Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg,Palo Alto Co, Iowa
8 Mar 1911

Father MARKS left for Early, Sac county, Monday morning to spend a few days
with friends.

KIRBY, JACKMAN & RICHARDSON had a very successful sale of horses in this
city Saturday. They disposed of 21 head. Prices were good.

Thos. J. KIRBY and W.E. JACKMAN left for South Dakota Monday evening to
purchase another carload of horses, which they will sell on the local

T.J. McGOEY has moved onto the F.C. DAVIDSON farm west of Mr. FIFE's.
Patrick O'BRIEN has rented the W.I. BRANAGAN residence vacated by Mr.

The Epworth League and the church choir of the Methodist church were
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. MAYNE last Friday evening. A few delightful
hours were enjoyed by those who were fortunate enough to be present.

Saturday evening about sixty of the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs.
E.G. HARRISON gave them a pleasant surprise. The evening was most enjoyably
spent and all returned to their homes with many happy memories of the

Joseph M. PLAISTER, manager of the Ft. Dodge phone company, was in
Emmetsburg Monday. He was examining our local exchange and will make a
report to the board of directors regarding the improvements that should be
made and he will also refere to other matters of importance.

The teachers of the primary department of the Congregational Sunday school
will hold a tea at the home of Eliza BRYCE Wednesday afternoon, March 15.
The object of this tea is to raise money for the Easter collection for
missions. Everybody is cordially invited.

Married, at the Methodist parsonage on Monday afternoon, Mr. Thomas OLTESVIG
and Miss Elsie HOPKINS of Ayrshire. The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Herbert CLEGG and was witnessed by Mr. William KIEHL and Misses Ida
VANHORSEN. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Farmer BURNS recently celebrated his 50th birthday. During his career he has
wrestled with 6,000 different men and he is still very clever on the mat. He
does not smoke, chew, drink or swear. He is an exceptionally well preserved
man. How necessary is it for young men to take proper care of their health
and strength.

One of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. DOOLEY's little children has been very ill for
several days.

Mrs. T.F. RUTLEDGE enjoyed a visit from her friend, Miss CARR of Clarion

Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'NEILL and little son spent Sunday with relatives in

Mrs. J.H. KNOBLAUCH was quite ill several days last week but is able to be
about again.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter HOELZNER spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray CARLISLE of

Supervisor CARTER of West Bend was in Emmetsburg yesterday. He was on his
way to Pocahontas.

Harold BRERTON returned from Chicago Monday. He has been ill and comes home
to recuperate.

J.J. HIGGINS of Great Oak township will have a sale next Wednesday. See his
add elsewhere in this issue.

Mrs. John DINEEN and two little children visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe BIGLEY and
family at Graettinger last week.

Edward McNALLY came down from Worthington, Minnesota, Monday evening to
remain for a few days.

Mrs. Frank FICKEL was over from Spencer Monday. She went to Graettinger in
the afternoon to visit friends.

Lester JACKSON of Toulon, Illinois, who was in Emmetsburg several days last
week, went to Davenport Thursday.

A pocketbook was found near the BURNS bridge a few days ago. The owner can
have same by proving property.

Miss Birdie RYAN is very ill in a hospital in Salt Lake City. She has had to
undergo two trying surgical operations.

H.M. HELGEN left for Jacksonville, Florida last evening to remain for a few
days looking after business interests.

J.W. NEARY was at Whittemore Sunday evening for the first time in several
months. It is needless to say that he had a good time.

The St. Joseph college basketball five defeated the Iowa State Normal team
Wednesday. Joe and Will KERWICK played with the St. Joe's bunch.

Dr. BABCOCK of Rock Island called on John McNAMARA Monday morning between
trains. He was on his way to Charles, Mix county, South Dakota, where he
owns several thousand acres of land.

L.D. MITCHELLTREE of Rodman has moved onto H.M. HELGEN's half section farm
in Twelve Mile Lake township, Emmet county. It is finely improved. Mr.
MITCHELLTREE is regared as a capable, successful farmer.


C.J. SHAUGER has been appointed Rock Island agent at Faribault, Minnesota, a
place of about 9,000. There is no better railway agent in Iowa than Mr.
SHAUGER. He is capable and obliging and our citizens regret very much to
lose him. He will get a nice advance in salary and of course is acting
wisely in accepting. Our business men and other citizens are very anxious to
have Curt W. BECK appointed as his successor. He has been operator at the
Rock Island depot for nearly thirteen years and it is doubtful if there is a
more punctual, obliging, or faithful man in the employ of the company. The
Rock Island could not make a more judicious move locally than to appoint
him. He is very strong with our citizens in general and as agent he would
add greatly to the popularity and strength of the company in this city.
Bert HUGHES Takes a Long Trip

Bert HUGHES left Sunday on a trip through western Canada and along the
Pacific coast. He will visit Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle and
Tacoma. He will spend some time with his brother, E.M. HUGHES at The Dallas,
Oregon. From there he will go to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other
California points. He will return home by way of Ogden, Salt Lake City and
Denver. He will be absent at least a couple of months. He will certainly
have a delightful trip. He has been confined very closely to business for
several years and the change will do him good.
Elected Colonel ORMSBY Vice-President
We notice by the Los Angeles Daily Examiner that more than 80,000 Iowa
people attended the big picnic at Eastlake Park near that city February 22.
Ninety-nine counties were represented. The speakers were distinguished
citizens of our state. The officers of the year are as follows: Honorary
president, ex-Governor H.E. BOIES; active president, P.S. RISHEL; vice
president, E.S. ORMSBY; treasurer, T.H. NICHOLS, who is cashier of the
Southern California Savings Bank; and secretary C.H. PARSONS.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
15 Mar 1911

John O'CONNOR of Graettinger was doing business in Emmetsburg Monday.

Mrs. D. CARROLL Sr. went to Graettinger Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs.

Clint SMITH and Mr. CAMPBELL are planning on opening a second electric
theater in Emmetsburg.

M.J. WRIGHT, who lives near Cylinder, will have a sale next Wednesday. Read
his ad in this issue.

JACKMAN, KIRBY and RICHARDSON will have a sale next Saturday afternoon. Read
their ad in this issue.

Sim R. STEADMAN has resigned as alderman from the Fourth ward. The council
will choose some one to succeed him.

James JOYCE and Arthur JOHNSON left for Des Moines Monday evening to attend
a convention of the threshers of Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. M.C. KIRBY of Estherville have been spending several days with
their daughter, Mrs. B.E. KELLY and family.

Supt. Lillie PATTON was at Sioux City last week attending the Northwest Iowa
Teachers' meeting. The gathering was largely attended.

Dr. HARRIS of Chicago who came to perform some operations at the Baldwin
hospital at Ruthven returned Sunday evening.

Attorney Matt JOYCE, who practiced at Missoula, Montana, for several years,
has located at Ft. Dodge. He lived in Emmetsburg when a small boy.

Mr. Theodore ENGLER and Miss May GUNN were married in this city Wednesday,
Mayor DUFFY officiating. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Frank HOGAN, who has been living on the Spoor farm in Ellington, has rented
the old BOTTIMORE place in Great Oak, now the property of J.J. WATSON.

A gentleman named COX, from Johnson county, has moved onto the John WOOLY
farm in Great Oak township. MORRIS Bros. of this city own the place.

Mr. and Mrs. H.J. WILSON and daughter were Emmetsburg visitors Sunday. They
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. BEEBE. Mrs. WILSON was on her way home from

M.S. MAXIM of Lone Tree, Iowa, recently moved onto the James DUNGAN farm in
Great Oak township. The place is a good one and Mr. MAXIM is said to be an
excellent farmer.

A short time ago, Thomas McNALLY of Gary, Indiana, a brother of the several
McNALLY gentlemen in this locality, lost two of his sons. One son, Alex,
died February 26, and another son, Wilie, fell off a truck wagon about the
same time and was killed.

M.J. NOLAN has accepted a position in T.A. BALDWIN's implement

Capt. J.E. WILLIAMS has received orders to have Company K ready to go to
Texas on a day's notice.

Joe KERWICK arrived home from Dubuque last evening. He will play with
Company K tonight.

J. PHELPS of Great Oak township has moved onto the Mrs. J.R. CLARKE farm in
Emmetsburg township.

Mrs. E.A. BRANAGAN and Master John returned to Colman, South Dakota,
Wednesday morning.

Local Markets-Hogs $6.25, corn 34 to 36c, oats 23 1/2c, barley 60c, butter
26c, eggs 13c, potatoes 50 to 60c.

Mr. Robert E. ELLIS and Miss Mary VALEZ were married in this city Thursday,
Rev. J.E. BRERETON officiating.

We understand the ARCHER case from Ruthven has been settled. Mrs. ARCHER
will return from California.

Miss Rose McNALLY has for some time been holding a good position in a
wholesale millinery establishment in Sioux Falls. She likes the place.

There was a big prairie fire on Miss SCHROEDER's farm north of Emmetsburg
Monday night. It took hard effort to check it. Several stacks of hay were

The district oratorial contest will be held at Jefferson instead of at
Denison. Denison has a number of cases of scarlet fever. Hence the change.
The date is March 24. Bring home the laurels, Mr. VAN GORDEN. Keep up
Emmetsburg's reputation for winning.

Filo POARCH was at Algona Sunday. His friend BOWYER was defeated for mayor
in the republican city caucus Satruday evening by a vote of three to one, by
Mr. WADSWORTH, the present incumbent. Mr. BOWYER, it seems was anxious to
have all the restaurants closed on Sunday in case he won at the polls. The
Algona people decided that they did not care to carry the Sunday law to this
extreme so they defeated him in the caucus.

Lost Their Infant Boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry KOPEL mourn the loss of their infant boy, aged one month
who died Monday. The funeral was held yesterday. The burial was in St.
John's cemetery. They have the sympathy of their many friends.

A Black Hand Fiend in Emmetsburg.
Ask A.W. WAGNER about the Italian Black Hand fiends. He can tell you a tale
that will make you shudder. Marshals FRIES and DRUMMY can also tell you
about the treacherous assassins.

Result of School Election
The school caucus was held at the Court House Friday evening. There were
less than 50 in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Secretary
ATKINSON. Mayor DUFFY was chosen to preside and L.H. MAYNE was selected as
secretary. The names of P.V. NOLAN, T.J. DAVIDSON, and J.C. BENNET were
placed in nomination for directors. It is understood that Dr. POWERS did not
wish to serve any longer and that P.O. REFSELL could not legally act as
postmaster and director. A formal ballot was taken. P.V. NOLAN received 36
votes, T.C. DAVIDSON 22, and J.C. BENNET 21. Messrs. NOLAN and DAVIDSON were
declared the nominees of the caucus.
The election was held Monday. Only 208 votes were cast. There was no
opposition to the regular nominees. The new board will consist of J.H.
All are intelligent, experienced representative gentlemen.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County