Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, February 2, 1916

The funeral Was Held Friday, Services Conducted at Assumption Church

Last week we made brief mention of the rather unexpected death of Mrs.
Michael Roach, which occurred at her home in this city Tuesday evening of
last week. The funeral was held Friday. The services were conducted at
Assumption church, Rev. W Veit celebrating a requiem high mass. There was a
large attendance of old friends and neighbors, despite the inclemency of the
weather. The day was exceptionally cold. The pall bearers were F.P. Brady,
J.P. Jennings, James P. Jones, Edward McNally, Thos. Cullen and W.I.
Branagan. The burial was in St. John's cemetery.
Catherine Markham was born at Kurlfin, in the county of Clare, Ireland, May
5, 1847. When she was four years old her parents came to the United States.
They lived in the vicinity of Iowa Falls, New York until 1855, when they
came west and settled in Clayton county, this state. Miss Markham was united
in marriage at Elkader, Iowa to Mr. Michael Roach, in October, 1865. Mr. and
Mrs. Roach resided in Clayton county until 1885, when they came to Palo Alto
county and settled on a farm in Independence township. In 1895 they bought a
farm in Kossuth county, a short distance north of Whittemore. In December,
1901, they came to Emmetsburg and bought a home in the Third Ward, where
they subsequently resided. Mr. Roach is survived by her husband, two sons
and seven daughters. one son, Clement, owns a drug store at Rock Rapids,
Iowa and the second son, Earl, owns a barber shop at Wyonet, Illinois. The
daughters are Mrs. W.H. Coonan, Mrs. Peter Daily, Mrs. Celia Hand, Mrs. J.R.
Martin, and Mrs. Curt Beck of Emmetsburg, Mrs. James Pender of Waterloo, and
Mrs. Wm. Pender of Dubuque. All the members of the family were present at
the funeral. There are also two sisters, Mrs. P. Larkin of Denver, Colorado,
and Mrs. John Roach of Elkader. An only living brother, James Markham, lives
at Elkader, Iowa. Among the relatives who came from a distance to attend the
funeral were Michael, Joseph, and William Roach and Misses Bid and Cloe
Roach, all of Elkader.
The death of Mrs. Roach removes from local domestic circles one of the most
esteemed women of our community. Like most of the good, old ladies of her
race and her time, she toiled hard during her early life and her more
vigorous years and she came to Emmetsburg to spend the closing days of her
long and active career among the members of her respected family and her
devoted friends. She seemed rugged and hearty and for twelve years she and
her good husband enjoyed the peace and the comforts of retirement in their
substantial home on the south side. Their yearnings for worldly things were
modest and their important cares were few. When the weather was pleasant,
they were, on week days, frequent attendants at the morning masses at the
Assumption church, wisely and fervently seeking, in their declining years,
the spiritual nourishment which, from childhood, had given them strength and
hope in many a trying hour. Mrs. Roach was always lively and pleasant and
she believed in looking on the bright side of life. She had a word of good
cheer for the discouraged and was every ready to give a helping hand to
those who needed assistance. She was prized as a neighbor at Elkader and
Whittemore long before coming to Emmetsburg.  She was a home woman and she
continued, until death called her, the frugal habits she had uninterruptedly
pursued through life....

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Feb 21, 1916

Miss Josephine DEALY arrived home from Evanston, Illinois, the last of the
week, having completed her course in music and drawing in the Northwestern

John McMAHON and his cousin Miss Irene McMAHON, arrived home from Ackley
Monday evening where they were visiting for several days. They made the trip
in Mr. McMAHON's auto.

Mr  and Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN of Bancroft were visitors at the home of Mr and
Mrs James MURRAY Saturday. They came by auto. Both were glad to attend the
teacher's reunion.

Miss Vida FURHAM of Fort Dodge had a collar bone broken a few nights ago
while out riding in an auto. In passing another car, the auto over turned on
a narrow road near Algona.

John FORDYCE informs us that he recently sold a Chevrolet car to John BOUGH
and a Reo to John MALLOY. The Democrat was in error in reporting a week or
so ago that Mr MALLOY had invested in a Buick.

John FORDYCE informs us that he finds it very difficult to have his offers
for cars filled. There is a great demand for them. Those who are figuring on
buying such autos should, he says, hand in their names as early as possible.

Saturday Miss Rose DONAHUE of Ayrshire underwent a surgical operation at the
hand of Dr. O'BRIEN for the removal of a tumor on the left shoulder, the
growth of which was rapid and painful. By its early removal no further
trouble will result.

Pope Benedict has knighted Dr. J.B. MURPHY, the noted Chicago surgeon. The
conferring of the honor makes him a member of the order of Gregory the
Great. Doctor MURPHY is a brother of Rev. D. MURPHY, who was assistant
pastor of the Assumption church about twenty-five years ago.

The Democrat is pleased to learn that Joe HESSION, son of Mr and Mrs. Dr.
HESSION of Graettinger, has been promoted from his present position in one
of the leading railroad offices of Cedar Falls to a much better place at an
office in Davenport. he has followed railroading for several years.

James BURNS recently painted his fine new barn. He has named his place the
"Riverside Stock Farm." He is one of our most industrious, frugal and
up-to-date farmers. We hope that more of the public-spirited farmers of this
locality will imitate his example and give their places suitable names.

A few days ago John JOYNT Sr was injured while working for the Milwaukee
company in the eastern part of the state. he and his men were employed on
the branch lines that were badly damaged by the heavy May rains. His
condition is, however, not serious. The Democrat hopes he will soon be able
to be about as usual.

Among the interesting visitors at the teachers' meeting Saturday was John D
HIGGINS of Perry, Iowa. Thirty-six years ago he taught in the same building
at Braidwood, Illinois, with P.H. DONLON. He is an expert mathematician and
had an interesting interview with W.J. BOWDEN, our local expert. He enjoyed
his visit to Emmetsburg.

Miss Margaret FLOOD arrived home from Sanborn Wednesday, where she was
visiting her sister, Mrs. LONG.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County