Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 14, 1916

B.F. McFARLAND of West Bend has been in Manitoba during the past week
looking after real estate interests in that section. He has of late years
made good money on Canadian lands.

The Journal reporst that Irwin SHELLMYER has returned from Graceville,
Minnesota, and will take charge of the telephone exchange at West Bend. Mr.
BALGEMAN is the owner of it.

Miss PLAGREY, who taught the Graettinger schools for some time has been
chosen superintendant of a consolidated district in Pocahontas county. She
was for a year or more employed in the Spencer schools.

Mr and Mrs SIFERT of Whittemore left in a Ford car a few days ago for a
summer's trip through the Dakotas and Montana. Mr. SIFERT will represent the
American Bible Society. He was superintendent of the Whittemore schools
during the past year.

Montague HAKES, the well known Laurens merchant, who is one of the leading
Democrats of Pocahontas county, took in the big republican convention in
Chicago a few days last week. If he secured a ticket he was exceedingly

C.P. COLGRAVE, who taught the teachers' institute in Emmetsburg when Mr
DONLON was county superintendent, has been elected president of the Upper
Iowa University of Fayette. Its buildings are valued at $200,000 and it has
an endowment fund of $265,000. Mr. COLGROVE [Note: spelled differently from
first reference] has for several years been vice-president of the Iowa State
Teachers' College at Cedar Falls.

Mrs. John CROWDER is enjoying a visit from her sister, Miss Mary Anderson of
Sioux City.

Mrs. Robt. WILSON and children went to Orange City Wednesday to visit
relatives for a short time.

Miss Mayme McCARTY of Graettinger spent Friday with her father, J.D. McCARTY
and family of this city.

Rev. and Mrs. CUTHBERT of Graettinger spent Wednesday with Mrs. CUTHBERT's
brother, J.E. SCHOOLEY, of this city.

Asa BROWN came to Emmetsburg from Minneapolis Thursday for a visit with his
parents, Mr and Mrs W.J. BROWN.

Miss Margaret FLOOD went to Sanborn Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs.
Clifford LONG and family for a short time.

Miss Edna OLIVER of Ruthven attended the commencement exercises of the high
school in this city Wednesday evening.

Mrs. E.B. SOPER, Jr., went to Mount Vernon the last of the week to attend
the commencement exercises of Cornell college.

Mrs. Loretta MART and Miss Alice McNALLY spent Friday with their sister,
Mrs. Joe CLENNON of West Bend.

Wm. R. THOMPSON arrived home from McCloud, Oklahoma, Thursday. He spent the
past six months with relatives and friends at that place.

Postmaster STEINER of Mallard ws in Emmetsburg Saturday. he was seeing about
having some improvements made in the Mrs. CONLON property in the Fourth

W.D. MATT nd Miss Girlie DONOVAN and Chas. and Miss Lottie JOYNT went to
Fort Dodge Wednesday and drove home a fine new Overland auto which Chas.
Joynt has purchased.

Miss Mary DUHIGG arrived from Dubuque Thursday evening to spend her vacation
at her home in this city. She attended Mount St. Joseph's college at that
place during the past year.

High weeds on the edges of narrow road grades should be cut. A little care
in this matter would prevent auto accidents. When there is a thick growth of
grass or weeds it is a difficult matter for a driver to locate the edge of
the grade.

Thomas SCOTT recently received a letter from a sister who lives in London,
England, stating that workingmen are having a serious time of it in that
country. Business is upset and conditions are very unfavorable especially
for the laborers who are poor.

The commencement exercises of the Whittemore Catholic school were held last
evening. There were six graduates-Misses Zeta and Beatrice DUFFY, Timothy
O'BRIEN, Hildred ELBERT, Nicholas GENGLER and Francis REILLY. The
commencement address was delivered by Father SLATTERY who is temporarily in
charge of the Whittemore parish.

Barney EISENBAST and family of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Saturday. They
drove down by auto. Mr EISENBAST gave considerable attention to road
building, while he lived in Germany and he thinks our people should first
provide for the draining and grading of the highways. Gravel is all right
when there is good road bed but it should not be used where the roads are
not in first class condition.

Friday evening Mrs. J.W. BRENNAN of this city was taken violently ill. Dr.
O'BRIEN wsa called and pronounced her ailment an abdominal tumor. Dr. TAYLOR
of the Algona hospital and Dr. BALDWIN of Ruthven were called in
consultation and his diagnosis of the case was verified by them. She was
taken to Sioux City Saturday to undergo an operation. She is quite advanced
in years. Her many local friends sincerely hope she will, in a short time,
be ble to return home fully restored to health and strength.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
Wed., June 21, 1916

Mr and Mrs P.F. O'REILLY arrived home Monday from a visit with their son,
Rev. Edward MAYNARD of Sutherland. Mr O'REILLY was also serving as U.S.
juror at Sioux City while absent.

Miss Cora WARD, daughter of W.P. WARD, formerly superintendent of the local
division of the Rock Island road was married June 6 to James Lindsay BAXTER
of Chicago. Mr BAXTER is quite a prominent insurance man. The local friends
of Miss WARD will be pleased to learn of her marriage.

Mrs. Joseph NOLAN, postmistress of Ruthven, attended the convention of
postal forces of our county held at the K.C. hall Saturday evening. She is
greatly interested in the success of the organization that has been formed
for the purpose of encouraging efficiency in the public services.

Mrs. J.W. BRENNAN who went to Sioux City about ten days ago underwent a
surgical operation for the removal of a twenty pound tumor. Dr. KNOTT, the
well known surgeon, had charge of her case. We are glad to report that she
stood well the severe ordeal and is getting along nicely.

J.S. PETERSON of Ringsted, the democratic chairman of Emmet county, attended
the democratic national convention at St. Louis last week. He is one of the
most successful political organizers in northwest Iowa. He is very
influential in his home community and is widely recognized for his worth as
a citizen as well as a political worker.

James GHOSLIN, who recently retired from the editorial management of the
Estherville Democrat, will engage in railroading again.

We notice by the Ruthven Free Press that A.D. CARNAHAN, formerly of this
community, has invested in a fine Overland car.

Oscar and John DOYLE left for St Paul yesterday with their brother Dan's
auto. Dan will find it very useful in the real estate business.

Professor George ZIMMERMAN, who was principal of the Rolfe schools for some
time, underwent an operation at Cedar Falls, a few days ago for

C.S. DUNCAN left for Hudson, Mich. the first of the week to attend the
reunion of the military company of which he was a memver during the Civil
War. The Democrat hopes he will have a pleasant visit.

Mr and Mrs F.J. KELLER of Long Beach, California, arrived in Emmetsburg the
first of the week. They are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W.J. BROWN.
They will remain for a short time to visit old neighbors, after which they
will go to Chicago to spend the warm summer months with their daughters.

Walter CROWELL of Estehrville recently graduated from the dental department
of the State University of Minnesota. He will locate for practice at
Lambertson, that state. He is a son of Mr and Mrs Walter CROWELL, formerly
of West Bend. We congratulate Mr CROWELL and his parents on his graduation
and hope he will be successful in his profession.

Yesterday P.H. DONLON received word that the prize offered by the L.A. of
the A.O.H. of Iowa for the best examination of Irish history was won by Miss
Veretta, daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph MARTINI, of this place. She will have
the privilege of attending, during the coming year, any Catholic academy or
college in Iowa in which Irish history is taught. We congratulate her on her
success and also the sisters of St Mary's Academy, who had her as a pupil
during the past few years. Miss Kathryn McEVOY took this prize two or three
years ago. The prize offered by the A.O.H. was won by an Iowa City boy. We
have not learned his name.

John RHEMS and George BEATTY have purchased new Overland autos during the
past week. They bought them of W.D. DONOVAN.

Mrs. Emma JUCHER returned to Bode Tuesday after a week's visit with her
sister, Mrs Matt HENTGES, who lives northeast of this city.

Mr and Mrs F CHURCHILL of Mason City were in Emmetsburg Saturday. While in
town they were the guests of Postmaster P.H. DONLON

Mrs. L.G. THOMPSON and family of Estherville were guests during the past
week  at the home of Mr and Mrs. J.R. WILLIAMS of this place.

Frank BRENNAN, Ed KELLY, J.S. GIBSON and Fred PAULSON left Tuesday for
Spirit Lake. They will do some work on the J.J. WATSON farm near that city.

Mrs. Ada HOOBLER of Streator, Ill. arrived in Emmetsburg Friday for a visit
with her son, Garret HOOBLER, and her daughter, Mrs. J.N. SNYDER, who live
near this city.

The Motor Inn reports that the following named parties have invested in
Fords within the past week: J.P. JOYNT, Nick MARTINI, Ralph PARNHAM, Chris

Mrs. Margaret GLEASON and Miss Kathryn DONLON of Medina, North Dakota, came
to Emmetsburg the last of the week to visit their brother, P.H. DONLON. Both
are teachers in the public schools of Medina.

Miss Marie Z PINGREY, who was for some time principal of the Graettinger
schools, has gone to Greeley, Colorado to attend a summer school. She will
become superintendent of a consolidated school in Pocahontas county during
the coming year.

Miss Gertrued VanWAGENEN, daughter of Judge VanWAGENEN of Sioux City, has
been given a position for the summer in the biological laboratories of
Harvard University in the Bermuda Islands. She has, for some time, been
engaged in the department of zoology in the State University of Iowa.

Father CARROLL's sermon at the Assumption church Tuesday evening of last
week has, for several days, been the subject of generous praise by the many
who had the good fortune to hear him. His subject was the "Love of God for
Mankind". Father CARROLL is intellectual and ready and he speaks with great
earnestness. The people of Emmetsburg expected an elegant sermon and they
knew that they would not be disappointed.

Attorney Maurice O'CONNOR of Fort Dodge has retired from pracitce. He has
been suffering for some time, from a nervous breakdown. He spent the winter
in California and came home in the spring feeling better but close attention
to business brought his painful ailment back again. Mr .O'CONNOR is one of
Iowa's ablest and most conscientious attorneys. His physical decline will be
greatly and sincerely regretted.

Mrs. Wm. EVERTS of Spencer was called to Emmetsburg the first of the week by
a serious illness of her sister, Miss Edna ROGERS.

Brother Noah FALB of the West Bend Journal attended the meeting of the
postal employes held at the K.C. hall in this city Saturday evening.

Frank AUSINGER of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor the first of the week..
He is one of the pioneer and highly esteemed gentlemen of that locality.

F.H. GRAAF of Estherville is now conducting his moving picture show in a
large tent. He will use it until the new opera house at that place is

Mr and Mrs John SULLIVAN of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Sunday. Their
little daughter was quite ill with pneumonia for several days but is, we are
pleased to report, better.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County