Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 4, 1915

Michael DAILY of Ayrshire accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John BURNS and their boy
to Ft. Dodge Saturday.

Mrs. PEARSONS, who had been visiting at the L.H. MAYNE home in this city for
some time, returned to Chicago yesterday.

Master Emmet JACKMAN arrived from Worthington, Minnesota, Monday evening to
visit his father, P.C. JACKMAN, and numerous other relatives.

Miss Vae FOSS returned to her home at Iowa Falls yesterday. She had for a
few days been visiting Miss Grace WOLFGANG and other friends in this city.

Geo. GROW returned to Bayard, Iowa, Monday evening. His mother, who was so
badly injured last week, is at present doing nicely and will doubtless

MULRONEY & COONAN have been very busy during the past ten days installing
their elegant new fixtures. They will soon be ready for their large stock of

Monday Patrick JOYNT brought to this office an ear of corn picked from his
field in Emmetsburg township. It was fairly well formed. The silk was strong
and highly colored.

V.H. CLARK has, we understand, bought a fine new Ford auto bus. It will
carry twelve people. We congratulate Mr. CLARK on his enterprise.

E.E. WILLHITE, who recently visited his home town of Carroll, reports that
it is steadily improving and growing in population, although the 1915 census
will not give it quite so many people as Spencer.

Yesterday Frank DEALY showed us a half penny piece bearing the stamp of
1808. He gave John THOMPSON, the plasterer, 25 cents for it a number of
years ago. He has also a number of other old coins.

A new law provides a heavy penalty for persons making false charges against
railway employes. Detectives have been guilty of misconduct in ferreting
certain abuses and the attorney-general declares that he will enforce the
law strictly.

Sunday hail cut a path two miles wide and ten miles long in the neighborhood
of Webster county. Corn and oats were beaten into the ground. It is a great
loss for farmers in that locality.

E.A. MORLING returned from the lakes Monday.

Rev. L.O. WIGDAHL went to Mason City Tuesday evening.

Miss Rose MYERS was a passenger to Graettinger last evening.

Messrs. Julius and Chris SKOW were passengers to Graettinger yesterday.

During the remainder of the season license plates can be had for half price.

Miss Agnes CONLON is visiting her brother, P.F. CONLON, at Worthington,

The Whittemore Champion reports that Frank RUSSELL recently bought a
Studebaker car.

Miss Laura ILLINGSWORTH went ot West Okoboji yesterday to visit friends for
a short time.

Miss Myrtle WAGNER went to Clear Lake Saturday for a few days visit with
Miss Nellie DOWNS.

Michael CONLON of this place was at Whittemore several days last week
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Phil CULLEN.

Mrs. J.J. CALHOUN and children of Plover are visiting Mrs. CALHOUN's
parents, Mr and Mrs. Dan VEDDER, of Emmetsburg.

Miss Margaret WALSH arrived from Austin, Minnesota, Tuesday to visit for a
short time with her sister, Mrs. W.A. DOTY.

Miss SULLIVAN of Cherokee spent a couple of days the first of the week with
her friend, Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS, of Emmetsburg.

Mrs. Frank BRENNAN and Mrs. Will KELLY returned from Mason City last
evening. Both had been visiting at the Sid HIGLEY home.

Miss Mable WAGNER returned home Sunday evening afte a two weeks visit with
relatives at Dubuque, Lansing and other places.

Martin NORLAND is the owner of a new Buick Six and Ole BIRKLAND has a new
Ford auto. Both gentlemen made their purchases at Ringsted.

An auto which was stolen at Lake Mills a short time ago was located in the
TREMAINE and RANKIN garage at Algona but the thief is yet to be hunted down.

Patrick JOYNT informs us that he sold his 223 acre place to his sons, as was
stated in the Democrat some time ago, but that he still retains his 80 acre

Martin WATLAND, who formerly resided at Maple Hill, Emmet county, was killed
a few days ago by lightning on his ranch in Colorado. The body was not found
for twenty-eight hours after the accident.

Mrs. DICE, who had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben CATTEL,
was a passenger to Clarion Saturday morning, where she will spend some time
with her mother before returning to her home at Cedar Rapids.

Vol FISK, Curlew's well known banker, went to Mason City Saturday evening.
He spent the day with Captain and Mrs. J.E. WILLIAMS at that place. Mrs.
FISK and family were at Mason City the greater part of last week.

Mr. MORRIS went to Graettinger Monday.

D.E. GATES of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday.

Ralph WALKER went to Milford yesterday to work in the Mail office.

P.F. CONLON of Worthington, Minn., is visiting his parents in this city.

 Mrs. John NEARY and baby of Ft. Dodge are visiting relatives in this city.

Fathers McNERNEY and VEIT spent Monday with Father KELLY of Graettinger.

Miss Lottie JOYNT accompanied her father to Sioux City yesterday to visit

Clarence SLATER went to Des Moines Tuesday. His parents recently moved to
that place.

Mrs. Will KELLY left Saturday evening for a few days visit with relatives at
Mason city.

Misses Margaret SHERLOCK and Catharine CORCORAN spent Monday at West Bend
visiting friends.

Mr and Mrs. Theodore BLECKWENN of Fairfield township left Wednesday for a
trip through the west.

Misses Alberta and May BOUGH left Tuesday morning for a week's visit with
friends at Clear Lake.

Miss THOMPSON, who had been visiting at the J.B. WILLIAMS home, returned to
Estherville the first of the week.

Miss Nellie CROWLEY returned from Cedar Falls Monday. She had for some time
been attending summer school at that place.

The Ottosen baseball team had to disband some time ago on account of the
death of one of its members, Clarence CLAVE, who was killed by lightning.

Des Moines attending the state convention of the Knights of Pythias.

Last Wednesday morning Mr. Lawrence Anthony ELBERT of Whittemore and Miss
Elizabeth BUCK of Fenton were married at the Catholic church at Whittemore.

Miss Grace McALLISTER arrived home from Bode a few days ago. She spent
several days at that place visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.H. EASTMAN, who formerly
resided in this city.

Ray GRIFFIN of Graettinger, who was visiting relatives in this city,
returned home Wednesday. His cousin, Maurice McNALLY, accompanied him home
and spent a short time visiting relatives in that vicinity.

A few days ago Wm. HARBINSON of Whittemore lost the end of his finger in a
meat cutting machine. The Whittemore people were so sorry to learn of the
accident that they did not even complain about the quality of their meat.

E.A. MORLING went to the lakes Saturday.

Miss Lillie HILTON is visiting friends at St. Paul.

J.J. WATSON was a passenger to Superior Friday.

Eward SAUNDERS returned from Chicago Saturday.

Earl GODDEN went to the lakes the last of the week.

Gene MULRONEY was a passenger to Rodman Monday.

Robert MIDDLETON was a passenger to the lakes Friday.

Frank KNEER was a passenger to Livermore Thursday.

Miss Blanche MEEHAN was over from Whittemore Saturday.

The Ruthven band gives concerts every Tuesday evening.

Thomas MAHAN of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Saturday.

Rev. L.O. WIGDAHL of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Monday morning.

Mr and Mrs SPIES of Graettinger autoed to Emmetsburg Thursday.

Gordon SAUNDERS was visiting friends at Cedar Rapids last week.

Miss Pearl RICHARDSON spent Sunday with her mother north of Cylinder.

Father SWEENEY spent Monday with Very Rev. P.F. FARRELLY of this place.

Miss Julia CURTIS went to Hull Monday to visit relatives for a short time.

Miss Hazel LINDERMAN was a passenger to the lakes Monday morning.

Mrs. James FLOOD went to Ft. Dodge Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. John

Miss Veronica JENNINGS returned to Sioux City Monday after a visit with
local relatives.

Miss Florence LYNCH went to Parkersburg Saturday. She has relatives living
at that place.

Wm. MUIR arrived in this city from Minneapolis Friday. He will visit
relatives and friends for some time.

James W. SCOTT returned from Spirit Lake Saturday. He spent his vacation
with his sister at that place.

Miss Vae ROSS of Iowa Falls arrived in this city Friday. She will visit Miss
Grace WOLFGANG for some time.

Miss Irene McMAHON returned from Graettinger Thursday. She was visiting
friends at that place for some time.

Miss Margaret HARRINGTON arrived from Dubuque Saturday to visit at the O.P.
DOYLE home for a couple of weeks.

Mrs. DAY,who had been visiting at the Frank MEADE home in this city for a
short time, returned to Sioux City Monday.

Mrs. B.F. SCHROEDER returned from Dubuque Thursday. She had been visiting
relatives at that place for some time.

Miss DALE was visiting at the GAYLORD home during the past week. She is a
friend of Miss Dot. Both attended Cornell college.

Misses Nellie and Rose CARMODY left for Chicago Thursday evening. They will
visit relatives and friends in that city for some time.

Miss Agnes HORNING, who had been visiting Miss Catharine MULRONEY of this
city, returned to her home at Iowa City Saturday.

Thomas McNULTY came back from Minneapolis last week. He has of late been
working in this vicinity. His home is in Minneapolis.

Miss JOHNSON of Rodman was in this city Thursday. She is employed in a store
at that place. She returned home Thursday evening.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County