Iowa Old Press

Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 5, 1917

Solicitors Report a Very Successful Campaign in Lost Island.

    The following communication was received from the chairman of the Red Cross Society of Lost Island township. They have answered splendidly to the call as the following report will show:
                    Graettinger, Iowa.
                    July 2, 1917.
Editor, Ruthven Free Press.
        Ruthven, Iowa.
Dear Sir:
    Enclosed find the list of contributors to the Red Cross fund in Lost Island township. I would thank you very much if you would donate space for same.
    There were four teams, consisting of: Team No. 1, John Bondhus, Barney Eisenbast and Hans Duns; No. 2, R.E. Smith and Chas. Christensen; No. 3, S.A. Smith and J.C. Hansen; No. 4, C.H. Berdin and S. ? Duhn.
    On behalf of the solicitors, I wish to thank all the contributors for their liberal donations and the courtesy shown the solicitor.
                    C.H. BERDIN, Chairman,
                    Lost Island Twp.
    Lost Island Twp.
E. Eisenbast, Graettinger, $10.00
Lars Thompson, Graettinger, 5.00
Julius Sevdy, Graettinger, 5.00
Lars Thorsen, Ruthven, 5.00
Chris Norris, Graettinger, 3.00
O.J. Norris, Graettinger, 5.00
G. Thorsen, Graettinger, 3.00
Albert Thorson, Graettinger, 3.00
O.S. Helvig, Graettinger, 3.00
A.J. Bonstead, Graettinger, 5.00
John Helvig, Graettinger, 3.00
Carl S. Bonstead, Graettinger, 2.00
August Boehmer, ?
Henry Badke, 5.00
Henry Duns, Graettinger, 5.00
Carl Christensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Alfred Nelson, Graettinger, 5.00
Nels Nelson, Graettinger, 5.00
Andrew Nelson, Graettinger, 5.00
Theo. Knudsen, Graettinger, 3.00
Dave Barton, Graettinger, 1.00
Mrs. Sorensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Miss Sorensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Andrew Worlead, Graettinger, 5.00
Hans Duns, Graettinger, 6.00
Martin Knutsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Ole Petersen, Graettinger, 1.00
A.I. Lande, Graettinger, 4.00
William Rasmussen, Graettinger, 1.00
Hans Simonsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Dan Westergaard, Graettinger, 2.00
Pader Christensen, Graettinger, 1.50
Theo J. Thorson, Graettinger, 1.00
Oscar Johnson, Terril, 1.00
Nels Hauge, Graettinger, 1.00
John Rasmussen, Ruthven, 1.00
W. Blom, Graettinger, 1.00
A. Henningsen, Graettinger, 1.00
Oscar Thorsen, Graettinger, 1.00
Lars Johnsen, Graettinger, 2.00
J.S. Bondhus, Graettinger, 3.00
Eula Miles, Terril, 1.00
J.W. Wooby, Terril, 2.00
H. Fiscus, Terril, 2.00
Mrs. D.W. Piscus, Terril, 2.00
Jim Hallowell, Ruthven, 5.00
C.C. Miles, Terril, 2.50
Robert Nelson, Terril, 2.00
Ed O'Neil, Terril, 2.50
C. Wiley Jones, Terril, 2.00
Mrs. C.J. Lande, Terril, 5.00
O.M. Olsen, Terril, 10.00
Slae Nelsen, Terril, 2.00
Wm Nelsen, Terril, 2.00
J.J. Smith, Terril, 5.00
O.E. Platter, Terril, 2.00
George Grant, Terril, 2.50
Leon Olsen, Terril, 2.50
Fritz Bodke, Terril, 10.00
Albers Thies, Terril, 5.00
Chris Hansen, Terril, 5.00
Amastah Smith, Ruthven, 3.00
J.H. Mason, Terril, 3.00
F.S. Sheffield, Graettinger, 2.00
Lewis Koesk [?], Graettinger, 2.00
Earnest Spaulding, Terril, 3.00
Nels Smith, Terril, 2.00
John Simonsen, Ruthven, 3.00
Ole Bonahus, 2.00
Selmar Hovland, Ruthven, 3.00
Martin Simonsen, Ruthven, 3.00
Thomas Thorsen, Graettinger, 14.00
Sam Roseland, Graettinger, 3.00
Will Williamson, Graettinger, 5.00
Mrs. P. Sheffield, Graettinger, 3.00
L.L. Hauge, Graettinger, 2.00
H.H. Sandvik, Graettinger, 2.00
R.E. Smith, Ruthven, 10.00
Chas. Christensen, Ruthven, 10.00
George Schlomer, Ruthven, 5.00
G.L. Olsen, Ruthven, 5.00
P.J. Johnson, Ruthven, 5.00
B.N. Osker, Ruthven, 5.00
A.M. Williamson, Ruthven, 5.00
Mrs. J. Spaulding, Ruthven, 1.00
Ervin J. Brown, Ruthven, 5.00
John McCullah, Ruthven, 5.00
J. McCullah, Ruthven, 2.50
L. Johnson, Ruthven, 5.00
Isaac Nyborg, Ruthven, 5.00
B.E. Sandvig, Ruthven, 5.00
Oscar Christensen, Ruthven, 5.00
Mrs. J.L. Grady, Ruthven, 5.00
Ray Watt, Ruthven, 3.00
O.W. Crookshank, Ruthven, 5.00
Pat Sullivan, Ruthven, 2.50
Roy Watt, Ruthven, 2.00
J.J. Hughes, Ruthven, 5.00
John Donlon, Ruthven, 1.00
John C. Hanson, Ruthven, 5.00
S.A. Smith, Ruthven, 5.00
Raynold Knutsen, Graettinger, 3.00
Alfred Jorgensen, Graettinger, 3.00
M.H. Hilton, Ruthven, 1.00
C.F. Christensen, Ruthven, 3.00
A. Sundanger, Ruthven, 2.00
Viggo Jacobsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Henry Hanson, Graettinger, 5.00
Henry Knutson, Ruthven, 2.00
Iver Oppedahl, Ruthven, 2.00
J.P. Maron, Emmetsburg, 4.00
Robert Retersen, Ruthven, 2.00
C.B. Royce, Graettinger, 3.00
Mrs. Anna Petersen, Graettinger, 1.00
Chris Skow, Graettinger, 10.00
Anna Skow, Graettinger, 2.00
Jorgen Knutsen, Graettinger, 3.00
S.P. Duhn, Graettinger, 10.00
C.H. Berdin, Graettinger, 10.00
L.N. Larsen, Graettinger, 2.00
Chris Ericksen, Graettinger, 2.00
T.L. Sampson, Graettinger, 2.00
P.G. Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
A.P. Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
Jorgen Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
Theo Thorson, Ruthven, 5.00
Leon Knutsen, Graettinger, 5.00
Oscar Suss, Graettinger, 5.00
Dan Petersen, Graettinger, 5.00
J.C.Duhn, Graettinger, 5.00
A.C. Christensen, Graettinger, 5.00
M.C. Petersen, Estherville, 5.00
Florence Berdin, Emmetsburg, 5.00
Sam Christensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Peter Jorgensen, Graettinger, 5.00
P.S. Knutsen, Graettinger, 5.00
J.C. Christensen, Ruthven, 5.00
Henry Jorgensen, Graettinger, 5.00
Will Moran, Emmetsburg, 3.00
Floyd Eaton, Ruthven, 2.00
P.A. Petersen, Ruthven, 10.00
John Riersen, Ruthven, 2.00
Carl Knutsen, Ruthven, 3.00
Ove Rasmussen, Ruthven, 3.00
Mrs. P. Jensen, Ruthven, 7.00
Henry Brown, Ruthven, 3.00
John Eye, Ruthven, ?.00
K.H. Sorensen, Ruthven, 10.00
T.H. Chadwick, Dolliver, 1.00
P. Hermanson Bros., Ruthven, 10.00
Joe Nyberg, Ruthven, 2.00
Mrs. J. Brick, Ruthven, 2.50
T.M. Brown, Ruthven, 2.00
Sophie Nyborg, Ruthven, 1.50
Oscar Hauge, Ruthven, 1.50
R.A. Halverson, Ruthven, 1.00
N.C. Nelsen, Ruthven, 2.00
Theo Reiersen, Ruthven, 2.00
Mrs. Rasmussen, Ruthven, 5.00
Albert Christensen, Ruthven, 5.00
Ole Thorsen, Ruthven, 5.00
John Nyberg, Ruthven, 5.00
C. Nyberg, Ruthven, 5.00
B.F. Rierson, Ruthven, 5.00
Lars Rierson, Ruthven, ?.00
Nells Rasmussen, Ruthven, 5.00
     Total amount            $651.00 

[transcribed by CJL, August 2004]


Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 12, 1917

Below is Given a Revised List of Registration Numbers for this District.

709 Anderson, Axel
710 Archer, E.L.
711 Anderson, Perry
712 Aylward, M.J.
713 Anderson, Nels
714 Adams, A.C.
715 Anderson, Lawrence M
716 Anderson, Clarence H
717 Anderson, Jens
718 Anker, C.C.
719 Alger, James
720 Barber, Floyd
721 Barringer, Dewain
722 Barringer, H.E.
723 Burke, John E
724 Ball, Verne
725 Berg, Arthur E
726 Barringer, Paul
727 Burton, Bill
728 Bauer, H.J.
729 Baxter, John T
730 Burch, Edgar D
731 Blackburn, Hugh
732 Clayton, Thos.
733 Chutfield, A.C.
734 Clare, Thos.
735 Cain [Carn], H.P.
736 Cain [Carn], Cleve
737 Copplestone, A.J.
738 Crowley, John
739 Davis, W.H.
740 Dewey, Halsey
741 Est [?], Charles
742 Eaton, Homer S
743 Eye, Arnold E
744 Eaton, C.W.
745 Estabrook, Cline
746 Eaton, Howard
747 Eaton, Roland W
748 Fleseler, Joe
749 Grange, F?c? B
760 Favo, Ole
761 Grady, Louis L
762 Goff, E.H.
763 Galen, Delbert
764 Gawthorp, C.C. [G.G.]
765 Gronzkruger, Paul
756 Hanna, Spencer
757 Henderson, Emery D
758 Henderson, A.W.
759 Henderson, H.M.
760 Hanson, Alvin
761 Hermansen, Albert M.
762 Hallowell, Will
763 Hughes, Clyde
764 Holmsgren, Harold
765 Hubbard, Rue
766 Hughes, John
767 Hagan, Alvin L
768 Hushton, James
769 Hansen, Louis C
770 Hawberg, Lewis R
771 Hanson, Nels
772 Iverson, Carl
773 Johnson, Frank
774 Johnson, Renbeo M
775 Johnson, Martin A
776 Jacobsen, Martin
777 Jacobsen, John
778 Jones, Will
779 Keifer, Claud
780 Kooker, S.W.
781 Kline, S.V.
782 Kennedy, Jay
783 Kassel, H.J.
784 Lyons, W.J.
785 Lundstrom, August
786 Lund, Chas. G.
787 Logan, Hugh S
788 Lee, Oliver G
789 Livingston, P?
790 Lockwood, H.A.
791 Larson, ?. A.
792 Logan, R.L.
793 Lynch, Joseph M
794 Logan, D.G.
795 Larson, Martin F.
796 Larson, Ernest
797 Miller, Len M
798 Myers, Elmer J.
799 Myers, Chas. R.
800 Moak, Roy
801 Miller, W.F.
802 McPherson, Oscar
803 Miller, A.A.
804 Mason, E.J.
805 McClain, A.J.
806 McNett, Earl
807 Monsell, Guy
808 Modisett, D.M.
809 Minor, J.L.
810 Muhrbeck, F.E.
811 Madsen, David
812 McNair, Allen
813 Needham, Myron
814 Newgard, Oscar
815 Nolan, Claud
816 Nolan, J.C.
817 Nelson, Lewis
818 Nelson, Carl B
819 Peterson, Edward
820 Presther, Claud
821 Peterson, Herman
822 Preshar, Christ
823 Peterson, L.L.
824 Peterson, Emil
825 Perry, T.A.
826 Peterson, Otto
827 Peterson, Paul
828 Peterson, Anton
829 Peterson, Andrew
830 Root, Carl Oscar
831 Ruehle, Elmer
832 Sammu??, Edward
833 Snyder, Bert
834 Sampson, Harry
835 Schmidt, W.H.
836 Schnell, Fred
837 Spencer, J.?.
838 Snyder, Geo.
839 Schnell, Andy
840 Stoner, Harry
841 Sampson, Albert
842 Thompson, M.F.
843 Taylor, Harry
844 Tyrus, Ruby
845 Turner, J??.
846 Warnke, Percy
847 Walter, D.J.
848 Weaver, Geo.
849 Wilson, Peter
850 Wien, John
851 Walhs, Robt
852 Washington, Edw.
853 Wigdahl, Selmer
854 Wigdahl, Almer
855 Wilkin, Ray
856 Washington, Geo.
857 Wendt, William J.
858 White, Clifford

Lost Island Township Registration Numbers
928 Anderson, H.M.
939 Christenson, Theo
926 Crookshank, Guy
9?? Christiansen, Albert A
937 Christiansen, Oscar L
94? Grady, Joseph L
944 Howland, Henry S
94? Hilton, Andrew J
947 Hampton, Thos. L.
949 Hermansen, Theo. W
950 Hermansen, Peter
956 Knutson, Carl T
958 Knutson, Henry
965 Nyborg, Joseph
971 Oppedal, Ivar
976 Rierson, Lars
979 Almonson, Arthur
980 Smith, Walter ?.
982 Simonson, Olaf M.
985 Simonson, Martin E.
986 Simonson, Glenn W.
988 Simonson, John
994 Walt, Roy
995 Willis, Joe B

Silver Lake Township
1131 Anderson, L.A.
1132 Ault, Edwin
1133 Anderson, Halding
1134 Adamson, Geo.
1136 Braley, James M.
1137 Baxter, Walter W
1138 Bratmiller, Carl C
1145 Carpenter, O.E.
1148 Clausen, Herman P
1150 Fred Clasine
1152 Clanahan, William R.
1155 Dannewitz, J.E.
1158 Dobbin, Ernest A.
1177 Hagen, Felix
1175 Johnson, John A.
1182 Larson, Gay
1185 Maguire, Hugh E
1189 Maiden, Otto F.
1190 Martin, Jesse E
1192 Nelson, Henry V
1195 Parker, Chas.
1197 Peterson, Rasmus
1198 Peterson, Hans
1201 Rouse, Burton M.
1205 Swesson, E.B.
1206 Strobel, Edwin.

     Mrs. Ora Pinch of Wray, Colorado, visited in this city from Thursday to Monday, at the home of her brother, J.H. Thatcher.

State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss.
To All Whom it May Concern:
    Notice is hereby given that an instrument in writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Ole S. Sandvig, deceased, was this day produced, opened and read by the undersigned, and that I have fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of Sept., 1917, as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.
    Witness my official signature, with seal of said Court hereto affixed, this 23rd day of June, 1917.
    E.M. Thompson, Clerk District Court.

Emmetsburg Boy Accidentally Shot
    On Monday evening while Donald Knight, Melvin and Harold Ashburn of Emmetsburg were playing in the Knight home, during the absence of the Knight family, one of the boys took a revolver from a drawer and loaded it. While the boys were experimenting with the weapon it was accidentally discharged. The shot struck Melvin Ashburn in the cheek and lodged in the brain, killing him instantly. The exact manner of the shooting is not known. The boys were all under ten years of age.

Wedding Anniversaries
     The following item of interest was sent to us by Mrs. L.A. McKee, from Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
    A triple anniversary was made the occasion for a family reunion of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Goff Wednesday. It was the golden anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Goff, the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Goff of Ruthven, Iowa and the 26th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Trindall. All of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Goff were present.
    An auto trip to Wissota and Irvine park, Chippewa Falls was enjoyed by all. Dinner was served at Mount Tom after which the party spent the afternoon at Carson Park returning in the evening to eat supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.A. McKee.
    Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and daughter Nina, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson, Monteveido, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Goff, Ruthven, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goff, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

[transcribed by CJL, August 2004]


Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 19, 1917

    A.J. McGuire and family arrived here from Humboldt Saturday. Mr. McGuire will have charge of the wiring to be done by the Northern Iowa Gas & Electric Co. He has had a thorough schooling in this business and is reputed to be one of the best wiremen in the state. He will personally superintend all of the wiring done by the Company in this city.


    A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith Monday evening. Congratulations.
    George Chaffee sold two cars this past week. One Velle and one Hupmobile.
    Mrs. E.L. Archer and little son Bernard left for St. Louis Friday. Bernard will take treatment in a hospital in that city. They were accompanied by Miss Bertha Prather.
   Mrs. J.B. Hale, Mrs. H.E. Barringer and Mrs. N.C. Axle will act as hostesses to the M.E. Ladies Aid which will meet on Wednesday June 25th.
    Mrs. Jack Bradley of Des Moines is visiting at the home of her sister Mrs. J.M. Bradley.
    Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Widick of Alexander, Iowa, arrived here Monday evening for a visit at the home of their son, Frank Bradley.
    Ed Brand went to Whittemore Monday and drove home in a Ford truck car which he purchased to use in his oil business.
    Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Goff started for their new home in Brinford, S.D. Saturday morning by auto.
    Mrs. R.C. Mason of Algona arrived here Sunday evening for a short visit at the house of her father, C.H. Slagle.
    C.W. Monsell started up from Rolfe Tuesday evening for a short visit with his son, Guy.
    E.L. Archer disposed of two Overman 90's the past week. One went to Tip Fisk and the other to John A. Hansen.
    The bridge men have commenced erection of a cement bridge just north of Mrs. F. Fitzgerald. It was badly needed.
    Mrs. Erma O?hon, who has been visiting here at the home of her sister Mrs. J.P. Frederickson, returned to her home in Portland, Oregon Tuesday evening.
    Perry Spaulding departed Friday for new Virginia to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glecker, he expects to soon return to his home at Three Forks, Mont.

    I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife Mrs. Helga Sammust.
    Ed Sammust.

    Mrs. W.A. Thayer of Dickens gave a surprise party in honor of Mrs. D.F. Thayer of Ruthven Sunday the occasion being the latter's 70th birthday. A four course luncheon was served and plates were laid for twelve, set in colors of pink and green. A real enjoyable time is reported by all present. Guy Courtright's elastic vest would not expand enough to permit him to pack away all the food at dinner time so it was necessary for the entire party to remain for supper.

[transcribed by CJL, August 2004]


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 18, 1917

Mrs. Nellie DUGAN invested in a fine Maxwell auto last week.

M.M. ROGERS purchased an Overland automobile last week.

Mrs. John BARNES purchased a Ford auto from W.D. DONOVAN last week.

William PRATT and F.E. NORTH purchased Dodge autos during the past week.

Mr. PLYMESSEN is sporting a new Maxwell auto. He made the purchase last

Mr. Shelton is a proud owner of a new Clark auto, which he purchased last

Mr. and Mrs. Robert RUNCHY and son, of this city, spent Sunday with
relatives at Algona.

Mrs. STALEY of Algona was in Emmetsburg Saturday visiting her friend, Miss

Mr and Mrs. Frank GROUT and baby of Minnesota visited relatives in
Emmetsburg the past week.

Miss Geraldine PENDER of Dubuque arrived in Emmetsburg some time ago for a
months' visit with relatives.

Miss Florence SNYDER recently arrived from Galva, Ill. for a month's visit
with her sister, Mrs. J.R. MURPHY.

Judge and Mrs. HOBSON returned to West Union Monday after a short visit with
their son, J.I. HOBSON, and family.

Mrs. STURDEVANT of Grand Forks, N.D., has been visiting Mrs. H.C. SHADBOLT
and other friends in this city for the past week.

Mrs. Earl HAYNE and daughter were up from West Bend Wednesday. While in
Emmetsburg they were guests at the C.J. FRYE home.

Studebaker purchasers for the past week are as follows: L.W. GODDARD, W.E.

Mrs. Albine TROTEIG returned to Howard, S.D., Monday. She was a guest at the
Axel MILLER home in this city for several days.

Mrs. Emma KAHN and daughter, Mrs. Fred ROSE, returned from Powell, S.D.,
Monday, where they had been visiting relatives.

Miss Gladys VEDDER, who is having her vacation, is visiting relatives at
Laurens. Her sister, Miss Ora, is taking her place in Mr. YEUTTER's bakery.

Mr and Mrs A.P. OLESON and daughters Freda and Jeannette of Storm Lake
arrived in Emmetsburg Sunday. They visited at the L.D. DRIGGS home. Mr and
Mrs OLESON returned home Monday.

Mrs. Elmer ELLIS has been visiting at Osage, Iowa, the past two weeks.

John DRUMMY returned from Charles City the first of the week. He was
visiting his sister.

Mr and Mrs John MEYERS, Jr. were over from Whittemore the first of the week
visiting friends.

Miss Alice WEIGAND returned to Harvard Saturday after a short visit with
relatives in this city.

Mrs. Earl DICKINSON and child of Estherville visited Emmetsburg relatives
the first of the week.

Mrs. Dr. McGREWY and baby left Monday for Everly. They were guests of the
Dr. J.C. MURPHY family during the day.

Miss Crystal WILLIAMS, who was the guest of friends at Ballington, Minn. for
a short time, returned to Emmetsburg Monday.

were over from Curlew Monday. While here they attended the carnival. They
autoed to Emmetsburg.

Guy RICH, formerly of West Bend, recently enlisted in the marine corps at
Sioux City and is now in training at Philadelphia. While his parents were
living at West Bend, he was for some time a student at St. Joseph's college
at Dubuque.

Mr and Mrs. Louis WESCHE, Miss Maude STOWE, Rev. ROSS and Mrs. F.G. KLEIN,
all of Webb, visited with Mr and Mrs. M.M. ROGERS WEdnesday of last week. Mr
and Mrs. WESCHE are old friends of the Roger family and Rev. ROSS was Mr and
Mrs ROGER's minister twenty-five years ago. it is needless to say they spent
an enjoyable day.

Mr and Mrs. Charles CONLON's little daughter, who entered a hospital at
Dubuque several weeks ago, arrived home Tuesday morning. She can hear quite
well out of one ear and she has some use of the other ear. During the past
three weeks she has been taking treatment of Dr. MURPHY, the Mason City
specialist. She was accompanied to Emmetsburg by her aunt, Mrs. Matt KILROY
and the latter's niece, Miss KILROY.

Nine men are wanted to fill vacancies in Company G of Ford Dodge.

Mrs. J.F. SMITH enjoyed a visit Wednesday from her friend, Mrs. Geo PUGSLEY,
of Cylinder.

Richard BEEBE has enlisted in Company C at Webster City. He will leave for
the training camp in a few days.

L.S. ROLFE of Fort Dodge broke one of his arms Friday afternoon when he fell
backwards out of his auto truck.

Mr and Mr J.R. MARTIN and family of Pocahontas were Emmetsburg visitors
Sunday. They made the trip by auto.

Mrs. SPIES and Mrs. DeWITT of West Bend were the guests of Mrs. J.F. SMITH
of this place between trains Wednesday.

Mrs. W.R. O'BRIEN and daughter of Ayrshire, who were visiting Fort Dodge
relatives, returned home Monday morning.

P.F. CONLON, who was in Emmetsburg Friday, has sold his farm near Flandreau.
He has bought another place near Sioux Falls.

County Attorney John MENZIES left for Los Angeles, California, the first of
the week. He will remain for a month or more. Mr. MORLING will look after
his legal duties during his absence.

Mr and Mrs Roy BROWN and children of Estherville were in Emmetsburg Saturday
and visited at the J.E. ELLIS home. They were visiting relatives at
Lohrville for a week and were on their way home.

W.J. BROWN informs us that a new boy recently arrived at the home of Mr and
Mrs Harry HILBURN of Rodman. Mr. HILBURN is the Rock Island agent at that
place. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Local people who have land in western Canada will regret to learn that the
wheat crop is almost a total failure in the southwest part of Saskatchewan.
The crop will also be light in other parts of the province.

Father NUGENT of Des Moines visited at the home of Misses Anna and Maggie
DONOVAN Saturday and Sunday. Sunday he preached an impressive sermon at the
Assumption church. he is aging some. He delivered a sermon when the
cornerstone of the church was layed 33 years ago.

Supervisor John REHMS purchased a Ford runabout a short time ago.

Arthur WAGNER, Jr., arrived from Des Moines the last of the week to visit
friends for several days.

Mr and Mrs. Fred CALKINS and daughter of this city were the guests of
friends at Laurens Sunday.

Charles DUHIGG, P.V. NOLAN, and F.L. WILTSE were business visitors at Swea
City the last of the week.

Mrs. Howard JOHNSON and children returned from Cedar Falls Friday after a
three weeks visit with relatives.

Mrs. M. FLEMING returned from Livermore Friday after a few days visit at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. M.P. HIGGINS.

Drs. and Mrs. Robert JOYNT and baby of LeMars and Dr. Bert JOYNT of Waterloo
arrived in Emmetsburg Saturday for a short visit at the M. JOYNT home. Miss
Laura JOYNT, who has been attending summer school at Cedar Falls,
accompanied them to this city. They autoed to this place in Robert's fine
new Cole Eight auto.

Miss Theresa MALONEY of Des Moines is visiting the Misses DUHIGG of

Misses Cora RICHARDSON and Lillian ILLINGWORTH spent Sunday with friends at
the lakes.

J.J. LAWLER of Dickens has been elected cashier of the Farmers Savings bank
at Langdon.

Miss Esther WALDRON of Ayrshire spent the first of the week with relatives
at Emmetsburg.

Misses Agnes and Kittie McCARTY left for LeMars Tuesday to visit their
sister, Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace SIMPSON of Whittemore visited the latter's father, Geo
SEELEY, in Emmetsburg Sunday.

Miss Laura ILLINGWORTH left for Peoria, Illinois, Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur GIBSON for a couple of weeks.

Dell MORRISON returned from Rochester, Minnesota, Tuesday. He was in the
hospital at that place for a couple of weeks.

Ed McNALLY and daughter, Miss Vera, autoed to Wallingford Monday. Mr.
McNALLY had business interests at that place.

Miss Anna REIDY of Winthrop, Iowa, who was a guest of the Misses DUGIGG of
this city for several days, returned home Saturday.

Romaine MARTINSON left for Cherokee Tuesday. Company M of that place will
soon leave for Deming, New  Mexico. Mr. MARTINSON has been on recruiting
duty for several weeks. He says he has 41 recruits to his credit all but two
passing their examination.

Mrs. Thomas HIGGINS and sister, Miss Katherine DUNGAN, returned from Chicago
the middle of the week. They were called to that place by the death of their
brother. Misses Nellie and Julia DUNGAN, who accompanied the body to Joplin,
Missouri, for burial, returned to Emmetsburg Monday.

Mr and Mrs. J.W. ELLIS of Centerville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George
BENSON, who live near Hoprig. Mrs. BENSON is their daughter. Mr. ELLIS lost
an auto tire a couple of weeks ago and advertised in the Democrat. The
finder promptly mailed him a letter to Centerville and he called at the
Democrat office yesterday to pay his advertising bill. It is needless to say
that the use of printer's ink brings prompt returns.

The Spencer Chautauqua did not pay out this year. The Commercial club will
back the enterprise next year.

J.A. ROTHERMEL and son were down from Graettinger the first of the week.
They were accompanied by A.M. ROTHERMEL of Elgin, Illinois.

Father FARRELLY has been at St. Paul during the past week visiting one of
his sisters who resides in that city. He favors her with a call every

Albert JACOBSON of Graettinger is, we understand, attending the officers'
training camp at Fort Snelling and the reports are that he is making good.

We understand that W.W. FROST has sold his fine farm in Lost Island
township. He received $135.00 per acre for it. He has been tiling it and
building on it.

The Democrat is pleased to learn that Mrs. Sarah E. McDONNELL, who was very
ill at a hospital in Peoria, Illinois, for some time, is about again as
hearty as usual. Mrs. Dr. HESSION, who was also in the hospital, is able to
attend to her household duties. The local friends of both will learn with
satisfaction of their restoration to health.

Yesterday Thomas KIRBY was able to climb the high staircase leading to the
Democrat office. He called to pay his subscription. Last winter we did not
think that he would ever be able to come down town. Although his heart is
still weak, he is able to move about some every day. Mrs. KIRBY is feeling
some better but she is not making any permanent improvement.

Miss Emroy PARKS of Detroit, Mich., who was the pianist in the Round
orchestra at the Chautauqua, is a cousin of W.H. PARKS of this city. She
called on Mr. and Mrs. PARKS while in town. It is needless to say that,
though surprised to learn that she was such a capable musician, they were
very glad to meet and entertain her. She has in the past, played with the
SALESBURY family at lyceum entertainment.

Dr. and Mrs. T.J. HESSION of Graettinger and their daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Joseph HESSION of Waterloo, were in Emmetsburg yesterday. The Doctor and his
daughter-in-law will go to Fort Snelling this week to visit Joe before his
departure for some other military camp. He will finish his course in
training on August 11. He is six feet, two inches high and weighs 180
pounds. If successful in passing, which is more than likely, he will make a
fine looking officer.

[transcribed by CJL, August 2004]


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 25, 1917

Names of Those Drawn Last Friday from Palo Alto County for Service in the
U.S. Army

The following is the unofficial list of the young men of Palo Alto county
who on Friday were drawn for service in the U.S. army. The list is given in
the order that they will be drawn.

1st 500

258, Stewart A Saunders...E'burg
453, Frank W. Elbert...Whittemore
1436, Steve Scukker...West Bend
854, Elmer Wistdahl...Ruthven
1095, Eddie M Johnson...Curlew
1455, Fred *aler...West Bend
783, Henry Kassel, Ruthven
1117, Raymond Stafford...Mallard
237, James L Spencer...Ruthven
337, Clifford C. Tessler...E'burg
676, John D. Higgins...Curlew
275, Daniel R. Brassfield...E'burg
509, Harry F. Seeley ...Whittemore
1185, Hugh E. Maguire...Ruthven
664, John J. Mc****...Rodman
945, Anton J Hilton...Ruthven
596, Clarence J Frederick...Cylinder
26*, James R. Wetter...Emmetsburg
536, Elmer P. Elbert...Whittemore
1495, Edward W. Mayer...West Bend
548, Wm. F. G**bach...rodman
126, Frank A Mitchell...Rolfe
1237, Thos. Gierde...Cylinder
784, Wm. J. Lyons...Ruthven
756, Paul Groszkruger...Ruthven
197, Joe P. Grethen...Mallard
1369, Glen F. Shaffer...Graettinger
616, Peter J Mart...Cylinder
373, Michael J Korleski...E'burg
1266, Henry J Willingham...E'burg
775, Martin A Johnson...Ruthven
486, Julius Meling...Cylinder
692, Alfred C Nelson...Emmetsburg
600, Johne E. Fickbohn...Cylinder
819, Fritz E. Murbeck...Ruthven
1539, Fred L. Goddard...Emmetsburg
50*, Bert W. Seeley...Whittemore
109, James H. Murray...Emmetsburg
437, John B. Thomas...Emmetsburg
1324, Vincent E. Kelly...Graettinger
604, Clare E Gatrell...Emmetsburg
42, Floyd C. Mitchell...Ayrshire
1264, Samuel C Speer...Graettinger
1066, Joseph J Weinzetl...Mallard
924, Carl W Walz...Fenton
420, Elmer A Kristofferson...E'burg
1014, Vernie E. Lindgren...Rodman
1175, John J Livingston...Ayrshire
514, Louis H Wehrspann...Whittemore
423, Wm C.F. Schultz...Emmetsburg
1229, Silas S.Larson...Graettinger
10, Harry E. Cogdill...Laurens
1045, Dolliver E Gates...Curlew
1021, Ralph W Wood...Mallard
1231, Roy E Masters...Graettinger
487, Willis Mueller...Cylinder
1282, Herbert Christiansen...Graettinger
1323, Jorgen J Kalhord...Graettinger
797, Leonard M Miller...Ruthven
140, Caludie F. Ridenour...Mallard
1536, Joseph Weinzetl...West Bend
1236, Harry C Druis...Emmetsburg
432, Wm. E. Sherlock...Emmetsburg
18, Harry J Degnan...Curlew
652, Emmet Bradshaw...Emmetsburg
927, Willie Walz...Fenton
1484, Earl F Kelborn...West Bend
729, William H Davis, Ruthven
601, Bartholomew M Fitzpatrick...E'burg
1322, Clarence F. Knudtson...Graettinger
1146, Otto Cooklin...Ayrshire
1103, George W. Nesshoefer...Mallard
1395, William Lammers...Graettinger
606, Ronald A Gaard...Cylinder
182, Roy E. Johnston...Emmetsburg
513, Frank A Whitman...Whittemore
46, Wm. L. O'Brien...Ayrshire
1020, Louis A. Nitchols...Emmetsburg
1099, John Miller...Mallard
223, Wm. F. Coonan...Emmetsburg

2nd 500

1441, Lorin E. Cardner...West Bend
117, Arthur M. Kirkman...Mallard
602, Clement J. Fitzpatrick...E'burg
290, Campagnolo Selveo...E'burg
75, Herbert S. Johnson...Cylinder
772, Carl J. Iverson...Ruthven
1456, John Fehr...West Bend
721, Dewain C. Berringer...Ruthven
1419, John M. Banwart...West Bend
786, Chester G. Lund...Ruthven
1476, Elgart S. Johnson...West Bend
280, Leo J Corley...Emmetsburg
1292, Robert J. Eisenbast...Graettinger
972, Peter G. Peterson...Graettinger
83, Clarence G Swenson...Cylinder
757, Emory B Henderson...Ruthven
966, Johnnie Nelson...Graettinger
865, Hans C. Baago...Ringsted
232, Thorger Saboe...Emmetsburg
379, Thos. F. Meade...Emmetsburg
542, Marion Franklin...Rodman
194, James F. O'Neill...Emmetsburg
874, John Finnestad...Fenton
552, Ambrose A Hoffman...Whittemore
1300, Gabriel M Gabrielson...Graettinger
298, Arthur R. Halstead...E'burg
675, Chas. J Higgins...Curlew
****, Andrew W. Franklin...Graettinger
1148, Norman F Clausen...Ruthven
1354, Morman Roteboro...Graettinger
342, George A Yackle...Emmetsburg
982, Olaf M Simonson...Ruthven
726,Paul Barringer...Ruthven
15, George A Coldren...Laurens
905, Clarence M Olson...Ringsted
953, Albert A Christianson...Ruthven
1531, Charlie O Williams...Rolfe
1288, Benjamin C Cary...Graettinger
452, Gustave Dietrich...Rodman
355 Isidoro Campagnolo...Emmetsburg
530, John Caukker...Rodman
509, Joseph L Minor...Ruthven
1114, Fred M Rouse...Curlew
1470, Darwin P Hughes...West Bend
645, Phil H Underwood...Cylinder
218, John N Brady...Emmetsburg
620, Benjamin A Munden...Cylinder
1334, Frank G Madigan...Graettinger
550, John P Hartman...Rodman
574, Adrain T Sweely...Rodman
31, Carl O Havern...Ayrshire
1432, Michael Beck...West Bend
951, Ernest E Spaulding...Terill
770, Lewis R Hawberg...Ruthven
582, Otto Iverson...Fenton
677, Thos. A Hamilton...E'burg
749, Fred Grange...Ruthven

3rd 500

1509, Samuel R. RUGTH...West Bend
1211, Martin J. THOMPSON...Ayrshire
525, Henry J. BUTTERFIELD...Whittemore
1417, Leo W. BUTTERMORE...West Bend
760, Alvin A. HANSON...Ruthven
185, Matthew J. JENSEN...Emmetsburg
56, Albert E. SEYMOUR...Ayrshire
1276, Gust BARTUZISIS...Graettinger
792, Richard L. LOGAN...Ruthven
5, Oscar ANDERSON...Ayrshire
500, Isadore COAC***...Emmetsburg
54, Joe C. SPONAR...Curlew
*70, Axel CHRISTIANSON...Ringsted
***, Thos. J. GRACE...West Bend
1132, Edwin F. AULT...Ruthven
440, August WGOHN...Emmetsburg
14*5, Arthur R. LANUS...Rolfe
741, Charles W. EST...Ruthven
1054, Thos. L. MURRAY...Curlew
1*76, Raymond W. ANDREWS...Graettinger
711, Perry ANDERSON...Ruthven
1022, Harry E. NITCHALS...Emmetsburg
841, Albert J. SAMPSON...Ruthven
628, Ole T. THOMPSON...Emmetsburg
1032, Ray B. ATKINSON...Curlew
623, Mrtin N. McNE*...Emmetsburg
269, Archie R. WILSON...Emmetsburg
655, Joseph P. MAHAN...Emmetsburg
1141, H*** G. BOWDEN...Ayrshire
1314, Albert J. SAMPSON...Ruthven
1016, Michael W. MILLER...Emmetsburg
335, Thos. J. SHERLOCK...Emmetsburg
1430, Matthew J. BUTTERMORE...West Bend
492, Frank B. McTIGUE...Rodman
1358, Gust SAFARCKAS...Graettinger
341, Addison WELLS...Emmetsburg
923, John F. WUBBEN...Fenton
1305, Wm. J. HERKE...Graettinger
1007, Ed. Patrick DOWNS...Emmetsburg
391, Jep P. SEWALL...Emmetsburg
1366, John J. SULLIVAN...Graettinger
353, Angelo CAMPAGANOLO...E'burg
970, Charles E. O'NEILL...Terril
637, Bert S. SALVEN...Cylinder
334, Howard H. SEELY...Emmetsburg
360, Wm. J. DWYER...Emmetsburg
1217,Otto H.F. WEGELE...Ayrshire
571, Walter SCHUSLER...Rodman
488, Theodore MELING...Cylinder
1543, Albert E. SHERLOCK...Emmetsburg
704, Patrick J. WARREN...E'burg
72, Ruben C. GAARD...Cylinder
1053, Alfred E. LYON...Curlew
356, Patrick J. CARMODY...Emmetsburg
112, George D. HOLLMAN...Mallard
1067, Albert A. WOLFE...Curlew
128, Elmer F. NICOL...Mallard
679, George W. KLIEGL...Emmetsburg
805, Arch J. McCLAIN...Ruthven
11, Ray CAMPBELL...Marathon
900, Norman NELSON...Cylinder
363, Angelo GUSTALDELIO...E'Burg
1287, John E. CONWAY...Graettinger
1142, Peter W. BROWN...Ayrshire
6, Roscoe A. BECKE...Curlew
327, Loron R. POTTER...Emmetsburg
664, Thos. E. CONLON...Curlew
93, Bert CROOK...Mallard
1445, James E. DeWITT...West Bend
957, Lewis KOSAK...Graettinger
1112, Leslie W. RIESE...Havelock
345, Moro ANTONIO...Emmetsburg
1355, Clarence H. RICHARDSON...Graettinger
103, Joe GNEUPEL...Mallard

4th 500
1221, Frank L. ANDERSEN...Graettinger
1102, Wm. MILLER...Havelock
556, John D. LANZ...Whittemore
154, John B. WEISHAR...Rolfe
1281, Joseph CARLSON...Graettinger
51, Gin L. RHEINHART...Curlew
717, J.K.H. ANDERSON...Ruthven
1057, Joseph J. SCHULLER...Curlew
1256, Henry McCOLLOCH...Emmetsburg
30, John T. HIRAM...Ayrshire
199, Henry R. POWERS...Emmetsburg
388, Wm. J. RYAN...Emmetsburg
1423, Archie W. BOURRET...West Bend
773, Frank JOHNSON...Ruthven
6*8, Sam HESKELVIG...Emmetsburg
4*6, Fred W. GRACE...Emmetsburg
519, John F. BOOTH...Rodman
25, Henry P. FELDMAN...Curlew
292, Henry M. SCHULLER...E'burg
383, Clement J. McNALLY...E'burg
1166, Mike GLADICK...Ayrshire
588, Royce E. BIGGS...Emmetsburg
856, George F. WASHINGTON...Ruthven
705, Joseph WARREN...Emmetsburg
1346, Athansis POULOIS...Graettinger
576, Carl A. SWEELEY...Rodman
944, Henry S. HOVLAND...Ruthven
122, Carl J. LORIG...Mallard
642, Frederick C.H. TALBERT...E'burg
939, Andrew DUUS...Graettinger
222, Robert CRUM...Emmetsburg
906, Martin E. OLSEN...Cylinder
1337, Guy O. McELREA...Graettinger
700, Frank G. TROW...Curlew
1250, Henry J. KLIEGL...Cylinder
1195, Chas. PARKER...Ruthven
297, William H. GODDEN...E'burg
321, Jas. J. NOLAN...Emmetsburg
736, Cleve COIN...Ruthven
707, Robert J. WHITE...Emmetsburg
1425, Frederick VELLER...West Bend
1002, Eugene F. CARNEY...Emmetsburg
1151, Elmer A. CARD...Ayrshire
1101, Joseph R. MAHONEY...Curlew
368, Raymond A. HILTON...Emmetsburg
974, Daniel PETERSEN...Graettinger
320, Edgar P. NILSON...Emmetsburg
826, Adolph W. WELSTEIN...Cylinder
1010, William GROSNICKLE...Mallard
919, Engolf L. TORKELSEN...Ringsted
*56, Leon F .NEFSTEAD...Graettinger
814, Oscar J. NEWGARD...Ruthven
1175, John A JOHNSON...Ruthven
1070, Edwin H. BARBER...Mallard
736, John CROWLEY...Ruthven
1167, Putnam GILBERT...Ayrshire
1097, Earl MACKIE...Mallard
1191, John MURRAY...Ayrshire
1234, James W. CONWAY...Graettinger
1360, Robert SIMONSON...Graettinger
848, Thos. G. WEAVER...Ruthven
1118, Otis A SMOOT...Mallard
121, Colby LOWE...Mallard
221, Thos. J. COONAN...Emmetsburg
1537, Jas. W. WILLIAMS...West Bend
1474, Walter A HANSEN...West Bend
1414, Geo E. ANDREGG...West Bend
292, Jas. H. FROMBACH...E'burg
822, William C. PROBST...Ruthven
504, Merril A SHINNEMAN...Whittemore
1064, Howard WILLEMAN...Curlew

5th 500

1205, Elmer B SWANSON...Ruthven
1510, George L RICE...West Bend
1091, James H HORSEMAN...Mallard
470, Jasper HENG...Cylinder
212, Irving B MARTINI...Emmetsburg
1507, Clifford M POWELL...West Bend
1294, Charles CHRISTIANSEN...Graettinger
90, Ottis O BUTLER...Rolfe
191, Elmer J MASTERSON...Emmetsburg
477, John M JACOBSON...Cylinder
1187, Michael MURRAY...Curlew
1179, Harry J LARSON...Ayrshire
753, Delvert A GATES...Ruthven
856, Geo. F WASHINGTON...Ruthven
165, Bernet B COWAN...Emmetsburg
1023, Edward F RUSHERFORD...Rodman
424, Homer M McALLISTER...E'burg
840, Harry M STOVER...Ruthven
1511, Henry E ST JOHN...West Bend
1188, George M McDONNELL...Ayrshire
657, Frank A BARBER...Emmetsburg
175, S.C. FITZGERALD...Paxton, Ill.
300, Vincent HAND...Emmetsburg
278, Frank E CORBIN...Emmetsburg
1021, Joseph L NEARY...Emmetsburg
1240, Jess J GRIFFIN...Graettinger
524, M.G. BONESTETTER...West Bend
911, Louis SEVERTSON...Cylinder
1172, Floyd S. HILL...Ayrshire
532, Frank DeKOTCH...Whittemore
1517, Matthew P SERENEZE...West Bend
1139, Louis BRENSHIRE...Ayrshire
1214, Edward H WEGELE...Ayrshire
326, William J SCHLICHT...Emmetsburg
212, Clare C WILSON...Emmetsburg
1257, Arthur W RICHARDSON...Greattinger
49, Vern M PARKS...Ayrshire
8, Martin BREKKE...Ayrshire
1160, Oscar L ELKINS...Ayrshire
1192, Henry V NELSON...Ruthven
305, Charles L JONES...Emmetsburg
1143, Glenn B COOKINHAM...Ayrshire
557, Henry MUELLER...Rodman
1433, Harold W CHRISMAN...West Bend
622, John B McEVOY...Emmetsburg
585, Harry J WALKER...Rodman
1464, Adolph GARZA...West Bend
1257, Ernest McCLELLAND...Emmetsburg
1077, Edward CLARK...Mallard
781, Simon V KLINE...Ruthven
1415, Blas ALAYA...West Bend
1035, Emil BLEY...Curlew
958, Knud C KNUDSON...Graettinger
323, Thos J O'BRIEN...Emmetsburg
1343, Frank L O'CONNOR...Graettinger
1429, John J CLENNON...West Bend
857, John W WENDT...Ruthven
1401, Morris A MENG...Emmetsburg
1303, Louis GRAETTINGER...Graettinger
963, Charlie MORAN...Emmetsburg
438, Martin VANDERVELDE...E'burg
878, Otto HANSEN...Cylinder
1059, Vere SCOTT...Curlew
441, Cecil F ANDERSON...Cylinder
850, Elmer B IVERSON...Fenton
357, Frederick G CHRISTIANSEN...E'burg
22, Francis F CORBETT...Ayrshire
1173, Felix H HAGAN...Ruthven
331, Thos J RYAN...Emmetsburg
110*, Leonard PROCHASKA...Curlew
492, William MADSEN...Cylinder
1201, Burtice H HOUSE (or ROUSE)...Ruthven
565, Dennis E McTIGUE...Rodman

6th 500

500, Monroe E MONK...Ruthven
1447, Christian J DORWELLER...West Bend
1049, Floy F HATCH...Curlew
1442, Joseph A DEMER...West Bend
715, Lawrence A ANDERSON...Ruthven
961, Jaus KNUDSON...Graettinger
539, George L FANDEL...Rodman
249, Guy F BERRAY...Emmetsburg
562, Steven K McTIGUE...Rodman
1407, D T SPOTT...Emmetsburg
501, R C POWELL...Whittemore
102, H B GREEN...Plover
1411, George WEBB...Emmetsburg
875, Charlie GAPPA...Fenton
714, Arthur ADAMS...Ruthven
1528, John TOMY...West Bend
86, John SMITH...Cylinder
1024, Earl ROSA...Emmetsburg
1291, Otto EBSCH...Graettinger
871, James CHRISTENSEN...Ringsted
1341, Ward H NOBLE...Graettinger
1232, John W CAMPBELL...Graettinger
1043, Charlie R GREEN...Curlew
71, Ed GOEDERS...Emmetsburg
1520, Peter SCHMALEN...West Bend
1156, Jessie DYER...Emmetsburg
1393, Albert KNUDALIEN...Graettinger
555, Patrick KNOER...Rodman
978, Homer SMITH...Terril
1260, Charles A PRINGLE...Emmetsburg
5*6, Mat SLATTERY...Cylinder
13*1, Jen JENSEN...Emmetsburg
1272, Clarence AXELTON...Graettinger
1525, George SADLER...West Bend
877, John F J GAPPA...Fenton
435, Melton H TOWERS...Emmetsburg
6*1, Ora O LOUNSBERRY...E'burg
713, Nels ANDERSON...Ruthven
1478, Gidvert S JOHNSON...West Bend
935, Ross CLAYTON...Terril
1121, H William SWIGERT...Laurens
1150, Fred CLASING...Emmetsburg
459, James W CHURCH...Cylinder
1*90...Carl B E JENSEN...Emmetsburg
113, Fred HOUGH...Mallard
1472, Frederick HOSKINS...West Bend
725, Arthur E BERG...Ruthven
1004, Thomas COBURN...Emmetsburg
1521, Edward D SCHMIDT...Ames, Ia
156, Clifford G WENING...Mallard
1024, Wieland J BRECHLER...Curlew
808, David L MODISETT...Ruthven
780, Selim W KOOKER...Ruthven
1183, Gerhard I LARSON...Ayrshire
267, Norman G THOMPSON...E'burg
567, Joseph L McTIGUE...Rodman
1218, Warren F WOOD...Ayrshire
421, George H KIRLEY...Emmetsburg
940, William C DUHN...Graettinger
1232, John W CAMPBELL...Graettinger

7th 500

1254, William F. LUHMAN...Graettinger
169, Edmund D CLARK...Emmetsburg
436, James F TOWERS...E'burg
1477, Bror H JOHNSON...West Bend
596, Everett G ANDREWS...E'burg
999, Theodore THORSTON...Graettinger
1304, Magnus HANSON...Graettinger
1107, Harman R ROUSH...Mallard
1270, Grover G YOUNG...Graettinger
862, Oliver R BLIGHTON...Cylinder
1406, S C RASSMUSSEN...E'burg
257, Ted N REA...Emmetsburg
1109, Wm P PURDY...Curdsville, Ky
155, Markell R WAGNER...Mallard
284, Arthur COBURN...Emmetsburg
122, Elmer REESE...Mallard
807, G W MONSELL...Ruthven
867, O B BERKLAND...Cylinder
930, Henry C J BAEDKE...Graettinger
185, W W KNIGHT...Emmetsburg
1398, John MILLER...Emmetsburg
265, Charles J SEYMOUR...E'burg
285, Herman H DANSTROM...E'burg
1313, Louis G JODAHL...Graettinger
1119, Walker M SHEA...Curlew
1051, Cyrus V KING...Curlew
560, Herman L MASHA (or MASHS)...Whittemore
303, Charles A JOYNT...Emmetsburg
563, Frank M McKINNION...Rodman
211, Elmer M WELLS...Emmetsburg
1435, Leon E COLWELL...West Bend
1163, James C GILCHRIST...Ayrshire
146, Willis A SPEER...Mallard
843, Harry TAYLOR...Ruthven
1376, Torrea THOMPSON...Graettinger
1379, Harry E WIKART...Graettinger
1008, Frank H FENN...Rodman
229, Ora C GLENN...Emmetsburg
410, Clarence GARRETT...Emmetsburg
299, Axel L HEGATROM...E'burg
1075, Caryl C BROWNLEE...Mallard
1189, Otto F MAIDEN...Ruthven
750, Ole GARO...Ruthven
58, Earl S SHAW...Ayrshire
1443, Robert E DITCH...West Bend
150, Earl J STAFFORD...Mallard
19, Andrew ELKERS...Ayrshire
400, Fred DARRAH...Emmetsburg
1320, Andrew J KRONHOLM...Graettinger
115, Roy A JOLLIFFE...Mallard
832, Edward SAMMUST...Ruthven
1180, Clarence LOOMIS...Ayrshire
206, John F STEWART...Emmetsburg
228, Lloyd W FROST...Emmetsburg
1489, Adam LAUBENTHAL...West Bend
136, Fred A REINDERS...Mallard
872, George E DARLING...Cylinder
430, Bert RYAN...Emmetsburg
328, Lawrence D POTTER...Emmetsburg
965, Joseph NYBORG...Ruthven
96, Hugh CARNEY...Rolfe

8th 500

1519, Clarence W. STEVENSON...West Bend
896, Edwin L. MORRIS...Cylinder
1093, Leopold MICKO...Mallard
624, Edward L. McEVOY...E'burg
507, Bert W. SEELEY...Whittemore
544, Francis T. FOLEY...Rodman
1021, Joseph L. NEARY...Emmetsburg
747, Ronald L. EATON...Ruthven
1269, John W. YABERG...Cylinder
1258, Oliver T. NOCK...Graettinger
929, Dave BARTON...Graettinger
1508, Bernie L. ROBERTS...West Bend
1194, Axel R. OLSON...Ayrshire
138, Henry REINDERS...Mallard
1199, Walter M. PRICE...Ayrshire
91, Ernest E. BROADWELL...Mallard
838, George L SNYDER...Ruthven
635, Arthur H. ST CLAIR...Cylinder
1416, Clifford E BARTLEY...West Bend
861, Harvey B ALDERSON...Fenton
633, Harry RESH...Emmetsburg
1326, John DeLAWYER...Graettinger
712, Maurice J. AYLWARD...Ruthven
17, Roy H COX...Ayrshire
802, Oscar G. McPHERSON...Ruthven
1255, Clarence B LUHMAN (or LUBMAN)...Graettinger.
691, Frank A NEEDHAM...E'burg
378, Charles W. MYERS...E'burg
1083, Horace R CARMICHAEL...Mallard
237, Harold R IRVINE...Emmetsburg
422, Norman F LAWHORN...E'burg
619, Philip P MURPHY...Emmetsburg
1058, Minor M SHELLER...Curlew
344, Marchion ANGELO...Emmetsburg
824, Emil V PETERSON...Ruthven
442, Eldwein ANDERSON...Cylinder
1213, Leon F VIRGIL...Ayrshire
202, Edward ROUX...Emmetsburg
164, Loring D BRERTON...E'burg
268, George C VEDDER...Emmetsburg
272, Emil M ANDERSON...Emmetsburg
1195, Hans PETERSON...Emmetsburg
1248, George W JAMES...Emmetsburg
1174, George E JOHNSON...Emmetsburg
964, Wiliam F. MORAN...Emmetsburg
866, Arthur M BERKLAND...Cylinder
593, Everett J. ECKHART...E'burg
407, Thomas J GANLEY...Emmetsburg
262, Charles W SOPER...Emmetsburg
8*6, Marious T. JUHL...Cylinder
1373, Bernard W TREGO...Graettinger
1465, Byron W. GROVE...West Bend
883, Joseph C JACOBSON...Cylinder
1161, William E FOUNTAIN...Emmetsburg
769, Louis C HANSON...Ruthven
1152, William R. CARNAHAN...Ruthven
776, Martinius JACOBSON...Ruthven
1380, Fred C. ZELINSKY...Graettinger
1293, Gerton A FRANKLIN...Graettinger
566, Charles O McCLELLAND...Rodman
581, John R WATSON...West Bend
311, John D MARTIN...Emmetsburg
1227, Fred A BROWN...Emmetsburg
124, Alfred LESLIE...Rolfe

9th 500
451, Joseph A KORLESKI...Cylinder
895, Morris S MITCHELL...Ringsted
744, Clarence W EATON...Ruthven
979, Arthur SIMONSON...Ruthven
582, Leon J WARDEN...Rodman
1409, Julius J SKOW...Emmetsburg
1367, William I STEVENS...Graettinger
829, Andrew PATTERSON...Ruthven
240, Bernard E KELLY...Emmetsburg
1028, John H STRATTEN...Mallard
499, Roy T PETERSON...Cylinder
1011, Ephriam JOHNSON...Mallard
690, Leo J CONLON...Emmetsburg
1105, Walter M O'CONNOR...Curlew
444, Ferdinand C BRUHN...Cylinder
636, John SPOLUM...Emmetsburg
735, Hugh F COIN...Ruthven
634, Andrew C J STEINER...Cylinder
1504, Alva C PEEBLES...West Bend
326, Peter E PEARSON...Emmetsburg
1453, Leo E DITCH...West Bend
447, Guy T BUTLER...Cylinder
76, Peter JOHNSON...Cylinder
1319, Anton E JOHNSON...Graettinger
672, Ernest L GILL...Emmetsburg
1363, Joseph SWIFT...Graettinger
949, Theodore W HERMANSON...Ruthven
1350, Nels A RUDE...Graettinger
393, William C THOMPSON...Emmetsburg
993, Herman D WARLAND...Graettinger
1306, Thomas J HESSION...Emmetsburg
1513, Edward J STRATTELMORE...West Bend
1048, Adolph E HUNZIKER...Curlew
1065, Joseph A WHITMER...Curlew
851, Robert A WILLIS...Ruthven
1181, Lenox BURNS...Ayrshire
1490, Martin LARSON...West Bend
1413, Joseph H WEBB...Emmetsburg
158, Eric ANDERSON...Emmetsburg
778, Will JONES...Ruthven
1 Charles W ALLEN...Laurens
187, Evert C KAHN...Emmetsburg
52, Robert RENTSCH...Curlew
105, John H GRIFFIN...West Bend
650, John BENSON...Emmetsburg
1420, Ross R BROWN...West Bend
836, Fred W SCHNELL...Ruthven
36, Robert A JOHNSON...Laurens
1387, Daniel J FITZPATRICK...Graettinger
1491, Jordan MIKES...West Bend
985, Martin SIMONSEN...Ruthven
352, Antonio CAMPAGNOLO...E'burg
418, Daniel R JOYNT...Emmetsburg
920, Ray A TREBILCOCK...Cylinder
426, Eugene R MURPHY...Emmetsburg
806, Chas. E McNETT...Ruthven
1176, Havre A JOHNSTON...Ayrshire
416, David W JOYNT...Emmetsburg
617, John L MYERS...Cylinder
526, Martin C BONESTETTER...West Bend
609, George M HARRISON...Cylinder
613, John D KERBER...Emmetsburg
316, John F NOLAN...Emmetsburg
274, Francis E BRENNAN...E'burg
948, Chas. HODGES...Terrill
1283, Alfred CAMERO...Graettinger
968, Nels C NELSON...Graettinger
1353, Walter M RANSCHMSYER...Graettinger
546, George GRANBACH...Rodman
1154, Clarence W. DYER...Ayrshire
766, John A HUGHES...Ruthven
734, Thos. M CLARE...Ruthven
1072, John T BISHOP...Mallard
511, Adolph C WEHRSPAUN...Whittemore
205, Arthur W SKOWBO...E'burg
913, John M STAVER...Fenton
342, John H WELSH...Emmetsburg

10th 500

860, Clarence ARBOGAST...Fenton
934, Carl A CHRISTIANSEN...Graettinger
460, Alof J GOVIG...Cylinder
427, Louis J LAURSEN...Emmetsburg
666, Tom COAKLEY...Curlew
241, Alfred G MUIR...Emmetsburg
40, Chas S LONG...Ayrshire
1527, Nich SCHMALEN...West Bend
572, Paul E SAILSBURY...Rodman
100, Ray T FISHER...Mallard
1076, Fred R BISHOP...Mallard
1138, Carl C BRATMILLER...Ruthven
157, Anton M ANDERSON...E'burg
236, Harry P HUGHES...Emmetsburg
629, Warner E PATTEN...Cylinder
647, Robert S WRIGHT...Emmetsburg
864, George H BEHRENDS...Ringsted
1492, Orville MITCHELL...West Bend
29, Fred HUGLI...Curlew
918, Welmer P THOMSEN...Ringsted
1530, George A WHITE...West Bend
533, Matthew A ESSER...Rodman
1159, Ernest R EGGLESTON...Ayrshire
1528, Nicholas J TOMEY...West Bend
1370, Melford Q THOMPSON...Graettinger
1397, George MILLER...Emmetsburg
114, Joseph HOGAN...Mallard
151, Joseph J SCHUMACHER...Mallard
1336, Louis C MONTGOMERY...Graettinger
1487, Andrew LAUBENTHAL...West Bend
1359, Theodore J SUSS...Graettinger
61, Johnnie R TRIGGS...Curlew
603, Steve W FITZPATRICK...Emmetsburg
618, Leo A MURPHY...Emmetsburg
1483, Edward FAUL...West Bend
986, Glen R SIMONSON...Ruthven
1505, Clarence E PRIEBE...West Bend
209, Julius A SKOW...Emmetsburg
1110, Charles PROCHASKA...Curlew
777, John JACOBSON...Ruthven
33, Jonas M JOHNSON...Curlew
1480, Theodore KOEHRSEN..West Bend
32, Ernest L HOWARD... Curlew
954, Jorgen W KNUTSON...Graettinger
1533, Joseph C WEIDMINGER...West Bend
1071, Clarence N BRANSON...Mallard
1348, Nick PAPPAS...Graettinger
63, George A ARNOLD...Cylinder
994, Ray WATT...Ruthven
758, Alden W HENDERSON...Ruthven
1278, Arthur J BERGUM...Graettinger
362, Edward T ENY...E'burg
1170, Hugh E HAGAN...Ayrshire
816, James C NOLAN...Ruthven
371, Rbenard G KINNETZ...E'burg
529, Joseph P CSUKKER...Rodman
1499, Morey H ARIS...West Bend
64, Edwin B BENSON...Cylinder
382, Raymond L McCULLUM...E'burg
224, Charles J DOWNS...Emmetsburg
818, Carl B W NELSON...West Bend
1534, Earl F WISDOM...West Bend
762, Will HALLOWEIL...Ruthven
931, August P BAEDKE...Terril
1013, Ralph W LINDGREN...Rodman
1042, John G GRAFE...Curlew
449, John A CODY...Cylinder
1241, James E HULETT...E'burg
41, Dolor MARTIN...Curlew
48, Donald R PHILLIPS...Ayrshire
38, Joseph E KIBBIE...Ayrshire
742, Homer S EATON...Ruthven
640, Ono J THOMPSON...Cylinder

Eleventh 500
127, Elmer O MELLON...Mallard
1086, Benjamin T FISH...Mallard
1481, John E KOLLASCH...West Bend
668, John EAGAN...E'burg
88, Magnus C ANDERSON...Mallard
1494, Andrew O McCULLOUGH...West Bend
1074, George E BISHOP...Mallard
1518, Charles G SCHMIDT...West Bend
743, Arnold E EYE...Ruthven
827, Paul A PETERSON...Ruthven
1242, Avery H HULETT...E'burg
1038, Claude H CASKEY...Curlew
1386, Joseph F DWYER...Emmetsburg
976, Lars RIERSON...Ruthven
473, Paul HIBERT..Cylinder
287, John H DRUMMY...Emmetsburg
586, George M WALKER...Rodman
260, Lisle C SCOTT...Emmetsburg
527, Walter BEHL...Whittemore
254, Gust PAPADAKAS...Emmetsburg
446, George L BOLTE...Cylinder
89, Edwin R BELL... West Bend
1197, Rasmus S PETERSON...Ruthven
932, Theodore CHRISTIANSEN...Ruthven
1204, Archie C SCHAFFER...Ayrshire
1377, Frank TRUNNEL...Graettinger
863, Richard H BOCHARDT...Fenton
358, Joseph E DENEEN...E'burg
451, Gustave DIETRICH...Rodman
745, Cline G ESTABROOK...Ruthven
573, Verne E SPENCER...Rodman
1137, Walter W BAXTER...Ayrshire
1106, Ralph V PEDEN...Mallard
308, Dell P MURPHY...E;burg
429, Ralph E PARNHAM...E'burg
1451, Frederick E DOUGLAS...West Bend
1383, James C S ANDERSON...E'burg
1459, Alonso A FIRKINS...Rolfe
1065, Charlie G PICKENS...Curlew
1225, Joseph B BRADLEY...Graettinger
394, Joseph G WILLIAMS...E'burg
1025, Leroy SPROUT...Rodman
417, Joseph A JOYCE...E'burg
354, Andrea COCCO...E'burg
445, Rudolph BLECKWENN...Cylinder
1497, Merton H McFARLAND...West Bend
217, Hiram G BLIGHTON...E'burg
259, Hallis H SOPER...E'burg
1295, Arthur FOBDE...Graettinger
1068, Anthony WEINZETEL...Curlew
1374, Oscar O THOMPSON...Graettinger
1268, Rolla E YOUNG...Graettinger
1450, Dale E DUBBS...West Bend
322, Patrick T O'BRIEN...E'burg
1120, Roy C STOKES...Curlew
1365, Ralph K SAPP...Graettinger
242, Ralph W MOSES...E'burg
1333, Leo P MIMBACH...Graettinger
702, John O VEDDER...E'burg
232, Andrew HOLM...Emmetsburg
597, Elmer J FREDERICK...Cylinder
694, Charles W RYAN...Emmetsburg
198, John P PETERSON...Emmetsburg
1421, Robert H BELL...West Bend
1318, Philip E JOHNSON...Graettinger
1018, Michael J MYERS...E'burg

Twelfth 500
799, Charles E MYERS...Ruthven
671, Lewis GRAY...Emmetsburg
561, George W MONTAG...West Bend
195, Carl M OLESEN...Emmetsburg
1061, Charles M SCHULLER...Mallard
145, Louis G SCHONBERGER...Rolfe
1310, Victor E INGVALL...Graettinger
98, Harvey ECKERT...Mallard
1053, Alfred E LYON...Curlew
1184, Frank G McCOY...Ayrshire
801, Walter F MILLER...Ruthven
296, Albert E DAMSTROM...E'burg
999, Gerald C THOESON...Graettinger
44, Alfred C MARTIN...Curlew
226, Glen J EGAN...Emmetsburg
7, Ebbie H HARTLEY...Laurens
846, Edwin P WARNKE...Ruthven
398, Edward T CLARE...E'burg
216, William D BECK...Emmetsburg
847, Daniel J WOESTER...Ruthven
802, Howard E JOHNSON...E'burg
26, Matt GILBERTSON...Ayrshire
1123, Fred H TRUOG...Mallard
663, Barney B CONVERSE...E'burg
475, John A HENRY...Whittemore
641, Edwin J THOMPSON...Cylinder
1392, Martin KNUDSLIEN...Graettinger
1104, Albert NESSHEEFER...Mallard
239, John J KNIGHT...Emmetsburg
1500, John MARNACH...Emmetsburg
1506, James N PHILLIPS...West Bend
852, Edward T WASHINGTON...Ruthven
942, Jens  C DUHN...Graettinger
1145, Oliver B CARPENTER...Ruthven
975, Willie A RASMUSSEN...Graettinger
1274, Joseph G AMDAHL...Graettinger
82, George W STREIT...Cylinder
478, Jacob JACOBSON...Cylinder
1429, Mathew W BANWART...West Bend
479, John M KJEWSKI...Cylinder
55, Silas SHEPPERD...Ayrshire
592, Bottoff DYBEVIK...E'burg
791, Carl A LARSON...Ruthven
461, Arnon A GRIGGS...Cylinder
1345, Holger A PETERSON...Graettinger
1512, Irvin A SHELLMEYER...West Bend
480, Enis I KAJEWSKI...Cylinder
1364, Cornelius J SKOW...Graettinger
12**, James R THOMPSON...Curlew
1127, John W WHITMER...Curlew
674, Frank HERRLEY...E'burg
872, Rudolph A KINNETZ...E'burg
42, Charley MARQUARDT...Ayrshire
431, John J SHERLOCK...E'burg
1428, Andy J BANWART...West Bend
106, Edward GROSE...West Bend
639, Roy M THONES...E'burg
425, Henry E MILLER...E'burg
1230, Henry F BLOCK...E'burg
1092, John P HOUGH...Mallard
21, Leo D FITZPATRICK...Curlew
423, Oliver T LANDE...E'burg
1469, Fred HEINRICH, Jr...West Bend
1144, Ferdinand N CLAUSSEN...Ayrshire
1216, Samuel J WOOD...Ayrshire
462, Frank J GAPPA...Cylinder

Thirteenth 500

1299, Bill D GRANULAN, Graettinger
238, Joseph M KERWICK...E'burg
1080, Fred H CROSS...Mallard
1437, Earl R COBB...West Bend
1226, Christopher BARKOE...Cylinder
1479, Siegle A JOHNSON...West Bend
1338, Edwin J NYLAND...Graettinger
176, Joseph I FLOOD...Emmetsburg
415, James P JENSEN...Emmetsburg
1467, Amil GELNO...West Bend
409, Charles H GILL...E'burg
453, Harold C DAVIDSEN...Cylinder
973, Jorgen PAULSON...Graettinger
890, Neely KAY...Cylinder
294, Percival L GODDEN...Emmetsburg
408, William J GANLEV...E'burg
1231, John E CORBIN...Greattinger
804, Edward J MASON...Ruthven
230, Clinton G GAYLORD...E'burg
271, Horace N WEBSTER...E'burg
375, Carl P LARENTZEN...E'burg
1424, Arthur R BELL...West Bend
65, Clarence CLARK...Emmetsburg
282, John T CONNORS...Emmetsburg
1458, Manuel FEHR...West Bend
1158, Ernest A DOBBINS...Ruthven
988, John SIMONSON...Ruthven
1516, Theodore SCHMALEN...West Bend
761, Louis L GRADY...Ruthven
1046, Lester L HATCH...Curlew
615, Clarence J MILLER...E'burg
1029, William L THOMSON...Rodman
455, William J DOMEK...Cylinder
833, Bert J SNYDER...Ruthven
483, Robert A LAABS...Cylinder
881, Darwin S IVERSON...Fenton
1087, Joseph L FITZGERALD...Laurens
346, Giovanni BIZZOTTO...E'burg
1251, Henry LAMMERS...Graettinger
1404, Elnar C PETERSON...E'burg
457, Ora I DAY...Cylinder
1262, Melvin O SMITH...Graettinger
62, Andy WENIAL....Ayrshire
207, Lester E STEVENS...E'burg
67, Walter G CLARK...Cylinder
646, Martin N WHITNEY...E'burg
1081, William P CLARK...Havelock
528, Charles E BARBER..Rodman
912, Emil STRAND...Cylinder
1327, Henry M LARSON...Graettinger
77, Benjamin H KELLY...Cylinder
699, Herbert W SCHULTZ...E'burg
248, Paul O NELSON...E'burg
521, Anthony A BUSHERFOLD...Whittemore
695, Robert J REYNOLDS...E'burg
947, Thomas L HAMPSON...Ruthven
614, Gust F LUTHER...E'burg

Fourteenth 500
1382, Anton N AHRENKIEL, E'burg
1134, George F ADAMSON...Ayrshire
160, Earl M BEEBE..E'burg
1252, Roy F LOWMAN...Graettinger
283, Oscar A CARSON...E'burg
1471, Mern M HAM...Rolfe
1514, Jerry SCHUTTER...West Bend
1027, Albert L SEWELL...E'burg
1003, Roy CARLSON...Rodman
817, Louis NELSON...Ruthven
591, Thomas V CHAPMAN...E'burg
815, Claud NOLAN...Ruthven
1126, Ora G WILLIAMS...Havelock
612, Henry JORPELAND...Cylinder
869, Racine BERKLAND...Cylinder
1538, Benjamin A WHITE...West Bend
984, Simon T SIMONSEN...Graettinger
724, Charles V BALL...Ruthven
938, Soren W DUHN...Graettinger
1317, Albert JENSEN...Graettinger
1526, Seth S H SMITH...West Bend
497, Reinhold H OSTWALD...Whittemore
667, Fred H DeBORD...E'burg
1087, Harry I CARREL...Curlew
463, Ignatius GAPPA...Cylinder
1515, Charles SCHURG...West Bend
84, Raymond W SMITH...Cylinder
531, John B CLINTON...Rodman
468, Howard GOHR...Cylinder
859, Arthur M AMORT...Cylinder
663, Matt W CONLON...Curlew
469, Adolph HELLAND...Cylinder
245, William E MORLING...E'burg
580, Lester P VAN HORN...Rodman
351, Francisco COMPOGNOLA...E'burg
1454, Elmer L DOUGLAS...Rolfe
1200, Herman RUKLEFS...Ayrshire
94, Thomas L CARRIGAN...Mallard
1297, Conrad A FOGDE...Graettinger
148, Louis A SCHUMACHER...Mallard
14, Charley E COX...Curlew
109, John M HOLLMANN...Mallard
892, Carl W KURT...Ringsted
1449, Chares [as spelled] H DOUGLAS...West Bend
1298, Ralph FOX...Graettinger
782, Jay KENNEDY...Ruthven
251, Edgar M PAULSON...E'burg
180, Clarence W HOWARD...E'burg
1389, George I HENDERSON...E'burg
598, Walter  J FREDERICK...E'burg
825, Tracy A PERRY...Ruthven
960, Jerry L KELLY...Ruthven
425, Henry E MILLER...E'burg
658, Fred BUETTNER...Curlew
941, Henry C DUUS...Graettinger
1131, Louis A ANDERSON...Ruthven
631, Orville PRENTICE...E'burg
1040, Edgar D EASTON...Curlew
1177, John J KAHLEY...Ayrshire
879, Gehard A HANTELMAN...Fenton
746, Harold O EATON...Ruthven
655, William V BRETZ...Ayrshire
583, Ray E WOOD...Rodman
830, Carl O ROOT...Ruthven
995, Joe B WILLIS...Ruthven
914, Uffe STRANDSKON...Cylinder
791, Carl A LARSON...Ruthven
69, George A FREEMAN...Cylinder
116, George L JOLLIFFE...Mallard
1361, Frans A SWANSON...Graettinger
845, Jesse TURNER...Ruthven
1422, Ray N BARBER...West Bend
1129, Edward J F ZECH...Mallard
873, Morris FINNESTAD...Fenton
1036, Harold G BRECHLER...Curlew
790, Homer A LOCKWOOD...Ruthven
1155, John E DANNEWITZ...Ruthven
1210, Arthur L TAYLOR...Ayrshire
1486, Nels W LILLEGARD...West Bend

Fifteenth 500
1540, Clarence E EISTON (or ELSTON)...Fenton
174, Bert Leslie FRANCE...E'burg
310, James MANWARREN...E'burg
414, Louis E HOLLAND...E'burg
763, Clyde W HUGHES...Ruthven
307, William P KERWICK...E'burg
991, Albert L THORSON...Graettinger
1302, Roy C GILBAUGH...Graettinger
1457, Francis L FLEMING...West Bend
569, Oscar E PEARSON...Rodman
553, William JOHNSON...Rodman
1084, Richard G DENTON...Mallard
1440, Raymond P CRISSMAN...West Bend
1289, Olaf DAARUD...Graettinger
625, Thomas C NOLAN...E'burg
402, Eugene J DONOHOE...E'burg
459, August E FRINK...Cylinder
161, Harry J BUCHANAN...E'burg
1009, George H GRAHAM...Rodman
189, Brown S McCLEAN...E'burg
659, Frank E BARRICK...E'burg
361, Irving J FOY...E'burg
709, Axel ANDERSON...Ruthven
909, Winnie REASONER...Ringsted
129, Fred C NURSE...Mallard
1153, John M DUNCAN...Ayrshire
1222, Angvild AMUNDSON...E'burg
213, Geo C WIEGAND...E'burg
465, Andrew GAPPA...Cylinder
1096, Fred J KRESS...Mallard
1408, James O SPOOTS...E'burg
163, Richard W BEEBE...E'burg
665, Theodore COOKLIN...E'burg
1115, John H SEGAR...Mallard
1224, Frank O BOWERS...E'burg
904, Nels A OSTERGARD...Fenton
1202, Henry O RICKLEFS...Ayrshire
1015, Edward J MYERS...Rodman
1164, Earl GORHAM...Ayrshire
405, Andrew W GRACE...E'burg
250, Ronald H PALMER...E'burg
885, Hans M JENSEN...Cylinder
1147, Ira C COOKINHAM...Ayrshire
959, Henry KNUTSON...Ruthven
329, Thomas F PADEN...E'burg
628, Aaron L PATTEN...Cylinder
426, Eugene R MURPHY...E'burg
1452, Earl E DIXON...West Bend
823, Oewis L PETERSON...Ruthven
246, Herman MILLER...E'burg
731, Hugh BLACKBURN...Ruthven
682, Joseph MEHAN...E'burg
768, James HUSHION...Ruthven
1215, Harry J WEGELE...Ayrshire
955, Carl T KNUDTSON...Graettinger
1315, Chris A JENSEN...Graettinger
627, Ora J PIERCE...E'burg
1063, Lewis A TROW...Curlew
99, Andy ECKERT...Mallard
1217, Lawrence BIRKLAND...Graettinger
1482, Thomas KETELSEN...West Bend
365, Owen F GOLDEN...E'burg
144, Magnus STUDER...Rolfe

Sixteenth 500
1301, Lyle E GREEN...Graettinger
1405, Ray F RUBY...E'burg
1136, James M BRADLEY...Ruthven
551, John W HARRIS...West Bend
1394, Mathew D LITTLETON...Greattinger
1285, Leo J CLARE...Greattinger
916, George SIEMS...Cylinder
756, Clap S HANNA...Ruthven
428, Lester L ORSBORN...E'burg
1466, Earl C GUESS...Rolfe
1090, Daniel L GEHNKEN..St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada
821, Herman F PETERSON...Ruthven
850, John W WINN...Ruthven
1280, Nich CHITAS...Graettinger
523, Andrew G BARBER...Rodman
1111, Forest RIDENOUR...Mallard
1220, James N WOOD...Ayrshire
855, Ray WILKINS...Ruthven
902, Otto NORDBY...Cylinder
891, Torger KNUDSEN...Cylinder
669, Edward J FARRELL...E'burg
1030, Oscar O THRASHER...Rodman
104, Pete J GRETHEN...Mallard
540, John F FENDEL...Rodman
70, George A FROST...Cylinder
1228, Harry BARKVE...Cylinder
740, Halsey E DEUEY...Ruthven
83, Clarence S SWENSEN...Cylinder
142, Wiliam J SCHWINT...Mallard
1399, James B McALLISTER...E'burg
1445, Philip J DORWEILER...West Bend
649, John E WOLLNER...E'burg
559, Edward V MONTAG...West Bend
899, Andred M NELSON...Cylinder
1332, Marvin G MICHAELS...Graettinger
1149, Carl T CARLSON...Ayrshire
788, Oliver G LEE...Ruthven
994, Ray WATTS...Ruthven
793, Joseph M LYNCH...Ruthven
1279, Leonard A BARRETT...Graettinger
1385, Alvin H BESAW...E'burg
534, Simon ELBERT, Jr...Whittemore
119, Alfred J KREIG...Mallard
630, Leman F PLACE...E'burg
1321, Carl T KNUDSON...Graettinger
1368, Lawrence SUNDALL...Graettinger
901, Oscar E NORLAND...Cylinder
1052, Fred C LESLEIN...Curlew
1501, Martin MATHIAN...West Bend
1311, John W JOHANSEN...Graettinger
803, Albert A MILLER...Ruthven
135, Wm H REINDERS...Mallard
648, Claude V WRIGHT...E'burg
643, Levi THOMPSON...Cylinder
1212, James A UNDERWOOD...Ayrshire
1000, Charles H BUSH...E'burg
291, Joseph A EARLY...E'burg
1012, Stephen S KIRKMAN...Mallard
1312, James A JENSEN...Graettinger
812, Allen McNAIR...Ruthven
554, Charley J JOHNSON...Rodman
454, Joel V DAY...Cylinder
1079, Guy L CARMICHAEL...Mallard
962, Clarence C LANDE...Graettinger
1438, Patrick J CALLIGAN...West Bend
953, Henry JORGENSEN...Graettinger
13, Orville R COHEN...Laurens
20, James FISH...Ayrshire
1245, Peter C HANSEN...Graettinger
835, William H SCHULDT...Ruthven
467, John GUNN...Cylinder
1503, Emerteris MAMBO...West Bend
319, Raymond J NEARY...E'burg
999, Harry D BARRICK...E'burg
131, Bert OSKVIG...Mallard
87, Ray O THOMAS...Cylinder
1427, Net A BROWN...West Bend
915, Victor SORENSON...Ringsted
1396, Alfred MENZ...Graettinger
315, Robert F McNALLY...E'burg
476, Chester L JENSWOLD...Cylinder
1196, Ray E PENTICO...Ayrshire

Seventeenth 500
313, James W Morrissey...E'burg
1235, John P Donahue...E'burg
1523, William Salisbury...West Bend
1335, Harry B Moraine...Graettinger
1325, Marshall Leason...Graettinger
270, John H Wilson...E'burg
1207, John T Thompson...Ayrshire
348, Bryant F Booth...E'burg
318, Ole Neraal...E'burg
1290, Andrew Daarud...Graettinger
1265, John L Tjaden...Graettinger
516, Albert H Walz...Whittemore
1223, Edward A Anderson...Graettinger
491, John E Miles...Cylinder
1426, Michael W Banwart...West Bend
720, Floyd O Barber...Ruthven
190, Ray D Metz...E'burg
844, Ruby Tyrees...Ruthven
716, Clarence H Anderson...Ruthven
1082, Roy A Crouch...Mallard
1243, Wellington H Hanby...E'burg
1400, Thomas S McCutcheon...E'burg
113, Fred Hough...Mallard
887, Ulrich Juhl...Cylinder
37, Clarence F Johnson...Curlew
413, Charles Henningson...E'burg
1033, Ora L Bohn...Curlew
1462, Henry A Falb...West Bend
1378, Miller K Weincauff...Graettinger
1349, Harvey F Peterson...Graettinger
903, Ingeman Ostergard...Fenton
697, Henry T Sanders...Curlew
210, Horace E Tunnicliff...E'burg
1499, Michael Marnach...West Bend
392, Henry M Schuller...E'burg
3, Clarence Allen...Marathon
381, Lester J Morris...E'burg
594, Roy B Frederick...Cylinder
494, Cellestine C McDonnell...Whittemore
95, Cyril Conlon...Mallard
498, Claud L Pugsley...Rodman
545, Raymond Graham...Rodman
92, Just Christensen...Mallard
831, Elmer Ruehle...Ruthven
306, William F Kelly....E'burg
998, Marcus F Booth...E'burg
696, Franklin P Staver...E'burg
50, Leo G Rehm...Marathon
244, James R Murphy...E'burg
153, John J Wagner...Mallard
1017, Edward Mulroney...West Bend
231, Gilbert H Wesley...E'burg
969, Leon N Olson...Terrill
34, William F Johnson...Curlew
761, Albert M Hermansen...Ruthven
1190, Jesse E Marker...Ruthven
787, Hugh S Logan...Ruthven
680, James Kenyon...E'burg
81, Lester L Reid...Cylinder
288, William J Early...E'burg
186, Grover C Malden...Ayrshire
826, Otto W Pierson...Ruthven
296, John P Galleghar...E'burg
489, Emil T Mansager...Cylinder
1381, Martin J Aylward...Graettinger
1005, Emmet Downs...E'burg
380, Corliss J Moore...E'burg
1208, George E Triggs...Ayrshire
395, William A Yockle...E'burg
27, Bert L Hastings...Marathon
547, William H Garrett...Rodman
1125, Victor O Whitmer...Curlew
884, Carl W Johnson...Ringsted
943, Josep L Grady...Ruthven

Eighteenth 500
798, Elmer Meyer...Ruthven
1286, Albert Christiansen...Graettinger
1384, Albert Anson...E'burg
132, Bert Prentice...Mallard
1233, John L Conway...Graettinger
589, William S Beatty...Cylinder
834, Harry C Sampson..Ruthven
1238, Coony Gray...Graettinger
325, John J O'Brien...E'burg
1460, Noah H Falb...West Bend
1247, James F Johnson...Graettinger
1296, Curtis F Fleming...Graettinger
289, William F Eagan...E'burg
1093, Elmer Hough...Mallard
443, Robert W Bleckwenn...Cylinder
24, Carl J Fuchs...Laurens
951, Charles Iverson...Graettinger
779, Claud Kiefer...Ruthven
558, Idna J Maahs...Whittemore
389, Pietro Sgarbosso...E'burg
1307, Ray E Hall...Greattinger
1162, Ernest A Fread...Ayrshire
1047, George A Houser...Curlew
728, Hubert J Bauer...Ruthven
690, Charles J Nelson...E'burg
1133, Hilding Anderson...Ruthven
449, Frank Schwint...Mallard
482, Anthony H Hyewski...Cylinder
97, Derrall C Douglas...Mallard
1239, Fred L Goddard...Emmetsburg
219, Glenn R Brown...E'burg
163, Richard W Beebe...E'burg
839, Andy H Schnell...Ruthven
1249, Bennie Johnson...E'burg
1049, Floyd F Hatch...Curlew
45, Arthur D McDonnel...Ayrshire
1535, Charles H Williams...West Bend
605, Orvil C Goddard...E'burg
1246, Tonnes Juhl...Cylinder
687, Michael J McNamara...E'burg
186, William K Ketchen...E'burg
1135, Charlie V Bryan...Ayrshire
541, William P Fogarty...West Bend
247, William F Moncrief...E'burg
1468, Clem G Roscoe...West Bend
179, Joseph A Havig...E'burg
684, Miley Mahan...E'burg
997, John E Brennan...E'burg
922, William Voight...Fenton
253, Alfred L Peterson...E'burg
1273, Jrhard J Axelton...Graettinger
263, William J Soper...E'burg
577, Carl J Schellenberg...West Bend
732, Thomas Clayton...Ruthven
661, Frank C Conlon...E'burg
727, Bill Burton...Ruthven
584, Noah R Walker...Whittemore
496, Peter H O'Leary...Cylinder
811, David H Madsen...Ruthven
12, Vern S Coon...Ayrshire
897, Thore D Naig...Cylinder
1078, Fern F Coon...Curlew
748, Joe F Fiesler...Ruthven
1541, Perry G Baldwin...Ruthven
108, Henry E Howes...Mallard
178, Howard J Hughes...E'burg
377, Joseph C Murphy...E'burg
9, Ben E Cox...Curlew
347, William L Booth...E'burg
70, George A Frost...Cylinder
194, James F O'Neill...E'burg
16, Ernest Cole...Ayrshire
1496, Walter C McCormick...West Bend
952, Clarence Iverson...Graettinger

Nineteenth 500
595, James M Frederick...Cylinder
789, Clarence Livingston...Ruthven
349, Elmer G Berray...E'burg
134, Will Reese...Mallard
1372, Geo D Fafilis...Graettinger
607, Frank Joe Halder...E'burg
1344, Joseph D O'Connor...Graettinger
374, Geo L Ludowitz...E'burg
1219, Arthur White...Curlew
925, Fred C Walz...Fenton
173, Michael R Edwards...E'burg
184, Wm F Kerber...E'burg
1542, James J Kibbie...Curlew
819, Edward Peterson...Ruthven
166, Clark K Even...E'burg
1039, Dickinson J Elmore...Curlew
474, Heng Salmer...Cylinder
60, Guy E L Stouffer...Laurens
518, Otto F Witte...Fenton
759, Harry M Henderson...Ruthven
208, Victor A Sodergren...E'burg
293, Lewis W Gunn...E'burg
1463, Clyde V Pringle...E'burg
771, Nels Hanson...Ruthven
785, August H Lundstrom...Ruthven
404, Edward T Fitzpatrick...E'burg
137, John H Reese...Mallard
1362, Alfred C Simonson...Graettinger
369, Arthur E Hill...E'burg
575, Peter J Schmalen...West Bend
277, Phillip J Bough...Emmetsburg
987, Oscar F Suss...Graettinger
411, Oliver W Hanschen...E'burg
80, Adolph C Midthum...Cylinder
266, Wm E G Saunders...E;burg
123, Wilbur R Lowe...Mallard
249, David C Nelson...E'burg
204, Charles F Roberts...E'burg
387, John L Reagan...E'burg
1085, John S Dow...Mallard
921, Sam Vanderby...Ringsted
1182, Clifton W Leiwig...Ayrshire
139, Leulon F Rankin...Mallard
57, John E Schultz...Curlew
159, Roy P Atkinson...E'burg
419, John M Korleski...E'burg
1461, Geo A Foley...West Bend
197, Joseph A Havig...Emmetsburg
338, Roy C Traver...E'burg
165, Joseph N Brisbois...E'burg
1351, Earl H Roberts...Graettinger
1263, Frank H Smith...E'burg
767, Elvin L Hagen...Ruthven
1193, James M O'Brien...Ayrshire
334, Howard H Seely...E'burg
386, Victor E Peterson...E'burg
1001, Loyd A Booth...E'burg
14, Charlie E Coe...Curlew
252, Floyd F Peterson...E'burg
78, Richard T Lothian...Cylinder
703, Fred G Wenger...Emmetsburg
1041, Derwin A Fosnot...Curlew
1229, Wm. L Briney...E'burg
644, Clarence E Thomas...E'burg
683, James Meehan...E'burg
1062, Mark R Schuller...Curlew
1502, Leslie G Minger...West Bend
412, George L hanschen...E'burg
1026, Oscar C Sprout...Mallard
996, Louis W Bush...E'burg
301, John G Higley...E'burg
1056, John A Rosenberger...Curlew
733, Austin C Chatfield...Ruthven
1044, Art H Green...Curlew
587, Berton E Yale...Rodman

Twentieth 500
828, Anton Peterson...Ruthven
1410, Lawrence Thorson...E'burg
937, Oscar L Christiansen...Ruthven
490, Albert G Meyer...Whittemore
340, William Veit...E'burg
1431, Clyde G Bourret...West Bend
706, Robt S Watson...Ayrshire
729, John T Baxter...Ruthven
401, John J Donahue...E'burg
719, James B Alger...Ruthven
515, Frank Wright...Cylinder
1100, Arthur A Montgomery...Curlew
255, Chas. Papadakes...E'burg
568, George W McTigue...Rodman
1356, Arthur W Richardson...Graettinger
22, Wm F Fuchs...Curlew
1412, John P Wycoff...E'burg
171, Richard F Davies...E'burg
234, Fred A Henderson...E'burg
53, John J Rehm...Marathon
276, Wm T Branagan...E'burg
1371, Herbert Thivaite...Graettinger
774, Reuben M Johnson...Ruthven
439, Geo E Whorley...E'burg
820, Claud W Prather...Ruthven
225, Leo A Downs...E'burg
517, Wm M Weir...Whittemore
1122, Wm O Triggs...Curlew
85, Emmet E Surber...Cylinder
893, Reinhall Laabs...Fenton
73, Thomas P Goeders...Cylinder
610, Maurice V Herbert...Cylinder
1352, Otto J Rasmussen...Graettinger
152, Benjamin W Stafford...Mallard
520, Benjamin H Brown...West Bend
967, Alfred Nelson...Graettinger
28, Edwin Hildebrand...Curlew
1434, Grover H Chism...West Bend
1388, Frank A Herke...E'burg
688, Wm J McNamara...E'burg
472, Henry J Hinz...Cylinder
1342, Emery F Nefsted...Graettinger
1308, Lyle H Hrestad...Graettinger
484, Harry G Lilley...Cylinder
722, Harold E Barringer...Ruthven
314, Wm Millea...Emmetsburg
162, John O W Blom...E'burg
1006, John B Downs...E'burg
181, Frederick M Irvine...E'burg
632, Vern Plymesser...E'burg
1483, John Ketelsan...West Bend
599, Mark A Frederick...Cylinder
1375, Otto C E Tarwelle...Graettinger
243, Clifford F Mayne...E'burg
1206, Edwin Strofel...Ruthven
686, James P McCabe...E'burg
170, Ray Conlon...E'burg
651, Harve C Barrick...E'burg
324, Patrick T O'Brien...
502, Claude L Seely...Whittemore
723, John E Burke...Ruthven
888, Ole D Johnson...Fenton
101, Ernest O Fisher...Plover
111, George L Jolliffe...Mallard
795, Martin F Larson...Ruthven
535, Leo J Elbert...Whittemore
193, Alton J Mathews...E'burg
333, Christian A Skow...E'burg
853, Selmar A Wigdahl...Ruthven
794, Donald G Logan...Ruthven
1165, Roy T Gates...Ayrshire
235, Fred D Halstead...E'burg
1271, Tony Andrew...Graettinger
971, Oppedal I Torkelson...Ruthven
1524, Jake Schmolen...West Bend
330, John A Pearson...E'burg
147, Cecil R Samson...
39, Geo Lee Levi...Ayrshire
653, Leo Burns...E'burg
273, Walter L Allsup...E'burg
670, Daniel T O'Grady...E'burg
510, Edvert N Tow...Cylinder
917, Thomas Tnaiten...Cylinder
35, Benjamin H Johnson...Laurens
1316, John O Jertson...Graettinger
765, Rue Hubbard...Ruthven
47, Charley R Parks...Ayrshire
936, Guy A Crookshank...Ruthven

Twenty-First 500
111, August H Hillman...Mallard
1444, Philip O Dorweiler...West Bend
364, Fred Gurske...E'burg
125, Albert Lenners...Mallard
522, Frank J Burke...Whittemore
466, Knut Gjerde...Cylinder
74, Alva L Heddinger...Cylinder
626, George A Osborn...E'burg
591, Thomas V Chapman...E'burg
503, Nichols M Sherman...Cylinder
295, Joseph W Galleghar...E'burg
1244, Conrad M Helland...Cylinder
865, Bertel Berkeland...Fenton
177, Thomas V Goddard...E'burg
167, Hary H Cohen...Emmetsburg
1532, Benjamin E Walker...West Bend
1340, Brar T Nelson...Graettinger
201, Sam Rozen...Emmetsburg
141, John H Reynolds...Mallard
754, Giles G Gawthrop...Ruthven
401, James J Donahue...E'burg
908, Wilmer L Prentice...Fenton
842, Merton T Thompson...Ruthven
1019, Frederick C Myerly...Rodman
1140, Matt D Brown...Ayrshire
708, Andrew J Anderson...Ruthven
992, Clarence O Wikert...Graettinger
495, Geo W McLellan...Cylinder
68, Francis E Cullen...Cylinder
1446, Calvin O Ditch...West Bend
654, Frank C Bretz...Ayrshire
1475, Christianson J Kjedlsen...West Bend
366, Eddie Hilton...Emmetsburg
1261, Claud C Rucker...Graettinger
537, Thomas P Ford...Whittemore
66, Benjamin F Combs...Cylinder
718, Christopher C Ankre...Ruthven
752, Ellery H Goff...Ruthven
227, Bert E Frost...Emmetsburg
290, Karl J Egan...Emmetsburg
399, Orton E Church...E'burg
1328, John S Larson...Graettinger
281, Richard J Coolin...E'burg
448, Albert D Bleckwenn...Cylinder
673, Patrick F Hand...E'burg
464, Geo Griggs, Jr...Cylinder
730, Edgar D Burch..Ruthven
1128, Roy C Stokes...Curlew
1089, Vern C Gettel...Curlew
110, Arthur L Hughes...Mallard
512, Robert J Wegener...Whittemore
894, Henry Menkie...Fenton
370, Richard Kinnetz...E'burg
1124, Eddie B White...Mallard
898, Lars D Naig...Cylinder
1259, Wade Oxenford...Graettinger
1253, Benjamin H Leary...Graettinger
143, Joseph M Studer...Rolfe
439, George E Whorley...E'burg
1488, Frank Lockwood...West Bend
120, Charles C Kreig...Mallard
256, John M Pfiffner...E'burg
621, Dudley McDaniel...E'burg
660, John Cookley...Emmetsburg
1402, Peter Norgard...Graettinger
1060, Frank E Schuller...Curlew
1203, Fred J Sawyer...Ayrshire
485, Grant H Munden...Cylinder
2, August A Andrew...Ayrshire
264, Wm J Soper...Emmetsburg
1088, Floyd M Grove...Mallard
215, George W Appleby...E'burg
500, John E Prine...Whittemore
385, Wm E O'Brien...Emmetsburg
1418, Lon Brown...West Bend
1130, Walter G Zeidler...Mallard
3, Alva C Allen...Marathon
1157, Samuel E Dwyer...E'burg
710, Ellsworth L Archer...Ruthven
337, Clifford C Tessler (or Tessier)...E'burg
678, Herman L Johnson...E'burg
118, Fred Kirtz...Mallard
1473, Christopher C Henley...West Bend
701, Timothy M Terwilliger...E'burg
508, Emil A Schendel...Cylinder
505, John Shelly...Cylinder
737, Alfred J Copplester...Ruthven
813, Myron A Needham...Ruthven
304, Hans J Jensen...E'burg
1169, John G Hood...Ayrshire
305, Charles L Jones...Emmetsburg
876, Gilbert V H Griffen...Ringsted
384, John J O'Brien...Emmetsburg
966, John Nelson...Graettinger
188, Joseph E Myers...Emmetsburg
956, Carl T Knutsen...Ruthven
471, Fred A Hinz...Rodman
689, Chris Nelson...Curlew
261, George E Saunders...E'burg
907, Geo S Peppard...Cylinder
1330, Ludwig Larson...Graettinger
172, Arthru Duboise...E'burg
200, Clarence C Quinn...E'burg
376, Jacob E Marrow...Emmetsburg
192, Maxwell M Miller...E'burg
233, Ernest L Halstead...E'burg
977, John H Rierson...Graettinger
796, Ernest Larson...Ruthven
1522, Joseph Smith...West Bend
578, Rodolf E Schenk...Rodman
203, Ivan N Richardson...E'burg
611, Henry Iverson...Cylinder
403, Frank J Ellwanger...E'burg
196, Martin C Oleson...E'burg

Thieves are now stealing copper plates from printing offices. They would
take the marrow out of dead mens bones if they could dispose of it to

Dennis KIRBY came from Aberdeen, S.D. Saturday to visit his parents. He
reports that the dry weather is damaging crops in North Dakota but so far
South Dakota has not been affected.

The Democrat overlooked the arrival of a second son at the home of Mr and
Mrs George SAUNDERS on July 7. The happy parents have already no doubt
received the warm congratulations of their many friends.

Mrs. M.F. KERWICK visited her daughter Mrs. Hugh McLAUGHLIN of Rockwell
during the past week.

Mrs. Davis ANDERSON and daughter Mary arrived from Britt Friday to visit at
the John CROWDER home in this city.

Mrs. Cora COX returned to Fort Dodge Friday after a couple of days visit
with her parents, Mr and Mrs O.O. WILLIAMS.

Mr and Mrs L.H. MAYNE and family autoed to Sioux City Saturday for a short
visit with Mrs. MAYNE's mother Mrs. M.J. DAVIS.

Mr and Mrs George GALLEGER of Spirit Lake will return to Estherville, their
former home. Mr. GALLEGER is a tailor. He is over 90 years of age.

Michael CONLON came home from Whittemore Saturday morning. He was visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Phil CULLEN, of that place for some time.

Mrs. John WALDRON of Estherville was in Emmetsburg Saturday visiting her
sister, Mrs. F.E. HAND. She returned to Estherville the same day.

Dr. and Mrs. G. BALDWIN and Harry THATCHER of Ruthven came to Emmetsburg
Sunday evening with Mrs. WAGNER, who was leaving for her home in Idaho. She
is a sister of Mr. THATCHER. She was visiting relatives in this section for
some time.

C.J. LAWRENCE came from Independence township Monday evening. He was anxious
to learn the names of the young men who were drafted. He is enjoying a visit
from hs nephew, C.E. NEWTON of Bartonville, Oklahoma.

Steve and John CSUKKER and Joseph and Anthony WEINZEFF of the sout part of
the county were in Emmetsburg Monday evening. Three of them had been
selected for service in the U.S. Army and were anxious to see the list that
the Democrat had printed.

Mrs. Nicholas STEIL, Sr. left for Dubuque Friday to visit her son, Joseph.
>From there she will go to Lancaster and Fennimore, Wisconsin to see her
brothers. She will be absent for a couple of months. She intends spending
the winter with her sons in Oklahoma.

Mr. SIBREL of the Graettinger neighborhood was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was
accompanied by his brother, O.W. SIBREL of Washington, Illinois who is
visiting him.

Monday we enjoyed a call from G.A. ARNOLD of Lincoln, Nebraska, who is
visiting G.A. FROST of Cylinder. Mr. ARNOLD spent several months in the U.S.
army on the border last fall. He was stationed at Nogales, Arizona. He
informs our reporter that soldiers who feigned fatigue and dropped out of
the ranks when on long hikes were sent to the U.S. penitentiary at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas. Punishment for offenses of this kind is severe.

Dr. GUTHRIE of Ringsted Enlists.
Dr. GUTHRIE returned yesterday morning from Des Moines where he successfully
passed the examination for entrance into the U.S. army as a surgeon and he
is now one of the Uncle Sam's boys. He does not expect to leave Ringsted for
a couple of months yet but will be called into service at the same time the
conscripted army is.--Dispatch.

James QUINN Farm Sold
It is reported that the James QUINN farm northwest of town, was sold last
week to Henry WEGENER of that neighborhood, for a consideration said to be
around $165 per acre. This is a mighty good farm and was a bargain for the
man that purchased.--Whittemore Champion.

Notice of Appointment of Executor
State of Iowa, Palo Alto county,
Notice is Hereby Given That the undersigned has been duly appointed and
qualified as executor of the estate of William O'BRIEN late of Palo Alto
county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said
estate will file them with the Clerk of the District court as provided by
law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
Executor of said estate.
E.A. & W.H. MORLING, attorney for estate.
Dated July 9th, 1917

[transcribed by CJL, August 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County