Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Sep 26, 1923

     William Hutchinson, Jr. came from Maxwell Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Dan Sherlock.
     Miss Marie Sherlock arrived from San Diego, California, to visit her mother, Mrs. Dan Sherlock.
     R.P. McTigue of Farley recently spent several days with his brother, Dennis McTigue, Sr. of this place.
     Mrs. John Galliger went to Graettinger Thursday for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Sullivan.
     Thomas Brennan, of Owatonna, Minnesota, was the guest of local relatives a few days during the past week.
     Mrs. James Collins and baby arrived home from Galva, Illinois, Wednesday, where they were visiting relatives.
     Arthur Schlutesmeyer arrived home from Chicago Friday where he had been for a few days attending to a business transaction.
     Earl Hoben, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoben, of Highland township, broke his wrist Thursday while cranking his car.
     Mrs. Kenneth McLaren and baby arrived from Minneapolis Wednesday for a few day's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martini.
     Mrs. Swanton returned to her home at Whittemore Thursday after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Glen Lockle, of this place.
     Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson returned home to Des Moines Wednesday after a few days' visit with local relatives. They made the trip by car.
     F.L. Patton, who was manager of the Western Electric telephone company, resigned his position and went to Spencer Wednesday where he will visit relatives for a few days.
     Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Johnston, of Boone, were visitors in this city on Wednesday. They were on their way home from Spirit Lake where they attended the state fireman's convention.
     Dan O'Brien and Henry Whalen of Streator, Illinois, who were called to Bancroft, Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Latimer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns a few days during the week.
     Miss Hall, principal of the Emmetsburg High School, was a Charles City visitor Sunday.
     Congressman and Mrs. L.J. Dickinson, of Algona, left for Washington, D.C., last Saturday.
     Miss Elsie Siba went to Sioux City Saturday. She will take treatment in a hospital at that place.
     Maurice Murphy, son of Dan Murphy of this place, is attending the Commercial College at Mankato, Minn.
     Charles Roupe, of Algona, who drove to Los Angeles a short time ago, has bought a fine new bungalow at that place.
     T.J. Huntley and Mrs. Laura Severns of Halfa were visitors at the H.B. Reynolds home in this city on Sunday.
     Miss Ella Donahue left for Plankington, South Dakota, Saturday, where she will teach during the coming year.
     B.N. Espland and family autoed from Blue Earth, Minn., Sunday, for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rasmussen.
     A new town on the Rock Island has been established in Hebron township, Kossuth county, some distance northeast of Germania.
     Ben Grady returned home from Windom, Minnesota, the latter part of the week where he was visiting his brother Ted for a short time.
     Last week Spirit Lake won on the gridiron from Jackson, Minnesota, by a score of 37 to 0. The Indians are a promising bunch this season.
     Robert Beatty, who was assistant cashier of the Security Trust and Savings Bank at Storm Lake, has resigned to accept the position as assistant state bank examiner.

     Tuesday and Wednesday of next week the Catholics of Bancroft will have a fall festival for the benefit of their church. Father Meyers of Milford will umpire the base ball game.
     Robert and Joseph Kane returned to Bauman, South Dakota, Sunday evening. They spent some time visiting their mother who has been seriously ill. She is we are glad to report, much improved.
     Mr .and Mrs. Joe Leuer and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fogarty of Mallard returned home Thursday after spending a week with relatives at Dubuque and Potosi, Wisconsin. Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Leuer's mother, returned with them to spend several months.
     Four business houses at Germania, Kossuth county, were destroyed by fire a few days ago.
    O.T. Lande and family of Graettinger visited relatives and friends in this city Sunday.
     Mr .and Mrs. Joe Logan of Forest City visited Mr. Logan's mother, Mrs. Will Slater, last Sunday.
     Kilgore & Klockon have bought the Dolliver hardware stock and have moved it to Estherville.
     Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meeker of Clarion recently visited Mr .and Mrs. Ben Cattell of this place.
     W.F. Frederick went to Spencer Saturday to visit for a few days and to attend the county fair.
     K. Miller recently shipped in forty head of cattle from Sioux City. We presume he will feed them.
     Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNamara and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cattell were Ayrshire visitors Sunday.
     Miss Ella Sampson went to Spencer Saturday for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. O.V. Sampson.
     Miss Opal Stedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sim R. Stedman of Marion City, is attending Iowa University this year.
     Archie Sheire of St. Paul recently lost a six round go to Connie Curry of Sioux City. The bout was said to be very fast.
     Representative W.E.G. Saunders and daughter, Miss Saunders, were Ruthven visitors Tuesday afternoon of last week.
     Mrs. William McNamara, Mrs. Ben Cattell, Mrs. James McNamara, Mrs. Nellie Dugan and Mrs. Monroe Johnson were Spencer visitors Saturday.
     John Joynt and his crew have been in this vicinity for the past few days making repairs on the bridges along the Milwaukee track west of the city.
     The Sun says that Tuesday noon of last week while some boys were chasing Elmer Johnson of Laurens, he stumbled and fell and broke his collar bone.
     Dr. Brerton, accompanied by his sister, Miss Mary, left Friday evening for Chicago, where the latter will attend college during the coming year.
     Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Anderson of Graettinger left by car last week for New York City to remain for some time. They will have a long, interesting trip.
     The Woman's Foreign missionary society of the M.E. church will join their regular meeting and social tea at the home of Mrs. John Allen on Friday afternoon, September 28.
     Charles Joynt is at present acting C.M. & St. P. agent at Whittemore. From there he will go to Iona where he will serve as agent for a few days. Later he will become an operator at New Hampton.
     Sunday a son arrived at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Howard Steil.
     George Nesshoefer of Mallard, the well known auto dealer, was in Emmetsburg Saturday.
     Mr. Ben Cattell presented his wife with a beautiful new piano Thursday. Mr. Cattell believes in  enjoying the fruits of his labors.
     Misses Gertrude and Winifred Jackman have gone to Winona, Minnesota, where they will attend college during the coming year.
     Wm. Hastings, who is attending college at Ames, arrived home Friday evening for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings.
     Miss Margaret Higgins came from Schaller's to attend the marriage of her brother Charles, which took place on Monday. She teaches in the schools at that place.
     Carl Newgard of Humboldt has accepted the position of second man in the local creamery. He has had three years' experience in his line and has a state testing license.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County