Iowa Old Press

The Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
10 June 1908

J.S. ATKINSON was a business visitor to Algona yesterday.

Hugh METZ ans Lou MOSES were at Estherville over Sunday.

Big Woodman picnic at Spencer Thursday, June 18. Of course this county will be largely represented.

William ATKINSON is still a pretty sick young man. There has not of late
been much of a change in his condition.

C.F. MORAN went to Chicago Monday to be present at the marriage of his
brother, Peter Moran, who formerly lived in this city.

Peter METZ and Miss NOMA were Des Moines visitors last week. The latter
remained to visit her sister, Mrs. FLORA, for some time.

Mrs. Geo. H. BAKER and Herbert left Thursday for Des Moines and Creston
where they will visit friends for a short time.

Are we ever to have dry weather again? Farmers are becoming pretty badly
discouraged. The present outlook is enough to make the corn grower feel

Supt. W.N. CLIFFORD, of Council Bluffs, will lecture in the high school room
this evening and also tomorrow evening, for the benefit of the teachers.

Major S.W. SMITH was a passenger to Mason City Friday evening.

A new boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence DARLAND on June

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORLING Sunday. Mr. MORLING is justified
in his statement that the stand patters are more than holding their own.

The new Montana extension of the Milwaukee road has been badly damaged by
the late floods. It is said that two-thirds of the grain crops in that state
have been ruined.

Mr. and Mrs. F.G. McMAHON went to Excelsior Springs Friday morning. Mr.
McMAHON will take treatment for a few weeks. The Democrat hopes he may
return home restored to health.

Court has been in session for several days. The Vernon township ditch case,
in which Mr. BUCHAN and others are interested, is being tried. There are a
great many witnesses. Judge COYLE is presiding.

Prof. A.D. KING, formerly of this place, has secured the superintendancy of
the schools of Bedford, Iowa at a salary of $1400 per year. He was an
applicant for the superintendancy of our city schools.

We understand that L.T. BARRINGER, of Ruthven, went to Rochester, Minnesota,
recently to have an important operation performed by Drs. MAYO. The Democrat
hopes it may be successful.

Dr. O'BRIEN went to Chicago the last of the week. He will be accompanied
home by Mrs. O'BRIEN and Miss Mary, who have been visiting at that and other
points for some time.

Rev. A.E. KEPFORD, of the State Board of Control, delivered a lecture at The
Iowa last evening on "The Problems of Tuberculosis". It was given for the
benefit of the teachers.

Submitted by: #000525

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County