Iowa Old Press

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 13, 1919

    The next term of court in Palo Alto county will open September 9th, with Hon. D.F. Coyle presiding.
    Following is a list of jurors:
F.C. Wiegman, Graettinger
Henry Hague, Graettinger
E.H. McNally, Ayrshire
J.T. Joynt, Emmetsburg
Chris Bonstetter, West Bend
Joe Grady, Ruthven
John Wegener, Cylinder
Paul Hiller, Graettinger
B.F. Peterson, Graettinger
Henry Westergard, Graettinger
Chas. Fritshie, Emmetsburg
J.F. Hogen, Carlew
Jacob Jacobson, Cylinder
Joe T. Nolan, Ruthven
E.P. Duhn, Graettinger
F.C. Humphrey, Fenton
J.J. O'Brien, Emmetsburg
Otto Iverson, Fenton
E.S. Ellis, Emmetsburg
Tony Rustan, Ruthven
Chris Thompson, Ayrshire
Earl Hahn, Mallard
Rosco Grove, West Bend
Geo Freeman, Cylinder
Paul D .Goff, Ruthven
H.P. Hughes, Emmetsburg
W.J. Milfred, Mallard
C.E. Groves, West Bend
Andy Schnell, Ruthven
Chas Krebs, West Bend
Chas Eggleston, Ayrshire
P Crouch, Mallard
G A Orsborne, Emmetsburg
L C Olson Bakke, Emmetsburg
Peter Larson, Emmetsburg
M P Junker, Ruthven.

    Geo. Schlosser has purchased the Mrs. H.F. Taylor residence formerly occupied by Mr. D.G. Nefzger. The Schlosser family intend moving to Ruthven in the near future.

    Two Fords owned by Jake Zielstra and W.D. Nelson came together on the lake road Monday night. Both cars were smashed up quite badly but no one was injured.

    Harlan Wagner arrived in this city the last of the week on a thirty day furlough. Harlan is a member of the regular army, having been in the service before war was declared and he will probably not be discharged until all danger of trouble is over. He served in France as a member of the 5th Ammunition Team and is now stationed in Atlanta, Ga.

 -   Born to Mr. and Mrs. Spann, a bouncing baby girl. This is the first child to be born in the park since its establishment.
 -   Andy Christenson has been reappointed assistant fish and game warden for this locality and has his eye out for the violators of the law. Andy informs us that the state game warden, Alberas, will be here in a few days to complete arrangements for placing many pike and black bass in Lost Island lake, this will be news to our people.
 -  State Agent Roberts, who as on the park grounds Sunday accompanied by a party from Estherville to the presence of His Honor to explain why he should have 7 half pints of booze in his possession.
 -  Mrs. Eva Wegner, who chaperoned twelve young Humboldt ladies for a week during their stay at the Park returned home with her charges on Saturday. Mrs. Wegner is a lady and so are her charges and the park population will miss their happy voices and their pleasant ways. Come again.
 -  Miss Bell of Gilmore City spent a few days as the guest of Miss Olive McManus during the past week.

    The Red Cross have 25 lbs of yarn and 30 yards of muslin that will be sold at auction on the public square, Saturday evening, August 16.    Order of Com.

 -  Mrs. Ida Brager and children from Minneapolis are here visiting her sister, Mrs. O.L. Thoran.
 -  John Hedvig and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thorson autoed to Badger last Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Nels Thompson.
 -  John McCulla sold his farm across the road and is going to move back to his old place beside his parents.

    S.E. Hanna is now the owner of the old Isaac Nyborg farm, having recently purchased it from Jake and Joe Nyborg. The farm contains 100 acres of excellent farm land and has fair improvements. He paid $237.50 [or 287.50] per acre for it.

Interesting Items of News Gathered from all Parts of Iowa

 - Mr. and Mrs. A.M. May of Waukon, just celebrated the fifty-fourth anniversary of their wedding.
 - Henry M. Eicher, member of the state board of education, died suddenly at his home in Washington.
 - Mayor Gerald Leming of Iowa Falls has resigned his office to go to Hampton to engage in the practice of law.
 - A pearl weighing 648 grains was found in a clam shell in the Cedar river at Charles City by Elmer Eddy. It is a rosebud pearl about the size of a butternut, of irregular shape and rosecolored.
 - C.L. Stanley has recently sold his eight-acre suburban home east of Grinnell, on the River-to-River road to T.A. Watson at $1,873 an acre, a total of $15,000. The highest previously reported sale was at $1,000 an acre.
 - Roy Emerson, convicted slayer of his mother, hanged himself at Kellerton during an automobile journey back to Ringgold county jail where he was being taken after Will Wallace, of Greenfield, repudiated his part of Emerson's $15,000 bond.
 - Q.O. Meekins of Granger is the owner of a petrified mammoth's tooth, found at the plant of the Flint Crushed Gravel company, recently. The object, which measure several inches in length and circumference, weighs about four pounds, was identified as the tooth of a prehistoric animal at the state museum.
 - In the Green Hollow hills and bluffs near Bartlett in Fremont county is the backwoods home of Mrs. Margaret E. Study, a widow of sixty years. She sent two sons to war. One, Private Marion Francis Study, has just been awarded the distinguished service cross by General Pershing for extraordinary bravery under fire. The other, Private Ezra Clifton Study, deserted from Camp Dodge.
 - Miss Abbie Allen of Corning was arrested by Deputy United States Marshal S.A. Plum and brought to Creston and arraigned before United States Commissioner J.C. Hunt and was bound over for a preliminary hearing in bonds of $1,600 on a charge that Miss Allen appropriated to her own use war savings stamps of the value of about $500, and postal funds aggregating $200 or $300 from the sale of stamps. Postmistress Allen entered a plea of not guilty.
 - Emerson Hough, the Iowa author, has just presented to the historical department the old Indian saddle owned by his father, who was one of the state's pioneers, having come to Iowa in 1852. This saddle came from the Pawnees of the Platte River valley in 1846. It is a relic of the old buffalo days. The material is of buckskin, the cinch of raw buffalo hide. It has no stirrups. It was stuffed with deer hair or antelope hair, long since gone to dust. The decorations are the original ones and the saddle has never been restored in any way. So far it is known, no other museum in the country has a piece like this one.

 - Mrs. Hanna Stephas and her sister Miss Margaret Rossacker, motored to Minneapolis Thursday to visit their uncle, Mr. Hans Rosacker.
- A big party and dance was given at the Wm. Clausing home recently in honor of Alfred Clausing's nineteenth birthday and Fred Clausing's return from the service. About a hundred people were invited and all report a fine time.
 -  Mrs. Adam Simington has been quite ill with tonsilitis the last week.
 - The threshing crew say they think it is fine work to thresh, they get such fine meals. "Just like going to a party every day."


-Mr. H.J. Bauer has purchased the Peter Sandvig residence in the north part of town. The Bauer family will move into their new home at once.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward Sanford left Saturday by auto for Presbo, S.D., where they will visit with relatives for a time.
-Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Currans went to Spencer Monday. Tom recently underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils.
- Miss Anna Brennan of Emmetsburg has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. T.P. Currans, in this city the past week.
-Miss Ruth Currans returned the last of the week from a visit with her sister, Miss Mary Currans at Sioux City.
-Word has been received here that Ervin Gaard, who has been in France for two years, has landed in New York. He will probably be in Ruthven in a short time.
-Paul Barringer arrived home Saturday evening after having received his discharge at Camp Dodge. He served over a year in France as a member of Co. A, 4th Ammunition Train. Like all of the boys he is glad to again don the civies.
-Otto Olson and Paul Groszkruger recently made a land seeking trip into Minnesota. They looked at places near Granite Falls and Sacred Heart, but have not purchased anything as yet.
-The young people of the Luther League will hold an ice cream social on the Henry Olson lawn one mile north of Ruthven on the lake road, next Saturday evening, August 16. The proceeds will go to the Lutheran Orphans Home at Stanton, Iowa. Everybody welcome.
- J. Lewis Johnson drove to Sheldon Monday. While there he closed a deal whereby he becomes a manager of a clothing store at Rock Rapids, his new duties to commence September 1st. He will work for the Miller & Flindt firm of clothiers who own a chain of clothing stores in Northwestern Iowa. We wish him success in his new position.
- Mike Miller, a member of the U.S. Navy, whose home is in Emmetsburg, was in this city Monday. He was on his way to Ayrshire to visit his sister, Mrs. Hugh McGuire.



Submitted by: C.J.L., June 26, 1919


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County