Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, May 3, 1905

-- Mrs. Flora, of Des Moines, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Metz, during the past week
-- Mr. Arshak, of Milford, has opened a clothing store at West Bend. He is occupying a room in the hotel block.
-- Chris Livested enjoyed a visit this past week from a brother who lives at Nothfield, Minnesota, and from a sister whose home is in Minneapolis.
-- Armstrong's population has declined from 900 to 700. We are not surprised considering reports from most parts of the state. What is the matter with Iowa?

West Bend Hires Teachers

At the meeting of the school board last Thursday evening the following teachers were elected for the school year of 1905-6: superintendent, G.D. Clevenger; principal, Miss Ida Hoebel, of Blairsburg, Iowa; assistant principal, Miss Effie Weisbard, of Cedar Falls; grammar room, Miss Hanna Clendenon, of Delta, Iowa; intermediate, Miss Carrie Brennan, of Emmetsburg; second primary, Miss Emma Crisman, of Emmetsburg; first primary, Miss Mary Nugent, of West Bend. -- Advance

-- Mrs. Jane Muray, of Burt, Kossuth county, died Wednesday. She was 84 years of age. She never saw a railroad train. She passed through Algona 35 years ago when her husband moved to Kossuth county from Boone and that was the first and last time she ever saw any town. She must have been a singular woman.

Mrs. Bickford, Sr., Is Dead

Mrs. Phoebe Bickford, mother of our esteemed fellow townsmen, S. D. Bickford, died at her home in the city Tuesday morning at 1:10. She had, we understand, been afflicted with a cancer for two years. No definite arrangements have yet been made for the funeral services. The remains will be taken to Twin Mountain, New Hampshire, for burial. They will be accompanied by Mr. and Miss Bickford who will leave for that place this evening.

The deceased was born at Porter, Maine, September 17, 1835. Her maiden name was Phoebe Riker. She was united in marriage to David Bickford at Jefferson, New Hampshire, September 23, 1863. Mr. Bickford died in that state a number of years ago. Mrs. Bickford and the family came west in 1888. They located on a farm southwest of Emmetsburg where they spent a number of years. Four or five years ago they came to this city and subsequently resided here. The surviving members of the family are S. D. and Miss Edna Bickford, of this place, and E. E. Bickford, of Richland, Missouri.

Mrs. Bickford was a quiet, unpretentious woman. She never sought recognition in social or religious affairs, but she did all society requires of the Christian wife and mother in the discharge of the duties of her humble station in life. This is fully manifested in the lives of those who survive her. It is not surprising that the death of such an estimable lady has occasioned universal regret, for who can value fully the career of a woman who makes every effort possible to administer to the needs of those about her and who seeks to make their lives edifying? The Democrat unites with our many citizens in extending sympathy to the Messrs. and Miss Bickford in the loss they have sustained.

-- James Williams and his grandmother, Mrs. Sawyer, were Sunday visitors at Mallard.
-- Max Voigt returned from Spirit Lake Saturday accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Yarns
-- E. E. Morris has rented the livery barn of Branagan Bros. He will keep his own teams in it and will also give attention to the feed trade.
-- R. J. Nolan left for Huron, South Dakota, a few days ago where he has located. Mrs. Nolan will remain in Emmetsburg until she has recovered fully from her recent illness
-- Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins returned from Dyersville last week. The latter's father is very ill, no hope what ever being entertained for his recovery. He is afflicted with cancer.
-- Engebert Olson, who lived south east of Ruthven for many years, died Monday of last week and was buried Wednesday. He resided in the county for 35 years. He was 73 years old. For some time before his death he made his home with his son, Ole Albertson.
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hester, of Walnut township, Monday afternoon. As this is their only boy, it is needless to say that there are agreeable baby squalls in their house. Mr. Hester will, we are confident, raise a good crop of corn this year.
-- in a letter written from Leola, South Dakota, Miss Anna MacKenzie, formerly of this place, says: "Our schools are still in session. They are excellent schools. The wages range from $30-$48 per month. To secure a first-grade certificate, a teacher is required to write on 15 branches including bookkeeping and drawing. Second grade teachers are asking from $40-$45 per month."

Joynt -- Fehlhauer

Mr. Michael W. Joynt, of this city, and Miss Margaret Fehlhauer were married at the Catholic church at West Bend yesterday, Father Dobberstein officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Teresa McNally, of Austin, Minnesota, and the groomed by his cousin, Joseph W. Joynt, of Emmetsburg township. The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fehlhauer, of West Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Joynt arrived at the city last evening on the northbound passenger and were immediately driven to the home of the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt, where a reception was held in their honor. They will at once commence housekeeping in the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bradley.

The bride and groom are among our very best young people. Both represent respected and well-to-do families and they enjoy the good wishes of all who know them. The bride is no stranger in our midst, having lived in Emmetsburg for several years. She is a most deserving young woman in every sense. Mr. Joynt is a clean, upright young man. He is universally esteemed. He is at present in the employ of Mr. McNamara in the electric light plan. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joynt.

P. H. Sherlock's House Burned

The residence of P. H. Sherlock, of Emmetsburg township, was destroyed by fire Friday night. All the furniture on the second floor of the building was lost but everything downstairs was saved. It appears that there was a lamp in the room in which two of Mr. Sherlock's small boys were sleeping. The boys claim that they put it out before they went to bed. Hence just how the blaze started is not known. One of the boys felt the fire burning his clothing, which awakened him. He grabbed his brother and dragged him into an adjoining room. They then ran downstairs and called their father. The latter rushed upstairs and found the entire bed and clothing on fire. It was too late to try to save the house, so by hard effort the furniture on the first floor was removed. Some of the members of the family were away attending a party in the neighborhood, so that help was scarce. It is fortunate that the two small boys were not burned to death. The house was insured in the County Mutual for about half of its value. Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock have moved into the Fredrickson home close by, Mr. Sherlock having purchased the farm a few years ago. It is quite conveniently located, which makes it handy for them under the unfortunate circumstances in which they find themselves. Their numerous friends will regret to learn of their loss.

John J. Heidecker Dead

John Jacob Heidecker, who lived for a number of years on the J.N. Philips farm northwest of the city, died at his home near Wallingford Sunday of cancer of the stomach. He had been in very poor health for a year or more and was in Emmetsburg several months ago taking treatment. The funeral was held yesterday. Services were conducted at the residence by the neighboring Lutheran pastor. The remains were brought to this city on the Rock Island and were interred in the family lot in Evergreen cemetery. Quite a number of friends and neighbors came from Wallingford to be present at the funeral. It was also attended by many of our local citizens, who knew and respected highly the deceased.

Mr. Heidecker was born in Newbernd, Germany, May 26, 1842. He was married in his native country to Dorothoe Calen, July 17, 1866. She, with seven sons and daughter, survive him. One son, Henry, lives at New Hampton. Peter, another son, lives at Paola, Kansas. The daughter, Mrs. Carmen, resides at Newton, this state. Five sons -- William, Lewis, Julius, Charles and Fred -- are at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Heidecker came to the United States in 1888. When within 3 miles of New Hampton, their destination, the passenger train on which they and their family were riding, plunged into the Wapsipinicon river, which sad disaster will be well remembered by many of our citizens. One of Mr. Heidecker's daughters was killed and some of the other members of the family were injured. A number of the other passengers were killed. Mr. McGovern, of Whittemore, was in the wreck and he was not injured. Mr. Heidecker sued the Milwaukee company and was awarded substantial damages. He afterwards located on a farm in New Hampton, remaining there several years. Some time later he came to Emmetsburg and bought the Patrick Nolan farm. Mr. and Mrs. Heidecker resided on it for several years and, subsequently selling in, moved to this city, purchasing the Charles Mix home, now the property of M. Hester. About three years ago they bought a farm near Wallingford and moved on to it.

Mr. Heidecker was a splendid German citizen. He was industrious, frugal, honest. He knew how to economize and prospered. He had the good will of all who knew him and he deserved it. He raised an excellent family. They have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.


-- Mrs. Armstrong and her adopted daughter left for Rock Springs, Wyoming, Tuesday. She will be accompanied home by her mother who is eighty-three years of age.

-- Mr. and Mrs. John Stearns are the proud parents of a baby boy

-- Mrs. J. E. Lockwood enjoyed a short visit from her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gatling, of Larchwood, last week
-- Mr. Kolb, a nephew of Mrs. Fahnestock and J.A. Spies, who had been visiting during the past six weeks, returned to his home in St. Louis Friday.

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, May 3, 1905

Former Resident of Palo Alto County Passes Away at Sioux City

James Whealon, a former resident of this county lived in Vernon township for many years died at his home in Sioux City recently. From the Sioux City Journal we get the following.

James Whealon, aged 73 years, died at his home, 918 Iowa St., at 1155 o'clock Saturday night, as a result of kidney trouble. Mr. Whealon had been suffering from the disease for the past three years and his death was unexpected. His daughter, Mrs. J. S. Dunn, and son, Steve Whealon, both of St. Paul, had been called to this should city and were present with the other members of the family at the time of his death.

The deceased man was born in Inisdimond [sic-Ennistymon?], County Clare, Ireland, in 1832. In May, 1850, he went to Scotland, where he worked for four years in the iron foundries at Damfrice. In August, 1854, he came to America and worked in the eastern and southern states on steamboats and railroads.

In June 1, 1859, he was married in Lowell, Massachusetts, to Miss Elizabeth McCarron, who survives him. The same year he came to Dubuque and went farming. While they lived on a farm six boys and three girls were born to them. In 1879, Mr. Whealon went with his family to Davidson county, S. D., where he continued to farm. He took an active part in the first capitol fight there. He came to Sioux City in 1891.

All of the boys in Mr. Whealon's family took to railroading, two of them meeting their death in that vocation, John B. was killed on November 10, 1896, while he was yard master at Eagle Grove, Iowa, for the Northwestern, and Joseph was killed in 1892 at C -- harter Oak on the Milwaukee. Those who survive Mr. Whealon besides his wife are James, a fireman for the Milwaukee; Cornelius, a conductor for the Omaha; Frank, engineer for the Great Western; Steve, engineer for the Great Western; Mrs. Rose Dunn of St. Paul, Mrs. Kate Coates and Mrs.Mary Nicholson, both of Sioux City.


Wild Car Smashes House

Thomas Moore was probably fatally hurt in three persons were severely injured as a result of the rupture of a brake chain on an electric car while descending Hills street in Dubuque. The car contained sixteen passengers. It ran wild for 300 feet, left the track at a curve and tore the front out of a building. Moore was standing on the sidewalk and he was struck by the car. His hip was broken and he was internally injured. Mrs. William Bondleson and daughter Ida were caught and injured about the head and body. Frank Kearney suffered fractures of four ribs. 

Brief State Happenings
-- J. S. Hadley, a farmer living near Newton, committed suicide by hanging. No cause known.
-- Robert Large, aged 48, a prominent Dewitt contractor, killed himself by discharging both barrels of a shotgun into his heart. He was probably insane.
-- William Reed wanted in Omaha for stealing jewelry, has been arrested at Des Moines
-- Marion F. Sappel, a farmer near Marengo, was thrown from a broncho and fatally injured.
-- Sam Shugar, convicted at Burlington a forgery, has been sentenced to four years in the penitentiary
-- William G. Davis, a former resident of Keokuk, committed suicide at Quincy by jumping into the river
-- Bernard H. Wannemann, a pioneer of Clinton county, is dead at his home in Clinton, at the age of 90 years
-- the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Estey of Postville ate rat poison in her life was saved with great difficulty
-- Onias Preble, the oldest man in Buchanan county, and living at Independence, has just celebrated his ninety-third birthday. He has been married seventy-one years.
-- announcement is made of the marriage at Fairfield of Nova M. Warnick of Keokuk and Miss Coy Ward. Warnick saw Miss Ward first when she sang at a revival meeting at which he was converted
-- Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, old people living near Winterset, hid a large sum of money in the cook stove overnight. The next morning they forgot about the money until they smelled something burning. Mrs. Cooper in trying to save them money had her clothing set on fire and probably will die


-- Miss Martha O'Connor came home from Faribault, Minnesota, where she has been attending school at Bethlehem Academy. Her Sister, Sister Mary Rosalie teaches at that place
-- on Wednesday last occurred the marriage of Lars C. Jensen and Maggie Christopherson of Lost Island township. Reverend C. Krough officiated a large number of invited guests gathered at the home of the bride and a very pleasant time was had during the afternoon and evening. We extend our congratulations
-- John Wilson and wife intend to move to Idaho where they will make her future home. John and his good wife will be missed by their many friends

-- Mrs. D. Finn of Rodman was here between trains Wednesday. Mrs. Finn has been a resident of Palo Alto county for 35 years. Though an old lady she is hale and hearty and young in spirit
-- Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, of Estherville, arrived Saturday evening and spent several days with their daughter, Mrs. B. E. Kelly.
-- Little Misses Hazel and Blanche Thompson were down from Estherville to spend Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
-- Joseph, Patrick and John Joynt and Misses Kittie Joynt and Tessie McNally of this place attended the Joynt- Fehlhauer wedding at West Bend Tuesday.
-- Mrs. Ralph Hagey of Stanley, N.D., arrived here Tuesday morning to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Tedford. Mrs. Tedford has been ill for several months and will go to the hospital in Iowa city for treatment in a short time
-- some days ago Michael McCarty of Great Oak Township was unloading some lumber and got a sliver under his thumbnail. At first he gave it but little thought but soon it began to trouble him and finally blood poison set in and he now is in a very dangerous condition. It is possible that he will not recover from its effects

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, May 10, 1905

John K. Brennan Dead

Mr. John K. Brennan, one of the old and highly respected farmers of the county died at his home in Highland township Wednesday evening at seven o'clock after a lingering illness of about twelve weeks

The funeral services were held at the Catholic church at Ruthven Saturday morning at 930 o'clock at which a solemn high mass was celebrated. The remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery.

The deceased was a native of Ireland. He was born in Kilkenny in 1840 and in 1865 came to America and settled in Clinton, Iowa. There he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Paddle in 1868, and move to Mongona where they resided for a few years and in 1871 became to Palo Alto county and settled in Highland township where they have since made their home. Mr. Brennan was the father of seven children, five of whom are living and residing in this county, two sons Thomas J., James P. and three daughters, Mrs. Ed Ruddy, Mrs. J. C. Brennan and Miss Mary Brennan.

About twelve weeks ago Mr. Brennan had a very severe attack of la grippe from which he never completely recovered. At times he seemed to be better but rheumatism and chills tended to retard his gaming strength until at last his nervous system became broken down by the strain. For thirty-four years the deceased resided in this county and few citizens were better or more favorably known. As a husband and father he was kind and devoted and always contributed his share toward making his home happy and comfortable. He was a generous and thoughtful neighbor and as such was held in the highest esteem. Naught could be said against him for he was an honest, and industrious moral man and led a true Christian life.

Besides his wife and children one sister, Mrs. James O'Malley, of Perry, and one brother, Martin Brennan, of Hardin County survive him.

Sincere sympathy is extended by a large circle of friends to the relatives of the deceased in her sorrow.

A White Shrine Organized

The work of instituting an order of the White Shrine in the city took place Wednesday evening. The ceremonies were conducted by Mrs. Fanny M. Lyons, Supreme High Priestess of the order of the White Shrine and Mrs. Lottie H. Wiley, Grand Lecturer of the O. E. S.

The shrine was called Mount Olivette Shrine. There was a membership of 63 to begin with and the following officers were selected.

Noble High Priestess, Mrs. Knoblauch
Noble Shepherdess, Mrs. Kent
Watchman of the Shepherds, George Consigny
Secretary, Miss Bliven
Treasurer, Miss Turner
Worthy Guide, Mrs. Watson
First Handmaiden, Mrs. Lambley
Second Handmaiden, Mrs. Consigny
Third Handmaiden, Mrs. Meredith
Herald, Mrs. Black
Organist, Mrs. Mueller

Emmetsburg has the first organization of the White Shrine instituted in Iowa. This order is an advanced degree of the Order of Eastern Stars and only members of the Eastern can become members of the White Shrine.

All the ceremonies were carried out in first-class style and the members highly pleased with them.

Minor State Matters
-- H. L. Lamphere, a farmer near Shenandoah, is dead for the effect of being kicked by a horse.
-- Harry Harmon was crushed to death at Missouri Valley between a couple of cars while making a coupling.
-- the body of John Colligan, mysteriously disappeared from Burlington some time ago, has been found in the Mississippi.
-- Hugh McMillen, a farmer of Scott township, committed suicide by blowing the top of his head off with a shotgun. He was 35 years old and needs a widow and several children.
-- Mrs. Edward Harden of Cambria, despondent because of ill health, committed suicide by shooting herself
-- Mrs. Sullivan, a pioneer resident of Johnson county, who had reached the advanced age of 100 years, died in Mercy hospital, Iowa City. .
-- James Podesta, aged 65, a farmer living east of Quarry, committed suicide by blowing his head off with a shotgun. He was despondent on account of the death of his wife.
-- Ethel, the nine-year-old daughter of O. Goodnow of Dayton township was fatally burned by her clothing becoming ignited from a bonfire the children of a school had built during the noon hour. She lingered several hours in terrible agony.
-- Thomas Crowley, a Lucas county boy, has invented an automatic switch for rural telephone lines. When the device is attached to a phone a simple turn of the switch disconnects all the other phones on the line.


-- Little Garland Watson, aged six years, died at his home north of town Friday. Funeral was held in the M. E. Church at 2:00 p.m. Sunday

-- Alex Ruthven traded his hotel building and brick store building in Ruthven for a farm near Spencer one day last week
-- Miss Julia McCarty who has been visiting relatives here for a week returned home Friday morning. Her niece, Miss Nellie Millea, accompanied her for a short visit.
-- Mrs. Holmberg, of Chicago, arrived here Wednesday for a three-week visit with her cousin, Mrs. T. A. O'Brien
-- Mrs. Thomas, who has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Schaffer, for some time returned to Clear Lake Saturday.
-- Mrs. Farley, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Lynch for the past five weeks returned to her home at Parkersburg Monday morning.
-- Andres L Sundahl and family arrived here Monday morning from Norway and will make their future home in this county. Mr. Sundhal has a sister residing in Emmetsburg township.
-- Mrs. Paul Peterson arrived from Excelsior Springs Wednesday morning and will make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Thompson. Her coming was a surprise but she was a very welcome guest. She looks well, her stay at Excelsior Springs evidently did her good.
-- Oscar A., the nine month old child of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson died Monday morning from the effects of croup. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. The parents have the sympathy of all.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, May 10, 1905

Fitzpatrick -- Murphy

Monday morning, at the Ayrshire Catholic church, occurred the marriage of Mr. Frank Fitzpatrick and Miss Nellie Murphy, Rev. Father Carroll officiating. Mr. Leo Fitzpatrick was groomsman and Miss May Murphy was bridesmaid. After the ceremony the bridal party went to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fitzpatrick, of Booth township, where a reception at wedding breakfast was served to a few intimate friends and relatives of the families. The contracting parties to this union are two of the best-known and most popular young people of Ayrshire. Both have a host of friends who extend congratulations and wish them a happy and prosperous future. They will reside on a farm in Booth township. – Chronicle. 


Omaha, Nebraska, May 6 -- while tying his shoes in the sleeper on the Burlington train at Pacific Junction this morning, Henry G. Graff, of Estherville, Iowa, dropped forward into the aisle and when his wife reached him he was dead.

The body was brought to this city and turned over to an undertaker, who prepared it for burial and set it forward this afternoon to Estherville. Mr. and Mrs. Graff, who had spent the winter in Los Angeles, where en route home from the coast when death overtook Mr. Graff. He had not complained particularly and the death was totally unexpected. Heart failure was undoubtedly the cause.

Business Changes Hands at West Bend

A deal was closed Monday by Ed Lampman by exchanging his store building, stock of goods and residence property for William R. Banwart’s 160 acre farm east of town. Mr. Banwart took possession Tuesday morning. Byron Lampman will remain with Mr. Banwart until he is thoroughly acquainted with the goods. -- Advance

Mrs. Pendelbury's Mother Dead

A message was received Saturday by Mrs. G. H. Pendelbury from Tunnel City, Wisconsin, announcing the death of her mother, Mrs. G. V. Whitman, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Whitman had made their home here with Mrs. Pendelbury for 2 1/2 years, going to Wisconsin about six weeks ago. They had lived in this section of Iowa for a number of years, having farmed in different localities. -- Ayrshire Chronicle

-- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Doyle have moved into the P. V. Nolan residence formerly occupied by George Harrison.
-- Mrs. Losey arrived in Emmetsburg from North McGregor Wednesday to make the necessary preparations on moving to that place.
-- Mrs. Littleton arrived from Cartersville a few days ago to take care of her brother, Michael McCarty, who, though some better, is not yet out of danger. He is having a hard siege of it.
-- Misses Lottie Walsh, Kittie Wells, Lulu Meade, and Anna McNally were at Ruthven Saturday. They were the singers at the solemn requiem mass for John K. Brennan, whose remains were laid to rest at that place.
-- a marriage license has been issued to Michael Pfiffer and Anna Thilger, of West Bend.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson lost their little boy, Oscar Herman, Monday. He died of croup. He was their only child. They have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.
-- Henry Agnew, of Cylinder, was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg Wednesday. He will as usual run a meat wagon in connection with his market during the summer. 


-- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bookman, of Pocahontas, visited her sister, Mrs. George Ivery, a few days last week

Damaged by Wind Storm

A B. Carter, Alex Ruthven, and C. S. Wells,, members of the executive committee of the County Mutual Insurance Co., held an important meeting at the secretary's office on Monday. The following losses were reported from the storm of last week:
Galliger Bros, dwelling and corn crib damaged.
R. Voteler, machine shed damaged
a schoolhouse in Freedom township, slightly damaged
W. Schroeder, buildings slightly damaged.
C.A. Reeley, Silver Lake township, barn a total loss.
S.J. Quam, two windmills damaged.
Ben Govig, window lights in house broken.
All the above named property was insured in the Mutual.
L.E. Conway’s barn was damaged, but it was not insured in the company.


Wednesday evening about seven o'clock a small cyclone struck Spirit Lake damaging property to the value of $25,000 and injuring a number of persons. It lasted less than two minutes. We glean from the Beacon of Friday:

The Injured
Oliver Emerson, aged 14, had his right leg crushed from the knee to the ankle and was seriously cut on the head. He was in a coal house when the storm struck. The shack was reduced to kindling wood and the lad was carried about 12 rods. He is in a very critical condition.

Bert McMahon sustained a sprain in his right knee and injuries to his back and head. He was returning home from his father's nearby. He was lifted in the air 12 or 15 feet and landed on the Rock Island track 200 feet distant where he was picked up unconscious. Bert did not regain consciousness until early in the morning.

Ethel Farmer and Lillian Cousins, 12 years of age, narrowly escaped with their lives. They were in an out building at the Farmer home. The structure was turned over several times. Ethel was taken out in an unconscious condition and Lillian was injured in the back and about the head. Fortunately neither was permanently injured.

Mrs. Henry Schuneman was struck in the back by a piece of furniture when the Schuneman house left the foundation. She is badly injured. Phoebe, a little daughter, was also struck by something and is confined to her bed.

The Wreckage
the heaviest loss is Tuesday's Spirit Lake Flour Mills, which is fully covered by insurance.

The Rock Island depot is unroofed and the east end entirely swept away. It presents a very sad appearance. Three boxcars east of the depot were blown off the track.

The Charles Ripp elevator is badly twisted and a portion of the roof is missing. The damage is considerable.

J. L. Winters feed barn was scattered eight rods or more to the northwest. Half of the sheds were swept away clean. Loss, about $1000. No insurance.

The local yard of the Bruce – Edgerton Lumber company is scattered to the four winds of heaven. Some of the buildings were unroofed. Auditor Pickett estimates the loss at $1000. Partly insured.

Ed Debner's home is off the foundation several feet and badly racked. The loss is probably $500, fully insured.

J. A. Cousins’ home is badly damaged and his barn totally wrecked. Loss, $400; no insurance.

Henry Schuneman’s house is off the foundation and correspondingly damaged. No insurance.

One of J. W. Cory's tenement houses in Bailey's addition sustained considerable damage. Three barns in different localities belonging to Mr. Cory are in the damaged and destroyed list. The plate glass front in the old building occupied by Michael O'Dea, was demolished. Lost about $150. No insurance.

The porch was swept from the F. H. Ferguson house.

Dave Jenkins residence was injured by flying timbers and the Barkman house received a touching up.

Those who had barns of considerable value more or less wrecked are: W. O. Magil, F. A. Fulsom, Jake Vance, A. M. Johnson, tenement, Bert McMahon, W. H. Alton, Mr. Dunham and William Rathburn.

A large number of cottages about the lakes were more or less damaged.


The most miraculous escape from fatalities was at the Rock Island depot. Mrs. Polmateer and the two little boys were upstairs and the agent was in the telegraph office when the roof of the building in the east end went to the winds. Had Mrs. Polmateer and children not been in the kitchen some of them without doubt would have been killed. Two large brick chimneys fell into two of the remaining three rooms, while the entire east end went out of the other one. One chimney fell squarely onto Mr. and Mrs. Polmateer's bed. Not a one of a family received a scratch.

Mrs. Sangle’s little home in Bailey's addition was carried 50 rods and over two wire fences and landed right side up. It was but slightly injured.

Newton Farmer says he found a hen in the crotch of a tree 30 feet high. The unfortunate fowl will not recover. He also declares that posts he recently set 30 inches in the ground were swept away while an old buggy nearby never moved.

W. O. Magill's barn was tipped on end. Mac chopped a hole through the side and released his cow. The animal did not receive a scratch.

Many of the barns blown down sheltered horses and cows, but so far as reported not an animal was seriously injured.

Peter Peterson, of Superior township, was struck by the storm while on the road home. The buggy was lifted high in the air. Peter was spilled out and the horse lit on its back in the ditch. The buggy was not worth picking up.

Andrew Olson's summer kitchen landed in Smith Bro.’s lumberyard. A few minutes before the building caught fire and it was extinguished.

John K. Brennan Is Dead

John K. Brennan, of Highland township, well-known to many of our readers, died last Wednesday after an illness of some duration. The funeral took place at Ruthven Saturday. A solemn requiem mass was celebrated at the church at that place by Very Rev. J. J. Smith, assisted by Fathers McCaffery, of Ruthven and Carroll, of Ayrshire. The sermon was preached by Father McCaffery, the pastor. He paid a high tribute to the life and character of the deceased, whom he regarded as an ideal Christian gentleman. The interment was in the Catholic cemetery at Ruthven. The funeral was well attended, many driving from this vicinity to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased. The pallbearers were his old friends and neighbors of the past quarter of a century -- P. R. Raddigan, Michael Fleming, Michael Geelan, James Gavin, D. Foley, and John Brown.

Mr. Brennan was born in the County of Kilkenny, Ireland, in April, 1840. He came to Clinton county, Iowa, in April, 1865. Two years later he became a resident of Moingona, Boone county. June 7, 1868, he was married to Margaret Paddle. Mr. and Mrs. Brennan came to Palo Alto county soon after and located on a farm in Highland township where they subsequently resided. The surviving members of the family consist of Mrs. Brennan, two sons -- Thomas J. and James, and three daughters -- Mrs. J. C. Brennan, Mrs. E. J. Ruddy, and Miss Mary, who is at home.

Mr. Brennan was a man among men. He was frugal and industrious and he became prosperous. He was a man of more than ordinary sincerity in religious affairs and he led a most exemplary life. He was loyal to those in whom he had confidence. As a neighbor he was obliging, charitable, even-tempered, prudent, and at all times fair and upright. He was regular and temperate in his habits. He was quiet and unpretentious. In fact he was a man of deeds rather than of words. His acts were ever worthy of commendation. He raised an excellent family, the sons and daughters following in the footsteps of the home loving, law respecting and ever dutiful parents. The Democrat regarded him as a man of uncommon merit and extends heartfelt sympathy to the surviving members of the family and the sorrow they must naturally feel over the death of him who did all that a father could do to provide for them to make them worthy members of society.


Suicides on Her Wedding Day

Unable to overcome the melancholy recollection that last Friday was to have been her wedding day, Miss Gertrude Pullman of Centerville ended her life by taking strychnine. George Duford, the young man whose bride she was to have been, died three weeks ago after a brief illness. Miss Pullman placed her wedding garments upon her bed and spent several hours in looking at them. Friends endeavored to divert her attention, but were unable to cheer her. Several hours later she was discovered in an upper room of the house in the last agonies of strychnine poisoning.

Mrs. Nettie Craven Dead

Mrs. Nettie Craven, who claimed to be the common law wife of Senator Fair of California, is dead at Mount Pleasant hospital. She was taken to the hospital recently from Burlington, deranged mentally. Mrs. Craven leaves several sisters and brothers.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, May 17, 1905

-- Miss Francis Currans came up from West Bend Friday for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Lee.
-- Patrick Doyle says he contends going to Canada in a short time to make his future home.
-- R. E. Jones of Des Moines, visited his parents in this city over Sunday. He came to meet Mr. and Mrs. Hopson, the latter being his sister
-- Mrs. Frank Davis returned to her home in Chicago Monday after a months visit in the city with her brother, W. J. Bowden
-- J. D. Lambe, president of the Lambe Lumber Co., which did business in Emmetsburg for many years, fell from a steamer on the Mississippi river Friday evening and was drowned. He was taking a pleasure trip. He lived at Clinton. He was very wealthy.


-- Mr. Michael Pfiffer and Miss Anna Thilger were married at the Catholic church at this place Tuesday, Father Dobberstein officiating. Both are excellent young people. We wish them success and happiness.

-- born: to Mr. and Mrs. T. Leary, Wednesday, May 10, a daughter. She
-- Fred Berry is visiting his sister, Mrs. Nellie White

-- John Nolan, of Emmetsburg, was visiting with his granddaughter, Mrs. Laughlin, a couple of days during the first of the week.
-- on Sunday occurred the funeral of J. O. Myhre, whose sudden death on the previous Monday was such a shock and surprise to his family and many friends. Rev. Palstrud preached the funeral sermon at the Highland church to the largest gathering ever held there. Despite the bad roads and threatening weather, there were 100 teams gathered about the place. Mr. Myhre was a resident of this locality for 40 years and was always an honest, hard-working man for his home and county. During the civil war he served the full time reenlisting when his first time was out. He was badly wounded and at that time did not get treatment and he never fully recovered. His many friends here extend their deep sympathy to the wife and family who are left behind.


Within Our Borders

-- Joseph Grady of Parson is dead at the age of 72 years.
-- Charles T. Ackley is dead at Waterloo, at the age of 78 years.
-- Samuel Steele, aged 89 years, was struck by a switch engine at Council Bluffs and killed.
-- Adam Kyle, a pioneer of northern Iowa, is dead at his home near Dougherty, at the age of 85 years.
-- Mrs. Valentine Heinen, the wife of the man who so mysteriously disappeared from his home in Gilbertville, about two months ago, has died of grief.
-- Beulah Robinson, 13 months old, and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Robinson of Plainfield, ate nine strychnine tablets, which the little one found, and died in a short time.

-- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hughes, of Ruthven, visited at the home of Mrs. Hughes’ sister, Mrs. A Stone the latter part of the week.
-- Mrs. Dayton, spent last week here with her sister, Mrs. H. C. Darland returned to her home at Estherville Friday evening.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Orvis came down from Estherville Friday evening for a few days visit at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pfiffner.


-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. Leary last week
-- Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Rolfe are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bert Butcher


-- Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Roper, of Watertown, Wisconsin, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Tyson, and other Emmetsburg relatives during the past week.
-- J. J. Hardy, of Spirit Lake, who is over 60 years of age, has been sent to the penitentiary for 20 years for attempting to outrage the girls from eight to twelve years of age
-- Miss Delia Geagg, Miss Lizzie Burke and Miss Nellie White have been chosen to teach in the Ayrshire schools during the coming year. Miss Gregg will be principal and Miss Burke will have charge of the intermediate grade. Miss White is to be the primary teacher.


Girl Kills Her Brother

A frightful accident occurred at the farm home of Peter Schlueter, a well-to-do farmer living near Fairfax. Harvey, his 12-year-old son, had taken a rifle from the house and was playing with it. His little sister came along and, taking the gun, pointed it at her brother and pulled the trigger, not knowing it was loaded. The bullet tore through his head, causing almost instant death. None of the family knew the gun was loaded.

Officers Prevent a Lynching

An attempt was made to lynch Steve Le Claire by a mob at the Durfee mines, but officers from Oskaloosa rescued him before the mob succeeded in executing its purpose. Le Claire stabbed and fatally wounded Basil McDowell in a game of craps. The affair caused intense excitement, but matters have quieted down somewhat.

-- a neat porch has been added to the residence occupied by M. W. Joynt.
-- Mrs. Crabtree, of Dows, arrived in Emmetsburg Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Tolman.
-- W. C. Betts left for his home at Casey, Iowa, Thursday after a few days’ visit with his sister, Mrs. F. M. Fickle.
-- Miss Maggie Donovan returned from Estherville Saturday where she had been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Kirby.
-- Mrs. Amy Hibbard is home from Algona where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rutherford, for three months.
-- J.M. Meagher, of Livermore, well-known to a number of our citizens, has moved his family to Winnipeg, Canada. He kept a general store at Livermore for many years.
-- John Foster, of Havelock, was in town Wednesday attending to business matters. He intends going west soon. He will probably buy land or engage in business. He was among the old settlers in Silver Lake township.
-- Mrs. K. O. Whitson left Friday for her home at old Oacoma, South Dakota, after a couple of months’ visit in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Letson. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Lulu Letson, who will visit her for some time.
-- Myles McNally arrived home from Milwaukee Friday. He cannot have his eyes operated on until fall, as they will not be in proper condition until that time. He was down to Chicago for a few days. He says one would not notice the excitement caused by the strike unless his attention were called to it. However, at some point there is occasionally a mixup.
-- William McGowan, father of Mrs. J. J. Higgins, of Great Oak, died at Dyersville Tuesday, May 16, after a long and severe illness. The funeral was held Thursday. He was 78 years of age. He came to Dyersville in 1861. For 20 years he was baggage agent for the Illinois Central company. The large family of grown sons and daughters survive him. The Dyersville News -- Letter pays a high tribute to the life and character of the deceased, regarding him as a man among men. Mrs. Higgins has the sympathy of her many local friends in her sorrow.

-- there will be a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jackman Monday evening, May 29. The receipts will be given to the cemetery association.
-- Mrs. G. Miller, of Ocheyedan, was an over Sunday visitor with her cousin, Mrs. Amos Letson. She was on her way to the southern part of the state and stopped off to see Mrs. Letson, whom she had not seen before for 20 years.
-- Joe Joyce was the victim of a rather cruel joke Saturday. He was expecting a valuable dog, which some friend in Minneapolis had promised to send him. A few of his intimate gentleman friends quietly caught a hard looking cur, placed them in a rather tight box and left him at the Milwaukee depot. The box was labeled to Mr. Joyce. The express man brought the box to the Palo Alto bank and of course Joe ordered it taken to his home a short distance away. All his friends gathered to see him open it. Of course there was a merry time for a few moments. Many have since been laughing at Mr. Joyce's expense.

Rasmussen -- Knudsen

Mr. Jens Rasmussen and Miss Agnes Knudsen, of this city, where married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Orres Wednesday evening, May 17, Rev. L. O. Wigdahl officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Ida Knudsen and the groom by Mr. Martin Mosness. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served. There were about 30 invited guests in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen are a most worthy young people. The bride is highly esteemed by all who know her. She will make a fitting companion for the splendid young man who has won her heart and hand, for M. Rasmussen is a bright, thrifty, courteous fellow. He is a plasterer by trade and has a good patronage. They will live in the comfortable home prepared by the groom a short time ago. The Democrat extends hearty congratulations.

Palo Alto Tribune, Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, May 24, 1905


-- Margaret O'Connor spent several days last week visiting her sister Mrs. George Truesdale of Graettinger
-- a new boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duhn. We extend congratulations.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knudson are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy she

Miss Nugent Resigns

Miss Mary Nugent has tendered the board of directors her resignation as teacher of the primary room for the next year; we believe every parent who has a child in the primary room will regret her decision, but as her father is very feeble she feels that she should devote her time and attention to him and will not teach at all next year. She has been in the primary room for the past five years and the fact of her unanimous election again for next year is of itself, the evidence of her success as a primary teacher, one of the hardest places in any school. -- West Bend Journal

During her five years service at West Bend Miss Nugent has made an excellent record as a teacher. She is a natural teacher besides having had the advantage of the best normal training. She understands child nature perfectly, is an earnest and tireless worker and has rendered the very best service to the pupils in her charge. It is not strange that there is a general reluctance on the part of the people of West Bend to having her resignation accepted. 


Businessman Is Drowned

J. Dwight Lamb, president of the Lamb Boat and Boiler Works of Clinton, was drowned in the Mississippi near Bellevue while on a pleasure trip on his boat Marquette. While lolling on a chair he lost his balance and fell into the river.

Burglar Murders a Woman

After being chloroformed with her husband, Mrs. William Darby was deliberately shot and killed by an unknown burglar who was searching her home near Buxton. This was the third murder in a week at Buxton

Brief State Happenings
-- Philip Dietz, mayor, banker and capitalist of Walcott, died suddenly of heart failure. He was 67 years old
-- Mrs. M. D. Cope, wife of a farmer living near Little Sioux, committed suicide by blowing off the top of her head with a shotgun. It is believed she was despondent over something.
-- Wash Liston, a 13-year-old boy at Chatsworth, was struck by lightning and instantly killed 
-- Henry Morgan, one of the oldest of the pioneers of Washington county, is dead at his home in Clay township, at the age of 87 years. His wife is still living and they would have celebrated the two anniversary of their marriage in a few days.
-- Mrs. M. E. Russell, a Des Moines seamstress, has commenced suit for a divorce from her husband. He lived in Howard county and advertised for a wife. She claims he only wanted a servant and that he has never treated her as a wife.

Mrs. J. J. Higgins Father Passed Away at His Home at Dyersville Last Week Tuesday

William McGowan, of Dyersville, Iowa, father of Mrs. J. J. Higgins, of Great Oak township, died at his home Tuesday morning, May 16. From the Dyersville News Letter we got the following:

The toiling of St. Francis church bells at an early hour Tuesday morning foretold that death had numbered another with the countless millions who have crossed the river Jordan, this time being one of Dyersville's highly respected citizens, William McGowan. Although it had been known for some time his health had been rapidly failing his death was not entirely unexpected. He had been a sufferer since early in the fall with that torturing disease, cancer on the face, consulting with the best physicians here and in Dubuque and spending some time in the hospital at that city, that he may be benefited, but all in vain. He returned home and was tenderly cared for by those who were near and dear to him. For the last six weeks he has been confined to his bed and the past few weeks he was unable to take only liquid nourishment and was unable to speak, yet conscious of all that was going on about him. Knowing he was soon going home he awaited dissolution with Christian fortitude. A lifelong member of the Catholic church, he died sanctified in its faith.

The funeral was held from the family residence Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock from St. Francis church, Very Rev. G.W. Heer officiating. Burial was made in the Catholic cemetery. The large assemblage of relatives and friends followed the departed to his last resting place, and the many beautiful flowers, attested the very high esteem in which the deceased was held.

William McGowan, was born in County Kerry, Ireland, May 5, 1827, and died May 15, 1905 being 78 years and 10 days of age. Descedant was a true son of the Emerald Isle and ever held fast to the principles of liberty and justice. What a young man he left his native home and came to America, landing in Philadelphia in May, 1847. In 1853 he was married to his now bereaved widow, Miss Caroline Young. Shortly after their marriage they came west as far as Dubuque, remaining there until 1861, when they came to Dyersville and have resided continuously in the home in which he died. Their union was blessed with seven children, three of whom survived. Two died in infancy and two sons, William and Thomas, departed this life in the prime of young manhood, the former having died 20 years ago and the latter nine years ago. The surviving ones are John of Dyersville; Polly, now Mrs. J. J. Higgins, of Emmetsburg; and Kate at home. Besides the immediate family, two sisters, Mrs. Rose Williams and Mrs. Ella King of Philadelphia, and several grandchildren are the only surviving relatives.

For 20 years deceased was baggage agent for the Illinois Central railroad, and for many years past has been a gardener, raising only the choicest vegetables and fruits. He was ever industrious, active and was happy when doing some kind deed for others; devoted to his wife and children and a loyal friend and neighbor. His toils are over -- may he rest in peace, and may his soul partake of the glories awaiting those truth to this life, their country and their God.

-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ruddy, of Highland township Tuesday, May 16
-- Mrs. Marie Ryan, of Chicago, arrived here Saturday to visit her son, John Ryan, of Great Oak township
-- Mr. Fickel has purchased Mr. Barrickman's interest in the dray line and this line is now owned by Pelton & Fickel.
-- Miss Ella Burke came over from Whittemore Saturday morning to spend a few days with her sister Mrs. John Ryan
-- Father Riley, of Marcus, Iowa, was here Wednesday enroute to Livermore to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law who died suddenly Monday evening.
-- Miss Lottie Walsh went to Livermore Wednesday evening to sing at the funeral services of Mrs. Riley, of that place. Mrs. Riley had been organist in the Catholic church at Livermore.
-- Master Willie Kane returned to Estherville Saturday evening after spending a few days visiting his cousin Willie Nolan
-- T. C. Welsh went to Sioux City Monday morning to visit his sister Mrs. Maggie Brodigan. He will be gone two weeks.
-- Mrs. Lyman White left Saturday morning for her home in Charles City after several weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wilcox.
-- Mrs. John Brennan and children came down from Graettinger Saturday evening for several days visit with her sister, Mrs. Cahill

Palo Alto Tribune; Emmetsburg, Iowa, Wednesday, May 31, 1905

Mrs. John Tedford Dead

Mrs. John Tedford of this city died in the University hospital in Iowa City Saturday of last week, the remains were taken to Rolfe for burial. She was taken to the hospital about three weeks ago to have an operation performed for the removal of a tumor. Mr. and Mrs. Tedford kept a hotel in Cylinder at one time and later a restaurant in Ayrshire. They came to the city last November and since resided here.

The deceased was a woman who make friends of all her acquaintances, was a devoted wife and mother and a woman of two merit. At the time of her death her husband and only child, Mrs. Hagey, were with her.

The community extends sympathy to the bereaved husband and daughter. 


Burned to Death in Bonfire

Henry Meggers, an inmate of the county home near Traer, was burned to death Wednesday. He had been a victim of epilepsy and while a pile of brush was burning near the house he was overcome by a fit and fell into the fire. He was horribly burned, as there was no one near at the time. He soon passed away. Deceased was 47 years old.

Has One Wife Too Many

W.J. Galloway, of Clinton, is in jail at Fort Madison on the charge of bigamy. Galloway married a 16-year-old girl of Fort Madison to escape prosecution for seduction after his arrest in Ottumwa, where he and the Fort Madison girl had registered as husband and wife. Galloway has a wife and seven children in Clinton.

Died on His Child's Grave

William Nagle, aged 55, a well-known Clinton factory employe, committed suicide Monday afternoon by shooting himself on the grave of his child in Springdale cemetery. He leaves a wife and family of children.

Found Dead in His Barn

John Whitney, an old and respected citizen of Cherokee County, was found dead in his barn by his wife on her return from town. Mr. Whitney has been a sufferer from heart disease for a long time and this was the cause of his sudden death.

Suicide Is a Mystery
Marshalltown Businessman Hangs Himself -- Woman Also Ends Life

E. H. Wilbur, a young man from Grundy Center who completed a deal for the purchase of a grocery store at Marshalltown Saturday, committed suicide Sunday night in the basement of the store by hanging.

"Wilbur's suicide is a mystery. He was in good shape financially and his home life was pleasant. His mother and sister live in Des Moines. He has been in business and Grundy Center.”

Lillian May Gower, aged 31, committed suicide Sunday night. She buried her husband three weeks ago and her mother recently. Despondency and grief were the cause. She took carbolic acid

Shot by a Playmate

Robert Imlay, a young man 25 years of age, was run over at Ellsworth Monday morning by a team of frenzied horses and is probably fatally injured. He has been unconscious since the accident.

[Note: headline does not match article but is as written in the newspaper]

Buried Alive in a Well

Isaac Swisher, while at the bottom of a 60 foot well what he was cleaning at Sidney, was buried by a cave-in. It took heroic efforts to rescue him. He was unable to speak when his face was uncovered. He was rescued after an hour’s digging.

-- Miss Anna Joynt and sister, Mrs. Slagle, of Ruthven, went to Titonka Saturday for a short visit with Mrs. Mary Worley,
-- Mrs. Larkin, of Luverne, Minnesota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tom Cullen, near Cylinder. She was here Saturday calling on friends.
-- a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jackman, of Walnut township, Thursday, May 25. The Tribune extends hearty congratulations.
-- Miss Ida Moffett, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. S. D. Bickford, for several weeks, returned to her home at Gilmore City Friday morning. 
-- Mrs. Hilderbrandt arrived Saturday evening from the southern part of the state and will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Rogers.
-- Mr. Higgins and daughter, Miss Marie and granddaughter, Miss Bernadette O'Brien went to Rockwell City Saturday morning to visit relatives for about two weeks
-- Alex Pertl, a 12-year-old boy died at his home in Whittemore Wednesday from brain fever. The funeral was held there Friday. The boy was a nephew of Alex Pertl, of West Bend.
-- the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turk, of Mason City died last week and remains were brought here for burial. Mrs. Turk's sister, Miss McNamara, accompanied the remains.
-- Divorces were granted this term of court to Mrs. Thomas Jennings, Mrs. Sarah Carter and A.O. Beck
-- the following marriage licenses were granted since our last issue. Walter Mularky and Clara Hayes, Charles J. Kunz and Mary M. Schumaker and M. E. Conlon and Jennie Kiley

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, May 31, 1905

-- Mrs. Brock, who had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Cohoon, returned to Laurens Tuesday of last week. Another daughter, Mrs. Dr. Carroll, resides at that place.


Louis Anderson Weds

Mr. Louie Anderson, of Ayrshire, and Miss Louise Welta, of Humboldt, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Welta, on Friday, May 19, Rev. Steveland, of the Lutheran Church, officiating. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Anderson, of this city, and is a popular young man among his friends. The bride is an estimable young lady and has a large circle of friends in Humboldt. They returned to Ayrshire Saturday evening and will live on a farm in Silver Lake township. -- Ayrshire Chronicle

In the Hands of a Receiver

M. Arshak, of Milford, came here about two weeks ago with a stock of clothing and shoes and opened up in a room formerly occupied by the Easton Drug company. Last Saturday an attorney, a Mr. Jones came here and took possession of the stock and closed the store. A card on the door bears the inscription: "in possession of W. A.Coleman, receiver." -- -- West Bend Journal

Poor farm Steward's Trouble

Steward Christensen, of the county farm, has troubles of various kinds. He was interested a few days ago in bringing about the marriage of a young man and young woman of his household, but when he brought the intended bride to town to meet the intended groom and have the knot tied, the intended groom was nowhere to be found. The course of true love still runs awry sometimes. The marriage took place early yesterday morning in the sheriff's office. -- -- Algona Courier.

Death of Mrs. John Tedford

Mrs. John Tedford, who left Emmetsburg about three weeks ago for Iowa city to have an operation performed for the removal of a tumor, died at that place Saturday of last week. The news of her death is considerable of a surprise, as word was received here that she stood the trying ordeal remarkably well and the attending surgeons considered her practically out of danger when E. J. Foy was Iowa city attending the undertakers convention. Her husband and her daughter, Mrs. R. Hagey, were with her when she passed away. The remains were brought to Rolfe where they were laid to rest Tuesday. Mr. Tedford returned to the city Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tedford kept a restaurant in Ayrshire for some time. Last November they came to Emmetsburg. They lived in one of Mr. Godden's residences. Mrs. Tedford was taken ill in November, after which she time her condition was anything but satisfactory.

The sympathy of all is extended to Mr. Tedford in his bereavement. He and Mrs. Hagey are the only surviving members of the family.

-- Peter J. Murtha, of Algona, has gone to Ireland where he will remain during the summer visiting relatives.
-- Mrs. John S. Gibson will go to Scotland in a week or two to visit her mother, who is quite ill and rather advanced in years. The Democrat hopes she may have a safe and pleasant trip.
-- Mrs. Ida Mophet returned to her home at Gilmore Friday after a visit with her niece, Mrs. S. D. Bickford
-- Nicholas Laysbeth, a Belgian count, is visiting relatives at Spencer. No Americans save a few crazy headed girls pay any attention to counts or dukes. Few of them are as good as the average run of people.
-- on Tuesday of last week, occurred the death of Thomas P. May, at his home at Sibley. He was a brother-in-law of J. H. Hinkley, of this place.

The Husband a Former Emmetsburg Young Man

All of Missoula mourns today with Matthew M. Joyce in the death of his young wife, Anna Lewis Joyce, which occurred at the family home on the south side yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. Tuesday night Mrs. Joyce gave birth to a nice little baby girl. She gave promise of soon recovering her normal health, but complications followed, and in spite of all that medical skill and loving hands could do, she failed steadily until yesterday afternoon when the end came, her devoted husband and a number of the devoted friends of the family being at her bedside when she breathed her last.

Mrs. Joyce was among the brightest and most lovable of the residents of Missoula. For but a few hours it was her pleasure to taste the joys of motherhood. In giving birth to the little daughter she descended almost to the portals of the grave. She rallied, however, and for a while it was thought she would fully recover. During all of the time the angel of death was hovering close by, and yesterday afternoon the summons came and the soul of a noble and pure woman went out into the darkness to meet its maker, leaving a devoted husband, a darling baby daughter, and a host of friends here in Missoula to mourn her loss.

Mrs. Joyce has been a resident of the city for the past three years, coming here directly after her marriage to Mr. Joyce, which took place in Louisville, Kentucky, three years ago the 14th of this month. She was born in Anchorage, Kentucky, thirty years ago, her maiden name being Mary Lewis. Her father was Theodore Lewis, who is engaged in insurance circles of Kentucky and the family is one of the prominent ones of the old Blue Grass state. Her grandfather was William Hughes, head of the prominent packing houses of Louisville.

Mr. Joyce first met the young woman who shortly afterwards became his wife in this city five years ago when she was on a visit to the wife of Dr. Van Asmus, who then resided here. Their meeting resulted in a mutual affection, which deepened into a love that ripened with the marriage and since their first meeting the young people have been among the happiest of all the residents of Missoula.

Their life has been one of the happiest. Sorrow but seldom found its way into their home. Mr. Joyce, who is one of the brightest young attorneys in the state, is fast making his way in the world. The couple had all the things at their command which would make their life worth living and the end came just when their cup of joy was filled to the brim by the arrival of a darling baby girl for which they had longed and which had caused the husband to drink to its dregs the bitterest cup of sorrow.

The funeral will be held from the family home on the south side. The burial will be in the Catholic cemetery, Rev. Father Pallandio conducting the services.

Many telegrams of condolence and sympathy from all parts of the state and from his old home in Iowa, have been received by Mr. Joyce and many of his friends have called at the home to express their sincere sorrow in the loss of his helpmate.

The baby is strong and healthy and last evening it was sleeping happily in its crib and the promise is that it will help fill the heart of the father whose home is now desolated by the taking away of his loved one. -- -- The Missoula, Montana, Daily Missoulian, of May 20, 1905. 

Submitted by C.J.L.

Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County