Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 23, 1917

Sibley Tribune Pays High Tribute to Soldier Priest.

     Rev. E.T. McNally, pastor of St. Andrew's church in Sibley,
affectionately known as "Father Mac" all over this region- says that he will
be both priest and soldier in the nation's service. If any man is especially
fit to enact the double role it is Father Mac. He possesses a splendid
physique and a consuming desire for service. As priest he will be dignified
and comforting. As soldier he will go gayly into the fighting and the fun of
field and camp.
     The father's name is the synonym everywhere in this section for square
sportsmanship, and the lessons of fair play in contest he has inculcated by
precept and example have perhaps been as valuable to the younger generation
as his clerical labors. They have certainly had wider scope.
     The father is a real man and brother, and he takes with him into
whatever perils a soldier's life lead him the hope of thousands for his
personal welfare.-- Sibley Tribune.
     "Father Mac" received a quiet ovation at St. Andrew's church last
Sunday morning. The edifice was packed with Catholic and Protestant freinds
of the patriotic priest, whose services have been tendered to the government
and accepted. The father's sermon was a blend of Mother's day sentiment,
patriotic fervor and personal farewell and touched the hearts of his
congregation.-- Sibley Tribune.

No Trouble in Emmetsburg Sunday
     The Sunday "blue laws" were observed in Emmetsburg. Those most affected
by the severe measure complied with the order of the county attorney and
mayor and there was no occasion for a single arrest thought the public found
the order of the attorney general very annoying as well as exasperating. We
understand that no attention was paid to it at Spencer, Arnold's Park,
Estherville, Algona, or Mason City. There were a great many arrests at
Council Bluffs, Sioux City, and Dubuque. The report is that the attorney
general will send out another letter this week requesting that certain lines
of business be granted greater privileges than they were allowed last

Plans for Emmetsburg Seed House
     Architect Nason of Minneapolis has been secured to prepare the plans
for the Emmetsburg seed house. It will be a double brick and will be two
stories high. The estimated cost is $16,000. Mr. Nason prepared the plans
for the Graaf opera house at Estherville and also the new Elks building at
that place. He seems to be a very competent man.

[transcribed by CJL, August 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County