Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 26, 1924

Lived in Ireland and Scotland- Mined in California. Old Resident of Ruthven.
(By Our Correspondent)

The funeral of Thomas J. Grady, who passed away early Wednesday morning of
last week, was held at this place on Saturday. Services were conducted at
the Catholic church, Rev. G. Hickey, the pastor, officiating. The Catholic
choir of St. Thomas church of Emmetsburg furnished special music for the
occasion. There was a large attendance of relatives and old friends and
neighbors. The pall bearers were Michael Fleming of Whittemore, E.J. Ruddy
of Emmetsburg, Wm. Geelan, Chas. Metz, T.J. Brennan and M.T. Washington of
this place.

Mr. Grady was born at Westport, Ireland, June 8, 1840. He was rounding out
his 84th year. His father died when he was six years old. At an early age he
went to Glasgow, Scotland, where he spent some time. When 18 years old he
came to the United States and in a short time went to California where he
followed gold mining for several years. On December 26, 1869, he was united
in marriage to Miss Winifred Kelly of Osceola, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Grady
soon after their marriage, became residents of Butler county, this state,
where they made their home for some time. In 1892 they located on a farm
northeast of Ruthven. In 1911, they bought a home in this city subsequently
living here. Mr. Grady was an invalid for some time. He is survived by his
wife, five sons, and three daughters. They are Leo of Conrad, Montana, Mrs.
Matt Steil and James Grady of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mrs. Wm Sammin of Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, Joseph of Graettinger, Miss Margaret of Sioux Falls, William
of Estherville and Louis and Thomas of Ruthven. One son John preceded Mr.
Grady in death. All of the sons and daughters were present at the funeral
except James and Mrs. Sammin, who could not come on account of illness.

Mr. Grady was a far-seeing, industrious, substantial farmer. He was upright
and he was very much respected by his fellow citizens. He was outspoken and
straightforward. Those who did not agree with him always knew where to find
him. He was a man of exemplary habits and his friendship was warm and
enduring. He was devoted to his home, faithful to his church and kind and
courteous in his business dealings. Deserving community enterprises often
sought his co-operation and he usually responded as generously as his
circumstances would permit. He was a peaceable, reasonable man. He kept out
of legal and other difficulties. He always met promptly his just obligations
and he kept square with the world. We had reason to appreciate Mr. Grady's
friendship and good will from the day we first made his acquaintance and we
respected him for his sincerity and his candor. We learn with sorrow of his
death. Our sympathy goes out to the grief-stricken wife, sons, and

Brother of Mrs. Frank Dealy. He Resided in Emmetsburg Perhaps Thirty Years

A few days ago Mrs. Frank Dealy received the sad news of the death of her
brother, Thomas O'Toole, which occurred on his ranch at Ross, North Dakota,
on March 17. He was quite ill with asthma for a long time. His brother James
lived on the ranch with him. Mr. O'Toole spent perhaps a year in this city
when his mother lived here. He was a quiet, unassuming gentleman, but he was
substantial and dependable. He was frugal and industrious and became well
situated in life. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters. The
brothers are E.F. O'Toole of Webster, South Dakota, James of Ross, North
Dakota, and dr. Charles of Anaheim, California. The sisters are Mrs. Dealy
of this city and Mrs. Berry, who, we believe, lives in California. Mrs.
Dealy will leave for Ross this week to visit her brother James. She did not
receive the sad news of the death of Thomas until it was too late to attend
the funeral. She has the sincere sympathy of our many citizens.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County