Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
15 Oct 1915

Mr. and Mrs. W.P. McNally mourn the loss of their baby daughter, Catherine,
who died Monday evening of cholera infantum. She was about six months old.
The funeral will be held today. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery. This
is quite a severe loss to Mr. and Mrs. McNally. They have the sympathy of a
large number of warm friends in the sorrow that has come to their home.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Oct 27, 1915

Mr and Mrs. Geo HENDERSON of Osgood visited at the John HENDERSON home
between Emmetsburg and Rodman last Sunday.

The VANGORDEN residence east of the Tribune residence, occupied by Mrs.
THOMPSON, was slightly damaged by fire yesterday morning.

W.E. JACKMAN made a shipment of livestock to Sioux City Sunday. He was
accompanied on the trip by Dr. GIBBONS and Phil KIRBY.

Miss Josie McEVOY and Miss Margaret MULRONEY left for Park Rapids,
Minnesota, last evening to visit friends for a couple of weeks.

Mr and Mrs. S.C. IRVINE, Mr and Mrs. J.N. BRISBOIS and Mr and Mrs. C.C.
QUINN autoed to Fonda Sunday to witness a football game.

Mrs. T.J. MULRY [Mary NESTOR] of Chicago is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O.P.
DOYLE, Jr. of this city. Mrs. MULRY resided in this locality about thirty
years ago.

Mr and Mrs. Edward McNALLY of the Curlew neighborhood spent Sunday with Mrs.
McNALLY's parents, Mr and Mrs. Myles McNALLY of this place.

Miss Alice KANE was called to Curlew the first of the week to take charge of
the case of Mrs. EASTON, who is reported quite ill with pneumonia.

Ed McNALLY has his new bungalow on the Sherwood block south of the Milwaukee
depot under headway and hopes to have it completed before the holidays.

W.H. COONAN reports that half of the threshing in Minnesota is yet to be
done. Plowing is also very backward. The average Minnesota farm is large.

The Ladies' Guild will mett at the home of Mrs. Geo. FREDERICK northeast of
town Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 27, beginning at 2 o'clock. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to go.

Dr. J.E. MURPHY has rented Mrs. RUTLEDGE's residence just north of her home.
Michael MALLOY, who has been living in the house, has rented Mr. CALLAHAN's
home, which was formerly the property of James DUNGAN.

The M.M. ROGERS team of horses stolen by Fred HANSON was found in a livery
barn at West Bend. Mr. HANSON evidently took the train from that place. Mr.
ROGERS was very fortunate in securing his horses without very much of an

J.A. HENDERSON who lives between Emmetsburg and Rodman, will have a sale
Wednesday, November 10. His ad will appear in next week's Democrat. Mr.
HENDERSON bought a farm in Itaska county, Minnesota, last spring. He intends
to move to Minnesota in March.

A few days ago Mr. WILLHITE, who lives near Curlew, bought a quarter section
farm three miles south of Lucan, Redwood county, Minnesota. He paid $105 per
acre for it. The place is well improved. Mr. WILLHITE made the deal through
J.B. SHERLOCK of the Iowq Realty Co.

The Whittemore Champion says that Mr. and Mrs. Fred WEGENER and Mr and Mrs.
Louis WEGENER, who were accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Robert VOTTLER, left a
few days ago for a trip through the west. They will attend the expositions
in California and will also visit Seattle, Portland, and other Pacific coast
places of interest.

Frank KNEER was a passenger to Germania Wednesday. The citizens of that town
are figuring on a waterworks system.

Mrs. Martin KUNERT and son Charles returned the first of the week from a
visit with a daughter who resides at St James, Minnesota.

Mrs. M.L. BROWN, Mrs. Herbert CLEGG, Miss Margaret MULRONEY and Mrs. CARROLL
of Laurens autoed to Laurens Thursday.

Joseph BAILEY is still living at Pocahontas, but we notice that he has been
at Britt during the past week assisting the Tribune during a rush.

H.S. DeGRAW has rented the State bank's empty storeroom at Whittemore and
will put in a moving picture show outfit. We glean from the Champion.

Patrick JOYNT has been very low during the past week and is not likely to
recover. He is quite advanced in years and his physical condition is against

Mr .GORDON, who was landlord of the Royce Hotel at Sheldon, has moved to
Everly where he will take charge of a hotel. He is succeeded at Sheldon by

There will be a basket social in the Franklin EATON school in District No.
5, in Highland township, Friday, November 29. Miss Mercedes DONAHUE is the
teacher. Everybody invited.

Mr and Mrs. J.W. CROWLEY left Tuesday evening for Taylorville, Ill. They
were called to that place by the illness of Mrs. CROWLEY's mother. Wm.
CANHAM accompanied them.

Mrs. J.N. JOHNSON and her niece, Miss Fren DARG, who has been assisting in
the Johnson photograph gallery for some time, were passengers to Humboldt
Friday where they will visit Miss DARG's parents.

Last week Charles BLECKWENN of Fairfield township bought a fine new Buick
auto. He made the purchase at Fenton. Mr. BLECKWENN is a very prosperous
farmer and can well afford one of the best machines on the market.

W.B. PATTON, the well-known actor, appeared at the Hawkeye opera house at
Graettinger Monday evening. The smaller towns are now getting their share of
the better class attractions. They have the cash and provide good houses.

A few nights ago Wm. O'BRIEN, Sr. became very ill while preparing to go to
bed and has since been in a very serious condition. His relatives think that
he received a slight stroke of paralysis. Owing to his advanced years his
recovery is very doubtful.

Karl EGAN was a passenger to Des Moines last evening.

Mr. and Mrs. L.A. SCHUMACHER were Emmetsburg visitors Sunday.

Mrs. John W JOHNSON of Mallard was shopping in this city Friday.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John MURPHY of Sioux City October 14.

Mrs. A.J. MATHEWS, who lives near Medium Lake, has been ill for several

We understand that Wm. RUEHLE has sold his residence but we have not learned
the name of the new purchaser.

M.J. RYAN arrived from Houston, Texas, Saturday to visit his son, Bert RYAN,
and numerous friends and relatives.

Dr. J.E. MURPHY has bought from J.K. MARTIN the residence lot between his
place and Mrs. O.P. DOYLE's home. He intends building on it next year..

Rev. P.J. MURPHY, who was assistant pastor of the Assumption church a number
of years ago, is now pastor of the church at Alvord, Lyon county.

Miss Nellie SAMMIN will accompany her sister, Mrs. BRODIGAN, of Danbury and
will remain with her for some time. Her health has for some time been poor.

During the past term of court divorces were granted to Mrs. Anna GREENE from
Lyle GREENE, to Mrs. Clara OSTERSON from John OSTERSON and to Catherine

The Misses CRETZMEYER, who were visiting their brother, Dr. CRETZMEYER, of
this place, for a week or more, left the last of the week for Algona to
visit their brother, Dr. CRETZMEYER, of that place. They live at Waverly.

Mr and Mrs. Chas. DUHIGG spent Sunday with friends at Spencer.

Mrs. T.A. O'BRIEN went to Merrill Friday to visit her daughter, Miss Mary,
who teaches at that place.

Mrs. Mary JOYCE and Supt Margaret RYAN were at Estherville Sunday attending
the closing of the mission at the Catholic church at that place.

Mr and Mrs. J.W. DUNNIGAN went to Graettinger last evening. Mr. DUNNIGAN
sang a couple of selections at the lecture given by Father Charles. He has
marked ability as a vocalist.

Mrs. J.G. McNAMARA arrived in Emmetsburg Friday from Vancouver, British
Columbia. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. C.R. SULT, of Marmouth,
North Dakota. Mrs. McNAMARA reports that the European war has made
conditions in Canada very unpleasant. Hundreds are mourning for their
relatives who were killed in battle and there is a very bitter feeling
against the German residents of Canada. Some of them at Vancouver had to
quit business. Mrs. McNAMARA still thinks Emmetsburg is on of the best towns
on the map.

[Submitted by CJL]


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County