Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, November 22, 1916

Mr. John Finn and Miss Nora Leahy Married at St. Thomas Church

Mr. John Finn and Miss Nora Leahy were united in marriage at St. Thomas
church in this city Tuesday morning, Rev. M. McNerney performing the
ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Leahy, and the
groom by his friend, Mr. Henry Miller. A sumptuous wedding dinner was
enjoyed at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. P. Leahy, of Emmetsburg
township. The close relatives and friends of the bride and groom were in
attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Finn left during the day over the Rock Island on a
short wedding trip. They will, we understand, make their future home in
The bride is one of the community's exceptionally deserving young ladies.
All honor her for her many estimable qualities and will, we are sure, learn
with pleasure that Emmetsburg is to be her home. The groom is a steady, high
class gentleman. He grew to manhood in this vicinity. Of late years he has
followed the construction of grain elevators and his services are prized by
the firm that gives him employment. Our citizens will we are sure appreciate
the news of his decision to locate permanently in their midst. We extend
hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Finn.

Marriage of Mr. M.F. Ryan and Miss Nellie Laughlin on Tuesday.

Mr. M.F. Ryan of Mobridge, South Dakota, and Miss Nellie Laughlin, well
known to our many local readers, were united in marriage at the Assumption
church Tuesday morning at seven o'clock, Very Rev. P.P. Farrelly
officiating. Miss Rose Laughlin was bridesmaid and Mr. Wm. Ryan was
groomsman. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Lot Laughlin, of this city. Only the immediate relatives of the
contracting parties were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan left during the
day for the Twin Cities for an extended wedding trip. In a short time they
will be at home to their many friends at Mobridge, South Dakota.
No young lady in our county stands higher than the bride. Her parents were
among the county's first settlers. After taking a course in St. Mary's
Academy she taught for some time and was for several years engaged in the
Emmetsburg public schools. She also taught for a year or two in
Saskatchewan, Canada. During the past couple of years she served as deputy
in the county superintendent's office. The Mobridge people will find her a
lady well qualified to take a leading part in the social, religious and
other helpful affairs of their community. The groom, who grew to manhood in
Emmetsburg, is at present postmaster of Mobridge and ranks among the most
influential citizens of the town. He is a gentleman of strong personality
and has high class business qualifications. The important position he holds
is a testimonal to his strength among those who have during recent years had
occasion to mingle with him in a business way. A wide circle of Palo Alto
friends united with the Democrat in offering hearty good wishes for the
happiness and success through life of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County