Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 March 1915

St.Patrick's Day in Emmetsburg
Solemn High Mass and Sermon at Assumption Church and Other Exercises.

Wednesday was a big day in Emmetsburg. The sun was bright and warm and
everyone felt happy. Bright sprigs of green were numerous. The members of
the A.O.H. attended solemn high mass at Assumption church in a body at ten
a.m. Father SWEENEY was celebrant and was assisted by Fathers FARRELLY and
ANTHOFER. At the close Father SWEENEY preached a scholarly and very
instructive sermon on the labors and achievements of St. Patrick.
The dinner served by the Assumption ladies was largely attended. There was
an abundance of good victuals for all who called. The net receipts were $230
and the bazaar netted $250. The young ladies who sold shamrocks turned in
$148. They deserved great praise for their zeal and their efforts.
The Iowa was filled during the afternoon and evening. Fully 500 could not
secure admission tickets. The total receipts were $497.90. The excellent
play, "Innisfall," was most creditably presented. The members of the cast
knew their lines exeptionally well and they were apparently right at home on
the stage. T.J. COONAN, the comedian, was, as usual, decidedly popular with
the audience. His vocal selections from Chauncy Olcott's best numbers
solocited round after round of hearty applause. "Me Little Dudeen" made a
great hit as was also the Irish lullaby. Miss Ethel DOYLE as the leading
lady, impersonated her character admirably, and she sang a couple of solos
that pleased all. W.P. KERWICK made a typical hero and C.J. McNALLY, a
cool-headed, black-hearted villai. P.H. DONLAN took the character of the
old Irish gentleman and did it full justice. P.J. WALSH missed his calling.
He should go to Ireland and insist on a position on the national board of
education. Miss Irene McGUIRE has an excellent conception of the character
of the happy, witty, Irish girl and Miss Marion WALSH entered readily and
naturally into the spirit of Mrs. Ford., the shamefully mistreated woman.
Michael MILLER, as "Con o the Bogs," was one of the best actors of the
evening. Karl BERGER, as the policeman, did not have a difficult part but he
handled it like a veteran. We congratulate the entire cast on the creditable
presentation of he production and the members of the A.O.H. and the ladies
on the financial success that crowned their efforts.

John Fleming, One of the Sterling Citizens of our County.
     The funeral of John Fleming of Highland township was held Thursday. Services were conducted at Assumption church. Father Stork of Ruthven officiating. The burial was in the family lot in St. John's cemetery. There was a large attendance of old friends and neighbors. Mr. Fleming was born in Boone county. He came to Palo Alto with his parents when he was very young. He was 45 years of age. His parents died quite a number of years ago and his sister, Miss Margaret, passed away at Sioux city in February. He is survived by his brother, M. J. and his sister, Miss Bridget, who are at home and his brother, Patrick Fleming who is engaged in business at Belmond.
     Mr. Fleming was one of the most exemplary men in our county. He was frugal, humble and manly. To know him was to entertain the highest regard for him. He was a kind neighbor, a dutiful son, a loving brother, an ideal citizen. His family, his community will miss him and all who knew him will mourn his death.

     Mr. Henry Knutson and Miss Mabel Jeanette Hilton were married at the Lutheran church in this city last Thursday, Rev. O.L. N. Wigdahl of Detroit, Minnesota, officiating. Misses Bessie Knutson and Lillian Hilton were bridesmaids and Messr. Wm. Hilton and Mr. Church were groomsmen. Miss Ruby Sandanger, a niece of the groom, was flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. Knutson had planned on a trip to Illinois, but they decided to postpone it. They will, we understand, make their home on a farm in Lost Island township. Both are deserving young people. The Democrat wishes them health and happiness.

Edward Duhn Married.
     Mr. Edward Duhn of Walnut township was, we understand, married last Saturday, but we have not learned the name of the bride. Saturday evening a party was given at his home and many of his neighbors were in attendance. Mr. Duhn is one of our county's most worthy citizens. The Democrat is glad to learn of his marriage and extends hearty congratulations.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
31 Mar 1915

Mrs. Fred PARKS Granted Divorce and Custody of Children

District Court is still is session. A number of drainage ditch cases are to
be considered this week. The session has not been a particularly interesting

The case of SMITH against MILLER, from West Bend township in which $84 was
involved, was finally settled. Mr. MILLER was allowed $1.84.

The EMERICH-HUTCHINSON case from Ayrshire was practically dismissed., the
plaintiff agreeing to pay the costs. The action was about an old account.
The plaintiff, H. EMERICH, now resides at Ayrshire.

The DOOLEY McNAMARA suit was settled. Mr. DOOLEY sued Mr. McNAMARA for an
old account for $100 and accepted $85 in settlement of it. Mr. McNAMARA
agreed to pay the costs.

The PARKS divorce case occupied the attention of the court Friday and
Saturday. Mrs. Sybil PARKS sued her husband, Fred PARKS, for a divorce and
for the custody of their two children. MORLING & MORLING represented the
plaintiff and Thos. O'CONNOR, the defendant. After the introduction of the
testimony of Mrs. PARKS, her sister,Miss GIBSON, and one other witnes, the
case was settled. Mr. PARKS withdrawing his answer and consenting to the
granting of hte decree. Mrs. PARKS was given custody of the children but was
not allowed any alimony. We understand she did not ask for it. Mr. PARKS is
to be given permission to visit the children regularly but Mrs. PARKS and
the children are not to leave the jurisdiction of the court. The case
attracted a great deal of local interest, the court room being filled during
the trial with ladies as well as gentlemen.

The grand jury did not return any indictment against Dr. ASHLEY or Edith
WILLIAMS, the lady who was arrested with him at Eagle Grove, several weeks
ago, nor was any indictment returned against Mr. RYAN of Charles City or the
Ayrshire married lady, who were arrested some time ago at some point in

John OSKERSON of Ruthven has been indicted for wife desertion and Arthur
KING of Ruthven has been indicted for seduction. Bothe have given bond and
are out on bail.

The members of the petit jury were discharged Friday morning. The grand jury
finished their labors on Friday afternoon and returned to their homes.

Supervisor Michael FLEMING has bargained for P.V. HAND's residence property
in the Third ward. The Third ward people are glad to welcome him and his
good family to their neighborhood. Frank HAND and Dan BURNS say they will
not stand in the way in case Mr. FLEMING wishes to serve as alderman.

Mrs. A' HEARN received word that Maurice POWERS reached the home of his
mother at Sigourney, Iowa, Monday. He walked into town it is hoped that he
will not start out again. He is a pretty steady boy.
Mrs. E.E. RYAN, who had been visiting local relatives and friends and
looking after property interests, returned to Des Moines yesterday. She
reports that Mr. RYAN is quite rugged again. He spent over a year in the
hospital after he had his leg crushed in the Rock Island yard.
Chas. GRIER returned from Des Moines last week. He was taking a business
course. He will work in the lumber yard this summer.

Mrs. Jake GROFF took her son, Francis, to a specialist at Mason City last
week where he was operated on for adenoids.

There will be a debate in M.W.A. hall Thursday evening on the subject,
"Resolved, That Woman has made more Progress than Man." Misses RAWSON,
KELLEMS and COAKLEY, and Mesdames CAMPBELL, DuBOIS and BENNETT will have
charge of the question. The name quilt of the M.E. Ladies Aid Society will
be auctioned off.

Mr. COATS has purchased two lots from Mrs. M.L. DROWN. He will build this

Mr. E.F. DIXON and Miss Myrtle STONER were united in marriage at West Bend
last Wednesday. Rev. S.V. LIENBACK, pastor of the Presbyterian church,
officiating. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to the newly wedded
Mrs. James WALSH, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. James CONLON, of
Great Oak township, returned to her home in Des Moines Monday. She came to
Ayrshire some time ago to see her mother, Mrs. Chas. NOLAN, who was very
ill, but who is much better.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County