Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
1 Nov 1911


Mary HIGGINS...Ringsted
Anna HALSTEAD...Ringsted
Lily HANSON...Ringsted
Bessie WHITE...Cylinder
Irene HOOVER...Fenton
Carrie HEATER...Fenton
Nellie BRENNAN...Fenton
Theresa CARRIGAN...Cylinder
Grace DUNNING...Cylinder

Helen BLAIR...Graettinger
Katie SHERLOCK...Graettinger
Josephine MORISSEY...Graettinger
Etta Mae GIDDINGS...Osgood
Sarah WALSH...Emmetsburg
Mamie STEIL...Emmetsburg
Gracis VOHS...Emmetsburg
Mamie RYAN...Emmetsburg
Cassie SHEA...Cylinder

Sidney HOWARD...Graettinger
Addie HOWARD...Graettinger
Georgia PURINTON...Osgood
Eva Mae BOUGH...Osgood
Alice JACKMAN...Emmetsburg
Margaret REDMOND...Graettinger
Mamie McCARTY...Graettinger

Lost Island
Mayme SULLIVAN...Graettinger
Lida LeCLAIR...Graettinger
Emma L RIERSON...Graettinger
Mr. Frances HARRIS...Terril
Cora NYBORG...Ruthven
Ida MERKLIN...Graettinger
Emma HENNINGSEN...Emmetsburg
Anna O. THORSON...Ruthven
Mabel SIMINGTON...Ruthven

Grace BLUNT...Ruthven
Jennie REED...Ruthven
Mabel HUGHES...Ruthven
Anna I ANDERSON...Ruthven
Katherine FOLEY...Ruthven
Helen FOLEY...Ruthven
Josephine SHERLOCK...Ruthven
Maude CHURCH...Ruthven

Nellie MILLEA...Emmetsburg
Ella DONAHUE...Emmetsburg
Anna DONAHUE...Emmetsburg
Hanna HENNINGSEN...Emmetsburg
Lily HILTON...Emmetsburg
Eva C. MURPHY...Emmetsburg.

Florence MORRISSEY...Emmetsburg
P. J. WALSH...Emmetsburg
Etta O'NEIL...Emmetsburg
Laura ILLINGWORTH...Emmetsburg
Eva RANDALL...Emmetsburg
Ethel GAYLORD...Cylinder
Anna PETERSON...Emmetsburg

Sophia NYBERG...Cylinder
E Norman NORLAND...Cylinder
Belle SHEA...Cylinder
Constance MEYERS...Cylinder
Anna BAHLS...Cylinder
Nellie CROWLEY...Whittemore
Nettie SAMMIN...Cylinder
Lila MacALLISTER...Cylinder

Fern Valley
Jane HIGGINS...Whittemore
Nellie FORD...Rodman
Martini McNARY...Rodman
Genevieve CARNEY...Rodman
Sylvia HAGADEN...Rodman
Venita BROWN...Rodman

Josephine STIEL...Rodman
Elizabeth McNALLY...Rodman
Alice CARNEY...Emmetsburg
Nellie MARTIN...Emmetsburg
Dorothy MEYERS...Emmetsburg
Delia DENEEN...Mallard
Catherine MULRONEY...West Bend

Great Oak
May HANIFAN...Emmetsburg
Margaret YOUNG...Emmetsburg
Alberta BOUGH...Emmetsburg
Mame GUIDER (or GULDER)... Emmetsburg
Alice O'BRIEN...Emmetsburg
Winifred GRADY...Emmetsburg
Lizzie WHITE...Emmetsburg
Marie KOHL...Emmetsburg
Mary WALDRON...Emmetsburg

Silver Lake
Rose DONAHOE...Ayrshire
Gertrude DONAHOE...Ayrshire
Marguerite HAGANS...Ruthven
Ethel KAHLEY...Ruthven
Nellie EASTON...Curlew
Mary WALSH...Ayrshire
Lucina HAND...Ayrshire

Maude DEGNAN...Curlew
Alice MAGUIRE...Curlew
Alta RUNYAN...Laurens
Ada HOVEY...Laurens
Marie SHERLOCK...Laurens
Myrtle MILLS...Marathon
Clare SANDERSON...Ayrshire
Elizabeth WIGEN...Ayrshire

Rush Lake
Mame NALLY...Curlew
Sophia SCHULLER...Curlew
Ray CARMICHAEL...Mallard
Eleanor CARMICHAEL...mallard
Pearl JOHNSON...Curlew
Mame CLARK...Curlew

Ethel HAHN...Mallard
Lillian ZEIDLER...Mallard
Ethel KIBBY...Mallard
Nellie GALLEGER...Mallard
Mary G MEYERS...Mallard
Ina JOLLIFFE...Rolfe
Margaret McCORMICK...Mallard
Rose MEYERS...Mallard
Christine MURPHY...West Bend

West Bend
Alma MOREY...West Bend
Anna MOREY...West Bend
Julia MURPHY...West Bend
Mrs. Nellie CAIN...West Bend
Nora PHILLIPS...West Bend
Gladys VANDECAR...Rolfe

Emmetsburg Independent District
J.R. McCOMB, superintendent
Lolo OLIVER, principal
Rebecca JONES
J REDMOND, manual training
Margaret RYAN, 8th grade
Nelle LAUGHLIN, 7th grade
Elizabeth FLOOD, 6th grade
Elizabeth KENNEDY, 5th grade
Margaret APPELBY, 4th grade
Olive HAYMAN, 3rd grade
Essie WHIRRY, 2nd grade
Catherine CROWLEY, 1st grade
Sarah CROWLEY, 1st grade
Vera RUTLEDGE, 1st grade
Grace BEEBE, kindergarten
Vera Inez GRIZELL, domestic science
Helen ROBERTS, drawing and music supervisor

West Bend
Clyde McFARLIN, Supt.
Jennie JOHNSON, Prin.
Cordelia WALLACE, 8th and 7th
Vera KINGERY, 6th and 5th
Laura AGNEW, 4th and 3rd
Emma CRISMAN, 2nd and 1st
Lottie WALSH, drawing and music supervisor

Edna OLIVER, Prin.
Leona BALE, 7th and 8th
Olive RUSK, 6th and 5th
Nellie SAMMIN, 4th and 3rd
Gunda GARO, 2nd
Emma Leora HOLT, 1st

Cora E. DILL, Prin.
Cynthia CAMERON, 7th and 8th
Cora CHRISTOPHER, 6th, 5th and 4th
Ruth MITCHELL, 1st, 2nd and 3rd

H.J. O'NEIL, Prin.
Bessie KANE


Charlotte SALVEN, Prin.
Jennie AGNEW

Notice of Appointment.
Notice of the appointment of Executrix
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, SS.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and
qualified as executrix of the estate of George H BEACH, late of Palo Alto
county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said
estate will file them, with the Clerk of the District Court, as provided by
law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
Executrix of said Estate.
Dated October 13, 1911.
Notice of Appointment.
Notice of the appointment of D.A. JOHNSON administator of the estate of Geo.
A SCHULTZ, deceased.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, SS.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and
qualified as administrator of the estate of George A SCHULTZ, late of Palo
Alto county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against
said estate will file them, with the Clerk of the District Court, as
provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
Administrator of said Estate
Dated October 11, 1911
Notice of Appointment.
Notice of the appointment of John GOVIG as administator of the estate of
Lars GOVIG, deceased.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, SS.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and
qualified as executor of the estate of Lars GOVIG, late of Palo Alto county,
deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said
estate will file them, with the Clerk of the District Court, as provided by
law, duly authenticated, for allowance.
Executor of said Estate
Dated October 12, 1911
Notice of Proof of Will
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, S.S.
To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that an instrument in
writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas CLAER,
deceased, was this day produced, and read by the undersigned, and that I
have fixed Tuesday, the 5th day of December, 1911, as the day for hearing
proof in relation thereto.
Witness my official signature, with the seal of said court hereto affixed,
this 20th day of October, 1911.
Clerk District Court.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a special execution directed to me
from the Clerk of the District Court of Palo Alto County, Iowa, on a
judgment contained in said court on the 10th day of October, A.D., 1911, in
favor of First National Bank of McGregor, Iowa, as plaintiff, and against
B.F. MINER and Mabyl MINER, as defendants, for the sum of thirteen hundred
fifty nine and 20-100 dollars debt, and costs taxed at sixty-four and 75-100
dollars and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate as
the property of said defendant, to-wit: Lot one, two, seven and eight, all
in block nine, BURNHAM's addition to Emmetsburg, Iowa, except that part of
said lots seven and eight sold and deeded to Burlington, Cedar Rapids &
Northern Railway Company, and will offer the same for sale the higest
bidder, for cash in hand, on the 18th day of November A.D., 1911, in front
of the door of the court house, in Emmetsburg, Iowa, between the hours of
9:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, sale to commence at
2:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, or sufficient thereof to satisfy said debt
with interests and costs.
Dated Emmetsburg, Iowa, October 17th, 1911.
Sheriff of Palo Alto County, Iowa
By W.P. McNALLY, Deputy.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
8 Nov 1911

A Few Items Taken From the Files of The Democrat of November 4, 1891

Cornelius DWYER died Tuesday morning.

Mrs. H. CONROY is visiting friends in Chicago.

A Catholic school has been opened at Bancroft.

Maurice HERLEY died at St. Paul a few days ago.

James HIGGINS was a Dubuque visitor last week.

A K. of P. lodge will soon be instituted at Ruthven.

McALLISTER Brothers have a hog that weighs 750 pounds.

Mrs. W.J. STICKNEY is enjoying a visit from her sister.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake KNOER this morning.

George DOWNS' land case has finally been decided against him.

Will AMBLY has accepted a position in the Innis barber shop.

Mm [maybe should be Wm?] MORRIS is arranging to move to Clinton, Iowa in

A daughter was born to Mrs. and Mrs. P. McNALLY Monday.

Jack INGALLS returned from Fort Dodge Wednesday afternoon.

H.H. HEAD will build a large implement house at West Bend.

W.E. DUNKLEBERGER made a business trip to Nevada, Iowa, last week.

Frank CONOVER has bought the Fred EDWARDS barber shop at Ruthven.

J.W. HINCHON is one of the stock holders of the new bank at Algona.

W.J. STICKNEY has resigned as night operator at the Burlington depot.

Fred ILLINGWORTH has moved onto the John DOOLEY farm south of town.

William JACKMAN recently sold his farm to a party from Carroll county.

James GOWANS is moving his stock of goods into his new store building.

Mrs. E.R. McCALLISTER left for Augusta, Illinois, yesterday to visit

Charles SMITH has purchased the STURTEVANT house in the northwest part of

Mrs. Esther RIDLEY of Estherville fell a few days ago and broke several of
her ribs.

J.M. FARLEY has the foundation laid for a large new store building at

N. BREWER of Ruthven will go to Austin, Minnesota, to open a new meat

John MIHLFREAD of Wisconsin is visiting his brother Joseph, who lives near

Mrs. ZECH and daughter Minnie of Mallard went to Chicago last week to visit

MAXON & CARMICHAEL are moving into their new store room in the McCormick

A marriage license has been issued to L.G. REIGARD and Miss Mae WHISTLER of
West Bend.

Mr. Thomas NALLY and Miss Nancy COLLINS were married at Assumption church
Monday morning.

Mr. Alfred MONZEKKA and Miss Bertha WILLENDORF were married in this city
Friday by Squire HEFLEY.

Mr. and Mrs. AYERS little boy had a narrow escape Friday from being drowned
in J.S. ATKINSON's well.

Mr. Daniel MURPHY and Miss Ellen DONAHUE were married at the Catholic church
in this city Monday morning.

Al STRATTON, aged 16, was accidentally covered up in a straw stack near
Curlew last Saturday and was smothered to death.

Andrew BROWN has sold both of his farms near West Bend. He received $18 per
acre for one and $22.50 per acre for the other.

T.T. SHAULL intends moving his family to Curlew this week. He will open a
general store in the Sam EASTON building at that place.

Mr. H.J. SIMONSON and Miss Mary JORGENSEN of Lost Island township were
married at the M.E. parsonage Tuesday evening, November 3.

A few days ago E.E. HUGHES had a team stolen from his barn. They were
finally located at Madison, Wisconsin. Matt LITTLETON went to that place
last night to bring them back.

[End of News of Twenty Years Ago and start of Current news]

Knew Him at Jones County.
Mr. and Mrs. D.W. SUMMERVILLE were at Emmetsburg Sunday to view the remains
of C.E. COHOON. Mr. COHOON boarded with them when he was a young man
teaching school in Jones county.

Attorney at law
Office in front corner over Emmetsburg National Bank
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Law, Loand, Land, Collections
Wills and other papers drawn. Abstracts made and examined. Perfecting title
a specialty.
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Successor to Dr. CHRISTOPHER
Office Phone 367 Residence Phone 26
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Collections, Settlement of Estates, Examining, Perfecting and Quieting Land
Titles a Specialty
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Attorneys at Law
Estates Settled and Other Legal Business Given Prompt Attention. Titles
Examined. Money to Loan at a per cent. Rooms 5-6 Operal House Blk.
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Attorneys at Law
Examination of Land Titles a Specialty. Loans and Insurance.
Ofice over Farmers Savings Bank
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Attorneys at Law
Practice in State and Federal Courts
Office on second floor of Hinkley Block. Phone No. 8
Emmetsburg, Iowa
 Justice of the Peace
Real Estate, Loans, Abstracts and Insurance
Office over D.H. GLENN's.
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Physician and Surgeon
All calls promptly attended to day or night. Office phone 114. House phone
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
X-Ray Work
Office and residence on Broadway, opposite M.E. church. Tele No. 95.
All calls promptly answered day or night.
Glasses fitted.
Phone 328 Emmetsburg, Iowa
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
All Calls, City or Country, Promptly Made
Telephone: Office 173, Residence 110
Office in Brown-Kerwick Block
Phone 231 Emmetsburg, Iowa
Gas Administered. Painless Extraction. Twenty Years Experience in
Office in Knoblauch Block.
Extraction Painless, using local anaesthetic. No after effects.
Office in Opera House Block.
Phone 125 Emmetsburg, Iowa
Have had many years experience
Terms reasonable
R.2 Ringsted-Iowa
Melvin FISK
Special attention given to farm and live stock sales.
Curlew, Iowa
Farm and Live Stock Sales
Ayrshire, Iowa

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1911

A Few Items Taken From The Files of the Democrat of October 28, 1891

D.W. BURLINGAME is quite ill at Tipton.

Mrs. VANDERYITE of Curlew died last Friday night.

A. LARSON has bought the T. KINKADE meat market at Mallard.

Wm. KELLY of Booth Township has sold his farm to John LEE.

Friday Bert KINGSLEY was called to attend the funeral of his mother.

J.S. ROBINSON has withdrawn as an independent candidate for sheriff.

Dr. BALDWIN has 16 cases of typhoid fever at Ruthven. He has had 36.

John McGRATH of Wyoming territory is visiting his mother north of town.

A large addition to the Ayrshire school house will commence at once.

A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Joseph MIHLFREAD of Mallard, Sunday,
October 25.

Phil DUFFY has the material on the ground and will erect a new livery barn
at Mallard.

J.J. McGRATH will have a public sale on his farm north of Emmetsburg,
Saturday, November 7.

Mr. and Mrs. W.I. BRANAGAN's little daughter Geretta died Sunday morning
aged nine months.

Mr. J.P. CONWAY and Miss Mary LOWRY were married at Assumption church
Tuesday morning.

Six horses have been stolen from farmers between Bancroft and Emmetsburg
during the past ten days.

John HERLEY died at Spencer Tuesday evening of last week. He formerly lived
in Emmetsburg township.

Charles HAHN of Mallard has built a new barn. Mr. JUNE of the same
neighborhood has also built a barn.

Mr. Dennis McSWEENEY and Miss Mary J. MAHER were married at Assumption
church Tuesday morning.

Mrs. T.M. DANIELS died at her home at West Bend last Thursday evening. She
leaves a husband and three small children.

P.J. NOLAN has rented the old post office building at Ruthven to Miss Mary
GORMAN who will occupy it as a millinery store.

Friday morning Sister Mary Angelica died at St. Mary's Academy. She came
from Kansas City two weeks ago for the benefit of her health.

A large number from this city accompanied by the Juneville band went to West
Bend Wednesday evening to attend the Governor BOLES meeting.

Marriage licenses have been issued to C.T. ALLEN and Miss Mary A HEMSTREAT,
C.A. WENNEL and Miss Ida ROSS, Andrew BENSON and Miss Ida NEWMAN.

J.R. SOVEREIGN, commissioner of labor statistics for Iowa, will address the
citizens of West Bend next Thursday evening on the political issues of the

Word reaches this city from Fort Dodge that Miss Ella FOLEY, who was primary
teacher in our public schools for some time, is to be married this week to a
prominent merchant of that place. We have not learned his name.

Friday morning a young man named WARD of Spencer went to O'NEILL &
BRANAGAN's livery barn and hired a team to drive seven miles in the country.
He went as far as Welcome, Minnesota, where he tried to dispose of the
horses and buggy, but he was unable to do so. He then placed the team in a
barn at that place and skipped. Mr. BRANAGAN was notified by the Welcome
livery man that the team was there. He left at once for Welcome and drove
them home. Young WARD, it seems, had been working at the Early hotel at
Spencer. He stole $50 from the till before coming to Emmetsburg.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1911

F.H. O'HALLORAN has returned from West Union where he had been attending the
funeral of his mother.

Vern COOK was a passenger to Ruthven Monday evening.

Miss Susie GOEDERS returned from Algona Thursday evening.

Mrs. Len SPROUT and daughter Verna spent Saturday at Emmetsburg.

Mrs. J.P. DAVIDSON returned Saturday evening from a visit with Fort Dodge

Mr and Mrs. Henry DeWITT were at West Bend Saturday to attend the funeral of
Mrs. DeWITT's father.

E.W. REID was a business visitor at Spencer Monday.

A.E. ANDERSON returned Sunday morning from Fort Dodge wrhe he had been
serving as a federal juror.

Mrs. E.W. REID and Mrs. A.A. JONES were Emmetsburg visitors Monday.

Mrs. H.L. BLAIR was an Emmetsburg visitor Thursday.

Mrs. Ralph BUTLER entertained the Thimble club Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Thomas CULLEN returned Tuesday from a two week's visit with relatives
at Luverne, Minnesota.

Miss Hattie JONES returned Friday evening from a visit with Milford

Master Franklin O'HALLORAN celebrated his ninth birthday Friday by inviting
a number of his little boy friends to spend a few hours after school with
him. Refreshments were served and a jolly time was spent.

The Ladies' Aid of the M.E. church will serve a Thanksgiving dinner in the
hall on Thursday. If you wish a first class dinner do not miss it.

Mrs. A.E. ANDERSON spent Saturday at Emmetsburg.

George KLEIGL has been on the sick list the past week.

Mr and Mrs. Ralph R. BLAIR and baby are visiting the MINGER family.

Mr. LARSON of the Journal was at Emmetsburg Monday morning.

There is a new boy at the home of Mr and Mrs. Otto SCHREIBER. Otto says that
in a short time the SCHREIBERs will take the place of the MILLERs as the
first family in town.

Joe DORWEILER is bending every effort to get the dirt moved for his new
brick building before the ground freezes too hard for such work.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov 29, 1911

F.H. O'Halloran has returned from West Union where he had been attending the
funeral of his mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeWitt were at West Bend Saturday to attend the funeral
of Mrs. DeWitt's fatehr.

A.E. Anderson returned Sunday morning from Fort Dodge where he had been
serving as a federal juror.

Mrs. Ralph Butler entertained the Thimble Club Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Thomas Cullen returned Tuesday from a two weeks'  visit with relatives
at Luverne, Minnesota.

Master Franklin O'Halloran celebrated his ninth birthday Friday by inviting
a number of his little boy friends to spend a few hours after school with
him. Refreshments were served and a jolly time was spent.

George Kliegl has been on the sick list this past week.

Mrs. Jones and son of Dickens came over Saturday morning for a visit at the
Tom Horan home.

Mrs. William Currans returned Saturday morning from Emmetsburg where she had
been to see her father who is very ill.

Miss Anna O'Brien returned to her home at Moorland recently after a visit
with her sister in this city.

Mr and Mrs Joseph Fleming arrived in this city Sunday from Chicago for a
visit with relatives.

Mr. Green is improving his residence property and will move into town in the
near future and enjoy a well earned rest from farming.

Mr and Mrs Jones and son left Monday night for Ohio where they will spend
Thanksgiving with relatives.

Mrs. Fred Hahn and sister, Jennie Groff, went to Rolfe Monday.

Dr. Beatty returned from Canada Thursday.

A band was organized here Friday night. It consists of 20 members. A Mr.
Kenneman of Gowrie, who has been instructor of orchestras for the past 30
years, has been engaged.

Mrs. Robert Wessar, who underwent an operation at Rochester, is getting
along nicely. Her many friends will be pleased to hear this.

A donation party was given at the home of Mrs. A Peden Thursday for the
benefit of the M.E. minister.

Rev. Father Neppel went to Dubuque Monday for the purpose of getting Sisters
in the school the coming year.

Frank Lodes bought the H. Fortney pool hall and barber shop Thursday. The
former will take possession December 1. Mr. Fortney intends moving his
family to California in the spring.

Vance & Lodes recently sold the Starr & Richardson 80 acre farm, located
near Mr. Beiderbeck's, to Charles Moon, of Dubuque.

Mr and Mrs John Dow, whose birthdays were Monday, were surprised with a
postal card shower by their many friends.

There is a new boy at the home of Mr and Mrs Otto Schreiber. Otto says that
in a short time the Schreibers will take the place of the Miller's as the
first family in town.

Joe Dorwieler is bending every effort to get the dirt moved for his new
brick building before the ground freezes too hard for such work.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County