Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 15 Mar 1922

Short Items of Local Interest
W.D. DONOVAN was a Rodman visitor Tuesday.

Charles PAPADAKES was an Algona visitor the first of the week.

Mrs. N.J. WRIGHT was the guest of friends at Spencer Tuesday.

Mrs. Ethel SIMPSON of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday evening.

Will MONCRIEF has succeeded Harve BEATTY as assistant in P.F. McMAHON's
barber shop.

Dr. T.A. O'BRIEN arrived from New Hampton this morning to see E.J. HIGGINS,
who is quite ill.

Mrs. Maude McCLUNE of Denver, Colorado, is visiting her brother, B.F.
BRADLEY, and other local relatives this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCULLUM and daughter and Mrs. C.W. MEYERS and son Keith
visited friends at Ayrshire Monday.

In many places the roads have been dragged during the past four or five
days. The ground is in fairly good condition.

Mrs. Charles SLAGLE and her daughter, Miss Winifred, of Cylinder, went to
Farley Tuesday to see Mrs. A.W. HEISLER, who recently underwent an operation
for appendicitis.

Mrs. M.B. KANE came from Ayrshire the first of the week to assist in taking
care of her niece, Miss Mary HIGGINS, who has for several days been very
ill. She is better at present writing.

Mrs. A. W. HEISLER, who will be remembered by our many readers as Miss
Lottie JOYNT, recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at her home
in Farley. She is, we hear, getting along nicely.

Saturday night the offices of three dentists of Mason City were entered by
burglars, who secured something like $1200 worth of gold fillings and other
valuable articles. The offenders have not yet been located.

Miss Gretta BRADLEY arrived home from Ames a few days ago where she spent
some time with relatives and friends. She was accompanied home by her uncle,
William BRADLEY of Jefferson, who will visit here for a few days.

W.B. BRADLEY visited friends in Des Moines over Sunday.

John CULLEN of Curlew was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.

Mrs. Dan MURPHY went to Englewood, Illinois, Sunday to visit relatives.

John REDDEN of Ruthven was looking after business interests in this city

Mrs. Percy WARNKE was a passenger to Ruthven Monday. She is visiting

Miss Cecelia AGNEW went to Estherville Monday morning to take charge of a

William HAYDEN of Ruthven was looking after business interests in this city

Mrs. John McDONALD and her daughter, Miss Bernice, were Spencer visitors

Mrs. Patrick O'BRIEN and her daughter, Miss Colletta, enjoyed Monday with
friends at Spencer.

Bernard ULRICH, receiver of the Emmetsburg National Bank, went to Lawton,
Oklahoma, Sunday.

E.P. BARRINGER of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday. He was on his
way to Des Moines.

Dan HIGGINS, Bernes FARRELL and Matt CONLON accompanied shipments of stock
to Chicago Saturday.

Grover YOUNG, who spent the past week with his wife and baby in this city,
returned to Allendorf Monday.

William CARPENTER of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was a pleasant
caller at this office while in town.

Sheriff John LINDMAN of Spencer was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. He was
on his way to Kansas City on official business.

C.C. LARSON, formerly of Graettinger, now of Cedar Rapids, was looking after
business interests in this city last Saturday.

T.F. JOYCE, who was quite ill for some time, is able to be about again. His
many local friends will be pleased to learn of his improvement.

Mr. and Mrs. William WEIR recently purchased the John KERBER residence in
the first ward. They took possession Saturday. The consideration was $3,500.

John EAGAN returned home from Colorado Springs, Colorado, a few days ago. He
will spend some time with his mother, Mrs. T.C. EAGAN, and other local

Joseph KIBBIE was at Des Moines and other southern points during the past
week. He says there is less moisture in this locality than there is farther

Ed McNALLY has had his right wrist very badly sprained Friday evening while
cranking a Ford car. He has since been carrying his arm in a sling. He is in
his office as usual.

Mrs. N.J. WRIGHT was the guest of friends at Spencer Tuesday.

Miss Hazel LINDERMAN visited friends at Dubuque during the past week.

Lars EGGESOS of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg the first of the week.

Mrs. Charles SLAGLE of Cylinder spent Thursday with local relatives.

Thomas McCORMICK of Rodman was in Emmetsburg the first of the week.

John CASEY was looking after business interests at Graettinger Thursday.

Rev. K.G. NILSEN was visiting friends at Charles City during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Con LEONARD of Graettinger were Emmetsburg shoppers Friday.

Theodore MELING of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor the latter part of the

Mrs. Joseph HALSTEAD, who has been quite ill for some time, is improving

Mr. and Mrs. Tony GOEDERS and baby of Cylinder were Emmetsburg visitors

Mrs. Peter McMAHON has moved into one of the M.L. BROWN residences in the
First ward.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy MINNICK went to Sioux City Wednesday for a short visit with

Misses Mary McELROY and Katharyn McCARTY enjoyed Thursday with friends at

James SPENCER of West Bend was looking after business interests in this city
the first of the week.

J.J. DOOLEY of Algona was looking after business interests in this city the
first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. John WAGNER of Graettinger were visiting friends in this city
the latter part of the week.

Mrs. Ted HOSKINS of West Bend enjoyed Monday with her sister, Mrs. R.H.
STRATEMEYER, of this city.

Emiel MATTHESON of Curlew was looking after business interests in this city
the last of the week.

Mrs. J. ZIMMERMAN, who spent some time with relatives at Dell Rapids, S.D.,
arrived home Wednesday.

Mrs. Matt KIRSCHBAUM and daughter came from Whittemore Tuesday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Peter COLLINS.

Mrs. J.E. KANE and baby of Ruthven spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick MARTINI, of this place.

Peter WALDRON of Ayrshire was looking after business interests in this city
the latter part of the week.

J.I. MYERLY returned to Okoboji Friday. He spent several days during the
past week in this city on business.

John LAUBENTHAL of Whittemore was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. He was on
his way to Rodman on business.

C.W. BECK was looking after business interests at Luverne, Minnesota, and
Clear Lake, S.D., during the past week.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County