Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
3 June 1914

-Gus WEIDEKIND was a Superior visitor Monday.
-J.D. McCARTY was a Graettinger visitor Sunday.
-Attorney F.C. DAVIDSON spent Sunday at Graettinger.
-Arthur HAMERY left for Garden City, Iowa Thursday.
-Mrs. H.H. FISH spent Monday with friends at Estherville.
-James ALYWARD visited his brother at Graettinger Sunday.
-Vincent KELLY was a passenger to Estherville Monday morning.
-J.B. LAMBE of Graettinger spent Saturday with friends in this city.
-Art HALSTEAD made a trip to Huntington, Minnesota, Monday morning.
-Mrs. D.P. MURPHY went to Marcus Saturday to visit relatives for a short
-Mrs. Thomas CARMODY of Whittemore visited Emmetsburg friends Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. STEINER of Mallard were Emmetsburg visitors Monday
-Dr. J.L. VAN GORDEN, J.H. KNOBLAUCH and Judge MACOMBER autoed to
Graettinger Monday.
-P.J. McCARTY of Graettinger was looking after business interests in
Emmetsburg Wednesday.
-J.M. Resh of the Ringstead neighborhood was looking after business
interests in Emmetsburg Saturday.
-Carl HOFFMAN was home from Sibley over Sunday. He bought a laundry at that
place about a month ago.
-Mrs. Julia STOOKEY of Kirksville, Missouri, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John DRUMMY, and other relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. BEAUDRY, who had been visiting relatives in this locality for
a month returned to Grand Forks, North Dakota, Monday morning.
-D. REIDY of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday afternoon. He
likes his new location and reports a very encouraging practice.
-H.J. PFIFFNER, who was home from Sioux City over Sunday, returned to that
place Monday evening. He is serving as U.S. juror in the MURPHY case.
-George GODDEN, James SCOTT, George FREEMAN, Harry HORTON, and D.P. MURPHY
went to Spirit Lake Saturday to see how much pike they could hall in.
-J.J. WATSON was a passenger east Sunday evening.
-L.C. HAHN of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.
-Gus WHITTAKER was a passenger to Dover, Minnesota, last week.
-M.M. MAHER of Ruthven was the guest of local relatives yesterday.
-Roy BROWN of Estherville spent Sunday with Emmetsburg friends.
-Miss Carrie KOCH, of Whittemore, is spending the week at the Frank KOCH
-Clifford PHELPS was an Algona visitor Saturday evening. He made the trip by
-W.C. RICHARDSON has been at Sioux City during the past week serving as a
U.S. juror.
-Leo MAGUIRE and Earl MORRIS of Spencer were visiting friends in this city
-A.B. COVINGTON and daughter Edna of Curlew were in Emmetsburg Monday
-H.W. BEEBE was on the sick list a couple of days during the early part of
the week.
-Mrs. BRISBOIS and son Oscar will leave today for Dubuque and Chicago to
visit friends.
-Miss Beth IRVINE left Tuesday morning for Stanley, Iowa, to visit relatives
for a short time.
-Elmer MORTLAND recently sold a Shetland pony to a gentleman living in
Plymouth county.
-A marriage license has been issued to Mr. Arthur PUHRMAN and Miss JENNIE E.
LONG of Ayrshire.
-Mr. and Mrs. William KIRBY and little child of Valentine, Nebraska are
visiting local relatives.
-Frank STILLER and his sister, Miss Pearl, of Havelock, were visiting
friends in this city Monday.
-Lloyd REFSELL was home from Des Moines over Sunday visting his parents and
numerous friends.
-John PFIFFNER was home from Iowa City a couple of days during the past
week. He attends the State University of Iowa.
-Mr. and Mrs. PFIFER, who were visiting their daughter, Mrs. H.W. BEEBE,
returned to Waterloo Tuesday of last week.
-Peter PETERSON was down from Walnut township yesterday. He reports the
ground rather wet in his neighborhood.
-Ewart SAUNDERS arrived home from California a few days ago. He has been a
student at Stanford university during the past year.
-Willie YOUNG went to Eagle Grove Wednesday to visit his brother, Andrew
YOUNG, who is an engineer on the northwestern line.
-Carl WIGEN was over from Ayrshire last evening.
-A.F. HOLDER, who is now living south of Ruthven, was in Emmetsburg Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORLING attended the graduating exercises at Ruthven
Wednesday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph NOLAN and W.A. MOAN were among the Ruthven visitors to
Emmetsburg yesterday.
-Mr. VAN SCOTER, who was a guest at the JENNETT home for a few days,
returned to Minneapolis Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George PUGSLEY and Miss PUGSLEY of Fairfield township were
Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.
-J.F. NOLAN, Cornelius, and Miss Loretta came over from Ruthven yesterday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. P. JOYNT. They made the trip by auto.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.J. FRYE and family came up from Rodman Thursday evening to
attend the graduation exercises at The Iowa. Their daughter, Miss Mildred,
was one of the graduates.
-L.P. DUHN was down from Walnut township Tuesday for the first time in
several months. He was under the weather during the early part of the spring
but he is feeling some better.
-Mrs. E.B. SOPER, Jr.,  arrived home from Chicago Wednesday. She was in a
hospital at that place for some time. We are pleased to note that there is a
marked improvement in her condition.
-M.W. CALLAHAN was over from Ruthven Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs.
P. JOYNT, whom he knew as a neighbor in Dubuque county over 40 years ago. A
large number of other Ruthven people came to be present at the obsequies.
-J.R. MOORE of Greeley, Colorado, visited Emmetsburg friends Tuesday evening
of last week. He had some business in this part of the state and could not
go home without seeing Emmetsburg again. We understand he is doing well at
-Monday John GALLEGER broke his water wagon and it cannot be repaired. He
has ordered a new one. It will probably be here in a week. The past few days
have been very dusty. Our people will have to be patient until the new
sprinkler can be put on the streets again.
-Among those who came from a distance to attend the funeral of Mrs. P.JOYNT,
were D.M. JOYNT of Marcus, Dr. R.J. JOYNT of LeMars, Thomas DUNN of Dubuque
county, Mrs. L.J. MURPHY and Mrs. SHANE of Sioux City and Miss Marie MULRY
of Chicago.
-Mrs. and Mrs. F.W. BEARMAN of New Hampton have bought the BARNES cafe. They
will paint it, paper it and add to its equipment. They propose to run a
first class restaurant. Their house is well located, has a fine large dining
room and has quite a number of good bed rooms. The Democrat is glad to
welcome them to Emmetsburg and wishes them success in their undertaking.

Father STARK returned Friday night from a visit with Father NEPPEL at

Mr. and Mrs. Edward WASHINGTON were visitors in Emmetsburg on Thursday.

Miss Mae KANE came down from Estherville Friday night for a visit with

Mr. JONES and Clement REDDEN of Spirit Lake spent Sunday in this city at the
John REDDEN home.

Miss WHITE left Saturday morning for her home at Cedar Falls after finishing
her term of school in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. F.L. EATON were visitors at Mallard Saturday.

Leo DOOLEY of Des Moines visited relatives and friends in this city

Mr. and Mrs. Frank SULLIVAN of Estherville spent Sunday in this city
visiting relatives.

A number of the children of the Sacred Heart parish of this city will
receive their first holy communion on Trinity Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. J.W. DARLAND of Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived in this city
during the past week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HANSEN.

Miss Marie HENDRICKSON left Monday morning for a visit at Buckeye, Iowa,
with her mother.

Edward KEENAN was a visitor at Sioux Rapids Saturday.

Mrs. M.T. WASHINGTON and Mrs. LEE went to Emmetsburg Monday night for a
visit with relatives.

Bees for Sale.
25 colonies of Italians. Choice stock. Price $6.00 single colony or $5.00
per colony for two or more from now until June 15th. -F. FREEMAN

A.A. WHITMER is suffering with inflammatory rheumatism in every joint in his
body. He is perfectly helpless. He has secured a nurse to care for him.

School closed Friday. The teachers left for their respective homes Saturday.
Miss MASON, the primary teacher, will not teach the coming year. Miss YOUNG
has the primary room for next year.

George EDWARDS and family were down from Ayrshire Sunday.

Jim WHITMER was an Algona visitor Sunday. He returned with a new Maxwell
car. He has secured the agency for the Oakland and Maxwell cars.

Oran DROWN has purchased a Maxwell car from Jim WHITMER.

Miss Eva GRAFF came up from Mallard Friday evening and is visiting at the
A.A. WHITMER home.

Mrs. V.W. FISK and children, Avery and Florence, will leave for Aurora,
Illinois, this week to visit her parents.

Memorial Day Observed in Emmetsburg
A Large Attendance and a Splendid Address by Rev. C.E. Maltas
The Memorial day exercises held in Emmetsburg Saturday were in every way
creditable and they brought out a large attendance from our little city and
the surrounding country. The day was bright, pleasant, and warm and the
streets were lined with people during the greater part of the day.
Early in the forenoon the parade formed on Broadway and hundreds visited the
cemeteries and decorated the graves of those who many years ago defended our
nation in its hour of peril. The afternoon program was held in The Iowa. The
lower floor and balcony were filled with spectators. After the invocation by
Rev. Herbert CLEGG, and the singing of a selection by the male quartette,
Bernard SCHROEDER delivered Lincoln's celebrated Gettysburg speech. He
deserves much credit for the manner in which he acquitted himself. A flag
drill, by a large number of school children was received with enthusiastic
applause. It was exceptionally good.
The address, by Rev. C.E. MALTAS, was thoughtful, scholarly and impressive.
It was one of the best discourses that has been given in Emmetsburg on an
occasion of this kind for several years. All who heard it were enthusiastic
in their praise of it. The program was brought to a close by the singing of
"America" by the audience.


     Miss Lucy Lammers of Vernon township was at Terril last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Peterson.
     Mrs. Robert Kinsella spent the last of the week with relatives at Sioux City. She returned Saturday evening.
     R.J. Johnson of Estherville graduated Friday from the civil engineering department of Iowa State College.
     J.J. Buckley, formerly of Nevada township, was nominated for sheriff by the democrats of Emmet county in the June primaries.
     Miss Emma Reno, who lives near Terril, graduated Friday from the department of home economics at the Iowa State College.
     Sister Marie DeSales was an over Sunday visitor with her sisters, Mrs. P. Carroll, of this place. She belongs to the order of the Presentation.
     From May 15 to 26, the new train on the M. & St. L. line which passes through Livermore carried 950 passengers south and 976 north making an average of 269 each day. The train has proven a great money maker.
    Miss Collette Sammin will teach in the Whittemore schools during the coming year. She will succeed Miss Blanche Mehan, who goes to Montana to teach. Miss Sammin has been employed in the Mallard schools during the past year or two.
     Mrs. Slagle of Ruthven visited her father, P. Joynt, of this place, Saturday.
     The Free Press says that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Currans will occupy the J.F. Reeley residence at Ruthven.
     Myles McNally left for Burlington Wednesday to attend the G.A.R. encampment. He will represent the local post.
     Mrs. Emmet Moore arrived from Dubuque Wednesday morning. Her son graduated from St. Joseph's College the day before. Mrs. Moore lives in Emmet county.
     Misses Anna McGuire and Ethel Kibby went to Denver, Colorado, a few days ago to remain during the summer months. Two of Miss McGuire's sisters live in that city.
     The Journal says that Mrs. David Murray and children of Crookston, Minnesota, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Phillips of West Bend. Mrs. Murray is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.
     Mrs. Wm. Muir arrived from St. Paul Wednesday to see her mother, Mrs. Lumery, who has been quite ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Muir have been living in St. Paul for several weeks.
     The last of the week D.L. Randall had the bodies of a couple of his deceased children brought from Ellington township and interred in Evergreen cemetery. They died a number of years ago.
     Wednesday evening the D. of I. gave a shower at the K.C. hall for Miss Renie Laughlin. Despite the inclement evening quite a number were in attendance and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Miss Laughlin was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents.
     We notice that James Donovan of Ayrshire has bought a Ford auto.
     The Journal says that L.J. Kohler of West Bend had bought a fine new Overland auto.
     Father Butler of Gilmore has gone to Ireland where he will spend the summer. Father Casey of Sioux City is taking his place.
     John A. Berg, one of Ruthven's leading merchants, left for Norway a few days ago where he will visit relatives for a short time.
     A.E. Kupyer and Henry Dunn of West Bend were among the Palo Alto representatives at the Masonic Grand Lodge at Des Moines last week.
     Miss Cynthia Cameron and Frances George of Graettinger attended the district Epworth league convention at Clarion Thursday and Friday.
     Ray Moore, Matt hand, Ted Grady and Bernard Kelly arrived home from Dubuque Wednesday. All were students at St. Joseph's college during the past year.
     Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Darland left for Ruthven Wednesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Hanson. They intended leaving for Colorado Springs Thursday.
     Miss Pearl Taylor went to Grinnell Friday to attend the Alumni meeting of Iowa College.

Palo Alto Tribune
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
3 June 1914

Mrs. Patrick Joynt
At five o'clock Sunday morning Mrs. Patrick Joynt died at her home in this
city. While she had not been in good helath for several years and had been
unusually ill for several days, at the very last death came rather
unexpected. Funeral services were conducted at St. Thomas church Tuesday
morning at 9:30 by Rev. M. McNerney and the remains laid to rest in St.
John's cemetery.
Miss Mary Ann Dunn was born in St. Louis, March 25, 1849. When two years of
age she moved to Dubuque with her parents. On September 22, 1829, she was
united in marriage to Patrick Joynt. In June, 1869, they came to Palo Alto
county and located on a homestead in Emmetsburg township. Six sons and eight
daughters were born to this union. They are John, David, Thomas, Joseph,
Charles and Raymond, Mrs. Slagle, now of Ruthven, Mrs. Robert Kinsella,
Misses Agnes and Ellen Joynt, Sisters Mary Josephine, Ambrosia and Tholes
and Mrs. Kane. All of these except Mrs. Kane survive their mother. Few wives
and mothers were better known in this locality than Mrs. Joynt. She was
warmhearted, frank and generous and all received the most hospitable
treatment at her hands. She was a home woman and her best energies were
directed toward making a comfortable and happy home for her husband and
children. She was a good christian and a devout Catholic. She had very many
warm friends and well did she deserve their friendship. In every sense of
the word she was a good, true woman. Her life was well spent and for her,
death could hold no horror. She will be missed by many outside of her home
but her death of course will bring the greatest sorrow to her immediate
relatives. Her husband, thirteen children, seventeen grandchildren, two
sisters, Mrs. L.J. Murphy and Miss Maggie Dunn of Sioux City and one
brother, Thomas Dunn of Farley survive her. To them we extend our most
sincere sympathy.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 June 1914

Mrs. A.E. BIGELOW of Estherville recently visited her daughter, Mrs. J.C.
ALLEN, of Emmetsburg.

The Sentinel says that a moving picture theatre at Iowa Falls recently
bought a mirror that weighs a ton. It cost $500.

The Chronicle says that Miss Alice O'BRIEN of Ayrshire has gone to Mitchell,
South Dakota, to visit relatives and attend school.

The Chronicle says that Miss Kathleen O'GRADY of Ayrshire returned from Des
Moines a few days ago. She was a student at St. Joseph Academy during the
past year.

The Ayrshire base ball team will play in Emmetsburg next Sunday. We presume
Brother COOKINHAM will be on hand to shout for his team. He is a jolly sport
and a mighty good loser.

A short time ago the Ancient Order of Hibernians presented Very Rev. P. F.
FARRELLY with a large, beautiful mirror for the mantle in his library. It is
needless to say that he appreciates this gift highly.

J.B. DYER, son of Mr.and Mrs. G.M. DYER, graduated from the law department
of the State University of Iowa last week. He has not decided where he will
locate for the practice of his profession.

We notice by the Estherville papers that Mrs. J.P. KIRBY has been at Colfax,
Iowa, for some time. She was very ill during the spring but is, we are
pleased to note, gaining in health and strength.

Wednesday we enjoyed a call from Mayor PENN of Graettinger. He reports that
the town is enjoying a good business, is growing steadily and that he finds
comparatively little difficulty requiring the attention of the mayor.

Brother ALTHOUSE of the Ackley World has installed an excellent paper and
book rolder. He is an up-to-date newspaper man and publishes a very
creditable paper. The World is among our favorite exchanges.
Congratulations, Bro. ALTHOUSE.

We are pleased to learn that Mrs. E.L. WALKER, who underwent a surgical
operation in the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, last week, is
getting along nicely. Mr. WALKER accompanied her on the trip. She will not
be able to return home for some time.

Miss Elizabeth McNALLY, who has been attending the Estherville Business
college during the past year, reports that her room mate, Miss Clara
GOEDERS, of Algona, was left $15,000 in cash a few days ago by one of her
uncles who died in Wisconsin. Miss McNALLY and Miss GOEDERS will both
graduate from the college during the present month.

Miss Gladys HASTINGS is attending the summer school at Ames.

Mr. and Mrs. D.G. McCARTY were Humboldt visitors Friday evening.

Edward COLLINS of Fort Dodge was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday evening.

C.W. MONSELL and Wm. HAYDON of Ruthven were Emmetsburg visitors Friday.

Teachers examinations will be conducted today and tomorrow by superintendent
Margaret RYAN.

E.H. SOPER was at Mount Vernon last week taking in the commencement
exercises of Cornell College.

Miss Mary DUNIGAN is home from Cedar Falls. She has been attending the Iowa
State Teachers college.

Miss Genevieve DAILY arrived home last week from Cedar Falls. She has been
attending the Iowa State Teachers college.

Keith GOWANS recently returned from Vermillion, South Dakota. He was a
student at the South Dakota State University during the past year.

Miss Esther WALDRON has gone to Cedar Falls to take the summer course at the
Iowa State Teachers College. She graduated from St. Marys Academy a year

Charles JENSEN and Rev. A.R. CUTHBERT were down from Graettinger Friday
advertising the Chautaqua to be held at that place. Mr. JENSEN was a
pleasant caller at this office while in town.

M.J. CONWAY went to Garner Saturday. He will visit his brother at that place
and also his brother at Goodell. From there he will go to Conway, Iowa, to
spend a short time with his brother, Will.

Mrs. ESPELAND, wh was injured in an auto wreck a month or two ago, is still
at the St. James hotel. he will not be able to be about for some time. Mrs.
ESPLAND [Transcriber note: surname spelled differently] is very ill and is
in a serious condition. Those unfortunate people have the sympathy of our
many citizens.

During the past week T.F. McGOVERN purchased the 280 acres of land laying
just west of the old WALLACE section south of town. The land is unimproved
and was owned by Duncan McGREGOR of Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. McGOVERN paid an
even $100 per acre for the tract.-Whittemore Champion.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KIBBY and one of their daughters of Booth township came
to Emmetsburg Tuesday evening of last week in their fine new auto to attend
the commencement exercises of St. Mary's Academy. Miss Florence took part in
the operetta which was rendered. She returned home with them at the close of
the exercises.

A week ago, Mr. and Mrs. MOSHER of Walnut, Iowa, were Emmetsburg visitors.
They were on their way home from Tuttle Lake, Emmet County, where, in the
company with six or seven other friends, they had been enjoying camp life
for a week or ten days. The were going home by auto. Mr. MOSHER informs us
that he and his father have sold their bank at Walnut to local parties. Mr.
and Mrs. MOSHER are thinking seriously of locating at Cedar Rapids. Mr.
MOSHER and his associates in business own a great deal of real estate in
northwest Iowa. They think they can quite readily keep in touch with it from
Cedar Rapids.

Miss Josephine STEIL was a Whittemore visitor Wednesday.

Dennis MARTIN of Ayrshire autoed to Emmetsburg Friday evening.

P.J. McCARTY of Graettinger spent Friday in Emmetsburg. He made the trip by

A.E. HARRISON was at Terril a few days ago looking after his business
interests in that section.

Miss Mary KINSELLA came over from Whittemore Wednesday for a visit with her
sister and brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin KNUTSON were at Ruthven Tuesday of last week attending
the funeral of a relative.

Last week was quite cool for the latter part of June. There was snow in
Colorado and other western states.

Andrew YOUNG was up from Eagle Grove last week visiting his parents. He is
an engineer on the Northwestern road.

Father CARROLL of Ayrshire attended the St. Mary's Academy exercises at the
Iowa Tuesday evening of last week.

Miss Mildred POWERS, who teaches in the Salt Lake City schools, is home to
remain during the summer vacation.

Walter JOHNSON of Curlew was in Emmetsburg a couple of days last week
visiting his brother, D.A. JOHNSON, of this city.

Mrs. James CALHOUN and two-children of Plover are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan VEDDER, who live north of town.

The Lutherans of Lotts Creek neighborhood will hold a "schulfest" next
Sunday. This is an annual custom with them.

Mrs. E.J. SCOTT arrived home from Frederick South Dakota last week. She had
been there for some time visiting one of her sisters.

We notice that Mr. and Mrs. McKITRICK, formerly of this place, now of
Spencer, are spending the summer at Wenatchee, Washington.

We notice by the Whittemore Champion that John S. CULLEN has been serving as
United States juror at Fort Dodge during the past ten days.

Dave DONOVAN has gone to Sheldon wehre he has secured a position in a barber
shop. He is a very deserving young man and will be missed by our many

We notice that Superintendent and Mrs. BLACKMAR of Ottumwa are spending
their vacation at Heron Lake, Minnesota. Mr. BLACKMAR owns some land at that

WEGENER Bros. of Fairfield township shipped another train of live stock to
Chicago a week ago Sunday morning. They usually send several trains each

Miss C.M. JOHNSON spent Saturday at Ruthven.

Mrs. CHURCH of Emmetsburg township was a passenger to Ruthven Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. CRETZMEYER of this city were over Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs.

Mrs. John R. JOYNT of this place and Mrs. SLAGLE of Ruthven went to Sioux
City Saturday morning to visit friends.

Miss Margaret EAGAN recently returned from Humboldt. She attended the
Humboldt college during the past session. Her friend Miss Bertha CLOE came
with her to visit her for a short time.

Miss Mary McGUIRE, who recently returned from Denver, Colorado, attended the
St. Mary Academy exercises at the Iowa Tuesday evening of last week. She and
her sister, Miss Ruth, left the last of the week for Slayton, Minnesota,
where their parents reside. We understand that Miss Mary intends teaching
school during the coming year.

Money to loan on first or second mortgage. F.L. DORRIS.
White Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching purposes. Price. 75 cents for 15, or
$4 per hundred.- Mrs. P.F. CONLON.
Cement Work.
I am prepared to do foundation, cistern, and other cement work.-James P.
If you want to sell your farm, if you want to buy a farm, call on or write
WATSON & HELGEN Land Co., Emmetsburg, Iowa. Office in McCORMICK Bank room.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
17 June 1914

Town Topics of a Week

Miss Gladys HASTINGS left for Ames Saturday.

John MONTGOMERY was down from Graettinger Saturday.

Miss Irene McNEIL went to Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday.

E.J. SCOTT went to Marshall, Minnesota, Wednesday on business.

Howard HUGHES went to Amery, Wisconsin, Monday to visit his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John BANWART of Rodman were Emmetsburg visitors Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. T.J. WOODS and family went to Rock Rapids Sunday morning to
visit relatives.

Leo J EGAN returned from Davenport Monday. He attended St. Ambrose college
during the past year.

Thomas O'CONNOR is at Toledo, Ohio, this week taking in a rather stormy
convention of the Woodmen.

Harold FRIES was over from Spencer on Saturday. He has been working at that
place for the last six weeks.

Joe KERWICK arrived home from Iowa City Sunday morning. He has been
attending the State University of Iowa.

Senator Leslie E. FRANCIS delivered the commencement address at the high
school graduating exercises at Estherville.

Prof. Earl T. BOWEN of Terril has gone to Iowa City to take a summer course
in agriculture and manual training.

J.J. DOOLEY came over from Algona Sunday to attend the K.C. doings He had
business with the board of supervisors Monday.

The Chronicle says that Robert KAHLEY of Ayrshire returned from Marshalltown
a few days ago. He was attending school during the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. P. MALIA and a number of their lady friends of Ayrshire came to
Emmetsburg Sunday in their fine new Cadillac auto, which Mr. MALIA bought at
Fort Dodge a few days ago.

Ray McNALLY left for Cedar Rapids last evening to accept a position in the
finest drug store in Iowa. It has just been opened. He will make good. He is
a capable and most deserving young man.

Paul NELSON, Robert POWERS and Lloyd FROST are home from Iowa City. All were
students at the S.U.I during the year. Bert FROST went from Iowa City to
Denver. He will spend the summer in the mountains.

Mesdames W.H. BARRET, Peter MULRONEY and John MULRONEY of Mallard were
guests of Emmetsburg relatives Sunday. Their husbands all joined the Knights
of Columbus and the ladies came to spend the day in town.

Joe EARLY was at Spirit Lake Sunday.

D.T. O'NEILL spent Wednesday at West Bend.

Dave DONOVAN was at Spencer Sunday evening.

John YOUNG was a Spirit Lake visitor Sunday.

Charles SEYMOUR was up from West Bend Friday.

Patrick EATON was a Marshalltown visitor Firday.

Mr. and Mrs. HINKLEY went to Sanborn Thursday.

John CORK of Fort Dodge was in Emmetsburg Saturday.

Mrs. Thor KNUDTSON of Ottosen was in Emmetsburg Friday.

Mrs. Elmer ELLIS was a passenger to Burlington, Iowa, Monday.

Vincent HAND and John Manning were Algona visitors Saturday.

Samuel BREKKE of Montana is visiting his parents at Graettinger.

Miss BARTLETT of West Bend was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday.

Miss Bertha CAMERON of Telluride, Colorado, is here visiting her father and

Mrs. H.D. BENNETT and Miss PATTERSON of Curlew were shopping in Emmetsburg

Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph LANUS and Miss LANUS of Pocahontas were Emmetsburg
visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur SKOWBO went to Armstrong Monday. Mr. SKOWBO's parents
reside at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. T.B. WALSH were at Ayrshire Monday attending the

Mr. and Mrs. John McNALLY and Thos. McNALLY were at Ayrshire Monday
attending the THOMPSON-MAGUIRE wedding.

Miss Elvira MELQUIST was at Humboldt last week attending the graduating
exercises of the Humboldt Business college.

Mrs. Chas. BROWN and son and daughter of Lohrville were visitors Friday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. McCARTY.

E. SANDERS was at Creston and other southern Iowa points several days during
the past week. He bought a farm in Ringgold county.

Misses Colette SAMMIN, Mary NEARY, Josephine MORRISSEY and Bessie WHITE went
to Cedar Falls Saturday to attend the Iowa Teachers' college.

Clifford MAYNE is home from Iowa City. He has been attending the State
University of Iowa. He has become foreman in his father's office.

Mrs. M.M. MAHER returned to Ruthven Monday after several days' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McNALLY, of this place.

Miss Edna KERWICK arrived home from St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, Thursday
evening. She was a student at the college at that place during the past

Captain and Mrs. E.B. SOPER were passengers to Mt. Vernon Saturday. Mr.
SOPER is a member of the board of trustees of Cornell College. They went to
be present at the commencement exercises.

Miss OLIVER of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. KNUTSON were passengers west yesterday.

Miss WHIRRY went to Eagle Grove Monday to visit friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. KNOBLAUCH went to Chicago Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Clint SMITH were lake visitors the last of the week.

Mr. TOD and Mr. ROGERSON were in from Independence township yesterday.

Miss O'BRIEN of Muscatine county is visiting Miss Josie McEVOY of this

Miss YOUNG was a passenger to Ames Monday. One of her sisters lives at that

Miss GREEHEY of Estherville recently visited her sister, Mrs. John DOOLEY,
of this place.

Miss Cora WILCOX recently returned from Sandy, Utah, where she had been
teaching school during the past year.

Father CHARLES of Chicago visited Mrs. JOYCE, Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS and other
Emmetsburg relatives Thursday.

Miss Helen WHITE came over from Whittemore last evening to attend the St.
Mary Academy graduating exercises.

Mr. and Mrs. PFIFFER of Waterloo, who had been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
H.W. BEEBE, returned home Tuesday.

Miss Ruth O'REILLY arrived home from Dubuque yesterday. She attended Mt. St.
Joseph college during the past year.

Miss Margaret GLEASON, who has been visiting relatives in Ruthven during the
past three weeks, spent Sunday with friends in this city.

John GALLEGER received his new sprinkler Friday. It works fine. It is
needless to say that he is proud of it.

Norman NORLAND recently returned from Northfield, Minnesota. He was a
student at the Lutheran college at that place during the past year.

Misses Mildred DAILY and Vera RUTLEDGE went to Cedar Falls last week to be
present at some college class doings that were held at that place.

J.F. RICHIE of Blunt, South Dakota, has been visiting his brother, J.M.
RICHIE, of this place for several days. He has been assisting him some in
carpenter work.

We notice by the Whittemore Champion that Thomas CARMODY has bought a fine
new five passenger Paige auto. In the future Mr. CARMODY will come to
Emmetsburg in grand style.

We notice by the Chicago dailies that Mrs. SCHUMAN-HEINK has been granted
her divorce. She probably appreciates the decree but she did not need the
advertising that she received in securing it.

Mrs. John MULRONEY and daughter, Miss Alice, of Mallard, left Emmetsburg
Monday morning for Milwaukee. From there they will go to Chicago. The will
spend several weeks visiting friends and relatives.

The Champion says that W.J. O'BRIEN and E.L. DULLARD have sold their quarter
section farm southeast of Whittemore to Simon ELBERT, Jr. They are said to
have received a fancy price for it, but the consideration is not given.

Misses Agatha HAND and Veronica JENNINGS graduated as professional nurses
from St. Joseph's Hospital at Sioux City a few days ago. Miss Agatha arrived
home last Friday. Miss JENNINGS will remain in Sioux City for some time.

Alex CULLEN and Owen McNULTY were Omaha visitors last week.

Mr. GRADY came up from Britt Sunday and became a Knight of Columbus.

Thursday Hariet TAYLOR of Ruthven was granted a pension of $12 per month.

Mrs. Alfred KRIEG and Mrs. Jesse COBURN were Ft. Dodge visitors Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank MORRIS and family visited Whittemore relatives last week.

C.C. WILSON enjoyed a visit Monday from his mother and sister who live at

James DUNGAN arrived last evening from Wagoner, Oklahoma to visit his mother
and sisters.

Tom J. WHITE of the Champion was over fomr Whittemore Sunday taking in the
K.C. exercises.

We have not had any rain for four or five days. The weather seems to have
cleared up.

Mrs. J. Reade CLARK is enjoying a visit from her friend, Mrs. HOLMAN, of
Terre Haute, Indiana.

Henry THOMPSON came up from Mason City Sunday to attend the K.C. doings.He
visited his mother and brother while in town.

Mr. Walter F. HUGHES and Miss Renie LAUGHLIN are to be married at St. Thomas
church this morning. Particulars next week.

Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN and two of her children came over from Whittemore last
evening to attend the St. Mary commencement exercises.

Hon. M.F. HEALY of Fort Dodge will be orator of the day at Whittemore July
4th. Whittemore people will enjoy a patriotic treat.

Mrs. M.L. MURPHY and little daughter arrived from Graettinger last evening
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HIGGINS for a few days.

L.E. BEVARD and his son, Raymond, left last evening for Bagley, Minnesota.
Mr. BEVARD will visit his sister, Mrs. Fred REED, for a short time.

Mr. GREEN of Primghar has been elected manager of the Farmers' Elevator
company of this place. He travels for the Walters Bros. Commission company.

Mrs. Sid HIGLEY and Mrs. William KELLY of Mason City were Emmetsburg
visitors the last of the week. They came to attend the THOMPSON-MAGUIRE
marriage at Ruthven.

The Auxiliary tea will be given by Mrs. HORTON, assisted by Mrs. Ralph KING
and Mrs. Edith SMITH, June 24. Cake and ice cream will be served. All are
cordially invited to attend.

At a meeting held a few evenings ago, John SCOTT, J.S. GIBSON, A.J. BURT,
A.T. HORTON, J.H. GODDEN, E.B. SOPER, Jr. and J.J. WATSON were elected
members of the Trinity church vestry.

Myrle KERWICK arrived home from Dubuque last evening where he attended St.
Joseph College during the past year. He spent a few days with his sister,
Mrs. McLAUGHLIN, of Rockwell while returning home.

Miss Margaret CARNEY, Mrs. J.J. McCORMICK and Master Vincent returned from
Des Moines Friday. Vincent is improving steadily and will soon be able to
walk without crutches. Dr. STEINDLER treated him.

Mr. John SULLIVAN has been quite ill since going to Hardwick, Minnesota. Mr.
SULLIVAN writes us that the storm of last Wednesday evening was very severe
at that place. The hail was something terrific. Small grain was ruined.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 June 1914

A Few Items Taken from the Files of June 20, 1894

Friday evening Company K of the Fourth Regiment of the Iowa National Guards
was mustered into service in theis city by Colonel C.E. FOSTER and Captaion
O.C. SERVIS of Sioux City. The membership is forty-six. It will be increased
to sixty. The commisioned officers are as follows: Captain P.O. REFSELL;
first lieutenant, A.H. KELLER; second lieutenant, C.M. HENRY. An officer
named BROWN from Omaha will remain for some time to instruct the new company
in military tactics.

President ALLEN of the First National bank of Estherville has been appointed
receiver of the American investment company of this place.

Prof. RUMMEL has been re-elected superintendent of the Emmetsburg schools
for the coming year. DL. DAILY will succeed Frank HENRY as assistant
principal. The other teachers chosen are Mr. CASE, Miss KELLY, Miss Lil

The contract for the new school house at Whittemore was let yesterday to Mr.
SWANSON for $5,200.

Mrs. George C. CALL of Algona is to be married today to Miss SPEAR of
Portland, Maine.

J.J. WILSON will build a new flouring mill at Algona provided he is given a
bonus of $1,000.

Rev. W.J. JOHNSON of this place will deliver the Fourth of July oration at

Earl BRONSON has taken possession of the Spencer postoffice.

Professors JOHNSON and LILLY are the new managers of he Algona Normal

Misses DONOVAN, BLACK and LIGHT returned from Lost Island lake last week
with as red noses as if they had been drinking. The had been fishing for
some time.

George B. McCARTY is very busy this week telling fish stories. They are
whoppers. He was at Lost Island several days last week.

Rev. P.F. FARRELLY of Sheldon will deliver the address at the commencement
exercises of St. Mary's Academy this week.

H.B. FLOM returned from Europe last Wednesday morning. He has been spending
some time in Norway.

Dr. POWERS is building and addition to his residence.

Miss Henriette KELLY has accepted a position in the Rock Rapids schools.

Mr. and Mrs. TREADGOLD are visting at their old home at Morrison, Illinois.

Mr. McCARTY, of Emmet county, a brother of J.D., has gone to Iowa City where
he will have a serious surgical operation performed.

Cornell University has conferred the degree of Doctor of Divinity on Rev.
F.H. SANDERSON of Spirit Lake. He was formerly pastor of the M.E. church at
this place.

E.C. DIMMICK, our local cigar man, pays about $4,000 per year in revenue to
the United States government.

Mr. and Mrs. E.P. McEVOY left Saturday for Ottawa Canada. They will visit
Montreal and Portland, Maine, before returning.

The following are the newly elected officers of the A.O.H. President, W.J.
O'BRIEN; vice-president, M. JOYNT; corresponding secretary, J.J. DENEEN;
financial secretary, P.H. HAND; treasurer, M.F. KERWICK; sergeant-at-arms,
M.D. KANE; doorkeeper, Charles FLYNN; county president, Dan KELLY.

[End of News of 1894]

In Honor of Miss Ruth McGUIRE

Wednesday evening a number of the young ladies of this city attended a
farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.B. WALSH in honor of Miss Ruth
McGUIRE, who left during the last of the week for Slayton, Minnesota. Miss
McGUIRE has attended St. Marys Academy in thsi city for a number of years,
during which time she made many warm friends. They will regret to learn of
her departure.

Submitted by: #000525

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County