Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co, IA
Wednesday, 1 July 1908

The Ringling Circus will be at Algona July 17.

F.R. DAVIS, of Pocahontas, spent Sunday in Emmetsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. L.N. SPROUT, of Nevada township, recently visited relatives at

Fred WEGNER was over from Whittemore Monday greeting numerous friends.

Mrs. J.H. GODDEN was a passenger to Arnolds Park Saturday morning.

Mrs. Patrick CARROLL went to Sioux City Monday to attend the funeral of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. M.L. WEIBEL.

Father JUNGBLUTE returned from LeMars Friday morning where he had been
attending the annual retreat.

Louie LAUGHLIN returned from Arnolds Park Sunday evening where he had been
having a few days outing.

Christen LARSEN, aged 79, died at Ruthven June 18. He lived near that place
for 36 years. He leaves a wife, two sons, and six daughters.

Geo. H. JACOBS has removed from Twin Falls, Idaho, to Rome, New York, where
he has purchased a small tract of land. He formerly resided in that

M.W. JOYNT came up from West Bend Monday to attend the funeral of his
cousin, Edward McNALLY. He reports that he has 40 acres of as good corn as
he has seen in the county.

J.W. MORSE was nominated for county attorney by the republicans of Emmet
county in their convention held a week ago Saturday. He did not receive the
necessary 35 percent in the primaries.

E.J. NOLAN, of Des Moines, spent Saturday with relatives in this city. he is
in the employ of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association. The entire state is
his territory. He inspects scales and property insured by the company.

Earl BROWN went to Denver Monday evening.
Miss Cora THEILE went to Chicago Monday evening.
Mrs. L. STUEHMER is visiting friends at Davenport.
Ed MAYNARD arrived home from St. Joseph's college Sunday morning.
Richard BECHE was a passenger to Watertown, South Dakota Tuesday.
A card from Thomas O'CONNOR who is at Toledo, states that his mother is some
Mrs. FASSHAUER and baby, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. HOSKIN, of
this city.
Mrs. Martin AUSLAND and children went to Chamberlain, South Dakota, Saturday
morning to visit friends for a short time.
Father DAILY, of Rolfe, formerly of this city, has gone to Ireland where he
will visit relatives for a few months.
Mrs. Robert WILSON returned from Sac county yesterday where she had been
visiting relatives for a month.
W.E.JACKMAN is said to have two of the finest fields of corn in the county.
The were planted by May 8.
We are pleased to report that James F. CONWAY, who has been very ill for
several weeks, is much better and hopes to be able to be about soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank POWEL, of Rochester, New York, are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MEADE, and other Emmetsburg relatives.
R.J. DOOLEY, who was at St. James, Minnesota, Monday, says that corn is not
looking nearly so well north of Estherville as it is in this county.
Dr. and Mrs. BALDWIN, of Ruthven, were Sioux City visitors Thursday. The
Doctor was a delegate to the democratic state convention and they visited
Mr. and Mrs. SHANNON and Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG while there. The Mesdames YOUNG
and SHANNON are sisters of Mrs. BALDWIN.
The patrons of the Osgood Creamery company will give an ice cream sociable
at the Osgood school house Wednesday, July 8, at 8 p.m.. All gentlemen, and
their sweethearts, wives, and mothers-in-law, if they have such, are
cordially invited. - Wm. FISHER, President.
During the past two weeks E.P. McEVOY adjusted thirty losses for the Iowa
State Mutual. Most of them were in Kossuth county. The County Mutual had a
few lightning losses on live stock. The association has about the usual
number of losses compared to the records of other years.
Mr. and Mrs. George MAHONEY, of Joliet, Illinois, are the guests of their
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. CLENNON. They have been traveling in the
east and will spend the rest of their wedding trip in Emmetsburg. Mr.
MAHONEY is well pleased with northern Iowa, and Palo Alto county in
Mrs. M.L. WIEBEL is Dead.
Mrs. M.L. WIEBEL died at Sioux City Saturday night. She had been quite ill
at her home near Milford for some time. Her physician told her that she
could not live and she went to Sioux City to spend her remaining days. The
funeral was held at the latter named place yesterday. Further particulars
have not been learned. Mr. WEIBEL leaves a husband and two children to mourn
her death. Our many citizens sympathize with them in their great loss.
Died at Redfield, So. Dak.
Mrs. Frank CLARK arrived home from Redfield, South Dakota, Monday evening
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. CHAPIN, who will make her home with Mr. and
Mrs. CLARK. Mr. CHAPIN, who resided in Emmetsburg for a short time a few
years ago, died at Redfield during the past week. He lived in Algona for a
number of years. Mrs. CLARK and Mrs. CHAPIN have the sympathy of our many
citizens in their sorrow.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto County, Iowa

29 July 1908

J.J. MARTIN came over from Ayrshire to meet Mrs. MARTIN who had just
returned from Boscobel, Wisconsin. She reported last month's flood had been
disastrous in that area and an uncle of Mr. Martin's lost his entire crop.

Mrs. Wm. McNALLY [Note: Margaret COLLINS], a daughter of P.J. COLLINS, is

John COLLINS, of Norwood, NY visited relatives here. He came to see his
daughter, Mrs. Thos. NALLY [Note: Anna Nancy COLLINS] before she died and
stayed for the funeral.

Submitted by: #000525


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County