Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
13 July 1910

Elmer MYHRE was up from Emmetsburg Sunday.

D.C. TIPP has been here the past week looking after some business matters.

Sheriff CULLEN was here Thursday on official business.

H.N. OSHER has gone to Colfax to take treatment for rheumatism.

Miss Margaret GUERDET was a passenger to Emmetsburg Saturday evening.

Miss Kathryn SULLIVAN visited her friend in Estherville the last of the

Miss Hazel BEAMIS who was visiting her friend Miss Lydia OSCHER, returned to
her home at Estherville.

V.L. O'CONNOR, Eugene FOSTER, and Francis SULLIVAN were over Sunday visitors
at Ruthven.

Miss Addie HOWARD entertained a few of her friends Sunday in honor of Rose
MILLER. An enjoyable time was reported by all.

Miss Carrie MITCHELL has been employed as a teacher in the grammar grade of
the Whittemore public school.

Mrs. MITCHELL has gone to Ft. Dodge to visit her mother who is very sick.

Miss COAKLEY went to Spirit Lake Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John BOSOLD are the proud parents of a baby boy.

J.L. HOLLAND purchased two new autos. He sold one to Mr. BONDHUS.

Dr. WALKER, J.E. WILLIAMS, and W.J. McCARTY were here last Friday afternoon.

P.J. PAULSON and family attended a picnic in the country Sunday.

J.L. HALL and John S. BONDHUS are each sporting a new automobile.

Dr. Walker, J.E.WILLIAMS and W.J. McCARTY were here last Friday afternoon.

P.J. PAULSON and family attended a picnic in the country Sunday.

J.L. HALL and John S. BONDHUS are each sporting a new automobile.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. CULLEN and son Vincent went to Rochester, Minnesota, to
have Vincent treated by the Drs. MAYO.

Mrs. P.F. LITTLETON and Lauretta were Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.

F.H. O'HALLORAN was at Emmetsburg Monday.

E.P. McEVOY was over from Emmetsburg Saturday.

Gus GORDEN returned from his Wisconsin trip Thursday.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS was a business caller here Friday.

Mrs. Peter DALEY and Mrs. F. DEMOUTH drove over from Emmetsburg Thursday.

Mrs. Theo. DEMOUTH and daughter, Miss Mabel, left Friday evening for
Chicago, where they will spend a month with relatives.

Mrs. E.W. REID and Mrs. A. JONES were Emmetsburg visitors Monday afternoon.

The following are the names and postoffice addresses of those who have
graduated from the rural schools of our county during the past few weeks:
Helen MAGUIRE... Curlew
Pearl BACH...Curlew
Maynard COTTINGTON...Curlew
Raymond SAMPLE...Curlew
Fayette GROSS... Curlew
Maude E. SMITH... Ruthven
Florence SANDVIG... Ruthven
Victor WALKER... Rodman
Anna SPILLES...Rodman
Patrick KNOER...Whittemore
Selma JACOBSON... Cylinder
Vinnie M. ROBERTS...Rolfe
Vera HILL...Curlew
Nellie FENN...Rodman
Verna SPROUT...Rodman
Myrtle HAUENSTEIN...Rodman
Margaret WALDRON...Ayrshire
Arthur HENNINGSEN...Emmetsburg
Lillie KEMP...Marathon
Goldie KEMP...Marathon
Bessie MILLEA...Emmetsburg
Josephine BRENNAN...Emmetsburg
Violette BRENNAN...Emmetsburg
Margaret KANE...Emmetsburg
Bernadetta SCHANEY...Emmetsburg
Celia GUERDET...Emmetsburg
Laura HUNNELL...Curlew
Lena BENSON...Cylinder
Maude FREDERICKSON...Emmetsburg
Wilbur TILTON...Emmetsburg
Erma BROADWELL... Emmetsburg
Mabel BOWERS...Fenton
Rosa VOTTLER...Fenton
Gertrude RINDY...Ringsted
Mabel HANSEN...Ringsted
Irene RINDY...Ringsted
Corneile BERRY...Emmetsburg
Eva LODES...Mallard
Lawrence HAHN...Mallard
Sadie FORTNEY... Mallard
Gertrude HAHN...Mallard
Alma STAFFORD...Mallard
Orlan BROWNLEE...Mallard
Earl SANDS...Mallard
Pearl HAHN...Mallard
Guy CARMICHAEL...Mallard
Mae O'CONNOR...Graettinger
Josephine HANIFAN...Emmetsburg

The A.O.H. Picnic Sunday

Members Had One of the Most Enjoyable Outings in the History of the Order.

The A.O.H. picnic, which was private, was held in the W.E. JACKMAN grove
Sunday, the members having attended early mass in the local churches. There
was about 400 present at the noon hour, including the members, the auxiliary
members and their families, and all sat down on the green sward beneath the
shady burr oak trees for a feast of good things. They had well filled
baskets and the society furnished free of charge an abundance of ice cream,
lemonade, cigars for the gentlemen, and candies for the ladies and children.
After dinner, there was a short speaking and musical program. Mr. T.M.
SCANLAN, state treasurer of the order, was present and spoke briefly but
interestingly and earnestly. The Emmetsburg concert band played a number of
selections, and the representatives of the Chicago Gaelic Dancing league,
Messrs. Wm. HAGERTY, John RYAN, and Michael GRAHAM favored the audience with
a few Irish reels, jigs and hornpipes. M.F. BRENNAN, James KANE, Mrs. P.
LEAHY, and Mrs.M. JOYNT also danced an Irish reel. A game of ball followed,
the town members of the order defeating the country members by a score of 5
to 4. There were also a number of other events that were good.
Chas. GRACE won the 100 yard foot race, John E. BRENNAN was second. Myrle
KERWICK was first in the boy's race and James FOY second. Lewine HAND won
the little girls' race. Celia BURKE was second. The relay race was won by
Tom NOLAN, Thos. JOYCE, Will JOYNT, and Chas. MAGUIRE. Chas. GRACE won the
high jump. J.S. DENEEN was second.
In addition to the other sports a ball game lent much towards entertaining
the crowd. In an exciting and hotly contested game, the visiting nine from
the country met defeat at the hands of the fast town aggregation. Two errors
and a well placed hit in the ninth, netting the town club two runs, decided
the game by a 5 to 6 victory. Both pitchers showed good form, MILLER for the
town boys, allowing only three hits, while GRACE for the country nine was
touched up for six, but succeeded in keeping them scattered. The feature of
the game was a phenomenal catch by BRENNAN playing in the left field garden,
who, after a long run, succeeded in raking in GOSSMAN's drive. A rally in
the ninth was checked by a neat double on the part of the town team.
Pitchers MILLER and GRACE secured ten strikeouts apiece. Two errors were
made by the town boys, but these occurred at an inopportune time, while the
errors of the country team proved costly. The game was characterized by
fast, close playing throughout. The fans were pleased with the exhibition.
During the afternoon scores enjoyed launching, row beating, and sailing on
Medium lake, the picnic grounds bordering on the east shore....

Is Accused of Seduction by Bertha M. Gonzales

Saturday Chas. L. ARCHER of Ruthven was arrested on the charge of seduction
and brought before Mayor DUFFY for a preliminary hearing. The complaining
witness was Bertha M. GONZALES. She claims that he lived with her in
California for five years and that she supposed that they were married.
Later, she alleges, he told her the man who married them had no authority to
perform the ceremony and he deserted her. She followed him to Ruthven. They
stopped at a hotel at that place for a short time. Then he induced her to go
to Des Moines. Later an attorney at that place advised her to come to
Emmetsburg and have Thos. O'CONNOR commence action against ARCHER. Mr.
O'CONNOR though still interested in the action, turned the case over to
attorney WILLIAMS, who ordered ARCHER arrested. The hearing was continued
from Saturday until yesterday. Mr. COHOON represented the defendant. Mayor
DUFFY held the defendant under $2,000 bonds to await the action of the grand

Mr. D.G. KNIGHT and Mrs. Josephine ALLER of Spencer were married Wednesday
evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Monroe JOHNSON, of this place.
Rev. A.B. GILBERT performed the ceremony. Only the immediate relatives were
present. Mr and Mrs KNIGHT will live at Spencer, where they are comfortably
situated. The Democrat extends hearty good wishes for their health and

Louis JAMES of Waterloo Killed in Wreck near Orchard

Waterloo, Ia., July 9- An Illinois Central southbound freight broke through
a bridge near Orchard and Louis E. JAMES of this city was killed.
Preparatory for signalling for switching at Orchard JAMES was on top of the
cars, about the middle of the train. The engine and seven cars crossed the
bridge safely, but the following ten cars upon one of which JAMES was
standing, crashed through the structure. The caboose and two cars were left
standing on the opposite bank from the scene. JAMES was the only one

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
20 July 1910

Edward H. McNally, a son of John McNally, has secured a position as
traveling salesman for a wholesale *** at Waterloo. His territory will be
northern Nebraska.

Frank DONOVAN went to St. Cloud, Minnesota Wednesday from which **nt he will
tour several northwest cities with a theatre band. He is handling the slide
trombone. He is a good player.

Ed GREENWALD arrived in this city from Boise, Idaho. He will visit with
relatives for a couple of weeks. He injured one of his knee caps at Jewell
Junction and is using a cane. Mr. GREENWALD is always a welcome visitor in

Wednesday J.O. McGINNIS fell from the top of an elevator grain bin at
Pocahontas and was killed. His skull was fractured. His home was at Moulton,
Illinois. He was 54 years old. He was a single man. He had been at
Pocahontas but a short time.

P.S. BROWN will make a tour of British Columbia while absent. The Canadian
Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific Companies are opening up several good
towns along the Pacific coast. He will investigate conditions and if
suitable openings are found he will invest.

Adjutant SWANSON of the Salvation Army of Des Moines was in Emmetsburg
Thursday soliciting. Some may sneer at these people but they are doing a
great deal of charitable work among the poor in large cities. Individuals
should be known by their deeds rather than by their professions, their
means, or their appearances.

J.J. and J.D. HIGGINS recently enjoyed a visit from P. HIGGINS and family of
Dubuque county.

Mrs. J.H. MILLEA returned from Cherokee Friday where she had been consulting
a specialist.

W.E. CROWDER has sold his quarter section farm east of Laurens to George
RUPEL for $35 per acre.

Spencer is to have a third clothing store. It will be conducted by SHIRLEY
and TWITCHELL of Fayette, Iowa.

W.H. HIGGINS has bought the W.H. ZISHKA 240 acre farm eight miles southeast
of Spencer for $78.50 per acre.

J.K. STEENSON was over from Ayrshire last week to see his son E.B. before
his departure for Eagle Grove.

V.E. HOUSTRON of Ogden, Boone County has been apppointed legal agent of the
Adams Express company at Spencer.

The W.R. WEBB farm some distance west of Spencer was sold a few days ago to
Charles JOHNSON for $100 per acre.

The Spencer papers report that Mrs. Guy H. MARTIN is at Rochester,
Minnesota, undergoing a severe surgical operation.

Mesdames E.E. HUGHES, OSGERBY and FISH, and Misses Grace McCARTY, Mamie
GROUT and FIFE were at West Bend Wednesday attending a county convention of
the Rebekahs. It was largely attended and proved an enjoyable and profitable

W.J. BROWN informs us that W.S. PARNHAM recently sold his fruit farm near
Grand Junction, Colorado, for $8,000. He will most likely invest again. His
health is much better than it was several months ago.

Philip WEISBROD, who lives near Fenton, built one of the largest barns in
that vicinity last fall and during the present summer he has erected a
splendid residence. There are a large number of the WEISBROD brothers and
they are all thrifty. They are excellent citizens.

Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN of Whittemore visited Emmetsburg relatives last week.

Mr. and Mrs. S.R. STEDMAN and little daughter spent Sunday at Templars Park.

Ray CARLISLE and Wallace SIMPSON of Whittemore visited Emmetsburg friends

Mrs. P. JOYNT spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. SLAGLE of Ruthven.

Miss Edna GUSLAND is enjoying a few days at the lakes with Dr. and Mrs.
BALDWIN of Ruthven.

Miss Lizzie BURKE of Silver Lake is taking a course in a summer school at
Des Moines.

The Chronicle says that Mrs. P. O'GRADY and Miss Winifred are visiting
relatives at Sioux City.

Walter SAWYER of the Ayrshire neighborhood is home from Hot Springs after an
absence of three months.

Leo BURKE came up from Laurens Monday morning and took the west bound train
for Gillett Grove.

Miss Hilda ARMBRECK who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. ZAHRNDT, returned
to State Center Thursday.

Geo VEDDER drove to Laurens Saturday with his mother and sisters who had
been visiting relatives in this city for some time.

Will KIRBY and R.J. DOOLEY returned to Waurika, Oklahoma Saturday. They
enjoyed a delightful visit with Emmetsburg relatives.

The Lutherans of Fairfield township held their annual schulfest in the C.H.
BLECKWENN grove last Sunday. There was a large attendance and all present
enjoyed themselves.

Edward McNALLY drove across Palo Alto and into Kossuth county Friday. He
says he never saw crops looking better. Several farmers had finished
harvesting their early oats.

Sergeant Edward F. MURRAY is at the state shoot at Des Moines contesting for
a place on the Iowa team to the national shoot at Perry, Ohio, in August.
The Democrat hopes he will prove a winner.

Mrs. C.H. COOKINHAM of Ayrshire was in an M. & St. L. train that was
derailed near Albert Lea, Minnesota, a few days ago. Several passengers were
injured but no one was killed. The M. & St. L. has a very poor road bed.

Geo. WILLIAMS has resigned his post in Mr. FREEMAN's store. He will move to
Cedar Rapids where he has secured a good position. No young man in
Emmetsburg has more friends than Mr. WILLIAMS. The departure of him and his
estimable wife will be regretted by all who know them.

Mr. D.G. McCARTY returned from New York Wednesday. She had been visiting her
parents for some time.

Misses BRERTON and Pearl TAYLOR spent last week as guests at the L.F.
FRANCIS summer home at Spirit Lake.

Mrs. Major  HOLMAN came down from Spirit Lake the last of the week to spend
a few days visiting Mrs. Reade CLARKE.

Miss Mildred BRAND who had been visiting at the J.H. HINKLEY home for a
couple of weeks returned to Sibley Saturday.

Mrs. Ed MERRIMAN and little child came down from Graettinger Monday for a
visit at the Mr. and Mrs. E.E. HUGHES home.

Loyd REFSELL returned home from Spirit Lake Monday. He was a stenographer at
the K.T. conclave held at Templars Park last week.

Phil DAILY recently returned from Ringsted and told the people of Ayrshire
that Peter KNOX living west of Emmetsburg has the best crops that he had
seen in his travels.

Mrs. Kate DUNGAN and her daughter, Miss Mary, of Montrose, South Dakota, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter JONES of this place. The have also other
relatives in this vicinity.

Miss LALLY of Denison was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. She came to meet the
members of the school board. She is an applicant for the position of
director of music in our schools.

Father Charles and his sisters, Mrs. HOWARD and Kit CASSIDY, and his
brothers James and John CASSIDY were Emmetsburg visitors Thursday. They were
on their way from Hull to Minneapolis.

The W.A. of Trinity church will meet with Mrs. W.J. MOSES Wednesday, July
27, at 3 o'clock. Tea will be served at 4. members will please bring the
contents of their mite boxes.

Mrs. Ralph BEEKS of Los Angeles who had been visiting her cousins, the
Misses RICHARDSON and other relatives in this city and vicinity for a week
or ten days, went to Grinnell Monday to spend a few days. From there she
will return to California.

Joe TENNANT who used to keep hotel at Algona is in trouble at Hartley. Harry
Edward LEWIS has sued him for $2,000 damages. The latter claimed he
registered at Mr. TENNANT's hotel, was assigned a room and that later the
landlord refused to keep him overnight.

JOHN JOYNT Jr., who is in the employ of the Milwaukee company, says that
drouth still prevails in the vicinity of Mason City. The oat crop is
practically a failure and corn is backward. The railway companies are
burning along their right of way in order to guard against fires. Some
farmers are feeding old hay to their cattle.

Miss Mary LAUGHLIN of Denver, Colorado is visiting relatives in this

Joseph CLENNON has been quite sick during the past week but is about again.

Dr. M.F. JOYNT has located at Marcus, Iowa. The Democrat wishes him success.

C.A. SMITH of Laton, California, lost his bank and one or two other
buildings by fire a few days ago.

Dr. O'BRIEN reports a new daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. JACKMAN
since Monday.

Mrs. John MENZIES arrived from California a few days ago to spend a few
weeks with Mr. MENZIES.

Mrs. BUTTERFIELD and Mrs. ALLEN and daughter, Miss Mable, of Manchester
arrived in this city a few days ago to visit Mr. and Mrs. OSGERBY during the
Chautauqua. Mrs. BUTTERFIELD is Mrs. OSGERBY's mother and Mrs. ALLEN is Mr.
OSGERBY's sister.

A few days ago Mrs. John DRUMMY fell and injured herself quite badly. The
same limb that was injured last winter is affected. She has been most

Last week Miss Martha SCHENDEL stepped on a rusty needle. It broke off and
part of it remained in her foot. Wednesday Drs. VAN GORDEN and O'BRIEN
removed it.

Mrs. M.V. CAVANAUGH and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ted CAVANAUGH, of
Rockford, Iowa, have been guests during the past week at the home of Mr. and

Saturday evening while out auto riding, Dan KELLY had a very close call. He
ran against a large rope tied across the street and it skinned his neck
pretty badly. It might have killed him. Miss ANDREWS is quite sick and it
was tied across the street to prevent teams from passing. Mr. KELLY did not
see it.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County