Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., Aug 9, 1916

Mrs. P.J. NALLY went to Clinton, Iowa, Sunday evening for a visit with her
sister, Mrs. J.B. WHALEN

John KEATING of Chicago came to Emmetsburg Tuesday for a visit with his
parents and other relatives in this locality.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 30, 1916

Mr and Mrs. J.P. CROWLEY Attended Big Gathering at Spirit Lake Yesterday

Mr and Mrs J.P. CROWLEY were at Spirit Lake yesterday attending the
unveiling of the bronze tablet commemorating the sheltering of pioneer
citizens of Dickinson county from the attack of the Indians in 1862. The
tablet rests on a nine ton boulder which is located in the courthouse yard.
A stockade was built at that place at the same time that E.K. RIDGELEY was
established at Estherville. The exercises held yesterday were very
creditable. The program was as follows:
"America"-School children.
Invocation-Mrs. Rosanna HEMENWAY, D.A.R. Chaplain
Speech-Hon. A.B. FUNK
Speech-Mrs. Dixie GEBHARDT, State Regent D.A.R.
Speech-Hon. Harvey INGHAM
Presentation of Tablet to Pioneers of Dickinson County, Mrs. A.M. JOHNSON,
Regent, D.A.R.
Acceptance of Tablet-County Attorney Harry E. NAREY
"Star Spangled Banner"-School Children
"Salute to Flag"-D.A.R.

It is needless to say that Mr. CROWLEY was especially interested in the
program. Forts were built by the state in 1862 at Chain Lake, Minn., which
is not far from Armstrong and at Estherville, Spirit Lake and Sioux City.
The state guards patrolled the country all the way from Chain Lake to Sioux
City by the way of the points named. Mr. CROWLEY, Lot LAUGHLIN, Joseph and
Kern MULRONEY, P.R. JACKMAN and Fay CARTER, all of this county were members
of Company A of Estherville. W.H. INGHAM, father of Harvey INGHAM of the
Register and Leader was captain and Col. SMITH, the well known Algona
banker, was quartermaster for five companies. Mr. CROWLEY says that Mr.
SMITH was an admirable provider for the needs of the soldiers. Ed McKNIGHT
of Dakota City was first lieutenant of the company. Mr. CROWLEY thinks that
Edward RIDLEY and Amos PINGRAY are the only two Emmet county members who are
still living. John HEFLEY, formerly of this place, who was a soldier in the
Mexican War, was second lieutenant of the company that was also stationed at
Chain Lake. The members of the company enlisted in August 1862, and were
mustered out in January, 1864. They were relieved by Company I of the Sixth
Iowa Cavalry of Iowa City, which was under the command of Captain WOLF. The
Estherville soldiers put in a rather hard winter but they had a good time.
Mr. CROWLEY says they slept on the floor of a school house and had blankets
for covering. They had good victuals.
The soldiers who were stationed at Spirit Lake had quarters in the court
house at that place. In all there were five companies on duty. James SAWYER
of Sioux City who was a captain of the U.S. army, became colonel of the
Northern Brigade. Mr. CROWLEY says that a company of United States soldiers
were stationed at Spirit Lake before the northern brigade was organized.
There was a massacre at Jackson, Minnesota in 1862. The New Ulm massacre
also occurred during the same year. Jackson is about twenty miles from
Spirit Lake. Five years before occurred the horrible Spirit Lake massacre.
under the circumstances it is not surprising that the frontier soldiers were
very uneasy.

J.H. QUINN Buys Half Section Farm at Bancroft
W.J. O'BRIEN writes us that James QUINN and Daniel O'BRIEN of Fairfield
township were at Bancroft last Saturday. Mr. QUINN has bought the John
HAUPERT half section farm two and one-half miles north of that place. He
paid $135 an acre for it. it is choice and well located. Mr. O'BRIEN thinks
he secured a bargain. Mr. QUINN has a well improved quarter section farm in
Fairfield township but he wanted more land for his eight sons. The citizens
of our county will regret very much to learn of the contemplated departure
of Mr and Mrs. QUINN and family. They are among our most deserving and
successful people and have many warm friends.

H.H. FISH Buys at Knoxville
H.H. FISH has bought a moving picture theater at Knoxville, this state. He
asks to have the Democrat mailed to him at his new address.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County