Iowa Old Press

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1922

Reidy-Davidson Players
    The Reidy-Davidson Players will begin a 3 days engagement at the Electric Theatre commencing Monday night November 20.
    Hazel M. Cass, well known thruout [sic] Iowa as owner of the Hazel M. Cass Players and the Cass-Parker-Rockford Players shows, a summer tented organization, will have the injenue [sic] roles and will be surrounded by several people who were popular members of her own shows.
    A reperroire [sic] of the latest plays have been leased and the best of a weeks repertoires will be presented here during the three days stay with vaudeville between acts.
    The roster is as follows: Hazel M. Cass, Irene Blarner, Grace Tabor, S. G. Davidson, Jack Reidy, Sidney Morris, Jack Royce, Harry Pierce and Harvey Clinton.
    The admission prices for this engagement will be 25c and 50c. These prices include war tax.
    A lady admitted free with each adult ticket purchased on opening evening.

Passed Away November 8 at 7:45 P.M.- Interred Friday in Crown Hill Cemetery.
    Mrs. Andrew Larson died at her home in Ruthven at 7:45 o'clock on Wednesday evening, November 8,1922, after an illness of about two years, the last ten weeks of which confined her to her bed. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. L.O. Wigdahl on Friday afternoon, November 10 at 2:39 o'clock, at the Lutheran church, and interment was made in Crown Hill cemetery.
    Inger Marie Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knute Anderson, was born on September 30, 1867 at Ossian, Iowa, where she spent her girlhood days. On March 8, 1884, at Thor, Iowa, she was united in marriage to Mr. Andrew Larson. They came to Ruthven in 1887 and have since resided here.
    Soon after returning to Ruthven Mrs. Larson united with the Lutheran Church and has lived a consistent, devoted and Christian life.
    Mrs. Larson is survived by her husband, Andrew Larson, one daughter, Mrs. F.S. Grange, and four brothers: Herman Anderson of Rundall, Minn., Chris and Matt Anderson of Elmore, Minn., R.W. Anderson of Ossian, Iowa, and four sisters: Mrs. B.F. Grundy of Cas? Lake, Minn., Mrs. Maggie Iverson and Mrs. A. Davik???? of this city and Mrs. Lee of Ossian, Iowa.
    Those from a distance attending the funeral were: Chris Anderson and daughter, Miss Mamie and Matt Anderson and son, Melvin, of Elmore, Minn, and Mr. and Mrs. E.V. Peterson of Royal, Iowa.
    There were many beautiful floral arrangements, that showed the high regards in which Mrs. Larson was held.
    Mrs. Larson was a quiet, home loving woman, she was a good wife, a loving mother, and a kind neighbor who was always ready to lighten the burden of others. Her place can never be filled in the hearts of those who love her.
    We join with the many friends in extending sympathy to the sorrowing family in their hour of darkness.

    Thru the efforts of Mr. E.P. Barringer of this city, Silver Lake, near Ayrshire, will receive a carload of game fish in about two weeks. This will be a fine thing for Silver Lake and will make excellent fishing there in a short time.

    Friends of David Madsen will be grieved to learn that he is to lose the sight of his left eye. Two weeks ago while spraying his chicken house with lice-killer he accidentally got some of the mixture in his eyes. The local physicians advised him to see a specialist immediately and he went to Mason City for this purpose. After a thorough examination and treatment, the specialist told him that the right eye could eventually be restored to normalcy, but that he would lose the sight of the left eye. His many friends here will hope for his complete recovery despite the doctors opinion.

    No hunting or trapping will be allowed on the lands I have leased in the outlet of Lost Island Lake without the permission of H.E. Barringer.

    Last week State Game Warden, Albert was here and placed in the waters of Lost Island Lake, 15,000 pike, perch, blue gills, bass and crappies, from one to two years old. The fisherman at Trumball also placed 5400 pickerel weighing from 2 to 3 1/2 pounds and 2400 perch in the lake. Lost Island is a deep water lake and an ideal place to stock with game fish. This is sure to make Lost Island Lake more popular than ever with the fisherman.

[Submitted by: C.J.L., Feb 2005]

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1922

Funeral Services Were Held Here on Thursday Morning, November 2

     Last Tuesday this community was saddened by the death of Miss Mary Helen Currans, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Currans, who live southeast of this city. Death was due to pneumonia and the girl was only sick four days.
    Mary Helen Currans was born in Highland Township, August 17, 1905, and died at the home of her parents on Tuesday, October 31, 1922.
    She finished the grade school and entered St. Mary's Academy at Emmetsburg this fall, where she was very greatly loved and admired by teachers and students alike. She was a bright and happy girl, and was ever attentive at whatever task she was given. She will be greatly missed.
    Miss Currans is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Currans, and two sisters, Kathleen and Florence.
    The funeral services were held on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of this city, with Rev. Clark in charge. Interment was made in the Catholic Cemetery.
     Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clare from Graettinger, Miss Ruth Currans from Marshaltown, Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Clare, Mrs. Martha Clare of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Clare, Mrs. Alice Currans, Mrs. Callahan, Miss Mary Clare, E.T. Clare, Miss Alice Donahue, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Burns of Emmetsburg.
    We join with the many friends of the bereaved family in extending sincere sympathy in their hour of sorrow.

No hunting or trapping will be allowed on the J.H. Anderson, John Peglow, Joe Rietzel or Elmer Meyers farms.

- Two of Ida Grove's most honored people, Rev. and Mrs. A.C. Garner celebrated their golden wedding recently.
- Elizabeth the 4 year old daughter of L.J. Meyers, Sac City, was killed when she fell into a jar  of boiling water.
- M.M. Miller, 77 years old, and Miriah Howard, 72, were married at Clarinda. Both were slaves before the war.
- The 3-year-old child of Ed Jens, farmer near Lawler was crushed to death when it fell from a wagon and was run over.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Nims of Red Oak have just celebrated their golden wedding. Sixty guests enjoyed the big dinner.
- C.E. Blair, secretary of the Page County Oil syndicate committed suicide by drowning in Lake Crabill, near Clarinda.
- Emby Lough, who lives northeast of Bloomfield, has an apple tree on his farm which has produced fruit every year for thirty years.
- Marion Miller, a farmer living near Colesburg, was seriously injured when he was gored and trampled by an enraged bull at his farm.
- Mrs. Adeline Wood and Miss Lola Galbraith of Grundy Center, have gone to Europe to study music. They will specialize in vocal music.
- August Dittman, a farmer living southwest of Sheldon, purchased the W.E. Jennings 120 acre farm at public auction for $171.50 an acre.
- Mrs. Carrie Groves, mother of fourteen children, was arrested at her home near Sioux City, charged with manufacturing alcoholic liquors.
- D.W. Shephard, 74 years old, died from injuries received by falling from the platform at the stockyards in Red Oak about three weeks ago.
- Following a quarrel with his wife, George Douglass, manager of the Standard Oil station at Montezuma, blew out his own brains with a sawed off shotgun.
- For the second time Mrs. Harrison Davis underwent a Caesarian operation at Mason City. The first time it was a boy; this time it was an eight-pound girl.
- Miss Almeda Brous [or Brons], mayoress of Swan, the only woman in this judicial district ever elected to such an office, has decided to resign and return to her farm.
- Grandma McNelly, a former Decatur county woman, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nancy Dale in Ridgeway, Mo., at the extreme age of 101 years, 7 months.
- J.A. Resch of Iowa City shot two cormorants which he has presented to Homer Dill of the university to be mounted. This sea bird is seldom seen so far from salt water.
- Rev. George C. Rice is dead at Council Bluffs. A few months ago he observed his 103d birthday. More than 75 years ago he graduated from the University of Vermont and in 1851 came west as a missionary among the Indians, locating at Council Bluffs. In 1854 he built at Council Bluffs the first brick church in all the western country. He was of the Congregational faith and was actively in the ministry until a few years ago when advancing age forced him to retire, but even then he kept up an active interest in church work. He was born during the administration of President Monroe.

- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leach, Mrs. Jane Leach and Mrs. Robert Wilkins of Iowa Falls visited in this city several days last week at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Estabrook. Mr. Leach has farming interests in this community.
- NOTICE: No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing will be allowed on the north half and the south east quarter of section 19. J.H. Thatcher, John A. Berg, John Ruthven

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County