Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 28, 1914

Thos McDONOUGH spent the last of the week in the Twin Cities.

Henry HELGEN was a business visitor to Joliet, Illinois, Thursday.

Miss Mildred FRYE of Rodman visited in Emmetsburg township.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SCHUMACHER were up from Mallard Thursday.

Mrs. Earl BROWN visited her parents at Columbus Junction last week.

P.H. DONLON was a passenger to Cedar Rapids Saturday morning.

Mrs. John SULLIVAN visited the last of the week with relatives in Ellington

Rev. O.M. BOND of Spencer will deliver on the Memorial address at Ruthven

Rev. J.E. BRERTON and P.O. REFSELL were passengers to Marshalltown Tuesday
of last week.

Walter ALLEN is now taking contracts for fencing. His ad appears elsewhere
in this issue.

Mesdames IVEY, BOOKMAN, and FISHER of West Bend were Emmetsburg visitors
Tuesday evening of last week.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John ADAMS Thursday. Their many friends
extend congratulations.

The Sentinel says that Thomas BERNE of Hartley has bought a motor hearse.
This will be quite a novelty at funerals.

John PFIFFNER arrived home from Iowa City Saturday morning. He had been
attending the State University of Iowa.

A few of our citizens were wearing straw hats last week, but custom holds
that they should not be worn until June 1.

Mrs. WARDLE and little daughter of Cylinder went to Hardy, Iowa, Saturday
morning to visit relatives for a few days.

Ewart SAUNDERS arrived home from California Saturday morning. He had been
attending Leland Stanford university.

It is claimed that over 500 soldiers died in Iowa during the past year. The
old veterans are gradually passing to the great beyond.

The Estherville Democrat says that Conductor M.B. MILLER has been in the
employ of the Rock Island company for thirty years.

Miss Gail EGAN arrived home from Cedar Rapids Saturday morning. She will
become the stenographer and bookkeeper in the Democrat office.

B.J. BRADLEY, who has been principal of the Algona high school for some
time, has been chosen superintendant of the Armstrong public schools.

Miss DUFFY who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. J.P. STEBBINS for several
weeks, returned Wednesday to her home at Erie, Pennsylvania.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS, Robert LAUGHLIN, H.W. BEEBE, and Mr. PFIFFER of Waterloo
were trying their luck at fishing at Spirit Lake Tuesday of last week.

The commencement exercises of the Ruthven public schools will be held this
evening. Dean W.F. BARR of Drake university will deliver the address.

The Journal reports a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John DENINGER of
West Bend. This will be good news to the local friends of Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. AUSLAND reports that Mrs. AUSLAND is able to be out again as usual
although she has not yet fully recovered her strength.

W.D. DONOVAN and Leo MULRONEY recently returned from Minneapolis where Mr.
DONOVAN bought a Buick car. They made the trip by auto in a day.

Oscar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred JENSEN, formerly of West Bend, died at
Pocahontas Tuesday of last week from the result of an operation for

O.B. ANDERSON of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Friday. He was on his way
home from Booth township where he had been touching up his farm buildings.

J.J. McEVOY of Fort Dodge was in Emmetsburg several days during the past
week soliciting for the Royal Union Life Insurance company of Des Moines.
F.L. DORRIS is the local agent.

Miss Anna DONOVAN arrived home from Estherville Thursday where she was
called by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. J.P. KIRBY. Mrs. KIRBY is
still very week but is improving some.

Mr. and Mrs. William GALLEGER of Burt arrived in Emmetsburg last week for a
few days' visit with relatives. Mr. GALLEGER recently sold out his barber
shop at Burt. He intends locating at Clear Lake.

There will be an eclipse of the sun August 21, but it will not be visible in
this locality. It is claimed that the people of northwest Iowa will not have
another opportunity of seeing an eclipse of the sun until 1918.

John FINN was in Emmetsburg Friday. He had just returned from Wellsburg,
Iowa, where he had been building an elevator. He was accompanied by his
friend, Charles DRESSLE. They went to Whittemore Friday evening to work on
the new elevator at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf ANDERSON of Cylinder moved into their new home in the
Fourth ward Tuesday of last week.

Daniel HICKEY, whose father died a few days ago, informs us that the members
of the family were never all at home at the same time. There were eleven
sons and daughters and some of the older members of the family left home and
were doing for themselves before one or two of the younger members were
born. This is something that can not be said of very many families.

Marshal BRENNAN has arrested three or four different parties during the past
week for driving their autos faster than is allowed by the ordinance
governing the speed limit. He wishes to warn other drivers and owners of
machines that the ordinance will be strictly enforced and for them to be on
their guard. There is entirely too much reckless driving. Drivers who booze
should also be taught a lesson. They jeopardize their own lives and the
lives of others.

Sim ROBINSON of West Bend was greeting Emmetsburg friends Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. John SYKES, Jr. and little baby left for Ottumwa Sunday evening.

Rev. C.E. MALTAS was a passenger to Faribault, Minnesota Sunday evening.

Mrs. T. SULLIVAN of Graettinger visited Emmetsburg relatives over Sunday.

John and Patrick MILLER are home from the west visiting their parents, Mr
and Mrs. P. MILLER.

Joe WOLLNER came up from south Great Oak Saturday and took the south-bound
Rock Island passenger train to Rodman.

Lyle SCOTT returned last week from Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended the
Indianapolis Dental college during the past year.

P.J. CALLIGAN of West Bend mourns the death of his brother, John L CALLIGAN,
who was buried at Rolfe Tuesday of last week.

J.H. RUBY, who has been principal of the Sanborn schools for some time, has
been elected superintendent of the Sutherland school.

Mrs. McQUEEN, who lives in the fourth ward, has been very ill for the past
couple of weeks. Her many friends hope to learn of her early recovery.

Superintendent MEREDITH of Boone is now receiving $2,200 per year. He has
the supervision of sixty-five teachers. One of his teachers is receiving
$1,500 per year and two are given $1,000 each.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet MOORE were down from Swan Lake neighborhood  Thursday.
They came on business but visited Mr.and Mrs. M.F. COONAN a short time while
in town. Mr. MOORE informs us that he is milking 80 cows this spring. He
keeps six hired men. He is working over 700 acres of land. His foreman,
Jacob JENSEN, left for New York Thursday evening where he intended to meet a
young lady who came from Germany to become his wife. They were married at
that place soon after her arrival. Mr. and Mrs. JENSEN will live in one of
Mr. MOORE's houses and will board the hired men.

FOR SALE: 1,000 pound road mare and good size refrigerator. A snap. Enquire
of F.L. DORRIS 17-tf.
White Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching purposes. Price 75 cents for 15 or $4
per hundred-Mrs. P.F. CONLON 14-tf.
Cement Work
I am prepared to do foundation, cistern, and other cement work.-James P.
JONES. 14-12t.
FOY & WILCOX have made arrangements with SHAFER & Son of Dows for a sale of
flowers on Friday, May 29, for Memorial day. Those desiring flowers should
call early and see the assortment.
To Farmers.
My full blooded Shire stallion St. Blaze, Reg. No. 3354-weight 2030, will
stand for service during the year 1914 at the P.E. SHUGART place on-half
mile west of Rodman. Service fee $12.50 to insure colt to stand and suck and
$10 for the season.
R.A. JOHNSTON, owner. 16-Stx.

Submitted by: #000525

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County