Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 7, 1910

Miss Margaret DONOVAN of Estherville is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. DONOVAN of this city.

Mrs. C.J. BERGER [Ellen HIGGINS BERGER] returned from Dubuque Wednesday
where she had been for several weeks having her eyes treated.

John BARNS left for Lemon, South Dakota, yesterday to look over the country.
He will be absent a couple of weeks.

John GRIMSTAD arrived from Rochelle, Illinois, Saturday. He owns a large
farm in this vicinity. The season in Illinois has been too dry.

The county treasurer did not have a very large tax sale Monday though there
were a number in attendance. Tax sales do not amount to much these times.

Mr. Wm. LAW and Miss Silvia HAMILTON of Rodman were married in Emmetsburg
Monday, Rev., J.E. BRERTON officiating. The Democrat extends

Mrs. A.C. HOLIHAN, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. P.S. BROWN,
returned to her home at Vinton Tuesday evening of last week. She was
accompanied by her little brother.

Mrs. Robert CANFIELD, who had been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. G.W.
DRYBREAD, for some time, returned to Schenectady, New York, Thursday. Mr.
DRYBREAD accompanied her as far as Chicago.

Peter ACKERMAN was down from Estherville Monday on business. He had a dandy
sale a few days ago. Prices were exceptionally good. Mr and Mrs. ACKERMAN
intend to be in Colorado by Christmas to remain a year.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS, W.L. THOMPSON and Ed. HAAG will have a big sale on
Wednesday, December 21. They will sell 21 horses and mules, 84 cattle, 75
hogs, 200 sheep and a considerable farm machinery.

Eight of the life members of the Palo Alto County Fair Association held a
meeting Monday. Thos. KIRBY was elected president, C.H. GIDDINGS vice
president, and J.C. BENNETT secretary. A committee was appointed to
investigate the financial affairs of the company.

At the annual meeting of the Catholic Order of Forresters, held Thursday
evening, all of the old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year. L.
REIHSEN is chief ranger, J.P. JENNINGS vice chief ranger, John MONCRIEF
recording secretary, C.J. BERGER financial secretary and David JOYNT
treasurer. There are several other less important officers.

Monday evening Miss Gertrude SCHROEDER daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber
SCHROEDER, gave a birthday party to a number of friends. Among those who
attended from Emmetsburg were Mr and Mrs. BECKMAN, Chris SCHROEDER and Miss
SCHROEDER. It is needless to say that all enjoyed the evening.

A week ago Sunday the Norwegian Lutheran church about five miles northeast
of Cylinder caught fire from a defective fine. By timely and earnest efforst
it was saved from destruction. The loss is not large. It was insured in the
County Mutual and the Union Mutual.

Teachers may make mistakes, but parents should never encourage children to
show disregard for the teacher's authority. To do this is to encourage the
growth of lawless citizenship. Parents, do not listen to the child's
complaint about unfair treatment by the teacher.

Filo POARCH spent Sunday with Algona friends.

J.M. RICHIE returned from Blunt, South Dakota, last week.

Ralph WALKER was a passenger to Davenport Sunday evening.

A.W. WAGNER made a business trip to Ankeny Saturday.

Sheriff CULLEN was a passenger to Des Moines Saturday evening.

Mrs. P.H. STEDMAN was an over Sunday visitor at Estherville.

Harry THATCHER of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday.

Attorney W.J. FISHER went to Minneapolis Thursday on professional business.

Tom J. WHITE was over from Whittemore Sunday visiting his mother and

Mrs. J.N. PHILIPS of West Bend visited her daughter, Mrs. Bert RYAN, of this
place Saturday.

There are cases of measles in several neighboring towns. We do not know of
any patients in Emmetsburg.

Mr and Mrs. C.F. NEDDERMAN returned from Fort Dodge Sunday morning where
they had been the guests of friends.

W.B. BARNEY & Sons of Hampton are shipping blooded cattle to Japan, Mexico
and Brazil. Their fame has gone abroad.

Daniel CLAER and Will MURPHY left for Texas Wednesday to remain during the
winter and perhaps longer should they like the country.

Mayor STEENSON and John McGUIRE of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors
Wednesday. They had business with the Palo Alto Telephone company.

Mr and Mrs. L.C. CHRISTIANSON and Peter ADAMSON and Miss Mary left for
California Tuesday. The Democrat made mention some time ago of their
contemplated departure.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, Iowa
21 Dec 1910

J.M. DEERING was at St. Paul on business last week.
Miss Nellie GALLEGER visited Graettinger friends Sunday.
Dr. F.M. MAGRUDER of Mason City was in Emmetsburg Monday.
Will MORLING is home from college to remain until after the holidays.
P.V. NOLAN was a visitor to Marion county, Iowa the first of the week.
Miss MART and her cousin, Miss JOHNSON, visited Estherville relatives last
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew SIMONSON of Graettinger were in Emmetsburg Wednesday.
Mrs. E.E. HUGHES visited her daughter, Mrs. MERRIMAN, of Graettinger, last
Mrs. Dan O'NEILL has been visiting relatives near Graettinger during the
past week.
Carroll BRAGG returned from Chicago Tuesday to spend the holidays with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. J.H. MAHONEY was called to Gridley, Illinois last week to see his
mother, who is very ill.
N.A. LIND, Rolfe's big Shorthorn breeder, lost his house by fire Sunday
night. It was worth $5,000.
H.B. SMITH of Minneapolis is visiting relatives and friends in this city. He
resided here for many years.
Mrs. Ray HUGHES left this morning for her home at Pocatello, Idaho. She had
veen visiting her sister, Mrs. JENNETTE, for the past couple of weeks.
Mrs. BIGGS, the piano tuner, who has regularly visited Emmetsburg for some
time, has gone to Malden, Washington where she will make her future home.
Railway companies will have to learn to be more careful about preventing
wrecks. Verdicts are being given in damage cases for $10,000 to $30,000.
Wm. JONES came down form Colman, South Dakota, Monday evening. He has a
brother living near Rodman. He will remain in this vicinity for some time.
Misfortune seldom comes alone. Little Frank MAYER of Ottosen, whose father
was killed at Ft. Dodge a short time ago, fell down cellar last week and has
since been suffering from concussion of the brain.
Miss BRIGHT has gone to Des Moines to visit relatives.
Miss ILLINGWORTH went to Peoria, Illinois Saturday.
Guy R. CAMPBELL was a passenger to West Bend Tuesday.
Miss Mayme SULLIVAN was down from Graettinger Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. HOLMES went to Knoxville, Illinois Monday.
Mr. MART has gone to Worthington, Iowa, to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. BROWN were Des Moines visitors last week.
J.J. WATSON was a passenger to Peoria, Illinois Saturday.
Mrs. C.R. VAN GORDEN was a passenger to Des Moines Thursday.
Hon. F.C. DAVIDSON was in Des Moines the last of the week.
Messrs. SAUNDERS, John THOMPSON, and Ed. HAAG are having their big sale
E.A. MORLING and M.C. GRIER were passengers to Humboldt Thursday to attend
John WARNKE arrived home from Waterville, Minnesota, last night to visit his
Mesdames F.L. EATON and G.W. ROUSE of Ayrshire were Emmetsburg visitors
Mrs. Frank MEADE went to Syracuse, New York Thursday to visit her daughter
and family.
Rev. Herbert CLEGG was at Sibley Wednesday officiation at the funeral of his
old friend, Senator LISTER.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan BURNS have been visiting during the past week with
relatives at Waterville, Nebraska.
Mr. and Miss BOLINGER of Wesley, who had been visiting Mrs. O. NELSON, left
last week for Millette, South Dakota.
Mr. E.J. JOHNSON and Miss Emma SCHULTZ were married at Curlew Monday, Rev.
E.J. NICKERSON officiating.
We understand that J.P. JENNINGS has bought a hearse and two hacks. he will
use them in connection with his livery business.
Vincent HIGLEY of Fairfield township has his arm broken a few days ago while
cranking his gasoline engine to do some pumping.
Miss Etta BIGLEY of Cedar Rapids and Miss Genevieve of Chicago were called
home last Wednesday by the serious illness of their father.
H.C. CURRY, one of the supervisors of Dickinson county, died a few days ago.
He was the father of Miss Sadie CURRY, formerly of this place.
Ray McNALLY arrived home from Omaha Saturday. He had been attending
Creighton university. He will return after the holidays.

Town Topics of a Week

Peter GRETHEN was up from Mallard Monday.
W.J. McCARTY was at Cedar Rapids last week.
J.W. DARLAND left for Ft. Smith, Ark. last week.
Henry SCHMIDT was down from Graettinger Tuesday.
P.S. BROWN is able to be about after ten days' illness.
Elmer WELLS spent last week with Hoprig relatives.
Mr. EMRICH of Ayrshire was in Emmetsburg Tuesday.
Mrs. B. GRAETTINGER of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Thursday.
Bro. PATTERSON of the Enterprise was down from Estherville last evening.
Elmer CAMDEN left for Chicago last week to remain during the holidays.
R.H. GIFFORD was called to Jesup, Iowa, Thursday, by the death of a brother.
A marriage license has been issued to Thor Enok HAGEN and Elava Josephine
Mrs. Edward THOMPSON was down from Graettinger Wednesday visiting with her
John BIGLEY was called to Graettinger Wednesday by the dangerous illness of
his father.
George LAWENBERG, who resides in the vicinity of Hoprig, is building a new
Mr. and Mrs. Nels SKOW recently visited Mr. and Mrs. T.I. HENDRICKSON of
The Times reports a new daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. SMITH of
Mrs. James GALLEGER was at Graettinger Thursday attending the funeral of
T.A. JOHNSON of Ruthven was among those who recently took in the excursion
to Plainview, Texas.
Mrs. CAMPBELL of Sibley is visiting her parents, Major and Mrs. SMITH. She
has been quite ill since arriving.
Mr. and Mrs. G.F. CLINE, who had been living on Mr. FORDYCE's farm, moved to
Eagle Grove Thursday.
Al HIGGINS, who lives in North Dakota, is visiting his brother E.J. HIGGINS,
and other Emmetsburg relatives.
Martin AUSLAND was at Graettinger Thursday checking over the business of the
Royal Lumber company at that place.
Mr. Sterling A. TRIGGS and Miss Minnie S. LONG were married at Ayrshire
Wednesday, Rev. N.R. BISBY of Webb, officiating.
August STROM, who lives on the WHITMAN farm in Silver Lake township, had a
sale yesterday. He will move to Burt.
A basket social was held in the ROOT school house Friday evening, December
16. The receipts were $18. Miss Anna BAHLS is teacher.
A.E. ANDERSON was over from Curlew Friday. He has secured the agency for the
Maxwell auto. It is one of the best machines made.
Dr. and Mrs. BALDWIN of Ruthven were Chicago visitors last week. The doctor
was attending a meeting of the Chicago railway surgeons.
Mrs. Walter ALLEN was at Graettinger Thursday attending the funeral of J.H.
MILLEA. They were old neighbors in Vernon township.
A.L. REMINGTON has resigned as buttermaker for the Farmers' Creamery company
at Ruthven. He will leave in January for Springfield, Illinois.

Were Married Wednesday.
Mr. Frank GROUT and Miss Mary OSKERSON were married at the home of the
bride's parents at Gukeen, Minnesota, Wednesday. They left after the
ceremony for Morean, South Dakota, to live on the bride's homestead. This is
quite a surprise to Emmetsburgers. The bride has lived in Emmetsburg for a
number of years and she made hosts of warm friends while here. She is a true
lady in ever sense and well deserves the high esteem in which she is held by
our many citizens. The groom for many years has been an active and a leading
officer of company K. He is also an electrician and a mechanic of ability.
He is a genial and a courteous and all who know him wish him well. The
Democrat joins the many friends of the contracting parties in wishing them
health and happiness in their South Dakota home.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County