Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa

Wed., Sep 1, 1920

Sister Mary Placentia who had charge of St. Mary's conservatory of music
during the past year has been transferred to Boone. Her many pupils of this
locality were of course disappointed when she did not return.

[Transcriber note: Sister Placentia was born Hanora Finn, dau. of David Finn
and Hanora Joynt Finn. Her mother died in chilbirth and Honora was
subsequently adopted by James Fitzgerald and Theodosia Warren Fitzgerald and
went by the name Annie Fitzgerald.]

Wed., Sep 15, 1920
Mr and Mrs Ray Nally of Calument, Michigan, are visiting Mr and Mrs P.J.
Nally of this place. Mrs. Nally and little son visited at Ft. Dodge and
Sioux City before coming to Emmetsburg. Mr. Nally arrived from Sioux City
Sunday. All will leave for Omaha this week to spend a short time. Mr Nally
is district manager of the Roman Oil Portrait company of Chicago.

Graettinger Letter.
There have been a few changes during the past week. Ray McNally of
Emmetsburg has bought the drug business of the Strausser Pharmacy company.
Mr. Wasseman of Estherville has bought H.L. Wildey's general store.

Wed., Sep 22, 1920
Mrs. Floyd McCain, who spent the last two weeks with her father, Edward
McNally, and family of this city, returned to her home in Vienna, South
Dakota Saturday.

Joseph Brennan and sister, Miss Regina, came from Oakes, N.D. the latter
part of the week to attend the funeral of their uncle, P.F. Littleton.

Miss Lillian Jackman who teaches at West Bend spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr and Mrs Joseph Jackman of this city.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Sept 29, 1920

The E.H. McNally merchandise store has been in operation in Ayrshire for the
past eight years and in that time has always stood for quality in
merchandise and service to the people. And that this policy has brought
results is best shown by the yearly increase in the business accomplished
since the date of its beginning. The McNally store handles merchandise of
all kinds, dry goods, ladies' and gents' furnishings, ready to wear
goods,over-shoes, and rubbers, notions, staple and fancy groceries, canned
goods, flour and feed, fruit, vegetables and produce, candy, cigars and
tobacco, and specializes in Tip Top bread the Ball Brand rubber goods,
Sunshine cookies and crackers, Bird brand of coffee, and the Del Monte brand
of canned goods. "The Store that Sells," is an apt slogan adopted by Mr.
McNally. He has lived up to it in every respect. The store has a floor space
of 4,000 square feet, giving ample room for all demands. Mr. McNally has
built up an exceptional business in his line, with every indication pointing
toward a continued popularity with the trade.

Wit ha stock of drugs comprising every commodity found in the up-to-date
drug store, P.E. Malia and Company has given a most satisfactory service to
the people of Ayrshire for the past 20 years. In this stock will be found
drugs, druggists' sundries, rubber goods, toilet articles, cut glass, hand
painted china, candies, cigars and tobacco. The prescription case is a
feature and is given personal attention by Mr. Malia, the proprietor, who is
a registered pharmacist. All prescriptions are filled with care and
accuracy. It is the only drug store in Ayrshire and is giving satisfaction.

With an experience of 18 years in the hardware business, ten of which has
been spent in Ayrshire, John McBride occupies a most enviable position with
his trade and is supplying the wants and needs of the people with the most
satisfactory results. Mr. McBride carries a most comprehensive line of shelf
hardware, blacksmiths' and carpenters' tools, hog-oilers and hog-waterers,
guns and ammunition, paints, oils and varnishes, and specializes on the
Round Oak and Majesty ranges, the Rogers line of paints and varnishes and
the Iowa Cord automobile tires and tubes. Also Mr. McBride operates a
tin-shop where all kinds of repair work is done and where tin work of all
kinds is done.
Mr. McBride has lived in the Palo Alto county community for a number of
years, has a large and influential list of acquaintances throughout the
country. He is an ardent booster for Ayrshire and always lends his
assistance to any enterprise that has for its ultimate purpose a boost for
the city.

Although one of the more recent acquisitions to the commerical activities of
Ayrshire, the Morrison-Wood Furniture Company has already shown wonderful
strides in business accomplished and since Februayr of this year, at which
time the company took over the store, has done a greater volume of businewss
than did their predecessor during the entire year of 1919. The business is a
co-partnership of H.E. Morrison and S.J. Wood, both Ayrshire men and well
known to the people of the community. Mr. Morrison has been in the newspaper
game all of his life until his present business, while Mr. Wood was formerly
connected with the Reno hardware firm for five years as salesman.

The new firm will specialize on standardized goods of national reputation
such as Simmons beds, Square Brand mattresses, Good Night nad Way-Sayless
springs, Singer Sewing Machines, Bell's davenports, Kitchen Maid kitchen
cabinets, Armstrong's linoleum, Gold Seal Congeleum, Edison and Vitanola
phonographs, Story and Clark pianos, Eastman kodaks and supplies, Community
silverware, while in the general line is jewelry, silverware, cut glass,
china, electrical goods, all kinds of urniture, rugs and novelties. In fact,
the store will be known as "Complete Home Furnishers, " and will live up to
the slogan to the letter.

The store has an excellent location on the main street and has been
remodeled to fill the demand of new managers. The plan will give an
additional floor space for display of 2500 square feet, all of which will be
utilized to good effect. With their large acquaintance throughout the
county, the added advantange of a large stock and their policy of service at
all times, the future success of the firm is practically assured.

Contributing its full quota to the mercantile activities of Ayrshire and
giving an unexcelled service to the farmers of this community, the Farmers'
Elevator Company, organized 15 years ago, is lending a stability to the
city's commercial standing that is far-reaching in its effect. By having
this unexcelled market in proximity to the farm, farmers from far and near,
bring their grain here, deposit their money in the banks and trade at the
merchandise stores. This concern is incorporated with a capitalization
sufficient to carry on the business and has the following well known men as
officers: John Burns, president, W.H. Martin, secretary and general manager,
while associated with them on the Board of Directors are: Mike Daily, John
Rehms, Rudolph Peterson and W. Waldron. All are representative farmers and
business men of the Ayrshire community, banded together for a common purpose
and are administering the affairs of the company in a most satisfactory
manner. Mr. Martin, the manager, has been in the present position ever since
the company first organized. He has been in Ayrhisre for the past 21 years
and was six years in the furniture business prior to taking his present

The Farmers' Elevator Company buys grain of all kinds and sells coal, flour
and feed, posts and binder twine. The elevator has a capacity of 20,000
bushels of grain and is equipped with every modern and up-to-date facility
for handling the grain and other products of the company. Teh organization
has a membership of approximately 130 farmers, while the patrons will number
from 200 to 225. Under the management of Mr. Martin the business has shown a
steady and substantial increase each year with every indication pointing
towards a continued growth and expansion.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County