Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 21, 1919

Mr. Robert F McNally and Miss Violet Berry

Mr. Robert F. McNally and Miss Violet Berry were united in marriage Tuesday
morning at St. Thomas church, the pastor, Rev. M. McNerney, officiating. The
bride was attended by her sister, Miss Corneil Berry, of Des Moines and the
groom by his brother, Mr. James McNally. The wedding dinner was served at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Berry of this city. Mr.
and Mrs. McNally left during the day for Minneapolis. They will spend some
time in visiting friends and sight seeing in the vicinity of the Twin
Cities. On their return they will commence housekeeping in Emmetsburg.
The bride has resided in Emmetsburg for many years and is a very worthy
young lady. She was employed in the Emmetsburg Telephone Exchange for some
time and gave ample proof of her ability and efficiency. To know her is to
esteem her for her many lady like qualities. The groom is an Emmetsburg
young man, having resided in our community since childhood. He is at present
in the employ of the Minneapolis Grain & Supply Co. and is giving special
attention to the construction of elevators. He was recently mustered out of
the service. He spent several months in the various cantonments to which he
was assigned while on duty. He is energetic, genial and popular and enjoys
the best wishes of a wide circle of friends. The Democrat wishes Mr. and
Mrs. McNally health and happiness.

Albert Jeanett returned Monday from a week's trip through western Canada. He
visited Winnipeg, Edmonton, Lascomb, Calgary, Saskatoon, Swift Current and
other places. He met Will Kerber who lives on 480 acres of land near Lacomb.
Mr. Kerber is doing well. The season in Canada is backward. The cities named
are quiet. Land is not moving much. The war was a hard blow to Canada. Mr.
Jeanett considers northwest Iowa the best country in the world.

Richard McEvoy, who was in the Rainbow division since July, 1917, arrived
home Saturday. He was in Emmetsburg Monday evening. He fought in the battles
of Compiegne, Chauteau Thierry, St. Mihiel and the Argonne and spent four
months in Germany. He is looking fine. He did not receive a scratch while he
was in the service. His experiences were very trying. We have written up a
lengthy article about Mr. McEvoy but we can not find space for it in this
issue. It will appear next week. We are glad to welcome him home. He is the
only Palo Alto young man who was in the Rainbow division when it reached
Camp Dodge.

Hugh Hagan of Ayrshire arrived in Emmetsburg Monday evening from Camp Dodge.
He recently returned from France. He is looking exceptionally well. He
weighed 148 pounds when he entered the service last summer and he is today a
175 pounder. He was met in this city by his brother Ed. Mr. Hagan did not
learn of the death of his brother Henry until some time in February. He was
about to enter the firing line when the armistice was signed. He informed
the Democrat reporter that Elmer Carl returned from France with him but has
gone to Illinois to visit relatives. Art McDonald of Ayrshire also returned
from France a couple of mornings ago.

W.R. O'Brien of Ayrshire was in Emmetsburg Monday evening. He informed us
that Peter Spittal recently bought the Archie Schaeffer quarter section farm
for $225 per acre. Mr. Schaeffer subsequently invested in a neighboring 80
acre place for $235 per acre. The old Schoular quarter section farm was
recently sold by the owner, W.E. Benedict for $230 per acre. Peter Waldron
has bought the D.S. Umbrell eighty adjoining his place for $160 per acre.
There are no buildings on it.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 28 May 1919


The following is a list of the Civil War veterans whose remains are resting
in Evergreen and St. John's cemeteries:

LeRoy Grout
L.P. Stillman
William Harrison
John Harrison
F.L. Harrison
John Wilson
A.L. Ormsby
J.F. Rowe
N.E. Mason
C.N. Sprout
Alfred Nicholas
Sebastian Adrian
Earl Brooks
Frank Webster
William Steele
James Boswell
A.J. Hoffman
J.J. Rogers
H.T. Allen
J.S. Atkinson
Lyman Church
E.B. Soper
S.W. Smith
H.M. Case

William Mulry
Edward Joyce
J.M. Hefley
Patrick Dooley
James Foy
Patrick O'Connor
James Murray
James Shea
John McCoy
Thomas Moncrief
Daniel Doran
John Doran
James Mahoney
James Flynn
James Short

C.F. Grout
Ralph Duncan
Edward King
Eugene Thiele
Leslie Duncan
Charles King
Mr. Booth
F.M. Baker

The following are the names of those who gave their lives for their country
during the World war.

Rollyn Leonard...July 15, 1918
Ted Rea...July 15, 1918
John Nelson...August 18, 1918
Bert Seeley...August 14, 1918
J.R. Lame...October 2, 1918
Chris Hanson...October 2, 1918
Charles Christiansen...October 8, 1918
J.V. Lynch...October 8, 1918
Albert Knudsline...October 11, 1918
Francis Webster...October 14, 1918
Thomas J. O'Brien...October 14, 1918
Glenn Cookinham...October 14, 1918
Felix H. Hagan...November 7, 1918
Robert M. Hanna...November 11, 1918
Magnus Anderson...November -, 1918

Fred Dodge...October 28, 1917
Harry Andregg...February 22, 1918
William Walz...April 22, 1918
Louis Merklin...May 11, 1918
Lee Washington...September 28, 1918
Andre Johnson...October 2, 1918
John Hanson...October 4, 1918
Cyrus Van King...October 4, 1918
J.G. Williams...October 7, 1918
Jahard Axelton...October 8, 1918
Homer Rehms...October 14, 1918
John G.Grafe...October 17, 1918
Guy Troy...October 18, 1918
James Washington...October 27, 1918
Scott Peddie...November 1, 1918
Vernie Lindgren...February 5, 1919
Matthew E. Slattery...March 3, 1919

Prices $180 to $300 per Acre. Fortunes in Deals Made Within a Few Days

Robert LAUGHLIN, who bought the Mrs. J. Reade CLARK half section farm in
Emmetsburg township during the winter for $132 per acre, has sold it to
JOYNT Brothers of LeMars for something like $177.50 per acre. He has made
almost $16,000 on his investment. The improvements on the farm are light.

P. O'GRADY has sold his 254 acre farm south of Curlew, formerly owned by Mr.
FLESNER, for $300 per acre. He paid $265 per acre for it.

Herman HUSKAMP, who was in from Independence township on Monday, reported
that the old D.A. BECK half section farm was sold a few days ago to D.
LYNCH, John WAGNER and Will STIGMAN for $175 per acre. Jake ZWEIFEL
purchased the Wm. VOIGHT quarter section paying $220 per acre for it. Many
farmers in Fairfield and Independence are afraid to list their lands.

David JOYNT has purchased the old August WARNKE 200 acre farm north of the
O.P. DOYLE school house for $165 per acre. It changed hands a short time

Peter SPITTAL, who lives near Ayrshire, was in town Monday. In March he sold
his farm and a week or so ago he bought the Archie SCHAEFFER quarter
section, paying $225 per acre for it. The deal was reported in last week's
Democrat. Mr. SPITTAL has resided in Palo Alto for quite a number of years.

We understand that Pat SHAUGHNESSY has sold his farm close to Ayrshire to
Ira BOWMAN of Spencer for $250 per acre. Mr. BOWMAN formerly lived in the
vicinity of Ayrshire but moved to Spencer where he purchased a half section
farm. He sold his Spencer holdings and intends returning to the Ayrshire

Last Friday Ed. THOMPSON invested in a quarter section of land some distance
north of Estherville. He paid $165 per acre for it.

The Champion reports that Dr. McCREERY has bought Mrs. Howard RIST's farm
north of Whittemore. The consideration is not given.

John DOLAN of Highland township has sold his 115 acre farm to some gentleman
from Ayrshire for $200 per acre.

Some time ago E.L. ARCHER of Ruthven bought the 266 acre farm belonging to
the estate of the members of his family for $172 per acre. He sold the place
a few days ago for $225 per acre.

P. NESSEN has sold his eighty acre farm near Curlew to William COAKLEY, Jr.,
for $300 per acre. It adjoins the corporation. Mr. NESSEN bought the farm of
Art BROWN about three years ago.

Mrs. Michael MOLLOY has sold her quarter section farm in Great Oak township
to Dr. J.C. MURPHY of Emmetsburg for $167 per acre. There is considerable
wet land on one eighty. The place has fair improvements.

D.S. UMBRELL writes us that he received $170 instead of $160 per acre for
the eighty he recently sold to Peter WALDRON. Mr. WALDRON assumes the ditch

We understand that the SPIES eighty acre farm on which William COAKLEY lives
was sold a few days ago for $265 per acre. We have not learned the name of
the purchaser.

F.P. BRADY has bought the old Thomas CONLON 240 acre farm of Michael
KENNEDY, the owner, for $200 per acre. Mr. KENNEDY paid something like $100
per acre for it five or six years ago. Mr. BRADY has sold the old C. BANNON
80 acre farm in Great Oak township to Mrs. Bernard FARRELL. Mrs. Oscar ROOT
and Mrs. ANDERSON have owned it for some time. The consideration was $175
per acre. The farm has changed hands three times since last fall when it
brought $137.50 per acre. Mr and Mrs. FARRELL have now 480 acres land in
Great Oak township.

Dr. J.C. MURPHY bought the LOWMAN half section farm in Vernon township
Saturday. He paid $190 per acre for it. He also bought the KULP & FRYE 233
acre farm in the same township for $175 per acre. He has during the past ten
days invested in 700 or 800 acres of land. He has unbounded faith in the
future of Palo Alto real estate.

James MEHAN, who lives south of this city, has bought the old Michael McEVOY
farm five miles northwest of this city for $150 per acre.

Thomas HORAN, who lives southeast of Ruthven, has sold his 120 acre farm for
$205. We have not learned the name of the buyer.

A few days ago Sam  ROZEN bought of H.M. HELGEN a choice quarter section
farm in northeast Vernon. He paid $215 per acre for it. He claims he has
since refused an offer of $235 per acre for it. Mr. ROZEN is a money maker
and knows a bargain when it is offered to him.

Michael FLEMING informs us that Austin CHATFIELD, who bought Mr. KINNE's
quarter section farm in Highland township something over a year ago for $150
per acre has sold it to a Manson gentleman for $185 per acre. The new
purchaser has refused $230 per acre for it.

Ora COMBES has bought A.L. SPROUT's quarter section farm on section 35 in
Freedom township for $200 per acre. He paid $90 per acre for it a few years

Last week Charles DUHIGG sold three quarter section farms ast Swea City. One
brought him $187.50 per acre and the two others $165 per acre. The last two
he bought several months ago. He received a good advance on the price on

Dr. Robert JOYNT and another gentleman from LeMars has bought of M.L. BRADY
the old LITTLETON quarter section farm in Great Oak for $180 per acre. Mr.
BRADY secured it about a month ago for $150 per acre. He made a very nice
profit on the deal.

J.H. WILSON, the hustling cashier of the Emmetsburg National Bank, bought
two choice farms near Ringsted the first of the week. We have not learned
the names of the parties from whom he made the purchases. A few days ago he
sold his farm on section 14 in Vernon township for $215 per acre.

We are indebted to John J. SULLIVAN of Graettinger for the following report
of real estate sales which have been made during the past few days:

John JACKMAN has sold to Ed. E. SHERMAN and Con SKOW the Nels SKOW 240 acre
farm west of Emmetsburg for $200 per acre. Mr. JACKMAN bought the place a
short time ago. The deal was made by P.J. McCARTY.

John JACKMAN has sold a quarter in the Mud Lake neighborhood to Howard HEAD
for $192.50 per acre.

Henry SMITH has disposed of 180 acres to Ray YOUNG. The price is $185. P.J.
McCARTY made the deal.

J.P. KIRBY of Estherville has sold his 646 acre farm, his 240 acre place and
his farm of 243 acres to Ray HOOD of Wallingford. We understand that a
number of Clare parties are interested in the big purchase. The definite
consideration has not been learned but we understand that the prices are

Ed ARNETT has disposed of 160 acres north of Graettinger to Louis LARSON.
The consideration was not given.

Louis LIPPOLD has sold the John TJADEN quarter section farm to Eli THOMPSON
and Miss Pearl RICHARDSON of Emmetsburg. The land is close to Dunnell,
Minnesota. Consideration is not given.

John TJADEN has sold his quarter section farm east of Graettinger to
Ayrshire parties for $200 per acre.

John TJADEN has bought a quarter near Ceylon, Minnesota for $175 per acre.
He has since refused $250 for his purchase.

The Charles TJALEN 240 acre farm west of Ringsted has been sold to Mrs. J.J.
WATSON of Emmetsburg for $200.

The Dr. ROLAND 200 acre farm east of Ringsted has been purchased by Ed
THOMPSON and Miss Pearl RICHARDSON of this city. We have not learned the

Mr. LIPPOLD has sold a 160 acre farm west of Ceylon to M. MAURITSEN of
Ringsted. The consideration is not reported. He has also sold another
quarter to parties from southern Iowa. Most of the deals mentioned above
were made by Mr. LIPPOLD.

Mr. GALLAGHER and W.R. O'BRIEN of Ayrshire, representing the GALLAGHER Land
company informed our reporter yesterday, while in the city, that the John
HAND 120 acre farm owned by HAHN brothers of Mallard has been sold for $200
per acre.

M.J. CONRY has disposed of the old WOOLEY section farm in Great Oak township
to Fonda parties for $23 per acre.

P. MALIA has bought the old M.B. KANE quarter section from Joseph KELLY for
$225 per acre. It lies two miles east of Ayrshire.

John BAXTER has bought the ANDERSON quarter section of Mr. JONES of Spencer
for $267.50 per acre.


H.W. TANSEY of West Bend, who was in Emmetsburg Saturday, informs us that he
recently bought a quarter section farm one mile north from Superior. He paid
$225 for it. He will probably move onto it in March. He sold his quarter on
section 30 in West Bend township some time ago for $175 per acre. He informs
us that the McCULLOUGH half section near West Bend recently sold for $200
per acre. Later it was bought by Greene parties who paid $235 per acre for
it. William LONG farm of 160 acres has been sold to George TRIGGS for $215
per acre. It lies southeast of town.

Mr. BENEDICT has bought a 240 acre farm on which John GREWELL lives for $235
per acre.

A. SCHAUGHNSEY has bought an eighty acre farm north of Ayrshire for $225 per

The West Bend Savings bank made a profit on the deal of something like $35
per acre within three or four weeks. Mr. TANSEY saw some corn above the
ground as he was coming to Emmetsburg.


Ed CLARK, who was up from Mallard yesterday, informs us that he and Harry
VAN GORDON have bought the Edward KRESS 40 acre farm just south of Mallard
for $275 per acre. It is well located and is finely improved. He also
informs us that Terry DOYLE who lives southeast of Mallard, has sold his
quarter with buildings to Pocahontas parties for $202 per acre. He still
holds his other quarter. It has no buildings.


The H.L. RYON 160 acre farm northeast of Laurens was recently purchased by
V.H. BUCKWALTER. The price per acre was $300. The R.S. MATHER quarter two
miles east of Rolfe has been taken by C.J. WHITE at $300 to $225 per acre.
Nick BENREN?SEN of Rolfe reports the sale of his farm near Curlew to parties
at Gilmore for $250 per acre.

Keeps Our Reporter Very Busy Reporting Transfers

Chas. DUHIGG has bought the Nick MART quarter section place at Gukeen
Minnesota. Mr. MART intends returning to Emmetsburg.

Mrs. F.P. WILSTE has bought Mr. HERRON's 120 acre farm south of the McCOY
bridge for $200 per acre.

Yesterday L.P. STRAND bought back his old 200 acre farm at Depew from W.J.
BRECKENRIDGE for $245 per acre. Mr. BRECKENRIDGE paid $215 per acre for it.

Chas. SIEGLE (or SLEGLE) has sold his 200 acre farm east of this city to
some stranger for $300 per acre. It has little tile and the improvements are

Yesterday Pete McKENZIE sold the LUDON 240 acre farm near Depew to Mr.
STRAND for $200 per acre and he also sold one of H.M. HELGEN's 120 acre
farms near Curlew. He has not informed us of the price received.

F. WEISKAMP who lives near Mallard has sold his 480 acre farm to HOOD Bros.
for $165 per acre. He bought quite cheap of Mr. MORLING about a [sentence
not finished]

Last week Dr. KULP sold a quarter section farm near Graettinger to John
JACKMAN for $165 per acre. The land has since changed hands thre times.
Howard HEAD bought it last of the week for $197.50 per acre.

J.E. SCHOOLEY has sold the H.W. BEEBE 240 acre place southwest of town
formerly the property of Mr. ZEIHIKE (or ZELHIKE) to Will ERRICKSON of the
Depew neighborhood for $180 per acre. He has also disposed of the WILTSE &
HOELZNER 240 acre place in Jack Creek township to W.H. GAYLORD of Emmetsburg
for $180 per acre.

Yesterday Thomas O'CONNOR sold his eighty acre place a mile southeast of
this city to Lawrence DOYLE of Whittemore for $250 per acre. Leo O'CONNOR
bought the land a few years ago for $75 per acre and built on it. Mr. DOYLE
will move onto his new farm in March.

Art GARRETT of Lohrville has bought the Howard HEAD 80 acre farm formerly
known as the BUTLER place, for $225 per acre. The deal was, we understand,
made by H.M. HELGEN. Mr. HEAD bought the place last fall for $185 per acre.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County