Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 5 Jan 1916

He Located in Palo Alto County In 1882

William J Collins died at his home in this city early Sunday morning after a
somewhat protracted illness. He was quite advanced in years and the
infirmities of old age were against him. The funeral was held yesterday.
Services were conducted at the Assumption church. The interment was in St.
John's cemetery. There were many old friends and neighbors in attendance.
The pall bearers were Peter Collins, Jr., James Collins, P.F. Miller,
Charles Miller and James O'Donnell, all grandsons of the deceased.
Mr. Collins was born in the county of Cavan, Ireland, in 1837. He grew to
manhood in the land of his birth. He was married at Newcastle England, in
1858, to Miss Margaret Minney. Mr. and Mrs. Collins came to the United
States in 1863. They located at Mahoney Plans, Pennsylvania, residing there
until 1877, when they came west. For two years they made their home at New
Hartford, this state, later they spent a year at Holland, Iowa, and in 1882
came to Emmetsburg. Mr. Collins followed railroading for many years but was
finally forced to retire on account of his waning physical powers. Six sons
and six daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Four sons and four
daughters are dead and the good wife and mother was called to here eternal
reward a number of years ago. There are two sons and two daughters living.
The sons are Peter, section foreman on the Rock Island road at this place,
and M.J., who is the Rock Island agent at Anita, this state. The daughters
are Mrs. Patrick Miller of Emmetsburg and Mrs. Anna O'Donnell of Nevada,
Iowa. All were present at the bedside of the aged father before he passed
away and the absent members remained for the funeral.
Mr. Collins was an honest, high minded man and he led a most edifying life.
He was temperate in his habits and he had a high regard for those who
observe conscientiously the precepts of religion and laws that govern
society. He was quiet and humble and he gave close attention to the care of
his family and his private business affairs. He was an agreeable, peaceful
man and he always did what he could to promote good feeling among his
neighbors. Though he had limited educational advantages when young, he read
newspapers and books regularly and closely and he kept well informed on
local and general topics. A warm hearted conscientious, loyal old christian
gentleman has been taken to a brighter, better, world. His memory will long
be revered by all who knew him. The sympathy of all is extended to the sons
and daughters.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 19 January 1916

Mr. D.W. Joynt and Miss Elizabeth McNally, Both of Emmetsburg

Mr. D.W. Joynt and Miss Elizabeth McNally were married at Assumption church
yesterday morning at seven o'clock, Rev. W. Veit officiating. The bride was
attended by her sister, Miss Bernette McNally and the groom by his brother,
Dr. A.J. Joynt of Waterloo. During the mass Mr. A.J. Berger and Misses
Veronica Higgins and Bernadette Bouga sang, rendering a couple of selections
that are heard on such occasions. A number of invited friends were present
to witness the ceremonies. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of
the bride's father, Mr. Edward McNally to about thirty of the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties. It was served in six courses by Mr.
Wm. Wright, who proves himself an artist on special occasions of this kind.
Mr. and Mrs. Joynt left in the evening for Le Mars to spend a few days with
relatives of the groom. They will doubtless visit Sioux City and other
places before returning home.
The bride and groom rank high among our very best people. They have been
friends from childhood. The bride was educated in St. Mary's Academy and was
an exceptionally close student. She was a member of the class of 1912. Later
she took a business course and has since been employed in her father's
office. No young lady in Emmetsburg has a stronger claim to the high regard
of our people than has this most deserving young woman. Mr. Joynt is one of
Emmetsburg's high class young men. His industry, exemplary deportment, warm
heartedness and sterling integrity are recognized by all who know him. Mr.
and Mrs. Joynt will make their home on the old homestead of the parents of
the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joynt, who have just moved to Emmetsburg. We
unite with hundreds of well wishers in extending hearty congratulations.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County