Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Mar 1, 1916

Mr. D.J. FITZPATRICK and Miss Mary KELLY were united in marriage at the
Catholic church in this city Wednesday morning, at eight o'clock, Rev. J.J.
KELLY officiating. Miss marle MAHAN and Mr .V.L. O'CONNOR acted as
bridesmaid and groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony the contracting
parties repaired to the home of the bride's parents where a sumptuous
wedding breakfast was served. Mr and Mrs FITZPATRICK left during the day for
Vail and Denison, Iowa, on a wedding trip. They will also spend a short time
with relatives at Omaha and Des Moines. Mr and Mrs FITZPATRICK will occupy
the old Ned MAHAN farm during the coming year.
The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs James KELLY of this locality. She is
one of the popular and highly esteemed young ladies of our community, and is
a member of a prominent and influential family. She has a host of friends
and acquaintances who prize her for her many lady like qualities. The groom
came to this county a number of years ago. He is a young man of sterling
integrity, is industrious and honest and is in every way worthy of the young
lady he has chosen as his companion for life. The Times joins their many
friends in extending congratulations.---Graettinger Times.

Married at Havre, Montana, Today
Mr Edward BOUGH and Miss Anna O'CONNOR, well known to our county readers,
were married this morning at the Catholic church at Havre, Mont. Father
EAGLETON of that place officiating. The wedding dinner will be given at the
home of Mr and Mrs D.E. LAMBE of that place, formerly of this county. Mrs.
LAMBE is a sister to the bride. Mr and Mrs BOUGH will make their future home
on a ranch in that locality. The bride is a daughter of the late Thomas
O'CONNOR of Graettinger, who was one of the old settlers of that locality.
She grew to womanhood in this county and ws esteemed for her many admirable
qualities. Some time ago she went to Havre and has since lived at that
place. The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs Peter BOUGH of this city. He is a
genial, courteous, upright most worthy young man. He has a wide circle of
friends who join the Democrat in wishing him and his chosen companion health
and happiness for life.

Were Married Wednesday
Mr M.T. THOMPSON of Ruthven and Miss Lillie Viola HANSEN were married at the
home of the bride in Emmetsburg township last Wednesday. Rev. S.A. SANDOW of
Graettinger officiating. We extend hearty good wishes to the happy couple.

Married in Emmetsburg Thursday.
Mr. Frank TRUNNEL of Galva, Iowa, and Miss Gertrude HARRIS of Graettinger
were married  in this city Thursday, Rev. C.H. VANMETRE officiating. Much
joy to the happy couple.

Interesting School Trial at Graettinger.
Saturday a very interesting school trial was commenced at Graettinger and it
continued for two or three days. Mr .WILDEY charged one of hte teachers-
Miss Inez CROSS- with incompentency, untruthfulness, vindictiveness and
discourtesy towards a patron of the school. The case was tried before Supt.
Margaret RYAN. Attorney J.W. MORSE of Estherville appeared for plaintiff and
Attorney Dan KELLY of this city for defendant. There were a large number of
witnesses. Miss RYAN will not, we understand, give her decision until March

Public Sale Dates
Mrs. Mary A GIBBS, three and one-half miles southwest of Emmetsburg,
Tuesday, March 7.
F.D. HURLBURT, five miles east and one mile south of Graettinger, Wednesday,
March 15.

Members of A.O.H. Have One of the Most Successful Days in Local History of

Sunday was an important day in the local history of Ancient Order of
Hibernians. During the afternoon a class of thirteen was initiated by the
officers of the Emmetsburg division. The work was exceptionally well done.
The division officers had charge of the giving of the three degrees. Those
who became members are Michael FLEMING, Charles DUHIGG, Vincent FITZPATRICK,

In the evening a sumptuous banquet was enjoyed by the members and their
ladies at the K.C. hall. The total attendance was about 160. The spread was
served by Mr and Mrs WRIGHT, who for proficiency in this line, need no
introduction to the people of Emmetsburg. The napkins, flags and ice cream
were emblematic of the colors of the organization. The service was elegant,
prompt, and in every way satisfactory. All who were in attendance
complemented Mr and Mrs WRIGHT on their taste and efficiency.

The feast of reason and flow of soul followed. The program was one of the
best that has ever been given in Emmetsburg. P.H. DONLON, who has served
several terms as secretary of the organization, was honored in the selection
of toastmaster. He is ready and genial and is at all times at home with his
listeners. His introduction of the various parties who were listed on the
program showed that he has special tact and judgment for work of this kind.

The blessing was asked by Father VEIT.

The opening number on the program was a vocal solo by C.J. BERGER. He
sustained his reputation as a delightful singer. He always takes part
creditably on a program of this kind.

Miss Anna DONOVAN was assigned the subject, "The Hibernian as Seen by
Outsiders". She was clever, witty, and fluent and from the first, had a
hearty good will of the large audience. Her address of perhaps fifteen
minutes was indeed a gem and was a subject of warm and generous praise by
many who had the privilege of hearing her. Her description of the typical
Irish character was that of one who knows his energy, snap, humor,
integrity, magnanimity and deep seated reverence for things that are sacred.
Her effort would have been a credit to any banquet program here in Iowa.

Charles DUHIGG spoke on his impressions of the day. After a few humorous
remarks concerning the initiatory exercises and his new civic associates, he
referred at some length to the strong tendency of the young people of our
time towards frivolity and extravagance. His suggestions were timely and
they met with the warm approval of all serious minded people who heard him.
The speech was one of the best Mr DUHIGG has ever delivered in Emmetsburg.
He is earnest as well as pleasing and is cool headed and practical. He is
always a favorite with an Emmetsburg audience.

M.F. KERWICK was, as usual, the humorist of the evening. He was given to
understand by the program committee that he would not have to say much and
he didn't, but he kept the audience in an uproar while he had the floor. Mr
KERWICK is becoming very popular as an after dinner talker. He has original
Irish humor and it must be conceded that the supply he had on hand Sunday
evening was of a superiour quality. His place on the program could not have
been handled by any other member of the organization.

W.I. BRANAGAN spoke of Celtic achievement in religion, oratory, literature,
law, medicine, music, drama, comedy, art and science, and in the industrial,
commercial, and transportation development of our country.

Miss Bernadette BOUGH sang a couple of her best selections. She has
excellent ability and for one of her years,is showing marked progress as a
vocalist. She is undoubtedly one of the most promising singers of our
county. She filled a very important place on the program.

T.J. COONAN sang three of his best Irish songs and he was repeatedly greeted
with enthusiastic applause. He is always popular before Emmetsburg
audiences, but Sunday evening he was at his best. Mr COONAN's charming
personality, his cheery nature and his anxiety to do his part creditably add
greatly to his success as a popular entertainer.

The committee on general arrangements, C.J. McNALLY, W.P. KERWICK, M.J.
CONWAY, M.F. BRENNAN and Chas. WALDRON, deserve great praise for the success
of the day's exercises.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County