Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, January 9, 1918

Ed. J. Collins Dead
Died Last Thursday-Funeral Was Held on Monday

Edward J Collins passed away last Thursday morning at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Collins of this place. The funeral was held
Monday. Services were conducted at the Assumption church, Very Rev. P.F.
Farrelly officiating. The burial was in St. John's cemetery. Many old
friends and neighbors were in attendance. The pall bearers were his four
brothers-Peter, John, Michael and James-and his two cousins, James O'Donnell
of Nevada, Iowa and Harold Nally of Emmetsburg.
Mr. Collins was born in this city March 25, 1888. When he was eight years of
age his parents moved to Superior, this state. Later they lived at
Estherville and West Bend. A number of years ago they located in this city.
Mr. Collins was married at Portal, N.D., June 30, 1910 to Miss Christina
Ramsdell. The following year Mr. and Mrs. Collins moved to Ogden, this
state, where Mr. Collins was agent for the Milwaukee company. He was later
train dispatcher at Council Bluffs for the Illinois Central company. A
couple of years ago he was taken with pneumonia and was weak for some time.
He went to Colorado last August but he did not gain in strength. In December
he entered a hospital at Colorado Springs. A couple of weeks ago he returned
to Emmetsburg. Mr. Collins is survived by his wife and daughter, Marie, aged
three years and by his parents, five brothers and six sisters. The brothers
are James and John of this city, Will of Ortley, S.D., Peter of Shakopee,
Minnesota, and Michael of Minneapolis. The sisters are Mrs. W.T. McNally of
Emmetsburg, Mrs. Frank Borrus of Minneapolis, Mrs. Matt Kirschbaum of Garner
and Misses Loretta, Agnes and Helen Collins of Emmetsburg.
Mr. Collins was an industrious, frugal, careful, upright young man. He
proved himself capable and useful in railroad work and he won an retained
the confidence and good will of his employers. He was mild, courteous and
obliging and his personal conduct was always such as to win him the
admiration of his friends and business associates. He was a sincere and
devout member of his church. He made its teachings practical and efficacious
in his daily aspirations and practices. His preparation for the final
summons, deeply though he deplored to leave his wife and little daughter,
was truly edifying. In manhood's prime he was taken from his home and loved
ones. His death will be deeply mourned not only by those who were bound to
him by the closest of ties but by all others who knew him. Sincere sympathy
is extended to Mrs. Collins, the little daughter, and the sorrowing parents,
brothers, and sisters.

Mr and Mrs Wm J Fisher, Whose Marriage Took Place on December 26

     Mr and Mrs W.J. Fisher arrived home from the Twin Cities last Wednesday
evening after a week's visit with relatives and friends. They were on their
wedding trip. They have not yet commenced housekeeping but they will, we
understand, soon be "at home" to their many friends in one of the
comfortable residences of our city. Mrs. Fisher, better knwon as Miss
Margaret Flood, taught in the public schools of our city for a number of
years and has for some time been assistant county superindendent. She is a
winsome, highly accomplished young lady and is well prepared to take an
active and creditable part in the leading social and other affairs of the
community. Mr. Fisher is one of the most scholarly professional citizens of
our county. He completed his classical course at Creighton university and he
is a graduate of the law department of Georgetown university of Washington,
D.C. He has practiced actively and successfully in the courts of Palo Alto
and neighboring counties for a number of years and he has built up a large
and profitable practice. He has a keen, analytical mind and he is a close
discerning student. He is versatile, genial and affable and a good mixer. He
is rapidly winning his way to success in his profession and to substantial
standing in the business world. The Democrat did not learn of the marriage
of Mr and Mrs Fisher in time to give them anything but a passing mention,
when the important event in their lives occurred but, though late the hour,
we desire to extend hearty, congratulations and we wish them health,
happiness and prosperity.

Miss Lena Vedder Becomes the Wife of Lieutenant Carl J. Zobel

     Miss Lena Vedder of Emmetsburg and Lieut. Carl J. Zobel of Floodwood,
Minn., were married at St. Mark's church by Rev. F.E. Drake Friday eveningl.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Zobel will make their home in Des Moines.- Fort Dodge
Daily Messenger.
     The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Vedder of this place. She
had been living at Fort Dodge for some time. Local friends had not learned
of her marriage. She is a very deserving lady and has hosts of warm friends
in this county. all will learn with pleasure of her marriage and will, we
are sure, join the Democrat in offering hearty congratulations to the newly
wedded pair.

Miss Nealie Knowles of Ames Urges Observance of Meatless and Wheatless Days

     Miss Nealie Knowles of Ames addressed fifty or sixty ladies of our
county at the Court House last Saturday afternoon on the subject of food
conservation. The gathering was held under the auspices of the Women's
Council of Defense of this county. The various precincts were well
represented considering the weather. Miss Knowles is a capable, ready,
earnest speaker and gave her listeners a great deal of interesting and
instructive information on the subject. She impressed upon them the great
importance of observing the meatless, wheatless, porkless, and other days
recommended by the national food administrator. The allied powers of Europe
are short in provisions and Americans, who are fully as anxious to win the
war as they are, should make a special effort to spare them as much as
possible of pork, beef, flour, sugar and other necessaries. Miss Knapp was
also present and had on exhibition various kinds of substitute foods that
could be used for the articles listed.
     At the close of the exercises officers of the defense council for the
ensuing year were chosen. Mrs. W. Schroeder was elected president and Mrs.
P.J. Hannifan secretary.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 30, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Myles McNally of this city celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of their marriage. The invited guests consisted of their close relatives and
eight or ten intimate friends. A sumptuous dinner was served at six o'clock
and games, music, and other amusements were enjoyed during the evening. The
writer had the good fortune to be invited and he can not recall an occasion
in Emmetsburg during recent years that proved more enjoyable. It is needless
to say that Mr. and Mrs. McNally treated their guests most hospitably.
During the evening congratulatory remarks were made by Fathers Farrelly and
Veit, P.H. Donlon and others. Mr. McNally responded in a manner that showed
he was very grateful for the high compliments that were paid to him and Mrs.
McNally. J.J. Kane was one of the pleasing entertainers of the evening.
After playing several Irish selections and a few Irish airs on the flute, he
sang "Sherman Marching Through Georgia." As he personally took the memorable
trip, he rendered the selection with more than ordinary fervor. At the close
he won the hearty applause of all present by dancing an Irish jig.  M.M.
Maher, William McNally and Miss Mildred McNally also proved that they were
in the same class with Mr. Kane as scientific steppers. After the serving of
a midnight lunch, the many guests returned to their homes with many pleasant
memories of teh occasion. All expressed the sincere wish that Mr. and Mrs.
McNally would have the happiness to celebrate their seventy-fifth
Mr. McNally was born at Newport in the county of Mayo, Ireland, in 1842.
Mrs. McNally, whose maiden name was Maria Kane, was born in the county of
Roscommon, Ireland in 1844. Her only brother, Martin B. Kane, is engaged in
business at Ayrshire. Mr. and Mrs. McNally were married at Oconomowoc,
Wisconsin, January 27, 1868. A short time after their marriage Mr. McNally
went to New York and thence to the Isthmus of Panama where he crossed over
to the Pacific side and went North to California. He spent two years working
in the gold and coal mines of that state, after which he returned to
Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. McNally moved to Iowa in May, 1873. They located on
a farm in Emmetsburg township. They had a large, well improved farm and
became prosperous. Nineteen years ago they moved to this city.
Mr. McNally enlisted in the Union Army in 1861, and served three years and
four months. He and John J. Kane, who subsequently married his sister, were
together during the siege of Vicksburg and in this and many of the other
important engagements during the great conflict, they proved their
unflinching courage and their heroic devotion to the flag of our country.
After coming to Palo Alto county, Mr McNally and Mr. Kane were close
neighbors for many years. Mr. McNally served ten years as a member of the
board of supervisors of our county, six years of which he was chairman. He
proved himself capable, thoughtful and conscientious. The heavy indebtedness
of the county incurred during pioneer days was wiped out during his official
career. He was one of the charger members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
of this city and was for three or four terms county president. He has always
taken an exceptionally active interest in the affairs of the land of his
birth and has for over thirty years been an earnest advocate of home rule
for Erin. Mr. and Mrs. McNally have one son and four daughters. Their son,
William McNally, resides in this city. The daughters are Mrs. M.M. Maher,
Mrs. E.F. Murphy and Mrs. Art Beaudry of Bonesteel, S.D. and Mrs. Richard
McNally of Ayrshire. All were present at the family home on Sunday. Mrs.
McNally has two sisters and six brothers. The sisters are Mrs. J.J. Kane and
Mrs. John Joynt, Sr. The brothers are Patrick, John and Edward of
Emmetsburg, Alex of Rockwell, Iowa, Charles of Austin, Minnesota, and Thomas
of LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. McNally are among the most upright, deserving, helpful citizens
of our county. They have given the best years of their lives to the
upbuilding of our community and they have won well deserved rank with the
substantial and honored residents of this section of the state. The Democrat
congratulates them on their happiness in celebrating their golden wedding
and sincerely hopes they may have the satisfaction of celebrating their
seventy-fifth anniversary.

Chas. DUHIGG Organizes for Thourough and Efficient Canvas of Palo Alto

The public has been so well informed through the press of the government
loan which, under the direct supervision of Secretary McADOO and Mr.
VANDERLIP, is now being inaugurated, and will be continued during the entire
year by means of the sale of thrift and war savings stamps, that in general
little can be added to this knowledge. In Iowa, under the leadership of Mr.
Homer A. MILLER of Des Moines, our own state will doubtless maintain its
patriotic record of the past.

In Palo Alto county, the state organization has selected Charles Duhigg to
lead in this far reaching undertaking and a representative committee has
been associated with him. The campaign has been purposely held back to begin
with thrift week which is now here. During this week all over our land the
newspapers will thoroughly explain the desires and intentions of our
government in regard th this war savings loan. On Sunday next every pulpit
in the land has been called on to assist in proclaiming the gospel of self
denial and saving for the purpose of aiding our government in the
perpetuation of our institutions at home and the dissiminatin of democratic
ideals abroad. Itis intendedthat a campaign of education be launched and
continued throughout the year to show our youth especially how by the
practice of a reasonable and consistent saving they can be of invaluable
financial aid to our beloved country, can release millions of capital now
tied up in unnecessary enterprise and free thousands of workers to engage in
employment of a productive nature.

Thrift and war stamps will shortly be on sale at all banks and post offices
in our country. Do not let the week pass without a start being made,and
before Sunday won a war savings stamp of some denomination.

Signed by
Executive Committee of the County Organization.
Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS, Mayor of Emmetsburg
D.A. JOHNSON, Emmetsburg
C.J. FRYE, Emmetsburg
Robert LAUGHLIN, Emmetsburg
Margaret RYAN, Emmetsburg
W.I. BRANAGAN, Emmetsburg
Mrs. Wm. E.G. SAUNDERS, Emmetsburg
Anna DONOVAN, Emmetsburg
L.H. MAYNE, Emmetsburg
Bert. L. FRANCE, Emmetsburg
John MENZIES, Emmetsburg
Miss Lola OLIVER, Emmetsburg
Supt. O.S. VonKROG, Emmetsburg
[Rev] M. McNERNEY, Emmetsburg
[Dr.] LeRoy T. WEEKS, Emmetsburg
[Rev.] Norman McDAY, Emmetsburg
[Very Rev.] P.F. FARRELLY, Emmetsburg
[Rev.] J.E. BRERETON, Emmetsburg
[Rev.] Wm. VEIT, Emmetsburg
Ralph MOSES, Emmetsburg
 Mrs. Dr. PORTER, Emmetsburg
Miss Bernice BRIGGS, Emmetsburg
Mrs. W.R. SCHRAEDER, Emmetsburg
Mrs. Lulu V. WHIRRY, Emmetsburg
Sisters of Charity, St. Ellen's Academy, Emmetsburg
E.B. SOPER, Emmetsburg
J.H. BALE, Ruthven
C.H. COOKINHAM, Ayrshire
V.W. FISK, Curlew
J.P. MULRONEY, Mallard
Vincent KELLY, Graettinger
George FREEMAN, Cylinder
C.J. JOHNSON, Rodman
Ben McFARLAND, West Bend
Charles DUHIGG, County Chairman, Emmetsburg

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County