Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
11 Feb 1914


Senator GORE of Oklahoma, the blind gentleman who delivered a lecture at the
Emmetsburg chautauqua two or three years ago, is now the defendant in a
$50,000 damage case at Oklahoma City. The complaining witness is Mrs. Minnie
BOND, who alleges that the Senator attempted to assault her in a hotel at
Washington last March. She asks for $50,000. The case has been on trial
during the past ten days and so far the evidence is not very strong against
Mr. GORE. He is probably the victim of a blackmailer. Mrs. BOND's husband
was a candidate for a political appointment and the Senator did not
recommend him. Several of her leading witnesses were also aspirants for
political honors but were not very successful.

A E HARRISON was an Emmetsburg visitor last week.

Col. BAIN delivered a lecture at Ruthven last evening. He spoke under the
auspices of the local lecture course.

Miss Agnes JOYNT, who is a trained nurse, was called to Swea City a few days
ago to take charge of a critical case.

J.P. JENNINGS had quite a successful sale Saturday afternoon. Prices were

Father J.P. BARON of Boone will leave in a short time for Europe. He will
take a trip to the Holy Land before returning.

The buttermakers of Iowa are holding a convention at Fort Dodge today. They
will remain in session until Friday. There will doubtless be a very large

Frank BRENNAN has bought M.F. KERWICK's quarter block just north of CONWAY
Bros.' place. He will build on it during the summer. His mother's property
will join it on the west.

Seventeen persons were frozen to death in New York city Friday and Saturday.
Over $1,000,000 worth of property was destroyed. Losses in many of the large
cities of the east were large.

L.P. ANDERSON of Spencer was called to Ft. Dodge to take charge of the
butter that was entered for scoring at the State Buttermaker's convention.
There are a large number of entries.

Mrs. O.P. DOYLE has bought Dr. T.A. O'BRIEN's residence. We understand the
Doctor intends building a new house on the lot south of it. Mrs. DOYLE and
family will move to Emmetsburg in a short time.

A few days ago Dr. E.L. WATSON of Bode was a victim of ptomaine poisoning,
but he was able to be about again a couple of days later. He is the
gentleman who was badly injured in an auto wreck at Ft. Dodge a couple of
years ago.

J.K. MARTIN intends moving to Texas soon to remain for a couple of years. He
owns 640 acres of land west of Houston. He will prepare it for the growing
of rice. He intends selling after improving it. In this issue of the
Democrat he advertises his residence for sale.

Geo. A. BURT, wh was in Emmetsburg a couple of weeks ago looking after the
marketing of his crops writes us from Henry, Illinois taht he found
considerable snow on his return home. He had to pick up his shovel and get
busy. He publishes the Republican at that place.

T.D. TRICKEL, who came to Emmetsburg from Illinois a few years ago, takes
several newspapers, among them a couple from his home state. Mrs. TRICKEL
tells our reporter taht hte Democrat is the favorite among them when they
reach her household. She has only words of praise for our excellent news
service. It is needless to say we appreciate such compliments.

Sunday evening Father NUGENT of Des Moines delivered a lecture at Ft. Dodge
on "The Home, the School, teh Church, the Hope of the State." The subject is
an old one but it is one of the most important of our time. People who give
sufficient attention to the work of the home, the church, and the school
will not find much necessary for discussing sex hygiene and similar

A.K. C. Class will be initiated at Algona next Sunday.

J.J. JACOBSEN of Mason City is a candidate for the socialist nomination for

H.P. JOHNSTON left for Boone yesterday to attend the marriage of one of his

Miss Theresa DORRIS, who had been visiting her mother and brother, returned
to Spencer Monday morning.

The M.E. ladies of Algona are buying a new bell for their church. It will
weigh 500 pounds and will cost $728.

Miss Lillian DEMPSEY of Marcus arrived in Emmetsburg Thursday to visit her
sister, Mrs. Dell MURPHY for a short time.

Robert HENDERSON, who lives northeast of Emmetsburg, is planning on putting
up a new residence during the coming summer.

We understand that H.E. HAUSCHEN of Emmetsburg township will enlarge and
improve his house during the coming season.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'BRIEN, Jr., of Great Oak township last
Thursday. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Father COSTELLO was up from Livermore Friday evening. He appears to be
unusually hearty and his voice is strong and clear. He says he never felt
better. He is greatly encouraged.

Mrs. Henry HUGHES, who had been visiting her sons and daughter in this city
for a couple of weeks, left for Charles City Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs.
E.M. HUGHES. From there she will return to her home at Amery, Wisconsin.

Rev. John BOWEN, who was for serveral years state chaplain of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians, and who will be remembered by many of the local
members, died at Mercy Hospital, Dubuque last week. He was for several years
pastor at Delmar, Iowa.

C.V. FINDLAY of Fort Dodge has filed nomination papers for congressman on
the progressive ticket. His action has aroused the friends of Judge QUARTON
of Algona, who has for some time has his eye on the nomination. It is more
than likely that Mr. QUARTON will yet enter the field.

At the farmers elevator state convention held at Waterloo last week a
resolution was adopted asking to have binding twine made in the
penitentiaries of our state. Minnesota and South Dakota have for several
years had laws providing for this and they seem to give general

Fred WOLF of the Primghar Bell was in Emmetsburg Thursday. He is still with
the Redpath people. He has become quite fleshy. During the winter months he
sells lecture and chautaqua courses and during the summer season he conducts
chautaquas. He has been very successful in this line.

Miss Frances FOGARTY Becomes the Bride of Joseph MONTAGUE.

At the Catholic church in West Bend on Wednesday morning of this week
occurred the marriage of Miss Frances FOGARTY to Mr. Joseph MONTAGUE. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Father DOBBERSTEIN in the presence of a large
congregation. Miss Beatrice DUFFY was bridesmaid and Edward MONTAGUE best
man. Mr. and Mrs. MONTAGUE will, we understand, make their home on one of
the HALSEY farms between here and West Bend, the groom being employed as a
foreman. The bride in this instance, is one of the well known and popular
young women of this section, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
FOGARTY, and takes to her new home the kind wishes of many friends and for a
happy and prosperous life. - Whittmore Champion.
Have Dissolved Partnership.
Wm. BERKLER and John SCOTT have dissolved partnership in the garage
business. Mr. BERKLER is putting in a line of farm machinery in the building
and solicits the general patronage of the public. Mr. SCOTT will keep one or
two of the autos and will do a livery business. Mr. BERKLER is still doing
drainage work. He has a contract in Kossuth county and also one south of
Ayrshire. He employs nineteen men.
Were Inspecting Their Line.
Friday and Saturday C.W. HUNTINGTON, vice president, and E.E. KERWIN, the
new general superintendent, passed over the local division of the M. & St. L
road on a tour of inspection. They intend making a number of changes during
the coming year but they are not yet prepared to announce their plans.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
11 Feb 1914

Mrs. Thos. BRENNAN and children returned to their home at Faith, South
Dakota on Wednesday after visiting relatives in this city.

Ray McNALLY came up from Garner Thursday evening to hear Judge CAVANAUGH.

We notice that the families of Alex HUSSACK and P.J. CLAER, who were
quarantined with small pox at Spencer for several weeks, have been released.
The contagion was not allowed to spread.

Submitted by: #000525

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County