Iowa Old Press
Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
1 Sep 1909

Rube DONALDSON, of Milford, claims to have purchased an auto that has a
speed of 100 miles per hour. What in the name of common sense does he need
of such a machine for traveling over ordinary country roads?

The people of Estherville are credited with trying to secure John L.
SULLIVAN as an attraction for their agricultural and live stock show. John
is considerable of a brute, but we doubt if he will go on exhibition with
all the other brutes.

Rev. G.B. MALONE, who was pastor of the M.E. church at Graettinger for some
time, has resigned his pastorate at Lu Verne, Kossuth county, and has bought
a $3500 residence at Algona. He is retiring because of declining health.

Frank BRADY arrived home from Wichita, Kansas, Wednesday. His sister is a
Sister of Charity at that place. Sister Benedicta, formerly of Emmetsburg,
is mother superior in the large cathedral school there. She was inquiring
about a large number of our people.

The Journal of West Bend says that A.S. BREKKE, of Graettinger, passed
through that place Monday evening of last week bound for Europe. Mr. BREKKE
received a letter from Spain several years ago to the effect that a rich
relative was dead and that his share would be $15,000. It will be worth his
while to get the goods.

Martin J. BRENNAN has decided to attend Notre Dame University at South Bend,
Indiana, during the coming year, having been given a substantial inducement
to do so by the president of that institution, Father CAVANAUGH. Martin has
quite a reputation as an athlete and the best institutions want him.
Besides, he is a diligent student and a most exemplary young man. He is
going to an excellent institution.

Charles DUHIGG informs us that considerable of the county tile near Swea
City was improperly laid and is being taken up and relaid. Engineers and
inspectors are often careless. They are in charge of very important work and
should give very close attention to duty.

The HART-PARR company of Charles City, which manufactures gasoline engines,
has a man out through the county looking up competent, responsible men. The
company prefers to secure men who are employed to those who are searching
for work because they are considered more reliable. The HART-PARR people pay
$10,000 per week to laborers. Two of the ANGEL young men, formerly of
Emmetsburg are in their employ.

Mrs. Sarah McDONNELL, who returned from Seattle a few days ago reports
having had one of the most delightful trips of her life. She saw three of
her brothers in the far west. It was 109 in the shade when she was in Idaho.
She says that A.H. KELLER is a very busy and influential man at Weiser. She
came home over the Canadian Pacific route and saw considerable of the
grandest mountain scenery in the world. Miss RYAN is also home.

Governor CARROLL passed through Emmetsburg Thursday on his way from Spirit
Lake to Iowa City. He saw Mr. MAYNE on the depot platform and asked him how
our citizens were getting along with the improvement of Medium Lake. He is
evidently interested in the subject.

Attend the wrestling match at the Armory tomorrow evening between Leo
VANICE, of Minneapolis, and Martin J. BRENNAN of Emmetsburg. Mr. VANICE says
he can throw Mr. BRENNAN twice in 40 minutes. Mr. BRENNAN says he can't. The
match will be well worth attending.

Mr. C.J. PETERSON and Miss Rose REKOW, both of Emmet county, came to
Emmetsburg Wednesday, consulted Deputy Clerk RUTLEDGE, and soon were united
in marriage. Rev. J.E. BRERETON officiating. A great many sensible people
from neighboring counties come to Emmetsburg to get married. They seem to
like our clerk, our clergymen and our Justices.

The Leader says that the Mallard creamery paid its patrons $5,632.09 during
the month of July. The average price paid for butter fat was 29 cents.
George BISHOP received a check for $102.86, Andrew YOCH, for $80.53, Geo.
MACKIE for $95.82, George EMRICH for $81.10, S.W. CLARK for 89.03, George
CHRISTOPHER for $80.47, and J. KINGDON for 78.01. A good creamery is a great
help to any town.

W.W. FROST is moving his family to Iowa City this week in order that his son
Bert can have university advantages and at the same time be at home. Mr.
FROST retains his large property interests in this county and will be back
regularly to attend to them. He is prudent in the position he takes that
boys should be surrounded by the best of influences until they become
educated and fully developed. Mr. and Mrs. FROST and their two sons will be
missed by our many citizens, but they will doubtless return in due time. May
they find Iowa City a pleasant place to reside.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County