Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 27, 1924

Curlew, Ia., Aug 25

The Ray Whitmer family of Emmetsburg visited the A.A. Whitmer home here

J.K. Fisher celebrated his birthday Sunday with a family reunion. A number
of friends were also present.

Mrs. A.A. Hatch and daughter Idella were passengers to Des Moines Monday to
attend the State Fair.

Mrs. Shadley visited relatives at New Sharon last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Locke were Des Moines visitors last week. Muriel Locke
had charge of the barber shop during their absence.

A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Jay Droun August 18

Mrs. Groff and son Vincent were Ft. Dodge visitors the first of the week.
The latter had a growth removed from his nose.

Loretta Blake, who has been visiting her sister at Calender, returned to
Curlew last week.

Mrs. Klinge had her tonsils removed Tuesday and was called out on a case

Cahterine Matthiesen had her tonsils removed Tuesday. Dr. Snyder of Des
Moines performed the operation.

James O'Connor of Ft. Dodge visited his home here during the past week. He
will attend school in Chicago during the coming year. He will take up
electrical engineering.

Everet Jensen and family of Gohner, Nebraska, autoed to Curlew last week to
visit Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr and Mrs George Tressler.

A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Roy Coltis Sunday.

Charles Schmuck of Graettinger
Burial at Rolfe

Charles Schmuck, who recently worked for Charles Herrington of Graettinger,
passed away at the Colman hospital at Estherville a few days ago following a
surgical operation. Several weeks ago, while doing some carpenter work for
Mr. Herrington,  he jumped from the scaffolding in order to save himself
from a fall but he suffered an ugly fracture of the thigh bone. He was
promptly taken to the hospital but it was necessary to delay the operation.
It seems that he was not able to stand the shock and passed away. He was 37
years of age. The remains were interred at Rolfe. Two daughters, Mrs. R.J.
Latson of Graettinger and Mrs. E.C. Kelly of Fairmont, survive. Mr. Schmuck
came to Rolfe when a comparatively young man. He was a member of the
I.O.O.F. lodge. We glean from the Graettinger Times.

Had Big Family Reunion.
The Kane families had a reunion at Lost Island Lake last Sunday. Those
present were J.J. Kane and son Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kane and daughter of
this city, Mr and Mrs James Kane and children of Emmetsburg township, Mrs.
Gene Kane of this city, Mr and Mrs. Gene Kane and baby, who live east of
this city, Mr and Mrs James Kane and children of Freedom township, Mr and
Mrs. Edward Bradley and two daughters of Graettinger, Mr and Mrs M.B. Kane
of Ayrshire and Mr and Mrs John Ausbrook of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

E.A. Morling   W.H. Morling
Attorneys at Law
Examination of and titles a specialty
Loans and Insurance
Office over Farmers Savings Bank
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Dr. Harold H. Brerton, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in First National Bank Building
Residence Phone 179; Office 468
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Physician and Surgeon
Office second building east of Waverly
Hotel opposite Public Library. All
calls answered day or night.
Phones: Office 349-Residence 333
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Dr. L.C. Scott
Office over Mulroney's Bootery
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Palo Alto's Pioneer Chiropractor
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Phone, 275
Office over Knoblauch Block
Osteopathic Surgeon
Day or night calls answered promptly
Emmetsburg National Bank Building
Phones: Office 567. Residence 562.
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Veterinarian and Surgeon
Office Phone 87. Res. Phone 565
Office in Waverly Hotel Building
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Justice of the Peace
Real Estate, Loans, Abstracts and Insurance
Offices 4 doors south of P.O. upstairs
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Undertaking Parlors
Funeral Director
Office-Phone 113. Residence- 183
Emmetsburg, Iowa
If You Want
the best and cheapest
on earth
Fire, Lightning, Tornado
and Windstorm or a
policy in the
Town Dwelling Mutual of
Des Moines
call on or write to
Geo. W. Downs
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
here one day only and return every
28 days.
The regular and reliable Chicago
Specialist will be at the Waverly
Hotel, Emmetsburg, Iowa on
Tuesday, September 16
A piano allowed to remain out of
tune will lose its tone and its value
will depreciate very rapidly.
Have yours tuned at least twice
a year. Phone or write
Phone 172 Emmetsburg, Iowa

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County