Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
3 Jan 1912

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. GLAISER of Algona Saturday,
December 25. Their Emmetsburg friends are glad to learn the news.

Miss Gertrude JOYNT has been home from Des Moines during the holidays. She
is taking a course for a professional nurse in a hospital in that city.

Tony THOMPSON, Terril's well known wrestler, was thrown twice at Monticello
Friday night by HOUSE, the light heavyweight champion of Illinois.

S.J. GUERDET was down from Graettinger Saturday. He recently visited his son
at Armstrong. The latter owns a fine half section farm near that place. He
has it well tiled.

W.J. COLLINS, who had been home visiting his parents, returned to Ellsworth,
Minnesota, the first of the week. He has a good position in the Rock Island
depot of that place.

J.B. LAMBE and daughter, Miss Lucile, came down from Graettinger Monday
evening. The latter left for Dubuque Tuesday to resume there duties at the
Visitation academy.

There was quite a blizzard Sunday. Considerable snow fell during the day and
the wind was high. Trains were more or less delayed. The snow is deep. There
is excellent sleighing.

F.A. MEANS has rented his farm to Floyd LAWHORN for the coming year. He
intends going to Indiana and Pennsylvania to visit relatives during the
coming summer. He will have a sale February 12.

It has just been learned that Mrs. M.P. ADAMS, formerly of Emmetsburg, was
married in Chicago, early in August, to Mr. John WALSH of Dubuque. Mrs.
ADAMS is a niece of Mrs. M.DWYER of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. BLACK of Madison, Wisconsin, came to Emmetsburg to spend
New Year's with old neighbors and relatives. It is needless to say that they
enjoyed the day fully as well as did a couple of hundred more of our

Mr. and Mrs. KLIEBENSTEIN of Tripp, South Dakota, were the guests of local
relatives the first of the week. Mr. KLEBENSTEIN [transcriber note: spelled
differently-not typo] was among the receivers at the T.J. DUFFY home and
Mrs. KLEIBENSTEIN [transcriber note: spelled differently again] was out
calling with a party of ladies.

Lot LAUGHLIN reports that 49 years ago Christmas day was almost so fine and
as pleasant a day in October. He says that many people drove to Estherville
from a radius of 20 miles to attend a dance. He was serving as a soldier at
Ft. Defiance at the time.

A few days ago Lot LAUGHLIN received a large photograph of his son P.J., who
has a good position in the Denver National bank. The picture contains 43
countenances, this being the number of employes [sic] in the institution.
Mr. LAUGHLIN's salary has been advanced to $100 per month. He is a most
trustworthy young man. We are pleased to learn of his success. He is about
23 years of age.

Leo HESTER of Red Wing, Minnesota is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.

T. BURT was down from Spirit Lake last week visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. BURT.

Miss Lyda, daughter of H.N. OSHER, of Graettinger, returned to Grinnell
college Monday evening.

Miss Clara MOWRY returned to Rose Creek, Minnesota Thursday. She had been
visiting her sister Mrs. P.N. ADAMS.

Chris THOMPSON has rented the MUIR farm in Independence township on which
C.C. KNUDSEN has been living for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. J.J. DOOLEY returned from Algona Tuesday evening of last week.
They had been holiday visiting with relatives.

Miss Josie GUERDET of Graettinger returned to Minneapolis the last of the
week. She had been home spending her Christmas vacation.

Carl HELGEN of Ottawa, Illinois, who has been home spending the holidays,
recently visited his brother, H.M. HELGEN, of this city.

Mrs. C.E. COHOON visited her mother at Laurens last week. From there she
will go to Los Angeles, California, to spend the winter.

New Year's day one of the lady callers left a white muffler at M.F.
KERWICK's home and took another by mistake. She will please call and get

Mrs. Wm. STEINER went to Estherville Saturday. From there she and her
husband went to Armstrong to spend New Year's with Mr. STEINER's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Sim R. STEDMAN came up from Ft. Dodge to spend New Year's with
local relatives and friends. They were among the many who participated in
the festivities of the day.

S. SALVEN reports that he had a very successful sale. He sold a mare coming
five years old for $246. She weighed 1,785 pounds. His cows average $42.30
per head, one selling for $61.60.

C.C. KNUDSEN of Independence township will have a sale January 24. He
recently bought a half section farm near Fergus Falls, Minnesota. He will
move onto it March 1. He has been living on one of the MUIR farms.

Andrew HENNINGSON, son of Charles HENNINGSON, will take charge of the store
at Fallow this week, his father having bought the property some time ago.
The Democrat wishes him success in his venture. Mr. SANDE, who has been
conducting the place will take charge of the Farmers' Co-Operative store at

Jahard AXELTON is visiting his parents at Graettinger. He has been in the
west for several years.

Miss Mayme SULLIVAN came down from Graettinger Thursday evening for a few
days' visit with friends.

W.J. RYAN has gone to Ames to take the short course in the Iowa Agricultural
college. He will be absent about ten days.

The opera house at Graettinger will be opened some time this month. The
building is neatly constructed and presents a fine appearance. It is a
credit to the town.

There will be a basket social at the center school house in Great Oak
township on Friday, January 5. Miss Alice O'BRIEN is teacher. Everybody is
cordially invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Dr. ALEXANDER came down from Estherville and spent Sunday at
the home of Capt. and Mrs. E.B. SOPER. Mrs. ALEXANDER remained until Monday
and joined a party of ladies in making New Year's calls.

Hugh McLAUGHLIN of Rockwell was a New Year's guest at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. T.A. O'BRIEN.

A.G. CLENNON of Joliet, Illinois is visiting his cousin Eugene and Joseph
CLENNON of this place.

Miss Mildred BRAND of Sibley was a New Year's guest at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. J.H. HINKLEY, of this city.

Mrs. Wm. HOPSON, who has been home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
HOELZNER, will leave for Chicago today. She is the traveling saleslady for
the American Corset company. Mr. HOPSON is at present at Houston, Texas.

Misses Lyme FILATREAN, Bessie HOWARD, and Celia CASEDY of Minneapolis were
New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. JOYCE. During the
past week Miss Anna RUTLEDGE, Josephine DEALY, and Mary DUFFY were
entertained at luncheons by the E.M.A. club at the homes of Miss Nell M.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
31 Jan 1912

Wm. LYNCH was up from Mallard Friday.

W.W. STONE was up from West Bend Thursday.

J.H. GODDEN was a passenger to Omaha Wednesday.

Mrs. A. ZIEHLKE was a passenger to Whittemore Wednesday.

L.H. IHLEN was down from Estherville on business.

Martin VANDERVELDE recently visited relatives and friends at Hospers, Iowa.

Miss Loretta NOLAN of Ruthven was the guest of Emmetsburg relatives Thursday
and Friday.

Miss Millie GALLEGER left for Des Moines Friday to visit her friend Miss

M.GOSSMAN left for Des Moines Wednesday to spend a few days before returning
to Kansas City.

Editor MERRIMAN of Graettinger has installed a new Simplex typesetting
machine. It arrived last week.

Frank McCORMICK will have a sale on his farm four and one-half miles west of
West Bend Tuesday, February 13.

Mrs. Robert LAUGHLIN visited Graettinger relatives Wednesday. She was
accompanied by her sister, Miss JACKMAN.

Mayor PHILLIPS of West Bend is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever.
He has been quite ill for some time.

There will be a basket social in the school house three miles west of
Graettinger, Friday, February 2. Miss Mayme SULLIVAN is the teacher.

Miss Madeline MacKENZIE of Faribault, Minnesota is her visiting her cousin,
Mrs. Albert TROTTER, and her aunt, Mrs. F.A. WARNKE.
News of Twenty Years Ago.

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of January 20, 1891

Little Mildred SCOTT has been quite sick during the past few days.

J.J. SHAW spent last week with friends at West Union.

J.C. BAKER was a Des Moines visitor last week.

C.J. MIKESH was at Cedar Rapids Sunday.

The water works tank at Spencer bursted a few days ago. Fears of a fire are

Capt. E.B. SOPER returned from Hot Springs last week.

A.H. KELLAR has been appointed assistant cashier of the First National Bank.

James PENDERGAST, Sr. was very ill last week. He is quite advanced in years.

Mrs. M.B. AYERS is visiting friends at Anamosa.

Mr. TERWILLEGER has sold his store building and stock of goods at Cylinder
to Kelly Brothers.

Sherriff MADDEN of Spencer has been appointed warden of the Anamosa

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. DOYLE recently moved into the Thomas CARMODY residence.

Attorney SULLIVAN of Algona was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was on his way to
Estherville to try the attempted murder case in his home town a short time

The ANDREWS Opera Company was in a wreck on the Northern Pacific road last
Friday. Mrs. ANDREWS was burned to death.

Mr. FURLONG of Fort Dodge visited Mr. and Mrs. DEALY Sunday.

Mrs. BATES died at her home near Rodman last Saturday.
Were Married Wednesday

Mr. Archie C. SHAFFER and Miss Daisy Florence ROUSE
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William R. ROUSE, near this place, was the scene of
a very pretty wedding Wednesday, when their attractive daughter, Daisy
Florence ROUSE, became the bride of Mr. Archie C. SHAFFER, of near Ayrshire.
Promptly at noon Miss Dora ROUSE, cousin of the bride, took her place at the
organ rendering the sweet strains of the wedding march. The couple entered
the parlor accompanied by Mr. Bert ROUSE, brother of the bride, who acted as
best man, and the groom's sister, Miss Laura SCHAFFER, being bridesmaid. A
corner of the parlor was prettily draped with an arch of lace from which was
suspended three wedding bells. The couple on taking their places beneath the
arch were met by the Rev. J.P. WILSON, pastor of the M.E. Church, who
performed the marriage ceremony. The bride was handsomely attired in a
beautiful gown of white messaline silk. After the ceremony a bounteous
dinner was served. A number of guests were present, being mainly relatives
of the couple, and many handsome and useful presents were received.
The bride is very popular in this section, being a young lady of unusual
qualifications and having a winning attractive disposition. The groom is a
very successful farmer, being a young man of business ability and sterling
character. They have the best wishes of a host of sincere friends.
The young couple left this morning for Marshalltown where they will spend
their honeymoon. The Chronicle extends congratulations.-Ayrshire Chronicle.

Submitted by: #000525

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County