Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
Wednesday, July 2, 1913

Mrs. Patrick Weir
Was a Resident of Fairfield Township for 22 Years.

It is with a feeling of profound regret that we announce the death of Mrs.
Patrick Weir, which occurred very suddenly at the farm home northwest of
this town Monday afternoon at three o'clock p.m. Mrs. Weir had apparently
been in her usual good physical condition and was up and about with the
other members of her family until half an hour before her death. The first
intimation her people had of her being sick was when she complained of
feeling poorly and so rapid was her decline that in half an hour she was
cold in death. The probable cause of her death was heart failure.
The funeral was held at 10:30 o'clock today from the Catholic church in
Whittemore and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery northwest of town.
Rev. Father Dullard, pastor of the church, celebrated a requiem mass and
preached a fitting sermon on the occasion.
Bridget Grady was born November 10, 1864 [Note error-probably c. 1844] in
Ballahanus, county Mayo, Ireland. Her parents died when she was a child and
she came to the United States, landing in New York in 1859. She remained in
the east a couple of years and in 1861 came west and settled in Peotone,
Illinois. At this place on June 7, 1864, she was united in marriage to
Patrick Weir, who survives her. To this happy union nine children were born,
eight sons and one daughter: Michael C. of Whittemore, Thomas H., who died
in infancy, John M. of Mason City, James F. Peterson, Patrick E and George A
and William M who reside at home, Julia who died in 1903 and Thomas who died
in infancy in 1880.
Mr and Mrs. Weir made their home on the farm all their married life. They
farmed near Peotone, Illinois, until 1891 when they moved to Palo Alto
county and began building up their present beautiful home where, with her
family and loving consort, she lived a happy and contented life until death
claimed her. In the death of Mrs. Weir the community loses a truly good
woman and her family loses its most valued member, a kind and loving mother.
She lived a good Christian life and was devoted in a remarkable way to her
family, her neighbors and to her church. Under her hospitable management the
Weir home was one in which neighbors and friends always found a hearty
welcome and only those who had the pleasure of being a guest at her home can
fully appreciate how sadly that home will miss the lovely little mother with
her cheery smile and hearty greeting. Her life was a busy and useful one and
we sincerely hope and trust that her sleep may be a peaceful one. May her
soul rest in peace.
The following relatives from a distance were in attendance at the funeral:
James Weir and wife of Peterson, John Weir and wife of Chicago, and Mamie
Weir of Chicago.--Whittemore Champion.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County