Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
9 Nov 1910

     Mrs. E.E. Ryan of Des Moines visited relatives in this city and at Ayrshire last week.
     N.P. Peterson of Estherville spent Sunday and Monday with his daughter Mrs. John S. Barnes, of this place.
     A.C. Sands was up from Mallard Monday. He was very ill for some time but is regaining his flesh and strength.
     Mr. Steel was a passenger to Chicago Friday. He is a brother of Wm. Steele, who worked for V.H. Clark last summer.
     Attorney Will Johnson of Estherville has gone to Ft. Dodge where he will open a law office with another young man.
     F.L. Barnes representing the Burlington Art company, spent Sunday with his brother, John S. Barnes of this place.
     Milo Riggs went to Pomeroy, Ohio, Friday to remain. He has been spending the last two years tiling in this vicinity.
     Mike Driscoll brought in five cars of corn yesterday, grown by Jack Thompson, that weighed seven and one-fourth pounds.
     A few days ago Mrs. P.H. Hand received a draft for $730.20 for a policy Mr. Hand carried in the A.O.H. insurance company of Illinois.
     Just as we go to press we learn that Mr. James Conway and Miss Mary Kliegl were married at Whittemore Catholic church this morning. Particulars next week.
     Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Pocatello, Idaho, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jennett.
     Miss Berg, who was an operator in the Western Union office during Miss Lizzie Conlon's illness, returned to Minneapolis Monday. Miss Conlon is able to attend to her duties again.
     Wm. Vance, who formerly lived in the vicinity of Laurens, had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago and is not likely to recover. He has for some time been living in the vicinity of Marshalltown.
     John O'Brien, Jr., who had been living on his claim near Powell, South Dakota, during the past year, returned home Wednesday. A short time ago there was considerable rain in that locality.
     Dr. Martin Joynt of Jessup, Dr. Robert Joynt of LeMars, Dr. Michael Joynt of Marcus, and Albert Joynt of Iowa City arrived yesterday to attend the marriage of their brother Joseph T. Joynt.

Mr. P.E. Malia of Ayrshire and Miss Marie Bettinger of Clare Married.
     P.E. Malia treated his friends to a genuine surprise when he arrived here Monday morning from Clare with a wife. To our knowledge there wasn't a person in town who even suspected that he was contemplating matrimony and only thought those occasional trips to Clare were for the purpose of visiting a few hours with mother. Of course his intimate friends had noticed that those visits had become more frequent of late, but they did not realize their significance.
     The bride is Miss Marie Bettinger, who has resided in Clare since early childhood. She is the eldest girl of the family and since her mother's death many years ago, she has been mother ans sister to the family of younger children. She is spoken of very highly by those who know here and will reign with dignity in her new home.
     The marriage ceremony took place at the Catholic church in Clare Monday at 7 a.m. with Father Dorsey officiating...[rest of article not copied.]

They Were Allowed $2700
     Attorneys E.A. Morling and P.H. Paulson, the latter of Estherville, won their case against Mr. Miller, who was charged with burning his own store building at Gruver a year or so ago. He was acquitted, although the evidence against him was very damaging. He lives at St. James, Minnesota. They agreed to accept $2300 for their services, but he refused to pay that amount. They sued for $4000. The case was tried at Estherville last week, lasting for several days. They were given a verdict for $2700.


Mr. Joseph T Joynt and Miss Julia A Joyce were married at St. Thomas church this morning at 8:30, Father McNerney officiating. Miss Clara Joyce was bridesmaid and Dr. M.F. Joynt of Marcus, Iowa, was best man. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. Mary T Joyce. Only a few of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Joynt will live on the John Joynt farm in Emmetsburg township.

The bride is a young lady of whom her friends and companions can well feel proud. Her appearance, her charming, pleasing personality and her dignity and worth have well earned the high rank she enjoys in the community. There is no young man in our county who stands higher in the regard of our citizens than the groom. He is a worker, is economical and public spirited, and manifests on all occasions the traits of the American gentleman. The mating is an ideal one. The Democrat joins their hosts of relatives and friends in extending hearty congratulations.


Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
30 Nov 1910

M.J. Brennan, The Star
He More Than Made Good Against Great Notre Dame Football Team

     We are glad to note that Martin J. Brennan, son of Mr and Mrs M.F.
Brennan of this city, was the star in the exciting football game that was
played at Milwaukee Thanksgiving between the Marquette university and the
Notre Dame university teams. Mr. Brennan attended Notre Dame university last
year and at the close of the season was anxious to secure a place on the team
of that institution. He had been an extra player. He was told that he was
too slow. He seemed to think otherwise. He went to Milwaukee in September
and entered Marquette university. Speaking of Thursday's game, which was one
of the most warmly contested ever witnessed in Wisconsin, the Chicago
Record-Herald of Friday says, "Marquette and Notre Dame played to a 5 and 5
tie yesterday afternoon in a game which will go down in the annals of both
institutions as one of the greatest contests ever played by either team.
Hanley, the Marquette tackle, with Brennan, a former Notre Dame man, were
the particular stars of the Marquette team both blocking kick after kick and
breaking out into brilliant plays in almost every feature of the game. ***
In the second half, Foley kicked off to Schaller Brennan made four yards
around the end and made the touch down on an end run. Schaller missed the
goal by an inch." The Democrat has long felt confident that Martin would
sooner or later prove his ability as an athlete. His many friends and
relatives in this county will be pleased to learn of his success in a
football game that has attracted such attention in Chicago, Milwaukee and
the central west. Notre Dame defeated the Michigan eleven last year, but
because of some misunderstanding about players they did not meet this year.
Mr. Brennan's sons have proven themselves very strong on the gridiron. James
F. was one of the stars in the Stanford university team a few years ago and
was given more attention in the write up of the season's contests, in the San
Francisco newspapers than any other player on the Pacific coast. Plucky
blood usually tells.
     The man who probably had the greatest satisfaction when the game was
over was the brilliant Marquette end, Brennan, who fought desperately for
victory that he might make his revenge on his former teammates complete.
Brennan was a former Notre Dame player, but trouble with Coach Longman
caused him to leave the Indiana institution and come to Marquette. It was
Notre Dame's loss for he was the shining light of the Marquette team, and
his presence was felt at all times. Figuring in every play he fought
relentlessly to stop the onslaughts of the Maize and Blue and was
successful, for he spilled the Notre Dame interference, tackled the runner
and followed the ball like a hawk. His cup of happiness was filled when he
shot over the line for Marquette's only score.--Milwaukee Sentinel
The Marquette touchdown, oddly enough was made by Brennan who played with
Notre Dame against Marquette last Thanksgiving. He was told after that game
he was too slow, and came to Marquette, which under the eligibility
agreement of the two schools, could use him against his old teammates.
Brennan played a star game blocking two drop kicks for goal tried by Notre
Dame and was given the ball when Marquette has first down on Notre Dame's
one yard line. --Milwaukee Free Press.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County