Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
2 Sep 1914

Charles KREIG of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.

There are a number of cases of smallpox in the vicinity of Bancroft.

John MARTIN of Ayrshire was a business visitor in this city Saturday.

Miss Olive NOBLE of Graettinger is visiting her friend, Miss WELLS, of this

Mrs. Mary CUMMINGS of Iowa Falls is visiting her sister, Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS.

Mrs. P.CARROLL and two children spent Monday with Mrs. CARROLL's brother,
M.L. WEIBEL, of Milford.

Miss Ella BURKE of Whittemore spent a couple of days with her friend, Miss
Claudia LAUGHLIN, of this city.

Mr. and Mrs. JORDEN and Mrs. John BURK of Fort Dodge and Mrs. Will CARPENTER
of Cherokee was visiting at the P.J.NALLY home during the past week.

A.B. COPLEY, who was trainmaster at Estherville for some time, has been
appointed assistant general manager of the third district of the Rock Island

Father ZIMMERMAN, wh has been pastor of the Catholic church at Bancroft for
some time, goes to Audobon, Iowa, where he will being the erection of a new

Mr.and Mrs. Martin KELLY have been visiting during the past ten days with
relatives at Jamestown, North Dakota. One of Mr. KELLY's brothers lives at
that place.

Chris DILOCKER came up from Laurens Wednesday to see his step-son, Isaac
VEDDER, who has been very low for some time. he was accompanied by Levi DEAN
of that place.

Miss Blanche NELSON of Clarion, deputy clerk of the district court,
attempted to commit suicide a few days ago by drinking chloroform.
Despondency was the cause of her rash act.

Matthias ERZ of Worthington, Iowa, visited his sister, Mrs. M. MART, of this
place during the past week. He and Mrs. MART visited friends at Inwood a few
days during the past week.

Miss Bridgie MARTIN, who had been spending her vacation at Clear Lake,
returned to Emmetsburg Friday evening. She went to Algona Monday morning to
resume her duties in Judge QUARTEN's office.

The new hotel at Ames will cost $96,000. It will be a very fine structure.
W.S. ZITTERALL of Webster City has secured the contract for building it.
Ames has for some time needed a first class hotel.

Miss Catherine MULRONEY and Misses Alice and Nellie O'BRIEN were passengers
to Des Moines Friday. Miss MULRONEY's sister, Miss Margaret,  is taking a
course for a trained nurse in a hospital in that city.

Saturday a number of parties from Lohrville came to Emmetsburg by auto to
look at farms. They were, we understand, brought here by H.M.HELGEN.
Lohrville people are taking considerable interest in Palo Alto real estate.

Miss Mary and Veronica NALLY went to Sioux City Thursday. They will visit
for a few days with their uncle, William NICHOLSON. Miss Mary started
teaching in the Sargent Bluffs school last Monday at a salary of $60 per
month. Miss Veronica will return home to teach near Curlew.

The school for the deaf and dumb at Council Bluffs will open September 6.

Miss Elizabeth STEIL was a Cylinder visitor Wednesday and Thursday of last

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. CURRANS of Ruthven were in Emmetsburg Thursday and

Miss Mabel HUGHES of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Thursday and Friday visiting

The Mail says that Mrs. John HEIDEMAN of Mallard recently visited relatives
at Milford.

J.A. WAREHAM, a relative of Mrs. P.S. BROWN, has bought a $6,000 residence
at Iowa Falls.

Miss Florence UNDERWOOD went to Mason City Thursday where she will teach
during the coming year.

The Lutherans of Mallard and Ayrshire recently held a picnic at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ZECH of Mallard.

Eugene CLENNON of West Bend has been enjoying a visit from his old
classmate, Leo RYAN, of Harper Ferry, Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
2 Sep 1914

Rev. and Mrs. Herbert CLEGG returned from Clear Lake Wednesday where they
had been spending a couple of weeks.

Mrs. Bishop of Charles City arrived Monday for a visit with her parents,
Mr.and Mrs. Charles SLEIGLE, and other local relatives.

Mrs. Major S.W. SMITH of Mason City was in Emmetsburg the last of the week.
She was on her way home from the lakes.

Will BECK who works in a packing house in Sioux City, returned to that city
Saturday morning. He spent his vacation in Waterloo and Emmetsburg.

Miss Vae ROSS, who had been visiting her friend, Miss Grace WOLFGANG of this
city, for some time, returned to her home at Iowa Falls the first of the

The Ladies' Aid society of the Catholic church of Ayrshire will hold a
sociable at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. James McNAMARA Thursday afternoon and
evening. All are invited.

Miss Ella MAHER of Ruthven, who had been visiting her grandparents, Mrs. and
Mrs. Myles McNALLY, and other relatives of this city for a week, returned
home the first of the week.

The Dispatch reports that the Ringsted Auto company has sold the Overland to
Jens F. JENSEN, traded a 1914 Overland to Hans TOFT for his 1912 model and
sold a second hand Overland to Cleave RACE.

James MULLEN of Miles City, Montana, who had been visiting his brother, C.J.
MULLEN of this city, returned to Montana Monday morning. He was at Iowa City
and other Iowa points for some time.

The Journal of West Bend says that while attempting to cross the track just
north of the depot Tuesday afternoon, Jas. SPENCER had an exciting
experience while the train was switching in the yard. A Rock Island car
bumped into his auto. One wheel was smashed and the fender and lights were

Dr. W.P. SHERLOCK of Keokuk spent the last of the week with his parents and
other relatives in this city.

Miss Winifred WILMERS recently visited her friend, Mrs. HILGER of West Bend.

H.M. HELGEN left for Rockwell City the last of the week to look after real
estate interests.

P.C. NARY took a trip to Fort Dodge Thursday and brought home a fine new
Overland auto.

Prof. ANNAN of Havelock will have charge of Bristow, Iowa, schools during
the coming year.

Ford McGAR, who had been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret ALLUM, and
other relatives in this city for a couple of weeks, returned to Canada
Thursday morning.

Peter HOELZNER was a Graettinger visitor Wednesday. While there he sold his
share of the oats on his farm for 40 cents per bushel. He considers this an
exceptionally good price for August.

Rudolph COOKLIN went to Laurens last week to attend the marriage of a
friend. From there he took a trip through Minnesota. He intended buying a
farm if he could find a suitable one.

Mrs. A.J. SEBREL of Osgood, who was quite badly injured in a runaway at this
place a short time ago, is not yet able to be about. She has suffered a
great deal from her injuries. Her friends and neighbors hope they will not
be permanent.

Miss Josie PETTIBONE, daughter of one of the early settlers of Kossuth
county, died a few days ago. She taught in the Algona schools for a number
of years. Her parents will be remembered by many of the older residents of
this county.

William MARESBECK, who is now living in Clay county, was a pleasant caller
Wednesday. He reports that he has raised a good crop this year. He comes to
Emmetsburg occasionally to visit his brother Gus and to greet old friends.
He has prospered since locating in Clay county.

The Algona Upper Des Moines says that Filo POARCH has not yet been located
in Germany. We hope he has not been pressed into the Kaiser's army. Mr.
POARCH was always a peaceable man and would not, we are sure, care to point
a gun at a Frenchman, a Russian or an Englishman.

While talking over a telephone do not be looking around. Keep the mouth
reasonably close to the receiver. This will save a great many requests to
repeat statements or to talk louder. The Democrat finds it quite difficult
to understand a great many people because they are careless when using their

Mr. and Mrs. Peter HOELZNER, Miss Lucile and Miss Leah CAMERON were Spirit
Lake visitors Wednesday.

Mrs. and Mrs. John MIKES and family of Fredericksburg, Iowa, visited the
Joseph and Adolph MIKES families at West Bend last week. We glean from the

Mrs. and Mrs. W.H. WALSH went to Mason City Saturday evening. From there
they took a trip to Dubuque to see their daughter, Sister Mary Mamerta, who
is a member of the order of the Sisters of Charity.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County