Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 18, 1911

Hugh METZ returned from O'Keene, Oklahoma, last week. He reports that the
cold weather was quite severe in that locality.

Knute IVERSON spent Sunday with his family near Graettinger. He had a busy
week assisting in checking up the county officers.

A.M. FISH left for Beresford, South Dakota, Monday morning to attend the
funeral of one of his sister's children, who died at that place.

Miss Kate MAGUIRE is now attending a business college at Marshalltown. She
spent the fall term at the State Normal school at Cedar Falls.

One of Thos. NALLY's sons is very ill with typhoid-pneumonia at the home of
Mr. KELSH in Nevada township. Dr. HENNESSY reports him in a serious

Charles MAGUIRE left for Omaha Monday. He will travel in South Dakota for
the Cudahy packing house. The Democrat wishes him success in his new

A few days ago Mrs. J.H. HINKLEY lost her nose glasses between her home and
the Congregational church. The finder will please leave at this office or
Mr. HINKLEY's store.

Patrick McNALLY is having his ice house moved from the Milwaukee track to
the rear end of his lunch counter. He will have it filled with ice for use
next summer.

Dr. KULP's picture was given the best position on the front page of Sunday's
Daily Capital. Lafe YOUNG is apparently trying to get on the good side of
our Palo Alto representative.

There will be a basket sociable in the school house in district No. 8 in
Emmetsburg township Friday evening, January 27. All are invited. Miss Essie
SHERLOCK is the teacher.

The corner stone of the new country high school building was laid at
Sterling, Colorado, Friday. It is a large, finely finished structure. Miss
Anna RUTLEDGE is one of the teachers in mathematics.

Mr. and Mrs. F.J. STEINER, Mrs. Mayme MAGUIRE, and Mrs. Jennie ANDERSON, all
of Armstrong, were in Emmetsburg Wednesday attending the STEINER-CONLON

Mr. and Mrs. C.J. SHAUGER went to Sioux Falls Friday.

H.J. SIMONSON and Peter BOYSEN were down from Graettinger Saturday afternoon
on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter JONES have been quite ill during the past ten days and
their son James is also ill.

Miss SMITH, the daughter of Wm SMITH of Great Oak township, went to Chicago
Tuesday of last week.

George HINKLEY returned to Chicago a few days ago. He had been visiting his
parents for several days.

Miss Alice DONOVAN is working in a department store at St. Paul. She is in
the millinery department.

Mrs. C.F. DICKEY arrived from Broadhead, Wisconsin Saturday morning to visit
her son, F.H. DICKEY.

Miss Ruth MORLING recently returned to Evanston, Illinois, to resume her
studies at the university at that place.

S.W. BALLARD and daughter, who had been visiting Emmetsburg friends for
several days, went to Sioux Falls Saturday.

Wm. MILLER returned to Saylor Thursday. He had been visiting his parents in
this city. He is an operator for the Northwestern at that place.

There will be a basket social in District No. 5 in Emmetsburg township
Friday evening, January 20. Miss Nellie MILLEA is teacher. All are invited.

W.W. McKILTRICK, formerly of Humboldt, will be a cripple for life as the
result of an automobile accident which occurred near Linton, North Dakota.

J.H. DOTY of Spencer has been appointed assistant door keeper of the Iowa
house of representatives. Those Spencer fellows usually get a job or tow at
the state house during a meeting of the legislature.

Mr. and Mrs. KITZMAN went to Faribault, Minnesota, the early part of last
week. They will make their future home at that place. Mr. KITZMAN conducted
a steam laundry at this place for several months.

Jack SCOTT has rented the McCARTY building to be vacated by H.J. WILSON and
will conduct a livery business during the coming year. He will put in a full
line of new cars for sale and he will also do a repairing business.

Wm. KELLY, the C.M.& St. P. operator at Clear Lake, who was reported
missing, has been located in Chicago. He had been transferred to McGregor
but he did not like his new location and decided to go elsewhere.

Mrs. E.P. BARRINGER has returned to her home at Ruthven. She recently
underwent a severe surgical operation in St. Joseph's hospital at Sioux
City. Her many friends throughout the county will be pleased to learn of her

Joe ANTELL was at Bode a few evenings ago to witness the TELFORD-HOLDEN
wrestling match.

Mrs. E.P. CONWAY of Gillett Grove was an Emmetsburg visitor several days
during the past week.

Alex EKLUND, who lives on the O.J. GATES farm near Curlew, will have a sale
next Wednesday.

P.H. BACH, who lives three and one half miles northwest of Mallard, will
have a sale tomorrow.

Thos. CLAER will have a sale on his farm a half mile north of Ayrshire
Thursday, January 26.

Dr. HARRIS of Chicago recently assisted Dr. BALDWIN in some surgical work at
the Ruthven hospital.

The old school building and contents at Mallard were sold to various parties
a short time ago for $834.75

Wm. LANCASTER of Whittemore is out soliciting for the St. Paul Dispatch. His
territory is northern Iowa.

Mrs. James MASTERS of Whittemore was a guest at the George SEELEY home
several days during the past week.

Miss Nellie HARTMAN of Fairmont, Minnesota visited at the home of Mr and Mrs
Monroe JOHNSON last week.

J.F. TEMPLE of Reinbeck has bought the Bode Bugle. The former editor, J.C.
BING, has not announced what he intends doing.

Mrs. Gus COX came up from Ft. Dodge Thursday for a visit with her parents,
Mr .and Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS, and other Emmetsburg relatives.

Dennis McCARTY arrived from North Dakota Friday. He is visiting his mother
and other relatives at Graettinger. He says the winter has not been so
severe at Fargo.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter MASON returned to Dodge Center, Minnesota, Thursday
evening. They had been visiting for a short time with the latter's parents,
Mr and Mrs. J.S. ATKINSON.

The next meeting of the W.A. of Trinity church will be held at the home of
Mrs. A.T. HORTON, assisted by Mrs.  M.A. SCOTT, Wednesday, January 25,
beginning at three o'clock. All are cordially invited.

M.C. PETERSON of Walnut township has rented his farm to Thos. NOTTERSTED of
Forest City and will move to Estherville. He will have a big sale Thursday,
January 26.

Ole T KNUDTSON was over from Cylinder Monday. He has just had his home
connected up with the Cylinder phone exchange. He has never before had a
phone. It is needless to say that he appreciates the advantages it gives

John E BRENNAN left for Algona Saturday evening to spend a few days with his
sister, Mrs. Chris J MILLER. Mr and Mrs. Miller sold their 120 acre farm
last fall for $16,200. Mr .MILLER bought it ten years ago for $3,500. They
are planning on locating elsewhere.

Miss Genevieve GARGEN, who had been visiting during the holidays with her
parents at Flandreau, South Dakota, recently returned to Emmetsburg to
resume her studies at St. Mary's Academy.

Sim STEDMAN was a passenger to Algona yesterday.

The hotel at Ringstead was destroyed by fire a short time ago.

Harlan SOPER attended a bank meeting at Titonka yesterday.

J.P. MAHAN and Martin STYE were down from Graettinger Monday.

O.O. WILLIAMS has not been in the best of health for several weeks. He is
suffering from erysipelas.

Frank METZ was at Ft. Dodge last week to see Company K do up the crack
basket ball team of that place.

Mr. and Mrs. L.P. STILMAN of Dolliver were the guests of Emmetsburg
relatives last week. Mr. STILLMAN still conducts the bank at that place.

Mr. W.D. McEWEN, president of the Rolfe State Savings bank, was married in
Chicago last Wednesday to __WHITE of Rolfe. They will spend a couple of
months in California.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank DORRIS and little boy of Kimball, South Dakota, visited
Emmetsburg relatives and friends for a week or ten days. They were
accompanied home yesterday by Miss ___ MANNING, who will remain with them
for some time.

We notice by the newspapers of Waurika, Oklahoma, that R.J. DOOLEY belongs
to a dramatic company at that place and that he is participating regularly
in the local entertainments. Emmetsburg talent is evidently doing creditable
work in the great southwest.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
25 Jan 1911

Ray JOYNT is quite ill with pneumonia.

Michael NALLY is quite ill with pneumonia.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County