Iowa Old Press
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
7 July 1909

Friday M.F. BRENNAN fell from the top of a kiln in the brick and tile
factory and had two ribs broken. Dr. HENNESSY was summoned and adjusted the
injured bones. Mr. BRENNAN was confined to his bed for several days but
hopes to be about in a short time. The day was very warm and he was taken
with a dizzy spell. He fell a distance of ten feet. How fortunate that he
was not more seriously injured.

Is C.L. McFARLAND married? This seems to be the question of the hour among
the ladies of Emmetsburg. He went to Eagle Grove Friday and has not yet
returned. The general impression is that he was married at that place
Saturday or Sunday to a rich widow with whom he has been keeping company for
some time. We hope the report is true. At all events we feel safe in saying
that he had an enjoyable time the Fourth.

It rained six or seven hours yesterday. Our drouth has certainly been

Mrs. Ralph LAW went ot Highmore, South Dakota, Thursday to visit her father
and brother.

Mrs. and Mrs. W.J. BLACK, who had been visiting relatives in this city,
returned to Iowa Falls Friday.

Francis SWIFT, who had been visiting relatives in this vicinity for some
time, returned to Davenport Thursday.

Miss Alice MULRONEY arrived home from Davenport Monday. She was called by
the death of her brother Thomas.

Miss Lula OLIVER, of the Emmetsburg High School, and her sister, of Ruthven,
have gone to Seattle to see the exposition.

Miss Josie PATTON reports that there was a splendid teachers' institute at
Algona. The enrollment was 225. The week was very warm.

Frank STEINER, of Armstrong, visited his brother Will, of Emmetsburg, Monday
afternoon. He was on his way home from Algona.

No one seems to be anxious to step into F.G. KHRISTENSON's shoes as alderman
from the Second ward. Mr. KRISTENSON was a very faithful member of the

Miss Mary CONLON arrived home from Waterloo Sunday for a week's visit. She
was accompanied by her cousins, Misses Clara and Marguerite JACKMAN, who
will spend a short time with relatives in this vicinity.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County