Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 16, 1923

     Dr. and Mrs. D.E. Kulp came from Titonka Sunday for a short visit with
local friends.
     A few days ago the Iowa fish and game warden placed 5000,000 pike in
Storm Lake.
     William Fiscus of Ruthven was looking after business interests in this
city Monday.
     Mrs. Peter Peterson arrived home from Algona Tuesday where she spent
several days visiting relatives.
     Harvey Beatty arrived home from Ottawa, Illinois, the first of the
week. He was visiting friends at that place for a short time.
     A few days ago, while standing in his barn door, Arthur T Grouth of
Elmore, Minnesota, was killed by a thunderbolt. A cow in the barn was also
     C.J. Berger arrived home from Dubuque on Monday after an absence of two
weeks. He was visiting his son, Leo, who is a student at Columbia College.
     Mrs. J.A. Duffy and Mrs. John McNamara will leave for Sioux City Friday
to attend the state convention of the Catholic Daughters of America. Mrs.
McNamara will represent the local court and Mrs. Duffy is state treasurer of
the organization.
    J.A. Duffy was a Milford visitor last Friday. He has been out writing
insurance for some time.
     Mr. and Mrs. M. McTigue of Estherville, visited over Sunday at the
Dennis McTigue home in this city.
     A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parks on Saturday. Mrs. Parks and
the baby are in the local hospital.
     George Telford had been quite sick for some time. He is in the Palo
Alto hospital. All hope for his early recovery.

Mr. Charles Joynt and Miss Mary Reinders, Who Were Married Tuesday.

     Mr. Charles A Joynt and Miss Mary Reinders of Mallard were united in
marriage at St. Mary's church at Mallard Tuesday, May 15, Rev. J.J. Neppel
officiating. The bride was attended by her friend, Miss Genevieve Joynt and
Mr. Joseph Joynt, brother of the groom, was best man. The wedding party
repaired to the home of the bride's parents immediately after the ceremony
where a delicious wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Joynt left
during the day for Los Angeles, California to be absent for a couple of
     The bride is one of the best known and most deserving young ladies in
our county. She is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Reinders, so
well known to our many readers. After finishing her studies in school she
continued to make her home with her parents. All who know her have only the
highest regard for her. Emmetsburg people will be glad to welcome her to our
     The groom, who is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Joynt, is a
high class young man. He spent a couple of years in the service during the
World war and was in France for some time. He has, for several years, been
the courteous, capable operator at the Milwaukee depot and has a host of
warm friends. The Democrat unites with its many readers in extending hearty
congratulations of Mr. and Mrs. Joynt.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County