the United States and located at Mineral Point, Wisconsin. She was married at that place, at the age of 16, to James Gray. One daughter was born to them- Mrs. Albert Babcock, now of Halbrook, Colorado. In 1867 some time after the death of Mr. Gray, she became the wife of Walter Young. Three sons were born to them. Two survive-W.B Kennedy of this city and N.S. Fenton of Mitchell, South Dakota. Later Mr. Young died. In April, 1880, Mrs. Young was married to John Kennedy of Dubuque, Iowa. During the early spring of that year Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy moved to Emmetsburg. Mr. Kennedy passed away several years ago. The son, Walter Young, is also dead. The son, N.S. Fenton, took the name of the people who adopted him and with whom he lived from early boyhood.


Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County