Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 19, 1918

Miss Irene MAGUIRE returned to Waterloo Saturday. She has accepted a
position as a stenographer in an office at that place.

Edward NOLAN of Des Moines was the guest of his mother, Mrs. P.C. NOLAN of
this city several days during the past week.

Mr and Mrs Ralph KING and chidren motored to Atlantic, Iowa, Saturday, where
they spent the day with relatives and friends.

Mrs. Arthur JOHNSON has returned from Cylinder. She was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. PHELPS, several days during the past week.

Mr and Mrs Peter DALEY and daughters, Misses Mildred and Genevieve, autoed
to Fort Dodge, Friday. They have friends at that place.

Mrs. Otto CONKLIN and sister, Mrs. William THOMPSON, and Miss Helen MAGUIRE
of Ayrshire were the guests of relatives in this city.

Mr and Mrs. Ben CATTELL and daughter, Miss Jessie and William McNAMARA,
autoed to Clarion Sunday where they spent the day with relatives.

Mr and Mrs. John HESTER and children of Graettinger were Emmetsburg visitors
Thursday. They have relatives and friends in this city.

Mrs. CARMODY and her granddaughter, Miss Jessie and William McNAMARA autoed
to Clarion Sunday where they spent the day with relatives.

Mrs. CARMODY and her granddaughter, Miss Rose, arrived in Emmetsburg from
Chicago, the latter part of the week for a visit at the James CARMODY home.

Mrs. Eugene KANE and her sister, Miss Alice JACKMAN, were passengers to
Sioux City  Thursday. They will visit at the Thomas KIRBY home at that place
for several days.

Mrs. William FISHER and children, Miss Helen BARBER and George GUNDERSON
went to Spirit Lake Saturday for a couple of days' visit with relatives.
They made the trip by auto.

John McBRIDE and John MEYERS are both cooking for separate divisions of
working men on the Milwaukee road. They will be located at different points
along the line during the season.

Miss Gladys ROGERS was a passenger to Marshalltown Saturday for a short
visit with relatives. From there she will go to Des Moines. Her brother Roy
accompanied her on the trip.

Mrs. H.H. COHEN went to Marion, Iowa, Wednesday for a week's visit at the
C.D. STICKNEY home. She made the trip by auto. Mr. COHEN accompanied her as
far as Mason City.

Mr. and Mrs. L.E. BOWYER and children of Canton, South Dakota, were in
Emmetsburg Saturday. They were on their way to Rodman to spend a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TURNER.

L.J. JACKSON, who enlisted in the radio corps some time ago, was called to
duty the first of the week. He left Wednesday for West Liberty for a few
days' visit at that place before going to Iowa City where he will attend
training school.

Martin CLENNON and son Joseph of West Bend were the guests of friends in
this city Saturday.

Mrs. Thomas LEE was a passenger to Ruthven Tuesday evening. She formerly
lived in that vicinity.

Mrs. J.F. SMITH arrived home from West Bend Saturday evening where she was
the guest of friends.

Ray NEARY, who enlisted a couple of weeks ago, is now stationed at Paris
Island,South Carolina. He is on duty in the marines.

Charles STEDMAN of this city has gone to Arnolds Park whre he will conduct a
roller skating rink during the summer months.

Mrs. Jack KNIGHT and baby returned to Webster City Wednesday after several
days' visit at the H.W. KNIGHT home in this city.

Mr and Mrs. T.R. MARTIN and children autoed to Pocahontas Sunday, and spent
the day with Mr and Mrs J.R. MARTIN and family.

 Mrs. Mary CAHILL and son John and family and Mr. BALDWIN autoed to
Interlaken Lake, Minnesota Sunday. They have relatives at that place.

Martin KNUDSON and Andrew SANDANGER and son of Graettinger were passengers
to Iowa City Thursday for a short visit with relatives and friends.

Mrs. L.M. SHALER arrived in Emmetsburg last evening from Concord, Minnesota
to visit her mother, Mrs. Margaret THOMPSON. She was accompanied by her
friend, Mrs. EVARTS.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KNAPP arrived in Emmetsburg from Parker, South Dakota
last evening to spend a few days with local relatives. Mrs. KANPP is a
sister of Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS.

A few days ago Charles NOLAN received a card stating that his son James had
arrived in France. He spent most of the winter and spring months in the
vicinity of Washington, D.C.

Miss Agnes KINSELLA of Chicago, arrived in Emmetsburg Wednesday. They came
from Iowa City where she spent two weeks taking care of her brother, Robert
KINSELLA. He was in a hospital at that place.

The Burnette Motor Company reports the sale of a seven-passenger Buick to
Martin AUSLAND, a Buick Six to Bert HUGHES, a Buick Four to Geo. SAUNDERS, a
Ford sedan to Joseph J SCHUMACHER and  a Ford touring car to Frank NEEDHAM.

The Democrat is pleased to report that George WASHINGTON of Highland
township is feeling much better. He was ill most of the time since leaving
Emmetsburg in February. He tells his friends that he was given the best of
treatment while in the base hospital.

Leo SHEA arrived home from Detroit a few days ago. He was employed in one of
the leading auto factories at that place. He registered in Montana before
leaving that state but when he came to Iowa in the fall he could not enlist.
>From here he went to Michigan. He reports that his brother Joe was also in
Detroit for some time but went to Minnesota a few days ago.

Frank MEADE was home from Camp Dodge over Sunday. He is a member of the John
EPPEL military band.

Mr and Mrs Thos. GEBHART and daughter of Whittemore were visiting at the
Mrs. LAWLESS home last evening.

Howard HUGHES is home from Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He is spending a few days
with his brother, Bert Hughes, of this place.

Mrs. Thomas McBRIDE and childen and Mrs. E.R. WALKER and daughter, Miss
Frances, were Sunday visitors at Lost Island lake.

Mr and Mrs. C.R. BOGGS of Fort Dodge spent several days during the first of
the week with Mr and Mrs. C.C. QUINN of this city.

James ANGLUM arrived home from Colorado Springs a few days ago. He was
taking treatment for rheumatism at the Woodman sanitarium at that place.

The Richardson Bros. Auto company has sold Overlands to Dan GUNN, Supt.
VONKROG of this city and Joseph LEUER of Mallard and a Ford to Chas. SEWELL.

The Gazette reports that Ed ZIGRANG of Livermore is now assisting in driving
a government train of motor trucks to the coast. They will be shipped to

C.F. LEONARD and Iver CHRISTENSEN of the Graettinger neighborhood were
Emmetsburg visitors yesterday. Both favored the Democrat office with a short
call while in town.

B.E. GAYLORD of Davenport, who had been visiting local friends, left for Des
Moines Tuesday evening. He is traveling for the Gordan Van Tine Lumber

The Vernon branch of the Red Cross will meet at the home of Mrs. E.H. URRY
on Friday, June 21 at 1:00 p.m. All members are requested to be
present. --Mrs. F.L. LAMB, secretary.

John J MARTIN fell from a telephone pole a few days ago and was quite badly
shaken up. He is fortunate that his injuries were not serious. We glean from
the Chronicle.

The Emmetsburg Auto company has disposed of a Velie to Sheriff J.W. JACKSON,
a Brisco to E. GARRETT of Rodman, a Dodge to O.B. FISK of Curlew and a Ford
to Frank FORDYCE.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt ANDERSON and family of Ruthven were in this city Tuesday.
Their son Chester of Camp Dodge, who is spending a few days with them, was
on his way back to Camp Dodge.

Dr. LeRoy T WEEKS will leave June 23rd for Milwaukee to take special
training for home service work for the Red Cross. He will enter a regular
training school. He will be absent for a couple of weeks.

Miss Maude ST JOHN, who is acting as relief operator in the Western Union
office in the absence of Miss BROWN, will leave for Estherville Tuesday. She
will have charge of the office at that place for a short time.

Miss Lena SCHENDEL has been on the sick list the past week.

Jess CROOK of Rodman was an Emmetsburg visitor Tuesday.

Reports Crops Good in Canada.

Will NOLAN of Lemberg, Sask., was visiting his many Emmetsburg friends the
last of the week. He left for St. Paul Monday to enlist. He registered in
Palo Alto. He reports that crops in Canada are very promising this year. The
acreage is exceptionally large and grain was sown in first-class condition.
There has been an abundance of moisture since the seeding season. Mr. NOLAN
tells our reporter that next Saturday every man and woman in Canada from the
ages of 16 to 60 will be required to register to perform manual labor during
the continuance of the war. In Canada as well as in the United States, those
who remain at home will be obliged to do their bit in producing for our
government, and in this way, helping to win the war.
Attended Mason City Initiation
Twelve or fourteen from ths county attended the K.C. initiation at Mason
City Sunday. The day was extremely warm but the rooms in which the exercises
were held are high and airy and the atmosphere was not oppressive. At the
banquet Father Doherty was toastmaster. The speaking program was very
creditable but Emmesburgers think we had a better program at each of the
local meetings. Dr. F.B. McTIGUE, who resides near Cylinder, sang a couple
of selections at the banquet and his efforst were greeted with a sincere and
encouraging applause. He is in great demand as a vocalist. A large number of
ladies attended the banquet. Among those from Palo Alto who were present at
the exercises during the day and evening were District Deputy P.H. DONLON,

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County