Iowa Old Press
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
23 June 1909

Sarah LARSEN, of Algona, aged 37, was arrested Monday by a detective for
demanding $2,000 of a Mrs. STEWART, of that place, in a threatening letter
sent to her. She has no relatives in Kossuth county.

We understand that Martin J. BRENNAN has become one of the best all around
athletes in Omaha. He has been taking instructions in wrestling from farmer
BURNS. He is a splendid young man and we are glad to learn of his success.
He has been attending Creighton college but has secured a good position in a
large department store during vacation.

W.C. HRONEK and Henry DOYLE, of Pocahontas, Frank MARRIN and Harold
PRITCHETT of Omaha, and Roy COUNLEY, of Decatur, Illinois, have been camping
along the shore of Medium lake since Sunday with Clem McNALLY and Charles
McGUIRE, with whom they attended Creighton college at Omaha. Most of them
made the trip from Omaha to this city Friday and Saturday by auto. They
broke down near P. HANIHAN's and had to walk to town. Mr. McNALLY denies the
allegation that he ran short of cash while out with the boys and had to hoof
it home.

Willie MONCRIEF returned from Ft. Dodge last week.

Owen McNULTY is in Minneapolis visiting his son John.

Miss Hattie BLACK spent the last of the week at Cedar Rapids.

E.A. MORLING returned from Kansas City the last of the week.

Capt. and Mrs. SOPER arrived home from Mt. Vernon Saturday.

Hon. F.C. DAVIDSON was a professional visitor to Ruthven Tuesday.

Five conductors on the M. & St. L. have been laid off for knocking down.

Norman THOMPSON has gone to Boone to work for the Standard Oil company.

Will McNALLY, Philip KIRBY, and Wm. HUFF attended the races at Albert Lea
last week.

T.R. MARTIN went to Ayrshire yesterday. He will do some surviving in that

Willie MAGUIRE went to Ayrshire yesterday. He will remain there for a couple
of months.

E.J. WHITE returned from Nebraska Thursday. He had been out setting up

John ORRES was a passenger to Spencer Tuesday morning. He will go from there
to Hawarden.

John J. STEIL was at Rolfe Wednesday attending the Lind Shorthorn sale. He
did not make any purchase.

Misses Hiltrude McEVOY, Marie CONNELLY, and Helen MAHER, of Gilmore, have
been visiting Miss Josie McEVOY for several days.

Fathers MURTAH, of Estherville, and COSTELLO, of Livermore, attended the St.
Mary Academy commencement exercises in this city Friday evening.

John SULLIVAN returned from Chicago Monday. He was accompanied by his
cousin, Miss Mary ROWAN, who will spend the summer at Graettinger.

Elmer WELLS arrived from Whitewater, Wisconsin yesterday morning. He had
been attending an educational institution at that place.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
2 June 1909

Richard BEEBE was an Estherville visitor Thursday.
Joe FLOOD arrived home from Montana yesterday.
Mrs. E.A. MORLING went to Kansas City Friday, Mr. MORLING is not improving
Miss FRAZIER went to Nevada, Iowa, Saturday.
J.H. GODDEN and son George and Mr. White have been at Okoboji since Monday.
They are fishing.
Teachers desiring boarding places while attending the institute next week
will please report to Supt. Lillie PATTON.
Mr. DRUMMY has added a couple of gables to his house, has raised it, and has
made it look at least 100 per cent better.
Miss Mayme O'CONNOR arrived home from Quincy, Illinois, Tuesday morning. She
will spend some time visiting her parents.
Mr. LEAHY from Hazelton, Pennsylvania has been visiting for some time with
his uncle, Patrick LEAHY, of Emmetsburg township.
H.A. DYER, of Mason City, is a candidate for commander of the Iowa G.A.R.
The encampment will be held at Ft. Dodge June 8.
Mr. BAUCK recently bought a dandy gasoline mixer for use in putting in
cement sidewalks. He has a big season's work before him.
The Missionary society of the Congregational Church will meet at the home of
Miss Eliza BRYCE, June 9. Everybody cordially invited.
There is a new boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MURPHY of this city.
The proud father's smile is still broader than it ever was before. The
Democrat extends congratulations.
Dennis KIRBY left Monday for Deer Lodge, Montana. He will spend the summer
and perhaps longer in that state. His brother Thos. will look after his
business during his absence.
P.H. DONLON was a Ruthven visitor Sunday.
Dr. BALDWIN was over from Ruthven Sunday evening.
Miss Josie McEVOY was a visitor to Whittemore last week.
J.B. LAMBE, of Graettinger, was a business visitor to Emmetsburg Monday.
Mr. BEEBE, of Spirit Lake, a real estate dealer, was in Emmetsburg on
business Monday.
F.G. McMAHON was able to come up town Monday. He is improving some, but is
still rather weak.
Miss Katie MAGUIRE went ot Rolfe Friday morning to attend the High School
graduation exercises at that place.
Mr. Richard KENNETZ and Miss Pauline GRONBACK are to be married at
Whittemore today. Mr. KENNETZ is a resident of this city.
George F. WOLFE, of Hampton, was recently willed a farm by his neighbor,
Mrs. OVERPACK. She was, to say the least, a kind and a most generous
Peter JONES was able to come down town Friday for hte first time in many
weeks. He is looking quite hearty again. His many friends were glad to see
him out.
Abstracts of the fish and game laws of Iowa can be had at the clothing store
of DRYBREAD & JOYCE free of charge. Call and get a copy and post up. It is
neat and well worth preserving.
The Young Ladies' Aid society of St. Thomas church will hold a social at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M.H. CROWLEY Tuesday evening, June 8. The usual
refreshments will be served. All are invited.
Miss Alice NOLAN returned from the state of Washington Saturday evening. She
had been teaching in that state for two years. Last year was dry in eastern
Washington and this season is also drouthy. Farmers are discouraged. Small
grain is grown in that section.
Leo Franklin McCUE, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. McCUE, formerly of Emmetsburg,
will graduate at Carrington, North Dakota, Friday evening. When his parents
left this city he was a small boy. The many local friends of the family will
be delighted to learn of his graduation.
Albbert LUKE was down from Graettinger Monday. He lives on the WOOD farm
east of that place and has found the past few wet years pretty discouraging.
He says that all the showers reach north Vernon. Sometimes they hesitate for
an hour or two but hey never pass by without stopping.
Miss Lottie WALSH, who has been attending the Colorado State Normal school
at Greeley, during the past two years, will graduate Thursday evening, June
10. The Democrat is in receipt of an invitation to attend the commencement
exercises. We congratulate Miss WALSH on her success.
George SAUNDERS, who has been attending the University of California, wil
leave for Manila, Luzon, next Sunday, on the transport Logan, in company
with several other students. He insists on taking the trip and working his
way just for the experience. He will visit China and other countries before
returning. His spirit of thrift and self-reliance is admirable. Most young
men who have the best of opportunities do not appreciate them.
J.J. WATSON went to Peoria, Illinois Wednesday.

Colonel CHANTLAND has finally decided to hold the annual encampment of the
Fifty-sixth regiment at West Okoboji August 18 to 27. The location will be
on Brownell Heights, east of the north end of the lake, near Hayward's Bay.
Storm Lake wanted the encampment, but failed to secure it. The decision will
please the members of Company K.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County