Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
8 April 1914

Mrs. M.W. JOYNT of West Bend has been quite ill since the beginning of

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of March 21, 1894

J.C. BENNETT has bought A.W. UTTER's interest in the Reporter. We understand
he will sell it to L.H. MAYNE of Algona.

The Farmers' Mutual Life Insurance association of Iowa was organized in
Emmetsburg last week. A.W. GREEN of Spencer was elected president., W.B.
FORBES of Wall Lake vice president, Geo. H. BAKER of Emmetsburg, secretary,
and A.B. CARTER, of West Bend, treasurer.

T.W. FOY of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, is in Emmetsburg today.

A son was born to Mr and Mrs. John McNALLY Monday.

Thomas EGAN is building a new residence.

FARRELL Brothers have moved to Ledyard, Kossuth county.

John PYPER is back in the KAUFMAN Brothers clothing store.

Patrick MULRONEY is building a large barn.

Attorney G.W. ADAMS is to be given charge of the Estherville Vindicator.

John FARRELL has bought a quarter section farm in Emmetsburg township. He
will erect buildings on it and will move onto it in a short time.

P.O. PETERSON of Fairfield township will move to Algona.

A son was born to Mr and Mrs P. F. MAGUIRE of Ayrshire about a week ago.

J.S. GIBSON has sold his large farm in Emmet county to J.J. WATSON for

Mr and Mrs. E.E. JOHNSON returned from Chicago a few days ago. The Chicago
surgeons were not able to find the ball in Mr. JOHNSON's abdomen. However,
he is feeling fairly well.

Jay LETSON returned from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin a few days ago where he had
been for several months.

Mr and Mrs. Charles McCORMICK celebrated the 25th anniversary of their
marriage Friday evening.

The instructors chosen for the teachers' institute are Professors YOUNG and
RUMMELL and Miss Agnes B. MARTIN. P.H. DONLON will also assist in the work.

GRAHAM Brothers from Illinois arrived last Thursday. They will build on
their new half section farm, which they recently bought from Blairgowrie.

Henry PENMAN returned to Emmetsburg yesterday to remain for a  short time.

P. CLAER of Great Oak township is building a new home.

Mr. JEFFRIES, a Sheldon painter, has located in Emmetsburg.

The new creamery north of Independence township will be ready for business
April 1.

Joseph LAUBENTHAL of Rodman has moved his family to Plover.

Miss Mollie PATTON finished her term of school at Cylinder last week.

H.J. HUSKAMP drove in from Independence township Monday evening to hear

Mr. John KIRSCHNER and Miss Hattie FRAZER were married in Blackhawk county
March 8.

S. CRISSMAN and family have moved onto their farm west of West Bend.

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of March 28, 1894

Messrs. KLUSS and HOLMAN of Hampton have rented the store room in the
Waverly block and will put in a stock of furniture.

Adam DOMEK returned from Hot Springs Saturday morning.

Mr and Mrs. E.W. REID of Wallingford are visiting at the home of Mrs. REID's
parents near Cylinder.

Fred HOWARD will leave for Colorado in a few days where he will remain for
some time for the benefit of his health.

It is rumored that the Burlington road will be extended next spring from
Armstrong to Estherville.

John McDONALD returned from Galena, Illinois, Wednesday where he spent most
of the winter.

A.H. HOTELLING has bought the old hotel building at Whittemore.

Mr and Mrs. Thomas TOBIN will return from California this week.

Miss Mary MEADE returned from Colfax Monday evening where she spent the
winter with her brother.

Miss Mary MAHAN of Chicago is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chris DONAHUE.

Thomas EATON of Emmetsburg township will build a new residence.

Mr. DELEVAN of Estherville will take charge of the state fish commisioner's
office April 1.

Saturday night M.F. COONAN shipped two cars of livestock to Chicago,
BLAIRGOWRIE six, KIRBY and MULLEN two and MULRONEY Brothers four.

Miss Bridgie McEVOY entered Mt. Carmel at Dubuque last Monday to become a
Sister of Charity.

Miss ROYLE of Chicago is the new trimmer in Mrs. MORRISSEY's millinery

Mr. Albert JOLLIFFE and Miss Anna GRETHEN were married in this city Monday.

Mr. Peter J. PAULSON and Miss Mary SMITH wree married in Emmetsburg Monday.

P.V. NOLAN has been elected school treasurer as successor to P.O. REFSELL.

J.N. HUNNELL of Jasper County has moved onto a farm in Vernon township.

A.T. HORTON has sold his stock of boots and shoes to ALLRED Brothers of

Mr. G.W. BRUCE and Miss Ella WALLACE were married last Wednesday. They live
on a farm in Walnut township.

A.W. UTTER and Claude HENRY have bought E.S. BRIGG's stock of furniture.

Mrs. TIPP was called to Linn county a few days ago to attend the funeral of
a sister.

>From Rolfe to Exira.
F.R. KUHNS, the day ticket agent at the Rock Island depot and the friend of
all travelers through Iowa City, has just received notice of his appointment
to the position of ticket agent at Exira, in Audubon county.-Rolfe Reveille.

Mrs. P. HABEGER of West Bend Dead.
On Tuesday evening at 6:15 occurred the death of Mrs. Peter HARBEGER at her
home. She had a stroke of paralysis May 17, 1912 that she never really fully
recovered from and she gradually failed till at last death came as a relief
to her suffering.

Fell from Chair Broke Ribs.
Last Saturday, Mrs. E. BIGGLESTONE used a chair and stepped upon the top of
the cook stove to brush off some dust on the pipe. When she went to get down
she missed the chair and fell heavily upon the back of it, breaking two of
her ribs.-Laurens Sun.

Goes to Kansas City for Operation.
The many friends of Mrs. F.A. KASSELL will be very sorry to hear that it was
necessary for her to leave the first of the week for Kansas City and medical
treatment. We all hope that she will return in a short time having received
the help that she is seeking.-Ayrshire Chronicle.

HANSON Had Close Call.
"Bill" HANSON came near having a serious accident Tuesday. He was on his way
home after hunting and had a number of shells in his pants pocket. He struck
his pipe against his leg to empty it and in doing so struck a cap on one of
the shells, exploding it and burnt nearly all the skin off his
hand.-Ringstead Dispatch.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 15, 1914

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of April 4, 1894

Monday Charles DUNCOMBE was appointed postmaster of Fort Dodge.

Mrs. O.D. RANK of Rodman recently recovered from a  long and severe attack
of typhoid fever.

Mr and Mrs. Wm. DEAN left for Dubuque last night where they will make their
future home.

M.F. KERWICK is remodelin the interior of his residence

Wm. KANE of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, is visiting his brother, J.J. KANE of
this place.

L.H. MAYNE made his bow to the readers of the Reporter last week. He
promises to give them a good republican doctrine.

A marriage license has been issued to Frank L EATON and Anna TONER, to John
HOLLANDER and Lucy M ADAMS and to Wm WILLARD and Minnie COWELL.

GRAHAM Brothers have completed their new residence on their farm northeast
of Emmetsburg.

J.L. MARTIN has sold his lumber yard at Mallard and will return to

Mr. Charles STURGIS and Miss Nellie SULLIVAN were married at Assumption
church Monday morning.

Matt WHITE was renewing acquaintances in Emmetsburg the first of the week.

L.H. MAYNE has moved into the NICHOLAS residence in the northeast part of

L.J. MULLEN is hauling lumber for a new barn on his farm in Nevada township.

Dr AVERITT of Mallard will move to the south part of the state.

M.A. MUGAN of Jefferson will open a marble factory in Emmetsburg.

Mr. J.K. BENDA and Miss Mary KOELIK (or KOSLIK) were married at the Jesuit
church in Chicago yesterday.

Herman EKERT has retired from the firm of Eckert & Spies at Graettinger.

Mr. TIPP of Canada is visiting his niece, Mrs. A.J. WOLFGANG, of Graettinger

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. SULLIVAN of Osgood a few days ago.

Monday Mrs. James ANGLUM, who lives four miles north of Ayrshire, was thrown
into a well by a horse. The animal fell in on top of her, pinning her to the
ice. The horse broke his neck in the fall and died after some struggling.
Mrs. ANGLUM was sitting on the ice with her feet in the water and the horse
on top of her. She remained in that position for six hours. Seh was rescued
by her husband when he returned home in the evening. She is in a serious
condition but will probably recover.

At the meeting of the city council held Monday evening, John McNALLY was
elected marshal, D.W. BURLINGAME, clerk and Patrick O'BRIEN street

A Few Items Taken From the Files of The Democrat of April 11, 1894

Word received from St. Francis, Kansas states that I.M. EGAN has been
admitted to the bar at that state.

Fred HOWARD will leave for New Mexico in a short time for the benefit of his

Yesterday Mr. B.S. KINGSLEY and Miss Mattie SCOTT were married in this city,
Rev. H.M. CASE officiating.

A.J. WOLFGANG has been very ill at his home in Graettinger during the past
ten days.

A week ago one of T.W. MARTIN's sons accidentally shot himself. His
condition is not serious.

A son was born to Mr.and Mrs. Joseph MARTINI Monday.

Postmaster RANDOLPH of Estherville has bought the outfit that was used in
the Iowa building at the World's fair in Chicago.

Mr. SAUNDERS shipped three cars of cattle to Chicago last week. He has 300
head more ready for market.

F.W. WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter WHITE of Great Oak township, died

W.C. KING will leave for St. Paul next week to accept a position in a
wholesale house.

John BRENNAN of Walnut township informs us that there are 99 first cousins
in the Brennan families of this county.

Mr. Thomas BRAND and Miss Mary HOWE were married at Iowa Falls a few days
ago. The bride is a niece of Patrick HOWE of Estherville.

T.J. WHITE and J.J. REARDON have bought the Emmetsburg Conservative.

C.R. CONWAY is now buttermaker in the Garfield creamery north of West Bend.

J.A. ANTHONY has sold his farm north of Ruthven to an Illinois gentleman.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. T.J. MILLER of Great Oak township Thursday.

Miss Bessie WARD, who was in Emmetsburg last summer, has opened a
kindergarten school at Estherville.

John BALLAN of Fort Dodge is under arrest charged with the murder of a
gambler named TIFFANY.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
22 Apr 1914

Nelson Building
J.C. BENNETT informs us that the Nelson building, now the property of
Charles SLATER, which was moved down Broadway last Thursday and east to the
old Fitzgerald block near Mr. FREEMAN's home, was brought to Emmetsburg from
West Bend township nearly 40 years ago. It was hauled by a number of oxen.
It was at that time the property of Dr. DAY, who served as county
superintendent during pioneer days. A.B. CARTER says that as near as he can
learn it was built on Section 17 in West Bend township, the Doctor having
lived on a homestead for some time.  Later he moved to Sioux City. Mr.
SLATER has also bought Mrs. WAY's cottage in the east part of town and is
moving it onto his lots near Mr. FREEMAN's. He will overhaul all of his
houses and rent them. He will soon become one of the prosperous landlords of
our community. The buildings he has bought are in fairly good condition.
Reports Terril Booming.
C.G. LIGHTER, Mr. TWEDTEN and Mr. LONG, all of Terril, were in Emmetsburg
Thursday afternoon. They made the trip by auto. Mr. LIGHTER formerly resided
at Rolfe but bought the Terril Tribune a short time ago. He has made a great
improvement in it and thinks Terril is a promising field. He says the town
is having a rapid and substantial growth. Last year thirteen new houses were
built and at the present time five new residences and a double store
building are in the course of erection. The upper part of the store building
will be used for an opera house. The Methodist people of the town have
subscribed $10,000 for a new church and the people of the consolidated
school district voted last week to put up a $50,000 school building.
He Improved His Condition.
Joseph MIHLFREAD, who was up from Mallard Friday, told the writer about a
man who came to his neighborhood from Germany a year ago. He was receiving
very small wages in his native country but this spring he hired out to
Andrew RUNNEBERG for $35 per month, with board and washing and the use of a
driving horse whenever he may need one. There are doubtless a great many
young men who would be glad to come to this country and work for such wages.
Auto Accident at Clare.
Wednesday an auto driven by M.J. and Dan LAHIFF of Clare plunged into a
ditch five feet deep. The former had two ribs broken and one of his
shoulders dislocated and the latter was injured internally. They were
extricated from the perilous position by parties who were passing in another

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of April 18, 1894

P.S. KNUDSEN is building a new residence

Miss Anna CULLEN of Ayrshire is visiting Emmetsburg friends.

Estherville is to have a new creamery. E.W. REID, formerly of Wallingford,
will have charge of it.

C.J. BERGER has gone to Dyersville to attend the marriage of one of his

W.H. SPRAGUE is the gentleman who is now in charge of the lumber yard near
the Burlington depot.

W.W. FROST has sold his farm of 120 acres in Ellington township to L. M.

Mrs. J.V. JENNINGS returned to her home at Minneapolis Thursday.

Miss Pearl ISMOND has gone to Jasper, Minnesota, where she has secured a
good position.

A.M. CARLSON has sold his restaurant to G.F. RUNCHEY.

Edward McNALLY has bought the HIGLEY dray line.

John WALSH recently recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia. He is 87
years of age.

The present attendance at St. Mary's Academy is 160.

E.A. MORLING of Emmetsburg is mentioned as a probable candidate to succeed
Judge CARR.

Mrs. Henry KOCH was called to Cassville, Wisconsin, last week by the death
of one of her sisters.

It is reported that Earl BRONSON has been appointed postmaster at Spencer.

C.G. SARGENT spent Sunday at his home at Hampton.

John THOMPSON of Fern Valley township is building a new residence.

MULHALL Brothers of Sioux Falls have sold 3,550 acres of land near Sioux
City for $80,000.

T.F. McGOVERN has bought J.J. KNOER's feed store at Whittemore.

August JOHNSON of Cylinder has gone to Minnesota where he will engage in the
livery business.

Peter GRETHEN of Ellington township shipped a car of cattle to Chicago a few
days ago.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. WALSH Saturday.

The A.O.H. division of this city will attend the national convention of the
order to be held in Omaha in June.

W.H. AMLEY have an exhibition of the serpentine dance at the Woodford show
at Music hall Saturday night.

Julius HEIDER, who lived on the FOY farm, died from the effects of blood
poison Saturday morning.

Mr. P. CLAER and Miss Matie DAILY of Ayrshire were married yesterday.

Mr. John HOLLANDER and Miss Lucy M. ADAMS were married at Assumption church

Mrs. Peter M. SMITH and Miss Alice SMITH of Pocahontas county were married
in Emmetsburg Monday.

A Mr. SMALL has moved to Emmetsburg and will become a partner of Mr. RUNCHEY
in the restaurant business.

Patrick FLEMING of Highland township has gone to Des Moines to attend
Dress Goods, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etc.
Millinery--the nobbiest up-to-date at popular prices.
209 Broadway, Emmetsburg, Iowa
Strawberry Plants.
Dunlaps and other leading kinds. State inspected. J.C. BENNETT, Emmetsburg.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
29 April 1914

News of Twenty Years Ago.
From the Democrat Files of April 25, 1894
Messrs. MUGAN and SHANNON have rented the building south of Emmetsburg hotel
and are using it for a marble shop.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County