Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
2 Dec 1914

Near By News

Hopes Joe Will Win
Joseph M DRESS and Joseph C ARTS, two sterling Democrats of Carroll are
candidates for the postoffice in their city and the fight will be a merry
one. Here's hoping that Joe will win-John DALTON's Manson Democrat
Plenty of Turkeys at Whittemore
The merchants of Whittemore report having taken in about 10,000 pounds of
poultry Tuesday of this week. This, however, is a much smaller amount than
was marked here before Thanksgiving a year ago.-Champion.
Shot While Attending Church
It was a week ago last Sunday that a 22-bullet pierced the west window of
the Methodist Church and slightly injured a little girl, but we did not
notice any less shooting about town last Sunday on that account.-Livermore
A Former Palo Alto Girl.
Miss Nellie CAVANAUGH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.W. CAVANAUGH, was married
on Thursday of last week to Mr. V. VAN ALLEN. The ceremony was performed by
Father HALPIN. Mr VAN ALLEN has been in the employ of H.R. Conway,
contractor and builder for the last year or two.-Algona Courier.
Successful Lot Sale at Milford
L.F. MEYERS had an auction sale of town lots last Saturday. The lots sold
were in the Meyer's addition to Mildord and west and north of the St.
Joseph's church. 37 lots were sold for a total of $4,410 for an average
price of a fraction over $119.000 per lot which is a little more than Mr.
MEYERS really expected.-Spirit Lake Herald
Robbers at Ruthven
There is again evidence of robberies being committed about hte ciyt. This
time, however, it appears to be the work of expert safe men. The Farmers
Elevator was entered and the safe tampered with but nothing taken. This was
on Thursday evening. On the same evening two other business houses were
entered and the safe in each place was the object upon which the intruders
centered their work, although the result of the robbers visit has not been
given out.-Free Press
Knut IVERSON was a Minnesota visitor last week.

Thos LARSON of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Saturday.

J. M. RESH, who lives near Hoprig, is having his auction sale today.

Mrs. M.FLEMING of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.

Miss Rose LAUGHLIN was a Thanksgiving guest of friends at Fenton.

James FAY spent Friday and Saturday with relatives at Whittemore.

Hugh SWEENEY of Sheldon was an over Sunday visitor with Emmetsburg friends.

Mrs. M.M. MAHER of Ruthven visited her parents in this city the last of the

Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'NEILL and children were passengers to Greattinger Friday.

Miss Carrie and Arthur KOCH spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank KOCH
of this place.

Mrs. Matt KILROY of Mason City enjoyed Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. CONLON, of this place.

Mrs. C.A. THOMAS of Germania was in Emmetsburg several days during the past
week visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Florence MORRISSEY came up from Livermore to visit her parents, Mrs.
and Mrs. Martin MORRISSEY, over Thanksgiving.

E.A. HUSKAMP came in from Independence township Saturday and bought one of
H.S. FAIN's fancy Duroc breeding hogs.

Mr.and Mrs. Thos. CURRANS of Ruthven were Thanksgiving guests at the home of
Mrs. CURRANS parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.F. BRENNAN, of this place.

Tomorrow West Bend's citizens will vote on the proposition of issuing bonds
to put in an electric light plant. The proposition will undoubtedly carry.

Mrs. CAHILL came home from Graettinger Wednesday evening where she had been
for several working days taking care of Mrs. QUIGGLE, mother of Mrs. C.S.

The Free Press says that Wm. RICE of Lost Island township recrntly shot an
eagle measuring eight feet and ten inches from tip to tip. Eagles are
numerous this year.

P.F. SWIFT of Vernon Township will have a sale Thursday, December 10. He has
rented his land to a neighbor but will continue to live on it.

A few nights ago rowdies ruined eight mail boxes near Clear Lake. The U.S.
authorities are after them and will doubtless get them. Uncle Sam usually
deals severely with this class of people.

Misses Mary and Agnes JACKMAN will leave today for Mankato, Minnesota, their
new home. the best wishes of all go with them. Mankato is a place of 12,000.
It has several state institutions and other advantages not found in other

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. CARNEY nad Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CARNEY were Ayrshire visitors

Wednesday was tag day at Mason City. Over $1,00 was raised for the Belgian

We notice by our exchanges that there is considerable sickness among horses
this winter.

Miss Josie McEVOY was a Thanksgiving visitor at the home of her brother at

The lake dredge was started up again the first of the week. Mr. NUTZMAN does
not believe in wasting any time.

P.H. DONLON went to Dubuque Thursday evening to assist for a short time in
the office of the internal revenue collector.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm SMITH Jr., November 22. Of course the
good news is pleasing to many of their friends.

The postoffice at Klemme was robbed a few nights ago. Only a small amount of
money was secured. John WATERMAN is the postmaster.

Arnold BRUNNER, the assistant postmaster at Clear Lake was an Emmetsburg
visitor Friday. He was formerly employed in the Emmetsburg office.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred HALSTEAD visited Mrs. HALSTEAD's sister, Mrs. Peter
PHILLIPS of Seneca township, Kossuth county, several days during the past

Wednesday Prof Fred MAKANNAH, state inspector of normal training schools,
told the people of Forest City that their school rooms were too crowded and
that they were in need of a new building.

W.A DOTY of Emmetsburg township will have a sale Friday, December 11. Mr.
and Mrs. DOTY will move to this city. They bought the Mrs. J. READE-CLARKE
property some time ago.

Saturday evening H.J. HUSKAMP of Fenton left Emmetsburg for Grundy Center to
attend the funeral of E.A. METZGAR, president of the Iowa division of the
national musicians of the Civil War. He was elected for life a short time
ago. Mr. HUSKAMP had a very high regard for him and was chosen one of his
pall bearers. W.J. JOHNSON, secretary of the association, who lived at
Malcom, also died a short time ago. Mr. Johnson was a member of Mr.
HUSKAMP's regiment, the Fiftieth Iowa. The muscial organization to which all
belonged played at the Iowa State Fair during the past two years.

Yield and Sale of Alfalfa Seed
Our citizens are interested in the yield and sale of alfalfa seed. The Sioux
City Journal of Friday says: "Two cars of alfalfa seed were shipped out of
Faith, South Dakota last week to the Sioux City Seed and nursery company.
This shipment of two cars contained 1100 bushels of seed and brought $8,000.
All of this seed was raised near Red Owl postoffice, about thirty five miles
southwest of Faith. George HOLOCKER brought in 210 bushels which was raised
on 40 acres, making an average yield of 8 1/2 bushels to the acre. The
largest yield per acre was raised by A.J. SHOUN, who had a field of six
acres that yuielded 13 1/2 bushels to the acre, netting him $26.20 per acre.
This seed is all non-irrigated. From one to two carloads more will be
brought in for shipment from this vicinity this week. There is also
considerable seed west and north of Faith that is not yet thrashed. There is
big demand for Faith alfalfa seed all over the country and the seed houses
have men on the ground ready to buy just as soon as the seed is thrashed.
Teh total receipts for alfalfa seed at this station will be $20,000.

Mrs. Earl Conway Loses Life Starting Fire with Kerosene

Sanborn, Iowa, Nov. 25.-Mrs. Earl CONWAY, who was burned while starting a fire with kerosene, died of her injuries. The mother and 9 month old baby, who also was fatally burned, were buried side by side in the Primghar cemetery. The funeral services were held in the Methodist Episcopal church of Sanborn. Further details regarding the accident show that as Mrs. CONWAY was starting a fire with kerosene to get supper, there was an explosion which set her clothing on fire. She ran, screaming to her husband who was in bed asleep, preparatory to a night run on his engine. He rushed to her assistance and, with bedding extinguished the flames, but not until she had been fatally burned. In the meantime the house had become a furnace. The 9 month old baby was in the kitchen, and by the time Mr. CONWAY had rescued his wife the baby was burned to a crisp. The fire alarm was sounded and the fire department soon stopped the blaze when it arrived. The total damage is about $1000. Mrs. CONWAY was only 26 years old and the mother of three little children. Her husband is a fireman on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
2 Dec 1914

Dr. Martin Joynt Loses Only Child

Dr. and Mrs. Martin JOYNT of Jessup, Iowa, mourn the death of their only
daughter and only child, who passed away last Thursday evening. She went to
school as usual the previous morning but she was taken ill during the day
and did not recover. She was five years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Michael JOYNT,
parents of Dr. JOYNT, were called to that place Friday to attend the
funeral, which was held on Saturday. This is a severe blow to Dr. and Mrs.
JOYNT. Their many relatives and friends in this locality extend sincere
sympathy to them in their bereavement.

Were Married Sixty-Seven Years Ago

November 28, Mr.and Mrs. Peter JONES, of this place observed the
sixty-seventh anniversary of their marriage, which took place in Ireland.
They came to the United States in 1849, locating in New York. Later they
moved to the vicinity of St. Louis where they remained for a couple of
years. In 1851 they settled onto a farm in Allamakee county. In 1872 they
bought a home in Great Oak township and a number of years ago moved to
Emmetsburg. Mr. JONES is eighty-nine years of age and Mrs. JONES is a year
or two younger. Their many friends sincerely hope they will have the
happiness to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of their union.

Thirty-Five High School Pupils Expelled From Sheldon Schools

Thirty five high school boys and girls were expelled from the Sheldon high
school last week for disobedience. The directors are to be commended for
their firmness in standing by the superintendent. Young men and young women
who will not obey the rules are an injury to a school. Too many of the
growing up boys and girls of our time have never learned the ordinary
lessons of obedience in the home and in the school.

Mallard May Have Electric Lights.

H.H. HOUGH was up from Mallard Saturday. He informs us that the mayor and
council of that place are figuring on putting in an electric light plant.
They have visited several places and are about ready to submit to the voters
a proposition asking for authority to issue bonds to put them in a plant.
Mr. HOUGH is a member of the council. Mallard is one of the best little
towns in the state and should have electric lights.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SMITH went to Wisconsin Friday for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. LEONARD have returned to their home at Garner after a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. SHARTLE in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. BRENNAN spent Sunday visiting relatives at Estherville.
Mr. and Mrs. THATCHER and son Harry spent Thanksgiving with Mr. THATCHER's
parents at West Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph NOLAN accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank HENDERSON,
autoed to Emmetsburg Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred DEAN and daughter Miss Lucile, recently arrived in this
city from Wayne, Nebraska for a visit at the S. DEANE home.
Twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. WASHINGTON on Sunday.
Congratulations a dozen of times.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanley MEEK and children visited relatives near Ayrshire
Miss Mabel HUGHES went to Curlew Monday morning where she will teach school.
Miss Bertha GAARD returned to Estherville Monday night after a days visit in
this city with her parents.
Mr. PARROTT, who lives on the Michael GEELAN farm east of town, recently
bought the Oscar SAMPSON house in town. He will move into it next spring.
Cornelius NOLAN went to Emmetsburg Tuesday morning to serve on the grand
Rex HUBBARD of Spencer spent Thursday in this city visiting relatives.
M.T. WASHINGTON and Miss Margaret were Emmetsburg visitors Wednesday.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
30 Dec 1914

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CURRANS of Ruthven ate Christmas turkey with Mrs.
CURRAN's parents in this city.
Glen BOWMAN, formerly sheriff of Kossuth county, is the new manager of the
Royal Lumber yards at Rodman.
Mr.and Mrs. Caroll BRAGG arrived from Chicago Monday for a visit with Mr.
BRAGG's parents, Mr and Mrs. E.P. BRAGG.
Miss Carrie KOCH of Whittemore was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her
brother, Frank KOCH, of this place.
Miss FLAHERTY of Des Moines is spending her Christmas vacation with her
friend, Miss Marie SHERLOCK of this place.
J.E. TIERNEY, formerly of this place, who recently sold the Armstrong
Journal, has bought a newspaper plant at Panora, Iowa.
Bennie CATTELL arrived from Fort Dodge the last of the week for a visit at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben CATELL.
Frank DEALY was renewing acquaintances at Estherville Wednesday. He was
engaged in business at that place a number of years ago.
Mary McNALLY will leave Sunday evening for Cedar Rapids. She will attend
Business College at that place during the winter.
Mr.and Mrs. Will CONLON and little son Milford spent the last of the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CONLON and other Emmetsburg relatives.
M.L. BRADY, who was home for the holidays, returned to Madison, South
Dakota, yesterday. Real estate has not of late been stirring much in that
Ray McNALLY arrived home from Tama Christmas morning and remained until
Sunday evening. He recently bought an interest in a drug store at that
Dr. and Mrs. M.J. JOYNT of Jessup, Dr. M.F. JOYNT, of Marcus, and Dr. Robert
JOYNT of LeMars sepnt Christmas at the M JOYNT home in Emmetsburg township.
James DALE attempted to suicide in the New Algona hotel a few days ago. He
took chloroform. When he was discovered medical aid was promptly summoned
and he was quickly restored.
Mrs. B.E. KELLY visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. KIRBY of Estherville
Christmas day. She was accompanied by her sons, Vincent and Bernard and her
daughter, Miss Jean.
C.F. KERN of Fenton was in Emmetsburg Saturday. He had a fire recently and
was settling his loss with Mr. CARTER, secretary of the County Mutual. While
in town he paid this office with a brief call and subscribed for the
Rev. GILBERT of LeMars has accepted a call to become pastor of a church in
Dr. BALDWIN of Ruthven was at Spencer a few days ago serving as a judge in a
baby contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo CHRISTOPHER, we learn from the Mallard Independent,
returned to Edinburg, Texas, Tuesday of last week.
Chas. LYONS has bought the F.S. SHADLE & Co. drug store at Estherville and
has consolidated the two stocks.
Peter BERGUSON, who lives west of Iowa Falls, accidentally shot himself a
few days ago knocking out one of his eyes.
Matt COOK, who was with Dr. ASHLEY on the trip from Sherburne to Estherville
when John GRIFFITH was run over by their auto and badly injured, was
arrested Tuesday of last week and arraigned before Justice Fred PARSONS for
a hearing. He plead guilty as charged and was fined.
Mr. and Mrs. M.J. BRENNAN of Milwaukee spent Saturday with Mr.and Mrs.
CURRANS of Ruthven. Mr. Brennan is a brother of Mrs. CURRANS.
J.F. McFADDEN of Algona is becoming a rival of Judge QUARTON as a breeder of
dairy cows. He sold thirteen Holstein cows a few days ago at an average of
$100 per head.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County