Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 9 July 1919

He Was First Superintendent of Palo Alto Schools

     John McCormick the first superintendent of Palo Alto county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jess Crook, at Rodman on July Fourth. He was not feeling very well since the latter part of December but he was not confined to his room until June 13. His age of course was against him, as he was almost a centenarian.
     The funeral was held at Rodman on Sunday. Services were conducted at the Presbyterian church Rev. David S. DeBest officiating. The burial was in the Rodman cemetery. There was a large attendance from the various parts of the county. Among those who came from Emmetsburg were Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Brown and family, Dr. and Mrs. Kulp and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Frye and family, M.L. Brown, P.H. Donlon, J.K. martin and Edward McNally. The pall bearers were J.P. Walker, J.B. Watson, B. T. Stover, H. Sweeley, C.P. McGowen, and J.J. Knoer.
     John McCormick was born in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, April 19, 1825. His age was ninety-four. In 1848 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick, came to the United States. They located in New Jersey. In July, 1856, his father and his  Robert came west and located in Palo Alto county. In a short time they pre-empted seven quarter sections along the river in what is now known as Fern Valley township. In the fall Mrs. John McCormick Sr., her son James and her daughter Isabel came to live with them. In the spring of 1858 John McCormick, Jr., left New Jersey to join the other members of the family at West Bend. On reaching Fort Dodge he started on foot across the prairie. He carried his satchel on his shoulders. He left several pairs of shoes, carpenter tools and other articles at Iowa City where the railroad ended. He found considerable difficulty in crossing the Badger creek north of Fort Dodge. The water was high and the current was strong. In giving his personal recollections of his experience at that place, as recorded in D.G. McCarty's history of our county, he says: "it was all I could do to keep my feet. If I had not done so, I would have been in Des Moines. They used to keep a Ferry, Bull's Ferry, they called it. The bull would swim the river with the people. When I came to Dakotah they said there were still some white fellow up the river. On man's name was Miller, a little this side of Rutland, Humboldt county. I stopped with this Miller, this side of Dakotah, on the edge of the river. He asked me if I had anything to eat. I was then quite dark. I said 'no'. Says he, ' I will fix you something.' He baked some buckwheat cakes. I think they got the buckwheat along with the dirt and ground all up together. I thought 'you don't need doctors in this country, you are pretty gritty.' I came from there on up to West Bend. The house was built when I got there. There was a little storm shed around the door. There was no floor in the house. Poles reached across them so they could lay sods over to make the house warm. There was no lumber in the county then. The grass was so high we had to stake out our cows. If we had not and had let them go we would never have found them again. That was before the house was built. My brother and I batched. Father got a homestead nearby. My brother and I lived in the first house, batched for eight years without a floor in the house, and baked our bread and at our meals off a shingle block and got fat. We kept a hotel and had plenty of customers. We never charged them anything and never paid any license. Some of my customers wondered how I baked such good bread. We had plenty of good cream, plenty of eggs, made it as rich as we could and baked it in a dutch oven."
     Mr. McCormick was united in marriage in Ellington township in 1869 to Miss Mary Badder. Mrs. McCormick died quite a number of years ago. Only two members of the family survive-a son, Thomas McCormick and the daughter, Mrs. Jess Crook, both of Rodman. All of Mr. McCormick's brothers and sisters are dead. In 1861 Mr. McCormick was elected county superintendent. He served for two years. In 1863 he was chosen coroner. In 1867 he was named sheriff, occupying the position a few years. He kept a postoffice in his farm home for several years during pioneer days.

(A Tribute by P.D. Donlon.)
     The passing of John McCormick calls attention to the marvelous progress made in the development of our county in many ways during the sixty years of his continuous residence in Fern Valley township. The lands over which his funeral procession passed a few days ago were open for homestead entry, or for sale at the government price of one dollar and a quarter per acre. Today these lands are held at three hundred dollars per acre. The little log school house of pioneer days over which Mr. McCormick had supervision as the first superintendent of Palo Alto county, was many times improved until today the consolidated school, with a full high school course and all modern equipment, overlooks the lands where his homestead cabin was located. He came from the Atlantic coast to Iowa City by rail. From Iowa City to Fort Dodge he made the journey by ox team and walked from Fort Dodge. He lived to see the day of hard surfaced roads, automobiles and airships.
     A few years ago he was an honored guest at a gathering of Palo Alto county teachers and all present were surprised at the speech he made in telling of his experiences of pioneer days. At that time he was ninety-one years of age. At the same meeting we had C.S. Duncan and D.L. Daley, both of whom had given many years of splendid service as teachers in our schools in the sixties and seventies. Both are yet in Emmetsburg and many men and women of today hold them and other successful teachers in high regard for he help given by them when school advantages were very limited.
     During the period of 1888 to 1894, when serving as county superintendent of schools, the work brought me in direct contact with teachers, directors, parents and pupils, school directors without pay and teachers with but very little, secured splendid results for the boys and girls who could spend but a part of each year in school.
     Today when we are enjoying all the advantages which material wealth can give, with schools, churches, daily papers, magazines, books and merchandise delivered daily at our doors by the postman, with the telegraph, the telephone, the wireless and the aeroplane, let us be mindful of and greateful [sic] to the pioneers who endured the necessary hardships to make these things possible for us.
     Only a few of our real early settlers remain with us and the time may not be long for us to show our appreciation of their worth and their presence. All honor to the pioneers living and dead.

Was in Service Two Years
     Paul Ziehlke, who was mustered out of the service at Camp Dodge on Thursday, arrived home on the morning of July Fourth. He is looking well and is exceedingly hearty. He enlisted in the engineering department of the service in June 1917. He went across the following December. He did not have an opportunity of reaching any of the battle lines during the war but was at Toul and was prepared for action when the armistice was signed. He visited the battlefield on which Ted Rea was killed. Later he took three snapshots of the cemetery in which 30,000 Americans are buried. He was not able to locate Mr. Rae's grave but he has the resting place of another friend marked and friends of Mr. Rea tell him that Ted's grave is only a few feet away. Mr. Ziehlke had a great many interesting experiences while abroad.

Want a Dollar Per Hour
     Masons who are employed on the state buildings at Ames have struck for $1 per hour. If they are too stiff in their demands it is quite likely that the finishing of the work will be postponed. In putting up structures for permanent investment, property owners cannot afford to pay exhorbitant prices for labor and material.

At the Tabernacle
     The Kelleys are doing some good work and God is honoring their labors. Five souls sought God Sunday. Services each afternoon and evening this week. Three services next Sabbath at 10:30 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon and 8:15 in the evening. Come and hear the whole gospel.

County Will Not Lose
     O'Brien county had $5,000 deposited in Mr. Knaack's bank at Hartley when it failed. It was fully secured. Steps have been taken to enforce the collection of the amount.

Saunders, Weeks, Bowden on Wings
The Democrat Editor Also Tries a Spin Through the Air

     Saturday evening, at 4:45 we enjoyed a delightful trip in the beautiful government seaplane around picturesque Medium lake and high above our charming little city. Ensign R.P. Applegate was in charge and we had every confidence that he would bring us back in safely to the landing place. We appreciated with childish interest the skip over the surface of the lake for a distance of perhaps 50 rods as the waters splashed in various directions. there was no unpleasant sensation whatever as the plane left the lake and commenced to go upward. At times Ensign Applegate would shoot skyward on an apparent slant of 80 degrees but perhaps this would have been an impossibility. At all events the experience was decidedly exciting, and we instinctively tightened our grip on both sides of our chair. Higher and higher we climbed until we were told that we had reached an altitude of 2,500 feet. Not for a moment did we feel anything but a sense of security. As we came south from Third Island, the plane turned and took a strange upward movement. We thought that we were about to come down to the water again. Once we noticed that we were dropping sideways. We did not realize at the time what Ensign Applegate was doing but we looped the loop, took a tail spin and also a nose dive. At least our friends told us so when we landed. We are informed that Mayor Saunders whispered to the Ensign as we were starting, to give us all that was coming to us and we understand that the Mayor's chums gave similar instructions when he was taken up immediately after we had reached terra firma. We did not arrange for any stunts but we are glad that we had them. In descending there was no disagreeable feeling. We did not experience any nervousness, were not dizzy, and our heart and stomach did not annoy us in the least. The plane makes a very loud noise and the power that drives it upward seems to the passenger almost irresistible. We would not care to handle the wheel or levers while we are in the air.
     Medium lake skirted by green groves, verdant lawns, and smiling fields, and lying so snugly at the north end of our little city, with its solid business houses, inviting homes, shaded streets and avenues and refreshing groves, presents to the eye of a local citizen a scene far more pleasing than that of a city in a deep valley when viewed from the top of a towering mountain. Our residence blocks did not seem much larger than green squares on a checker board and the Des Moines river appeared like a long, narrow strip of green but a couple of blocks away. Fields of growing corn and small grain stretched far away towards the distant horizon in every direction. The vast spectacle was one of panoramic beauty. We would have gladly lingered for an hour to survey the magnificent spectacle but the humming, speedy, bounding seaplane would not wait for us. In a few moments, the bewildering vision was gone and we descended smoothly, quietly, quickly reaching Lake Medium just south of Mr. Saunders home and the plane shot swiftly southward o'er the placid waters to the Soper park. The beauties of the heavens are indeed wonderful to behold but the earth is, after all, a good place to which to return. We were satisfied to come back to mingle again with the poor, sad faced, unfortunate sinners we had left behind. We shall never forget our first trip through the air in a seaplane.

Great Circus, Splendid Fireworks, and Speedy Seaplane

     The celebration in Emmetsburg last Friday and Saturday, in honor of our returned soldiers, was pronounced by the thousands who were in attendance the most creditable they ever witnessed in this section of the state.
     Thursday evening there was a great downpour of rain and it continued to shower during the night. In the morning the streets and roads were literally covered with water. This put a damper on the forenoon exercises. It kept most of the country people form coming to town. The morning's program of speaking and singing had to be postponed. In the afternoon Professor Carlson of Morningside college of Sioux City spoke briefly in front of the grand stand but there were so many attractions on our streets that he did not have a very large audience. Our reporter did not know when the speaking would take place and did not have the pleasure of hearing him. Hence we are not in a position to comment on anything that he said. The Emmetsburg Cornet band played frequently during the early part of the day and rendered creditably a large number of snappy and up to date selections. The boys were very generous with their music both days and were frequently complimented for their earnest efforts to please the many who were anxious to hear them. They were assisted by several players from Ayrshire.
     The street decorations were elaborate and most of our business houses were profuse in their displays of the national colors. The entire town had on its best holiday clothes and there was a warm welcome for all who came to celebrate.
     People who have traveled in foreign lands and who have visited all of the principal cities of our country declare that they never saw better performances in first class circuses or in Orpheum theatres than were given in the hippodrome show which was presented each afternoon and evening on a large fifty foot platform on Broadway just in front of the grandstand.
     The gentleman and lady who rode around the ring on a horse were superb. Mrs. Davenport, although she had a slight accident the first day, proved herself a wonderful rider.
     The acrobatic clowns and the young man who performed on the horizontal bars with them were exceedingly clever as well as humorous.
     The lady on the trapeze was an artist in her line and the three Italians consisting of a large gentleman and the little fellow in green clothes and his wife were marvels in athletic skill. We have never seen neater work on a platform than was done by them.
     The little Jap who turned on his hands and feet and who performed other difficult feats was all that he claimed to be and more and his partner, who walked on a rope to the top of the Geyerman building and who slid backward on his toes to the platform received a hearty round of applause for the thrilling exhibition he gave. This act alone was worth coming miles to see.
     The large performing elephant was the best we have ever seen and the horse, pony and dog represented in this number were almost human in their acting. The entire exhibition which would have cost from 50c to 1.25 in any Orpheum theater or circus was given free. It cost Emmetsburg a great deal of money to secure this attraction but it will be remembered as the truly high class entertainment of its kind in the history of our county.
     The beautiful seaplane, which was sent to Emmetsburg from the Great Lakes Naval Training station, was an object of interest. It was in charge of Ensign Applegate, who was accompanied by six sailors, including the master mechanic, who built the machine. Several flights were given each forenoon, afternoon and evening. We understand that Emmetsburg is the only town that was favored with a government plane aside from the cities near which naval stations are located. No other places in Iowa was able to give an exhibition of this kind. Ensign Applegate is a genial warm-hearted gentleman and ranks high among the aerial performers of our country. He is justly considered the best man in his line in the Great Lakes naval station. The seaplane was anchored at the south end of Medium lake. When a flight was taken it was started northward and would plow lightly through the water for a distance of perhaps fifty rods before it would begin to move upwards. The plane is about fifty feet wide and in many respects resembles an aeroplane. Beneath the engine is a large cigar shaped float and there is a smaller float on each side. In starting and in coming down from the air a bird could not have made a better showing. Ensign Applegate frequently flew to a height of from 3,000 to 5,000 feet, going to the north end of the lake and returning soaring north and south over our beautiful little city. He occasionally performed stunts that demonstrated admirably his skill as a performer and his judgment, coolness and courage as a flier. Hundreds were constantly watching along the lake front as he was departing and coming back from his flight and he was kind enough to take a number of our citizens up with him and convince them that a trip through the air is not so perilous as is popularly supposed. No charges for services were made by Ensign Applegate and his sailor companions or by the Great Lakes Naval station but our citizens were required to pay all transportation expenses, hotel bills and similar charges. It is needless to say that the naval visitors were royally treated by our business men and citizens in general. They declared before leaving that they had never met a more hospitable or appreciative people and they felt confident that their visit to this section of Iowa would, in time, being them quite a number of recruits. This was one of the purposes of their visit to Emmetsburg. Our citizens feel grateful to Ensign Applegate, his several assistants, and the officers of the Great Lake station for their generosity in bestowing this special favor on Emmetsburg and to Mayor Saunders, who at his own expense, made a special trip to Chicago to secure this splendid attraction. He and Mrs. Saunders and the members of their family did a great deal to entertain our naval visitors and several of our local boys, especially Will Nolan, who were on duty at at the Great Lakes, contributed generously of their time and efforts toward making the undertaking a success.
     In Friday's ball game Emmetsburg defeated Ayrshire by a score of 13 to 11, but on Saturday Emmetsburg lost to Mallard. The score was 9 to 1. There were a number of foot races and other amusements on the ball park during the evening but the Democrat has not received a report of them. The fireworks both evenings were exceptionally fine. Visitors to large cities and state fairs have never seen better displays.
     The thousands who assembled to enjoy the two days' exercises were in the best of humor and our reporter has not learned of a single scrap. One or two gentlemen had more gingerale than they could carry with safety but they were not troublesome. No arrests were made. We have not learned of a single accident.
     The celebration was highly praised by people who came from far and near and will for years be considered a record breaker in the history of Emmetsburg. The various attractions were well worth the prices that were paid for them. We congratulate the members of the various committees on the outcome.



Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 22 July 1919


Funeral on Thursday, Was Largely Attended

Mrs. John J. Higgins died at her home in this city Tuesday afternoon of last
week. Her condition for several weeks was hopeless. She became ill in
September. She went to Colfax Springs where she remained for eight weeks.
Later she took treatment in Retreat hospital in Des Moines. She was also in
Mercy hospital for a short time. She did not receive any encouragement and
finally went to Rochester, Minnesota where she consulted the Drs. Mayo. They
could not, it seems, do anything to relieve her. She bore her affliction
with a resignation that was truly Christian but she gradually became weaker
and after many months of lingering, death came to relieve her.
The funeral was held Thursday. Services were conducted at the Assumption
church, Very Rev. P.F. Farrelly officiating. The burial was in St. John's
cemetery. There was an unusually large attendance. Many came from Ayrshire
and other neighboring places to be present at the obsequies. The pall
bearers were her three nephews, Frank McGowan, Carl Berger and Daniel
Higgins and three cousins, John Finn, Charles Joynt and D.W. Joynt.
Mary Jane McGowan was born at Dyersville, Iowa, July 4, 1864. Hence she was
closing out her fifty-fifth year. She grew to womanhood in her home
community. She was married at Dyersville, April 14, 1885, to John J Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Higgins lived in the vicinity of Dyersville until 1893 when
they moved to this county. They located on a farm in Great Oak township.
They became prosperous and built a fine home. Last fall they bought James
Murray's large residence in this city. They moved into it in March but Mrs.
Higgins did not have the good fortune to enjoy it long. Mrs. Higgins is
survived by her husband, five sons and four daughters. The sons are Charles,
Edmund, Harold and Bertrand. The daughters are Mrs. John Hand of Borup,
Minnesota and Misses Mary, Margaret and Loretta Higgins who are at home.
Three children died in infancy. Mrs. Higgins death is also mourned by her
sister, Mrs. M.B. Kane of Ayrshire and her brother, John McGowan, of Kansas
City, Missouri. Two brothers, Thomas and William, preceded her in death.
Mrs. Higgins had scarcely passed womanhood's prime when she was taken from
the inviting domestic scenes that were so dear to a wife and mother of her
taste, temperment and ambition. Nine worthy sons and daughters were
regularly the recipients of her love and her attention and all the comforts
of the prosperous, happy home were hers to enjoy. It is sad indeed that
life, when surroundings are so inviting and promising, should have so many
and such bitter disappointments, but Providence undoubtedly knows what is
best for all of us and will, in some way, compensate the bereft and
sorrowing for the heavy burdens they are asked to bear. Mrs. Higgins
worries, during the early stages of her illness, were greatly increased by
the absence of her son, Charles, in France and the realization of the
perilous dangers to which he was from time to time subjected. For months
after she commenced to decline she waited anxiously and longingly for his
return. The war department, for some unknown reason, failed to grant him a
furlough so that he might come home to see his weak, declining mother.
However, Mrs. Higgins never gave up hope until he and his absent sister,
Mrs. John Hand, reached her bedside. The deceased was a truly devoted wife,
a provident, loving, watchful, zealous mother and a sincere practical
Christian lady. She was in every way an active, helpful, useful member of
the thrifty public spirited community in which she resided. Her high aims,
her commendable resolutions and her ennobling deeds will during the years to
come, have a marked influence for good in the lives of her devoted sons and
daughters. They will also leave a lasting impression on the minds of the
many who mingled with her in neighborhood and other affairs. The sympathy of
all goes out to the husband and the other members of the household in the
great sorrow that has come to them.

It Will Reach Vinton This Afternoon

     C.C. Quinn has bought an airplane at Dayton, Ohio. He and Wm.
Dick-Peddie are coming home in it. They reached Indiana at 3:10 p.m.
yesterday and were at Indianapolis last night. They hope to reach Vinton
this afternoon and Emmetsburg by six o'clock this evening. We congratulate
Mr. Quinn on his enterprise and wish him success with his plane.

Mr. Martin Robert McTigue and Miss Ruby Irene Moore.
(Estherville Democrat)

     The wedding of Miss Ruby Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Moore,
and Martin Robert McTigue was solemnized last Tuesday morning, June 24th, in
St. Mary's Catholic church at Excelsior Springs, Mo. The ceremony took place
at 6:30 a.m. before only immediate friends and relatives. Following the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was served the bridal party at the Elms Hotel
at eight o'clock. The happy couple left on their honeymoon which will be
spent at Liberal, Kansas and Minneapolis, Minnesota.
     The bride was attired in a beautiful dark blue traveling suit. Miss
Mary Cullen, of Whittemore, Iowa, attended the bride, and Joe McTigue, a
brother of the groom, acted as best man. She is one of the popular girls of
this county. She was reared to young womanhood and is well and favorably
known by a host of friends. The last two or three years she has been away
completing her education. She has all the qualifications that go to make a
successful partner in life to the man of her choosing.
     The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McTigue, of Cylinder, Iowa.
He has been employed in the Iowa Savings Bank in this city for the past two
years, where he has made many friends by his courtesy and strict attention
to business. The happy couple start life with the brightest prospects and we
join the many friends in extending congratulations and best wishes for a
happy future.

Killed Crossing Railroad.
     Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon and their little daughter of Rockwell City
was killed at Ogden Tuesday evening of last week as their car was crossing
the Northwestern track.

Ottosen Lady Injured.
     Miss Marie Movick of Ottosen was seriously injured near Fort Dodge
Tuesday night of last week. The car she was driving turtled. She was taken
to Mercy hospital.

Well Represented at Summer School.
     Palo Alto county is quite largely represented at the summer schools at
Cedar Falls, Ames and Cherokee during the present season. Misses Elsie
Walters, Amiey Johnson, Augusta Sewell, Adeline Sandvig, Phoebe Rice, Leone
Barnett, Marie E. Millea, Anna C. Millea, Walter Scott, Mary Malia and
Clarice Lynch are among those who are taking special training.

Mr. Wm. Fagan, Son of Dr. Fagan, Selects Miss Ellen Wigen as His Bride
(Ayshire Chronicle)

     The marriage of William Fagan of Laurens and Miss Ellen Wigen of the
same place took place in Des Moines on Wednesday, June 11. They will make
their home in Laurens after a short wedding tour.
     The principals to this affair are both known by practically all of our
readers. The bride is one of the talented daughters of Mr. and Mrs. M. O.
Wigen of Laurens, and for several years has been a very successful school
teacher. She is a fine young lady and we know will make the man who has won
her a real helpmate.
     The groom is the eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Fagan. He was born
in Ayrshire and for a number of years attended our schools. He enlisted when
the war broke out and served his country as a soldier for several months. He
is a fine young man and will make a success in life of anything that he may
see fit to follow.
     We extend hearty congratulations to the newlyweds and sincerely trust
that they may live long, be happy and become prosperous.

Had Hard Luck in Norway
     Captain C. Olsen of Yokohama, Japan, who in 1918 visited his
brother-in-law, Ole T. Gjerde, had a rather serious time of it after leaving
Emmetsburg. He spent over three months in a hospital in Norway where he was
treated for gall stones. Teh gall bladder had to be removed. A stone the
size of a walnut was found in it. An operation was performed on his left leg
and part of the shin bone was taken out. Afterwards he was taken down with
Spanish influenza and is finally recovering from the effects of it. Howver,
he is feeling like a youngster again. Captain Olsen's son remained in Norway
to take charge of his father's office in that country. He intends coming to
New York during the present year to open and office in that city. Captain
Olsen bought a Buick Six car at Seattle when he was returning to Japan. It
cost him something like $3,000 laid down in Yokohama.

The Groom Recently Returned to Emmetsburg from Overseas.

     Last week, in our hurry to get to press, we overlooked reporting the
marriage of Mr. Harry Nitchals and Miss Cathryn Myers, which took place at
the Assumption church on Monday morning, June 21. The ceremony was performed
by Very Rev. P.F. Farrelly. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mary
Myers, and the groom by his brother, Mr. Louis Nitchals. Immediately after
the ceremony was performed the members of the bridal party repaired to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mulroney where the wedding feast was enjoyed.
Only a few relatives and friends were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Nitchals
went to the lake during the day where they spent a short time. They will
live on their farm south of this city.
     The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Myers of Nevada township.
She has lived in this community since childhood. She is a young lady of
pleasing personality and possesses the qualities of a careful and successful
home maker. All who know her are pleased to learn of her marriage and are
glad indeed that she is to live in this locality. The groom has resided in
this vicinity for a few years and has impressed highly all who have met him.
He spent more than a year in the service and was for several months in the
hottest of the battles on the western front. He was mustered out with a
record of duty well done- something he will prize during his entire life. He
is a young man of industry and ambition and is steady and dependable. The
Democrat joins numerous well wishers in extending hearty congratulations to
Mrs. and Mrs. Nitchals.

     Frank Meade, who was a slide trombone player in the 350th regimental
band, tells us that the leaders used a great deal of judgment in making
selections when they were out playing. " Over There" and "Keep Your Head
Down, Fritzie," were among the most popular pieces. "You Keep Sending Them
Over, and We'll Keep Knocking Them Down," was also a favorite. There were
perhaps a dozen other airs that were practically as enjoyable to the boys
when they were in camp and on the firing line. Any fellow who commenced
lilting or whistling "Home Sweet Home," "So Long, Mother," or other said
pieces was quickly called down. While the boys appreciate such selections
under proper circumstances, they did not care for them overseas, as sad
music had a tendency to make the fighters homesick. Mr. Meade was close to
the firing line in the Alsace sector. The band would go forward with the
company but would not be in the front line trenches. The boys were required
to do any task assigned them when they were not playing. Mr. Meade visited
Chateau Thierry and many other battle fields on the western front during his
absence. His band was on duty at Monte Carlo for seven weeks. While there
the boys were given a big feed by Charles Schwabb, the steel king. He sat
down with them and was the biggest fun maker in the bunch. He asked all of
them to call on him should they ever visit his home city of New York. Each
was given Mr. Schwabb's photograph. Mr. Meade says he never before enjoyed
such fine feed. Lieutenant Zott of Des Moines was the leader of the band.
Mr. Meade was the only member from this county but several other players
were from neighboring counties in this section of the state. There were
Irish, English, Germans, Scotch, Norwegians, Bohemians, and Italians with
the band as well as Americans. In all there were fifty pieces. Mr. Meade,
while in camp and overseas, had an experience that will always be
interesting to musicians as well as to his friends and companions.

Alexander Peddie of Houston, Texas. Calls on His Many Old Friends.

      Alexander Peddie, who moved to Houston, Texas, twelve years ago to
give special attention to his large rice plantation, dropped into Emmetsburg
the early part of the week and has since been greeting his numerous friends.
Should he be able to get settlements with a few of his local creditors, he
will return to Emmetsburg to reside. He has always considered this his real
home. He disposed of his plantation in Texas seven or eight years ago for
$400,000 but the breaking out of the Balkan war upset the plans of the
purchasers and they could not make the necessary payments. Litigation
followed adn Mr. Peddie became a heavy loser. It is needless to say that the
death of his son Scott, who was in the service, was a very sever blow to
him. his son Franklin is engaged in the real estate business at Cedar Rapids
and is doing well. Mr. Peddie was, for more than a quarter of a century, one
of the leading business men of our community. We doubt if any other citizen
of our county contributed more willingly or generously towards the
development and upbuilding of our city and county than did Mr. Peddie. He
was always in the front ranks when there was an enthusiastic boosting to be
done and he was willing to back up financially his professed zeal for the
advancement of our community's interests. For twelve years we have missed
him from our popular hustlers. We all sincerely hope that he may succeed in
making such adjustments to his affairs as will enable him to come back to
our little city again to become a sharer in the activities and friendships
of our thrifty and prosperous county.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 30, 1919


Ray McNally, Who Returned Home Sunday Morning
Ray McNally arrived home from France Saturday evening. He was mustered out
at Camp Mitchell, New York. He came to Chicago over the New York Central. He
enoyed a couple of days taking in the sights of the great eastern
metropolis. His coming was a surprise to his father and the others of the
family. He is looking exceptionally well but is quiet [sic] badly tanned. He
was evidently out in the warm sun a great deal while he was in France.
Sunday he put on his civilian clothes. He is glad to be one of our people
Mr. McNally was in the medical department of the army. Our government has
still large supply depots not far from Paris. Mr. McNally was, however, in
the French metropolis only once while over there. He tried to get permission
to visit England and Ireland, but his request was denied.
While the French are not enemies of the Americans, they are not so friendly
as they were when our boys first went across. A bad riot occurred in Brest
several weeks ago. A Frenchman tore down the American flag. Trouble followed
and six or seven French soldiers were killed. After that the Americans were
denied certain liberties they had previously enjoyed. The young French men
are jealous of the American soldiers, many of whom are popular with the
French young ladies. The Americans spend their money freely and the French
do not believe in this. Of course this is not true of Mr. McNally and many
other young Americans.
There has been a great improvement in the condition of Brest. When Ray first
went over he had to tramp for days through the mud and at night he often
slept in the mud. The city is now better drained and cleaned and there is
not so much cause for complaint. Criticism evidently did the war department
some good.
Considering the high price of food, the French are not so unreasonable in
their charges for meals. Mr. McNally became quiet [sic] fond of French bread
but he does not care much for some of the food that is placed on the tables
in restaurants in that country.
The slums of New York are cleaner than the small French cities and the
villages. Sanitary conditions in France are very poor. The well to do
classes have, of course, better environments but a large number of the men
who were prosperous were killed during the war. It requires considerable
formality for our boys to secure permission to mingle with the better
classes. We need not say that the men in khaki did not care to humble
themselves in order to secure the recognition of any class of foreigners.
Mr. McNally had a great deal to do in looking after the various kinds of
serum that were used in the army. It proved very effectual in preventing
diseases. A special kind of serum was injected into the bodies of soldiers
as soon as they were wounded in order to prevent them from taking lock jaw.
Our reporter was surprised to learn that there several thousand American
prisoners in France. They are required to work regularly and it will
probably be a long time before some of them are released. Quite a number of
officers sold food to the French people without permission and pocketed the
proceeds. Others are serving time for minor offenses. The sentences range
from thirty days to a year and a few will have to spend the remainder of
their lives in federal penitentiaries.

He and a Boston Man Carried a Wounded Soldier Seven Miles Under Fire
     Our reporter recently met Alfred C. Nelson, who arrived home from
overseas early in June. We had quite a chat with him but have not had time
to make a not of his perilous experiences until this week.
     He landed at Newport-News. He was fifteen days on the ocean. He came
across in an American boat. It traveled rather slowly. The soldiers on board
had plenty of good eats but they were not so fortunate when they were going
to France. They traveled on a British boat and the provisions were scarce.
     Mr. Nelson went across on June 18. Soon after he landed he was placed
on duty at Chateau Thierry. He reached that place shortly after the big
drive. He was in the 101st regiment, which was part of the 26th division. He
served five days in teh firing ranks in that locality and, after hard
efforts, the objective point, the Marne river, was reached. He was then
allowed ten days to rest when he had to report for duty again.
     Mr. Nelson was in the American forces when the drive at St. Mihiel was
commenced. The losses were comparatively light. A distance of nine miles was
made the first day. The American barrage was one of the most successful in
the history of military warfare. Mr. Nelson served on the Verdun front. The
losses in that locality were at times quite heavy. Mr. Nelson was gassed
four or five times but fully recovered. Five weeks after he returned from
the hospital he volunteered for M.P. duty.
     In one of the battles in which he was engaged, his company was detached
from the main part of the army. Most of the soldiers were able to return to
their own lines by 10 a.m. but he and other soldier named Mike Drone of
Boston were not able to get back until six in the evening. They carried a
wounded man seven miles. During their trip they were often subject to deadly
shell fire but they succeeded in getting their patient out of danger and he
was taken to a hospital. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Drone were each given citations
for extraordinary bravery under conditions that were at times most
     Mr. Nelson met his brother Clarence while on the western battle front
but saw him only a short time. Clarence was in the 132nd Infantry and served
in the 33rd division. he was on duty at St. Mihiel, at Verdun and in other
engagements. He was never wounded or gassed, although he had several close
calls. His regiment was nearly wiped out near Verdun. His division was
prepared to march towards Metz when the armistice was signed.
     Alfred spent the winter at Nancy, Euneville and Strassburg. He speaks
well of the French people. He says they did not overcharge him for anything
that he bought of them. He was only a week in Germany. Hence he did not have
an opportunity of familiarizing himself with conditions in that country.

Mark Irvine, Who Saw It, Says It Is a Masterpiece
     Monday evening we enjoyed a pleasant call from mark Irvine, who arrived
home from France on Monday. He was mustered out at Camp Dodge. He and
Richard Beebe came across on the President Wilson. The trip was a rather
slow one, but only one day was the sea rough. They started from Marseilles,
which is the principle seaport on the Mediterranean. it is a metropolitan
city. People from all parts of the world are found there. The trip on the
Mediterranean was delightful. As top of a day was made at Algiers on the
African coast. It is a place of perhaps 75,000 people. While the natives are
dark, they are not negroes. Messrs. Irvine and Beebe took a long trip
through Algiers on burros. They had local guides. The streets of the old
section of the place are narrow and irregular. The vessel stopped four days
at Gibraltar. July Fourth was spent at that place. The soldiers were not
allowed to go very far across the Spanish line.
     Mr. Irvine says the French people treated him nicely. He does not
complain that they overcharge for very much that he bought when he considers
that the country has gone through the most destructive war in history. The
French have wonderful cathedrals at Bourges, Lyons, Marseilles and other
places. The auditoriums of their edifices are not very well equipped for the
comfort of worshippers but their facades, statuary, frescoing, altars,
railings and other adornments are simply wonderful. The beauty of the art
galleries, museums, theatres and other places of special interest is almost
     Mr. Irvine says the immense painting in Paris of the western battle
front is perhaps the finest thing of the kind in the world. The building in
which P is found covers perhaps two blocks. The painting is in sections
which represent in detail the part taken in the great struggle by the the
Belgians, British, Italians, Americans, French and other allied countries.
The first thing to be seen as the visitor enters is an excellent
representation of the French Seventy-Five. All the leading officers of the
several countries that participated are given prominent places and the
uniforms of the soldiers of the allied countries are also illustrated in
detail. There is scarcely a hill or a valley on the western battle line that
can not be located on the immense painting and many scenes are so realistic
that they impress strikingly all who view them. Mrs. Irvine says that
seventeen great French artists labored on this painting for four years and
they were assisted in the rough work by hundreds of painters of less note.
This wonderful work of art will attract the attention for years to come of
visitors from all parts of the world.
     Mr. Irvine, Will Knight and T.J. Coonan were together a great deal of
the time while they were in France. They received the Democrat quite
regularly and they often saw other Iowa newspapers. Any publication from
home was always welcome.
     General Pershing does not seem to be so popular with the American
soldiers as some of the other officers. Hunter J. Liggett, who is second in
command, has a strong hold on the affections of all who know him.
     Mr. Irvine is pleased to note that Emmetsburg has been steadily
improving since he left. Our town is, he thinks, rapidly coming to the front
and is bound to hold its own among the prosperous communities of the state.

Large Sales at Ayrshire
L.A. Hill, who was over from Ayrshire Friday, reports that there have been
quite a number of land sales in his home neighborhood during the last couple
of weeks. Supervisor John Rehms has bought a 120 acres farm in the Dan
Johnson neighborhood for $310 per acre. He sold his 800 acre place some time
ago and later bought and eighty west of Silver Lake. He paid $250 per acre
for it. Harry Grady has purchased the quarter formerly owned by P.
Shaughnessy, paying $275 per acre for it. Omro C**tington has secured the
John Jones 220 acre place two miles from Ayrshire. The consideration was
$300 per acre. The improvements are fair. R. Smith disposed of his eighty
south of Ayrshire for $235 per acre but has taken it back again at the same
price. * Kelly has bought the McKee quarter section and the Schaefer 80 acre
farm in Clay county. He paid $200 for the McKee farm and $150 for the
Schaefer place. The improvements are slight on the McKee farm and there are
no buildings or tile on the Schaefer property.

Buys the Wilcox Residence
     Patrick Sherlock of this city has bought the D.M. Wilcox residence in
the Second ward. He paid something like $4,000 for it. It will make Mr .and
Mrs. Sherlock a very comfortable home.

Sells Farm Near Ruthven
     Woods and Ellwanger report that they have sold a 205 acre farm two and
one-half miles from Ruthven to E.E. Bates for $210 per acre. We have not
learned the description of it.

Sold for $270 per Acre
     We understand that E.M. Thompson, Miss Pearle Richardson and Mrs. J.J.
Watson have sold their quarter section farm near Ceylon, Minnesota. The
consideration was $270 per acre. They made a nice profit. We are glad to
learn of their success.

Sold Farm for $100,000
     John McCoy informs us that Thomas Prendergast of Hartley sold his 240
acre farm a short time ago for $100,000. Saturday he bought a half section
near Algona, paying $300 per acre for it. Mr McCoy has been working as a
carpenter at Hartley since early in the spring.

Their Cars Collided
     Mr and Mrs Barber had an auto accident between Spencer and Ruthven. No
one was seriously hurt but the Haynes car belonging to Mr. Barber was badly
damaged. The car that ran into him was smashed up. This is the second time
in the last few years that Mr. Barber has had auto accidents.--Ruthven

Do You Need Glasses?
     I have secured office rooms in the Opera House block and shall be glad
to have my many old patrons call and have their eyes fitted. Ask any
business man in Emmetsburg about my ability or my experience. I shall remain
in Emmetsburg a short time. Call and see me.
D.H. Glenn, Optician.

Given Fine Piano
     Miss Madeline Coonan arrived home from Iowa City yesterday. She
graduated from the State University of Iowa in June as was taking some
special work during the vacation period. When she reached home she was
presented with a dandy Chickering Baby Grand piano as as graduation present.
Miss Coonan has more than made good in her studies and her parents have
shown in a substantial way their appreciation of her efforts.

W.J. Benjamin Celebrates It By Walking Ten Miles.
     Saturday W.J. Benjamin, father of Mrs. G.W. Kinsman of this city, who
has been visiting her for some time, celebrated his 92nd birthday by walking
about ten miles. Every year he observes it in this manner. He started out on
his journey at 7:30 in the morning and continued until a half hour before
noon. After he had eaten an excellent dinner he walked two miles more. He
felt hearty at supper time, ate a splendid meal and slept well during the
night. Mr. Benjamin is probably one of the best preserved men in the United
States, considering his advanced years. He is very abstemious in his habits
and has taken the best care of his health. He has three sons and two
daughters living. Two of the sons are engaged in railroad work and live in
Chicago. The third owns a meat market at Paxton, Illinois. Mr. Benjamin
spends most of his time with his daughter, Mrs. D. Rockwell of Paxton but he
occasionally comes to Emmetsburg to enjoy part of the summer season with
Mrs. Kinsman. The Democrat hopes he will live to be a centenarian and that
he will honor Emmetsburg by celebrating his 100th birthday in viewing our
beautiful little city.

Miss Cornell Berry enjoyed Sunday with her mother in this city. She is
attending school at Des Moines.

Vincent McCormick was a passenger to Cedar Falls Tuesday to spend a short
time with his cousins, Mr and Mrs John McCoy.

Cylinder Items
A.L. Sprout and son Harvey returned from Minnesota the first of the week.
They had business interests at that place.

Mrs. S.S. Howard, accompanied by her children, arrived here last week from
Toledo, Ohio for a visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. A.L. Sprout.

Miss Nellie Quam arrived home from Minneapolis. She will spend some time at
the parental home at this place.

Several of our people were at Emmetsburg Thursday. They went to hear the
168th Infantry band.

Delbert Gates of Ruthven was an over Sunday visitor here.

Mr and Mrs George Freeman and family recently left by auto for a visit with
South Dakota relatives.

Mr and Mr Jim Hill returned Sunday from a visit with relatives in Kansas.

Tom Cullen has just completed a fine corn crib and granary on his farm near
this place.

A.L. Sprout recently purchased a fine new Reo car.

Tom and Francis Cullen attended a dancing party at Arnolds Park Sunday

Father Dobberstein is making arrangements to hold a picnic at the park about
the middle of August. These picnics have always been a grand success and
there is no question but the one held this year will be equal to any of the
former ones. The program will be completed in a short time and published.

The little boy of Mr and Mrs Will Smith, who was taken to Iowa City a short
time ago for treatment in Univeristy Hospital, died there last Thursday and
was brought to West Bend Friday afternoon. The funeral was held from the
Lutheran church Sunday.

Mrs. Jos. Dorweiler is in Des Moines visiting her daughter, Miss Flossie,
who is employed with the Bankers' Life Insurance Company.

Fred Leinbach is quite ill with an attack of fever. A slight improvement in
his condition is reported.

Emmett Lutgen has accepted a position with J.H. Wilson.

B.F. McFarland and wife spent last week in Chicago where they went to buy a
fall stock for the McFarland & Walker store.
Chas. Imhoff died at his home in West Bend Sunday afternoon. He has been ill
for some time and his demise was not unexpected. The funeral will be held
from the Apostles church Monday.

Mr. Henry Eisler, who had the misfortune to get one of his legs fractured
while unloading bridge piling about three weeks ago, will be home from Iowa
City soon.

Graettinger Items.
Arthur Bergum was in Minneapolis last week looking after business interests.

Miss Lulu Montgomery, who has been attending summer school at Ames, returned
home Saturday.

Miss Margaret Jackman has been the guest of Miss Alice Wildey the past week.

Mrs. J.A. Spies and Mrs. John Jackman entertained a party of ladies Thursday

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County