Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
5 Oct 1910

News of 20 Years Ago, 10 Oct 1890

Mr. T.E. EGAN, formerly of this place, and Miss Jessie FERGUSON of St.
Francis, Kansas, were married at that place last Saturday.

J.F. RYAN, the Rock Island agent of this place, has been transferred to
Cedar Rapids.

P. MONTGOMERY, of Walnut township, is building a new barn.

Mr. McGUIRE, of Illinois, is visiting his uncle, Thomas CONLON.

Thomas WEIR is enjoying a visit from his father who resides in Illinois.

The Lutherans of Mallard will soon begin the erection of a new church.

There is a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. MONTGOMERY, of Walnut

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. BAUMGARTNER Saturday.

Marriage licenses have been issued to the following named parties: C.E.
Gertie KELLY.

Joseph, son of J.W. BRENNAN, died at Wesley Tuesday, aged 16. He had heart

Miss Kate CASSIDY, of Hull, is visiting relatives in this city.

A. KAUFMAN, of Chicago, is visiting his uncle, H.M. KAUFMAN, in this city.

Dr. and Mrs. D.E. COLLINS, of Dakota, are visiting relatives in this city.

P.J. NOLAN, of Ruthven, has been in this city during the past few days
serving as a juror.

DALEY, Mr. and Mrs. Ed GALLEGER and the Misses McCORMICK, SCOTT and WALLACE
attended the Sioux City corn palace last weekend.

J.H. HINKLEY has moved into his new store building.

E.H. AVERY, of Silver Lake, is building a new house.

Rev. PARALL, of Illinois, is to be the new pastor of the M.E. church at

Miss Netta LARSON, of Avoen, Wisconsin, is visiting sisters at Ruthven.

John DONLON has purchased Joe NEEDHAM's interest in the livery barn at

L.H. SPORAN, of Ruthven, has gone to Whittemore to remain for the winter.

James SCANLAN of Silver Lake township, has sold his farm to Thos. CLAER and
will return to Iowa City.

Dr. BALDWIN reports quite a number of cases of malarial fever at Ruthven.

Mr.LATON is putting up a building at Ayrshire to be used for a store and
dwelling combined.

Last Sunday a horse kicked E.P. BARRINGER's two-year-old son in the forhead,
cutting a deep gash. However the injury will not prove serious.

All kinds of dry goods will be dearer after November 1 because of the
passage of the McKinley tariff bill, which has raised the duty on them.

J.P. KIRBY has been appointed cashier of the Bank of Estherville.
August a Good Creamery Month

During the month of August the Emmetsburg Creamery company checked out
$7,704.72 to its 164 patrons. The price paid for butter fat was 35 cents.
The following are the names of those who had received checks for $20 and
T.H. TAYLOR....................$162.01
Ben CATTELL....................$154.31
Wm. FISHER......................$152.53
Andreas ZIEHLKE..............$143.46
Mrs. Mary A. GIBBS..........$130.41
W.H. GRACE.....................$125.02
Michael JOYNT..................$112.49
W.H. PARKS.....................$104.05
John FITZPATRICK...........$102.90
Mrs. O.P. DOYLE..............$101.15
P.C. NEARY......................$  99.75
Thos. HAMILTON.............$  97.47
J.B. WILLIAMS.................$  93.66
Michael MURPHY..............$  92.92
James DUNIGAN...............$  92.75

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
12 Oct 1910

Messrs. and Mesdames George and Mark BOYLE of Whittemore enjoyed a visit
with Emmetsburg friends last week.

L.T. GRAVES, formerly of this city, arrived from Fayette Wednesday evening
for a few days visit with local friends.

Mr. and Mrs. PFEIFER of Waterloo arrived Wednesday evening to visit for a
short time with their daughter, Mrs. BEEBE.

The Ladies Aid society of the M.E. church will give a tea at the home of
Mrs. E.G. KELLY this afternoon. All are invited.

We notice that Henry JOHNSON formerly of Graettinger, is building a tile
plant at Renwick. He has followed this line of business for several years
and is prospering.

A.E. WILDERMAN is again in possession of the pool hall he conducted at West
Bend some time ago. He bought it from Mart NESSEN. The latter will move onto
a farm.

The Whittemore Champion is beginning its 20th year. Mr. WHITE has been
publishing it for six years. It is very newsy and is exceptionally well
printed. It is a credit to Whittemore and to Kossuth county.

Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph JACKMAN Saturday. A large circle
of relatives and friends extend congratulations. Just watch Grandfather
JACKMAN smile the next time he comes to Emmetsburg.

Lester SPROUT came over from Cylinder Saturday and went from here to
Graettinger to visit relatives.

Mr.and Mrs. J.D. COLLINS and Mr. and Mrs. W.N. MINTONEY were over from
Spencer Saturday and spent the day fishing. While here they were the guests
of Jas. SLATER.

Henry HEIN of Hartley is being treated in the hospital at that place for
lump jaw. It is thought that he contracted the disease while taking care of
a critter that was affected by it.

Capt. and Mrs. SOPER recently enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. O.R. HARVEY
of Anamosa, who are relatives of Mr. SOPER. They moved to Jones county from
New York in 1847. Mr. HARVEY is 81 years of age and Mrs. HARVEY is 77.

Miss Lulu ZIMMERMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. ZIMMERMAN, died at Los
Angeles, California, September 29. She had been ill for quite a long time.
Mr. and Mrs. ZIMMERMAN have the sympathy of a large number of Emmetsburg
friends in their sorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh LAIRD of Fort Dodge, who had been visting relatives in
this city, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Spirit Lake. They drove up in
their new Ford automobile. In company with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. WINTER, they returned to Fort Dodge the first of the week.

Mrs. Mary E. JOYCE is visiting relatives at Lansing.

Paul DOYLE has accepted a position in J.K. BENDA's store.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank WARNKE returned from northern Minnesota about ten days

S.P. CRISMAN was up from West Bend Monday attending the Palo Alto telephone

Mr. MALONEY returned from Preston, Minnesota, Friday where he had been
visiting his mother.

Mrs. STEIL, Sr., and Miss Julia DUNGAN will leave today for Waggoner,
Oklahoma. Mrs. STEIL will remain until spring.

John RYAN, who had been in Colorado and New Mexico for some time is home
visiting his mother. He will go to Cedar Rapids October 20.

Joe TURNER was up from Rodman Friday. He accompanied his daughter, Mrs. L.
BOYER, this far on her return to....

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County