Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
12 July 1911

Auditor J. MARTIN left Wednesday morning for Excelsior Springs wehre he
intends remaining for about ten days for his health.

At the annual meeting of the Emmetsburg school board, J.S. ATKINSON was
re-elected secretary. He has held the position for a great many years.

Miss Jennie KELLY arrived from Seattle Friday evening to spend her vacation
with her parents and brother. She teaches in the schools of that city.

Patrick CARROLL returned from North Dakota a few days ago where he had been
for a short time. He found crop conditions in that state very satisfactory.

Wednesday afternoon, while working in his garden, L.W. NEUDECK, who lived a
short distance west of Ft. Dodge, was struck by lightning and was killed

Leo SHEA went to Northfield, Minnesota, the first of the week. He intends to
remain for some time. His brother went to  that place some time ago where he
secured a good position.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard JONES of Mason City spent Sunday with Mr. JONES'
parents in this city. They report that the season has been fully as dry in
that locality as it has been in Palo Alto.

Father LYNCH was able the last of the week to take a ride out in an auto. We
are pleased to report that he is improving rapidly. He had a severe trial of
it during the long spell of warm weather.

Patrick O'BRIEN has 45 acres of exceptionally good flax on his farm in Great
Oak township. It is about eighteen inches high and it promises to yield
well. He has another piece of 12 acres that will not amount to much.

Misses Julia and Christine MURPHY arrived home from Woonsocket, South Dakota
last week, where they had been teaching school for some time. Crop
conditions are better in that section than in some other parts of the state.

H.H. JACOBS  and Patrick O'BRIEN were Armstrong visitors Saturday. Mr.
O'BRIEN says that crops look better in that locality than they do in this
vicinity. Armstrong has probably had a few showers that did not extend this
far south.

Mr. and Mrs. M. CONLON returned from the Twin Cities last week. They will
soon be comfortably located on their new farm in Great Oak township.  There
was a big celebration in Minneapolis while they were there. It was largely
attended and proved to be very interesting as well as enjoyable gathering.

Mrs. Matt RYAN went to Rochester, Minnesota, Wednesday to attend the funeral
of her niece's husband, who was killed by lightning at that place.

The attorney general has decided that the owner of a gun cannot carry it
across a field without a license even though he has no intention of using

The new launch bought some time ago by Wm. BRAGG is one of the best on
Medium lake. It is also the fastest launch on the lake. It has a seating
capacity of about a dozen.

Elmer MYHRE was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday evening. He likes his position
at Bancroft and intends to remain. He was at Livermore for a short time
after leaving Emmetsburg.

Miss SMITH of Herman, Minnesota, who had been visiting her brother, T.J., at
Ayrshire for some time, went to Graettinger Monday to remain a few days at
the hoem of her brother, J.W. SMITH.

The Royal Lumber company recently bought the yard at Melvin, Osceola county,
on which Mr. AUSLAND was figuring soem time ago. It will most likely in time
be consolidated with the company's other yard at that place.

John CASEY is said to be the potato king of Emmetsburg. he has a large patch
in the north part of town. The yield is large and the quality is excellent.
Mr. CASEY says it takes a genuine Irishman to grow potatoes when conditions
are not favorable. The Democrat hopes he will make a mint of money out of
his productive potato patch.

Mrs. Wm. RUTHVEN,who has been quite ill during the protracted spell of warm
weather, is able to attend to her duties as usual.

Mrs. S. MEEK and Mrs. J.R. LOOMIS of Silver Lake township are visiting
relatives at White Earth, North Dakota. We glean from the Chronicle.

Miss Rose McNALLY returned from Dell Rapids, South Dakota, a short time ago.
She spent the spring at that place and Sioux Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael SCHULLER of Mallard mourn the death of their infant
son, who passed away a few days ago. The have the sympathy of their many
friends in their sorrow.

The Ladies' Aid society of the M.E. church will serve a tea at the home of
Mrs. James SLATER Wednesday afternoon July 19 at supper time. A 15c supper
will be served to all who attend.

Miss Ruth EGAN has gone to Colman, South Dakota, to spend some time at the
E.A. BRANAGAN home. She was accompanied by Wm. BRANAGAN. He returned home
Saturday evening.

David FAGAN of Brooklyn, Iowa, attended the Fourth of July celebration in
Emmetsburg. He had been visiting relatives at Ayrshire and came over to
greet numerous friends in this locality.

Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. BAKER and Herbert are at Templar Point this week
attending the annual conclave of the Knights Templars. Next week they will
go to their cottage on West Okoboji to remain during the summer months.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. KENT and sone Karl arrived from Oakland, California to
remain for some time. Miss Phyllis, who had been visiting friends at West
Union, came a few days before they reached here. Mr. KENT says that corn is
not so good in Nebraska as it is in this locality, but oats seem to be some
better. He came from Omaha to Clarion during the night and did not get a
chance to observe the crops southwest of here. He has a pretty good opinion
of the Chinaman in California but he has not had much time for the Jap.
Oakland is a prosperous, substantial place. Mr. and Mrs. T.D. McLAUGHLIN
still reside there.

Mrs. CREED was an Algona visitor Monday evening.

Mrs. T.R. MARTIN and children went to Spirit Lake Saturday to remain a few

Mrs. Thos. SHEA and Mrs. J.J. MARTIN of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors

Thos. McBRIDE is suffering from a badly inflammed eye. He may have to
consult a specialist.

A marriage license was issued Wednesday to Mr. Henry F. LANGERMAN and Miss

Mrs. Arthur KETCHEN and children of Peoria, Illinois, arrived Sunday evening
to spend a few days with Emmetsburg friends.

Mrs. and Mrs. Andrew YOUNG, who came up from Eagles Grove to spend the
Fourth with relatives, returned home Saturday.

John P. BIGLEY was a Dickens visitor Sunday. Mr. BIGLEY has special
interests at that place and he takes a run over every few Sundays to see if
they are safe.

Miss Margaret McCORMICK completed her term of school in Ellington township a
short time ago. Monday morning she enrolled in the Emmetsburg summer school.

The Democrat is pleased to learn that Mrs. M.T. WASHINGTON, of Ruthven, who
recently returned from St. Joseph's hospital at Kansas City, where she
underwent an operation, is doing nicely.

Father MURPHY, who has charge of the new Catholic church at Terrace park,
near Okoboji, was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. He is a brother of Father
MURPHY, who was formerly assistant pastor at Assumption parish.

Miss Margaret RYAN arrived home Saturday. She spent some time with friends
at Flandreau, South Dakota. From there she went to Newcastle, Nebraska,to
visit Mrs. MILLER. The condition of crops in Nebraska is better than in
Iowa. At Flandreau they are about the same as they are in this locality.

Clyde SULT of Marmarth, South Dakota, was a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J.G. McNAMARA of this city several days during the past week. He
reports that there has been an abundance of rain near Marmarth during the
past few weeks. He returned home Sunday morning.

E. J. SPROUT was down from Terril the Fourth.

M.L. BROWN attended a bank meeting at West Bend today.

Supervisor KIRBY was at Rolfe the first of the week on business.

Miss Minnie FICKEL of Spencer visited Emmetsburg friends yesterday.

T.C. EGAN was a visitor to Perkins county, South Dakota, last week.

Miss WALKER of Chicago is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H.P. JOHNSON, of this

E.P. CONWAY of Gilette Grove visited his mother and sister in this city on
the Fourth.

Local Markets:-Hogs $8.25, oats 38, corn 48c, butter 20c, eggs 1lc, new
potatoes $2.50.

Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. WILLIAMS of Cedar Rapids have been visiting local
relatives during the past week.

Genial J.J. RYAN came over from Spencer and spent the Fourth with his many
Emmetsburg friends.

C.J. McNALLY has gone to Murrill, Iowa, to work for a clothing firm. He was
in the employ of the company a year ago.

Miss Katie McGUIRE arrived home yesterday. She has been attending a business
college at Marshalltown. During the past ten days she visited friends at
Cedar Falls.

Will DONOVAN had horse sales at Ft. Dodge, Humboldt, Plover and Mallard
during the past week. Western horses are, he says, 30 per cent lower than
they were a year ago.

W.J. TYSON was at Ottoson Wednesday. He reports that there was a good shower
in that locality during the afternoon. While there he sold a $300 monument
to Mr. CLAVE, the banker.
An Excellent Pitcher Secured.
"Doc" SPILLANE, the best pitcher in the South Dakota league, has been hired
for the season by Manager FISHER of the local K.C. team. He lives at
Aberdeen. He will pitch for the Emmetsburg boys at Estherville tomorrow.
Miss DONAHUE of Estherville Dead.
Miss Mary Ann DONAHUE of Estherville, sister of the late Edward DONAHUE,
died at Estherville Monday night. Her mother and one sister, Mrs. BROWN,
survive her. She was a niece of the late Wm. MAHER. The funeral will be held
tomorrow. The burial will be in St. John's cemetery at this place.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County