Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 15 Sep 1915

Mr. O.P. Doyle and Miss Laura Severna Mulry

Mr. O.P. Doyle and Miss Laura Severna Mulry were united in marriage at St.
Ambrose church in Chicago Tuesday morning, September 14, the pastor, Father
Foley, officiating. Miss Marie Mulry, sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid,and Mr. Oscar Doyle, brother of the groom, was best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Doyle intend spending ten days sightseeing in Chicago and neighboring
points and they will visit friends at Dubuque on their way to Emmetsburg.
They will reside with Mr. Doyle's mother in this city during the fall and
winter months.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mulry, who lived in
Emmetsburg about a quarter of a century ago. From this city they moved to
Chicago, where they subsequently resided. Miss Mulry has on various
occasions visited with relatives and friends in this locality and she has
impressed all who met her as a lady of pleasing personality and of true
worth. The many friends of the family will, we are sure, be glad to welcome
her to Emmetsburg. The groom is the second son of Mrs. O.P. Doyle, one of
the esteemed ladies of Emmetsburg. Mr. Doyle grew to manhood on the farm and
moved to this city with his mother something over a year ago. He is a
carpenter by trade and is one of the most exemplary young men of our
community. The Democrat unites with the many relatives and friends of the
newly-wedded couple in extending hearty good wishes for their future

Mrs. Charles GORDEN was a Spencer visitor last week.

John CULLEN shipped a carload of cattle to Aurora, ill.

George SWENDSEN was a southbound passenger Friday.

Mrs. George TRESSLER's cousin from Chicago arrived last week.

John CULLEN made his weekly shipment of cattle and hogs Saturday.

Albert and Edgar EASTON are building a cement garage for Will Rouse.

W.H. DEMPSEY sold John CULLEN a car of prime heavy hogs averaging 406

Mrs. Ed McNALLY and Mrs. Chris THOMPSON were Curlew visitors Thursday.

A.A. WHITMER has been absent for a week buying goods at Cedar Rapids and
other points.

Mrs. FOSTER was a south-bound passenger Saturday. She had been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. O.B. FISK the past two months.

Dr. KEENEY was called Sunday to attend Mrs. GRIFFEN, who is quite ill at
present writing. Her friends hope for her speedy recovery.

The school board has decided to have a teacher for the tenth grade and
procured the services of Mrs. CARROLL, wife of Professor CARROLL, who, with
Gladys WOLROD as intermediate and Margaret YOUNG as primary teacher, make
four teachers. Mrs. CARROLL will teach domestic science.

Miss Margaret GRADY was a visitor at Spencer Friday.

Luther STORK purchased a fine new auto during the past week.

Mr and Mrs. John CALLAHAN were Emmetsburg visitors Thursday.

Frank RYDER of Estherville visited old friends in this city Monday.

William BRENNAN left Tuesday for Dubuque, where he will attend Dubuque

Arthur KING left Saturday for Ames, where he will attend college during the
coming year.

Mr JEFFRIES returned to his home at Hot Springs, S.D. after a visit at the
Art JEFFRIES home.

Charles METZ returned from Minneapolis Saturday, where he will attend the
Minnesota State fair.

Clement REDDEN returned to Spirit Lake Monday after spending a week with his
father, John REDDEN.

Adams SIMINGTON, John REDDEN, and Legrand HOFF autoed to Algona Friday to
attend the races at that place.

Mr and Mrs. HARMAN arrived in this city Saturday from Chicago for a visit
with Mr and Mrs. Hanley MEEK.

Mrs. GRAY returned Friday to her home at Red Oak, Iowa, after a couple of
weeks' sojourn in this city with relatives.

Mr and Mrs. John STORK and Mrs. F VONAHUSE of Breda, Iowa, were over-Sunday
visitors in this city with Mr. STORK.

Visited Several Localities
Patrick JOYNT and his daughter, Miss Lottie, arrived home from eastern Iowa
last Wednesday. They left Emmetsburg several weeks ago. They spent some time
at the home of Drs. Robert and Martin JOYNT of LeMars. Dr. Robert JOYNT has
one of the finest dental offices in northern Iowa and Dr. Martin JOYNT is
equipping a fine office adjoining his brother's quarters. Both have good
practices. From LeMars Mr JOYNT and his daughter went to Marcus, the home of
Dr. Michael JOYNT. He was finishing a fine new residence and was about to
move into it. He likes his location and is kept very busy. Later Mr. JOYNT
and his daughter visited Mr and Mrs. L.J. MURPHY and other relatives at
Sioux City. They were royally entertained and it was with great reluctance
that they took their departure. They next enjoyed a trip across the state to
see relatives and friends in Dubuque county. They spent a couple of weeks at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas DUNN. Mr DUNN is a brother-in-law of Mr
JOYNT. Mr JOYNT does not think that eastern Iowa land is as good as the soil
of this section. In the vicinity of Farley and Dyersville and at neighboring
places the frost of a short time ago did a great deal of damage to the corn
crip. The losses between New Hampton and Charles City were also quite
numerous. Mr. JOYNT says he would like to tell the Democrat about the many
interesting things he saw while away, but fears our space would not allow
him to go into detail.

Balloonist Drowned in Clay County
Became Tangled in Parachute Rope in Little Sioux River
Ralph LAWSON, a balloonist, aged 23, was drowned in the Little Sioux River
at Peterson, Clay County, last Thursday. The parachute in which he was
making a landing swerved in its course to the earth and landed the aviator
in the river. He became entangled in the parachute and before he could free
himself he had drowned.
He had been secured to form a part of the entertainment for a farmers'
picnic being held there, and had made one flight before the one in which he
had met his death...

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County