Iowa Old Press

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, March 1, 1905

-- Mrs. Dr. Jackson went to Davenport Saturday for short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Carson.
-- Mrs. Acers went to Decorah Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Vogel, and her son, attorney E. R. Acers.
-- Mrs. T. J. Hughes returned to Ruthven Wednesday. She had been caring for her mother, Mrs. Gusland, who has been very ill. 

Dennis Sullivan Is Dead

Mr. Dennis Sullivan, father of Mrs. William Ward, died Saturday after an illness of some duration. The funeral was held Sunday. The services were conducted by Very Rev J. J. Smith. The remains were laid to rest in St. John's Cemetery.

The deceased was a native of Ireland. He was born August 2, 1827. He was married in his native country to Ellen M. Sullivan, who, with one daughter, Mrs. Ward, still survives him. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan came to the United States in 1868. They lived in New York for some time. He was a joiner by trade and was a skillful workman. He prospered and after some time they return to Ireland, where he subsequently suffered financial embarrassment. In September 1885, they came to America again and located in this city, subsequently living here. The deceased lived to a ripe old age. The sympathy of our many friends is extended to the surviving wife and daughter in their sorrow.

Attorney McFarland Dead

Attorney A. W. McFarland, of Humboldt, died a few days ago. He practiced at that place for 35 years. He was a cousin of R M. J. McFarland, of West Bend. He often came to Emmetsburg in pioneer days to try cases. He will be remembered by some of the older settlers.

Were Wedded This Morning

Mr. D. E. Lambe and Miss Margaret B. O'Connor were married at the Graettinger Catholic church this morning, Father Kelly officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Sadie O'Connor and the groom by his brother, Mr. J. F. Lambe. A reception in honor of the newly married couple will take place today at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas O'Connor. Only the immediate relatives and a few friends will attend. Mr. and Mrs. Lambe will leave for West Hope, North Dakota next week where the groom has a fine farm. They will live on it.

The bride is one of the most worthy and respected young women of the community that has known her since childhood, her people being among the pioneers of our county. She has made good use of the educational and social opportunities afforded her and has through merit won front rank among those who have contributed towards a general advancement of the young people of our county. The groom resided in Palo Alto several years ago. It is evident that he put to good use the time spent in our midst. He is the brother of JB and Frank Lamb, so well-known to many of our readers. A few years ago he located in Bottineau County, North Dakota. He has since lived on a farm in that locality. He has prospered and is in comfortable circumstances. He is genial and courteous and is in every way deserving of the confidence of those who know him. The Democrat extends hearty greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Lambe.

Claims J. O. Burns Estate

Frank E. Burns, who alleges that he is an illegitimate son of the late J. O. Burns, of Emmetsburg, and Mary Ann Clark, who died in Indiana and 1883, has commenced action in the district court for the recovery of all the personal property and real estate of Mr. Burns which consists of $6,236.01 in personal property, the lot and store building on Broadway in this city, and the undivided half interest in 1200 acres of land. H. H. Jacobs is the owner of the other half interest in the farms. One quarter section is located in this county and the other farms are situated in Ramsey and Wells counties, North Dakota. It is safe to say that the Burns estate is worth from $20000-$30000 the claimant has also commenced action to gain possession of certain other property left the said J. O. Burns by the latter's father and brother, who died some time ago. H. C. Shadbolt and H. H. Jacobs are the administrators of the estate of J. O. Burns and C. E. Cohoon is the attorney. E.A. Morling will represent the claimant, Frank E. Burns, who is, we understand at present located at Los Angeles, California, but who will be in Emmetsburg to attend the next term of court, which will begin March 20.

The papers on file in the courthouse allege that the claimant was recognized by Mr. Burns as his son in several letters received by him and that the deceased also recognized his paternity in various letters written to one Hannah E. Nipper, a sister of Mary Ann Clark mentioned above.

He says the fact that he was Mr. Burns illegitimate son was established in other ways in Indiana and that his recognition as such son was general and notorious.

The deceased was never married. Hence he left no legitimate errors except his brothers and sisters. Under the laws of Indiana, an illegitimate child cannot get any of the property of a parent, in case there were legitimate children, but can in the absence of any. If Frank E. Burns proves all his allegations, he will secure enough property to put him in comfortable circumstances. However, the other relatives of the deceased are not likely to step aside without putting up a vigorous defense. Morally, Mr. Burns did not pretend to be an exceptionally exemplary man, but in business affairs he was universally esteemed. At all events a lawsuit fully as interesting as the one over the estate of Mr. Titterington is promised.

-- Mrs. J. H. Knoblauch returned from Savanna, Illinois, Saturday evening, where she had been visiting some time with her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Quigley.
-- Mrs. John Halverson, mother of Mrs. Joseph Keenan, of Estherville, died at El Paso, Texas, a few days ago. She had been there for the benefit of her health.
-- We understand that A.D. Grow, one of Ruthven’s pioneer citizens, intends going to Milwaukee soon to enter the soldier's home at that place.
-- W. W. Frost has purchased Mr. Quinn's 240 acre farm in Nevada Township. It was formerly owned by William Shea. He will rent the same.
-- Mr. McNabb was called to Garner a few days ago by a telegram announcing the death of his wife. She had been ill for some time. Mr. McNabb has been doing the surveying for the county ditches.
-- Ralph Seymour, a brother of C. J. Seymour, arrived in the city last week and was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McNamara for several days. He went to Denison Monday to visit his mother. He came here from Winnipeg, Canada
-- Thomas Condon will have a public sale on his farm 6 miles south of the city next Tuesday. Mrs. Condon died last week and he has decided to quit farming. He has rented his place to a Mr. Phelps, of Clare.
-- There was a surprise dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Brien last Tuesday evening. There were about 30 couple present is one pronounced the event a success. Music was furnished by the Joynt String band. Elegant refreshments were served and all present announced Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien royal entertainers
-- A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Great Oak, Friday evening. There were perhaps 60 or more young people present. The Joynt orchestra played. Refreshments were served during the evening. Many from Emmetsburg attended. Harry and Miss Ella Burk and Misses Anna and Sarah: were over from Whittemore. All report having had a good time.
-- Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brennan are leaving this week for Osakis, Minnesota, where their daughter, Mrs. Hughes, resides. They will make their home at Sauk Center or St. Cloud where their son and other daughters can attend school. Those most excellent people will be greatly missed by their many relatives and friends. Mr. Brennan came to this county in 1865 and has since resided here. He is a good farmer, a staunch friend, and an upright, exemplary citizen. May those most worthy people prosper in their new home.

Law -- Tibbs

Mr. Ralph H. Law and Miss Mary H. Tibbs, both of this city, were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hoskin, an uncle of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Reverend Lambley, pastor of the Congregational Church. Only a few of the friends and relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Law will live in the Richie residence on the north side. The bride is a handsome young lady and his cheery and amiable. She has made many warm friends during her residence in this city and is the most worthy young woman. The groom works in the Model laundry. He is a genial, practical, sensible, young man and enjoys the esteem of such as have met him in a business way. The Democrat offers hearty congratulations to the happy couple.

A West Bend Business Man Gone

A dispatch from West Bend to the Minneapolis Tribune says that V. L. Bedier, who recently purchased the Easton stock of drugs at that place, is missing and that his accounts are in bad shape. The deficit foots up over $3000. As he was once a Red Cross nurse in the Philippines, it is thought that he has returned to the islands. He is a comparatively young man.


-- George Schreiber received word Saturday that his mother had died. He left at once to attend the funeral. Mr. Schreiber has the sympathy of all.
-- Miss Emma Voss, who has been sick for a short time, died Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Voss have the deepest sympathy of everybody. Her death was rather sudden, as she had only been ill for a short time.

-- Mr. Holland, a brother of Mrs. B. J. Bergeson, was here part of last week visiting with his sister.
-- George Wiggins and family have moved their homestead effects to Goldfield where Mr. Wiggins has a position and where they will make their future home.

-- Henry Agnew, of Cylinder, has just returned from Chicago where he has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. James McKenty. He came home by way of Milwaukee. There he called on old schoolmates. He also stopped off at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, to see his brother, D. W. Agnew, who is district attorney of that place, and he spent a day or two with his cousin, John Agnew, who lives near his old home. He had, of course, a most delightful trip.
-- James Dunaway, of Britt, visited his sister, Mrs. Jessie Church, over Sunday
-- Mr. Flood, Jr., has rented the Michael Higgins farm in Fairfield township.
-- Miss Anna Donovan visited her sister, Mrs. J. P. Kirby, of Estherville, over Sunday.
-- Mr. Charles H. Tettt and Miss Clara D. Platt were married in this city Wednesday, Rev S. R. Beatty officiating.
-- marriage licenses have been issued to John D. Klein and Miss Catherine A. Kiley and J. F. Fitzpatrick and Elizabeth F. Brown.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, March 8, 1905

-- Nels Simonson has purchased Edward Harrison's residence property for $2850.
-- P. Joynt is about again after his severe illness, but he has not yet gained much strength.
-- Will Glasier, of Whittemore, has gone to the state of Washington where he will make his future home
-- Mrs. Orvis, of Estherville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pfiffner, of the city, over Sunday
-- Dr. Burnard report a 10 pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morman, of Great Oak township, since Tuesday, March 6
-- M. M. Rogers, of Clay county, has moved on to the old Canine farm on which William Wagner had been living. The latter has gone to Plover
-- Miss Daisy Dick -- Peddie went to Danville, Kentucky, Thursday to visit her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Ormsby. She was accompanied as far as Livermore by Miss Jessamine Peddie

-- Gilbert Williams will move to Rake in a short time. He will live on a farm in that vicinity
-- Bowen Platt and family, of Vernon Township, have gone to Tina, Missouri, where they will make their future home.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Place, of Silver Lake, have gone to Lancaster, Wisconsin, where they will make their future home. Mr. Place kept his one St. James Hotel several years ago

Major Holman is Dead

Major H. W. Holman, of Independence, Iowa, father of Mrs. Alex Peddie and Mrs. H. W. Burnard, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peddie in this city Sunday morning. He'd been here for several weeks undergoing treatment. The remains were taken to Independence Monday for burial. The funeral will take place today. The deceased was 63 years of age. He was an attorney of recognized ability and he had a most honorable war record. He visited Emmetsburg quite often and was well known to many of our citizens, who learned to entertain a warm regard for him. Mrs. Holman and Mrs. Burnard accompanied the remains to Independence. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Peddie could not reach home in time to attend the funeral. The sympathy of all is extended to the local relatives.

-- Mr. and Mrs. G. Sandvig, of Ruthven, lost their baby boy last Wednesday
-- Michael Waldron has purchased the Bevard barbershop and pool room at Ayrshire
-- the Democrat reports a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conlon, of Estherville
-- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. LaForge, of Ruthven, have gone to Nampa, Idaho, where they will make their future home
-- Monday of last week Mr. John Klein and Miss Catherine Kiley were married at the Catholic Church and Ruthven by Father McCaffrey.
-- the Ayrshire Chronicle reports the death of Thomas J. Anglum at Anoka, Alberta. He was a brother of Supervisor Anglum.
-- Ed Walsh has resigned his position as buttermaker at Whittemore
-- T. H. Haecker, the postmaster of Hampton, recently died from blood poisoning
-- at the annual meeting of the Emmetsburg fire Department held Wednesday evening, T. F. Rutledge was elected chief, A. R. Theile secretary and Robert Laughlin treasurer
-- State Superintendent Riggs cautions teachers who do not give their correct ages when writing for certificates to be careful in the future. Misrepresentations of this kind will be considered sufficient excuse for revoking certificates
-- Samuel Mayne will leave Kossuth county in a few days for San Luis Valley, Colorado, where he will make his future home. He has the sale of a large tract of land in that section. He is the brother of postmaster Mayne, of Emmetsburg
-- Mrs. M. C. Clark has sued the town of Ruthven for $5,000 for damages for injuries alleged to have been sustained in falling on a slippery cement sidewalk in front of the post office building. The slippery walk is a nuisance in every town and will have to be given timely attention
-- J. M. Sturtevant has traded all his residence property in this city for 2400 acres of land near Lakota, North Dakota. This gives him 3100 acres in that locality. He and George will move their families to Grand Forks in May. Mr. Sturtevant has for many years been an important factor in building up of Emmetsburg and he and his good family will be greatly missed by our citizens
-- Frank C., son of William Smith, of Great Oak, left for California Wednesday evening. He will visit relatives in Kansas on the way. On his return from the Pacific Coast, he will locate at Omaha
-- Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Thorstad have gone to Thief River Falls, Minnesota, where Mr. Thorstad purchased a good farm sometime ago. They lived in this county a good many years and accumulated considerable property. May good fortune and prosperity accompany them to their new home
-- Mrs. C. C. Sykes left for her home near Rude, Missouri, last Thursday. Mr. Sykes and one of the boys started sometime before to make the trip by team. The good wishes of all will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Sykes to their new home. They have rented their residence in the city.

An Interesting Program at Hibernian Hall Sunday Evening

Sunday evening a most interesting program was rendered at Hibernian Hall in memory of Robert Emmet, the sterling Irish patriot whose name our thriving little city bears. The anniversary fell on Saturday, but the exercises were held on Sunday evening because the change was more convenient for those who wished to attend. The doings were in some respects informal, those who participated not having received notice until a day or two before the meeting that they had been placed on the program. However, this made the affair all the more interesting, for it showed what a number of our humbler citizens can do without having time for preparation.

P. H. Donlon, who arranged the program, presided. He spoke interestingly and feelingly concerning the life and career of Emmet, showing that he was intensely loyal to his country and most devoted to her who had given him her hand. The lesson is one the young men of our day could study with profit.

Myles McNally gave a lengthy and instructive account of the Ancient Order of Hibernian, showing what they had done for their fellow countrymen during penal times in Ireland long before the existence of the society was known to the outside world. He also spoke of its growth in this country and of its numerous achievements. His familiarity with the subject and the readiness with which he spoke surprised those who have heard him on former occasions

Charles Flynn was called upon and gave a brief account of his recent visit to Ireland. He mentioned many of the places of historic interest that he saw while on his trip. He was called a Yankee in Ireland, though he is not known as such at home.

J. F. Neary gave any short history of the founding of Emmetsburg. He told of the trials and experience of the original Irish colony. His parents were among the first few settlers, he being under three years of age when he came here. His talk was full of enough good points to provide an evening’s entertainment. He told a couple of interesting jokes about the experiences of the first settlers. His was without question, the best efforts of the evening.

Robert Shea gave a history of Assumption parish. Many important facts unknown to those present were mentioned. In company with Father Lenihan, of Fort Dodge, Mr. Shea assisted in raising enough money to build the first Catholic church in the old town, and he has since been a willing helper in the building up of the congregation.

During the evening Mr. Fitzgerald and Miss Walsh entertained that may present with appropriate vocal selections and Miss Sadie McDonald and Master Willie Kerwick rendered excellent violin solos. Miss Josie McEvoy executed most cleverly a selection on the piano.

The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by those in attendance and all declare the program one of more than ordinary merit.

Mrs. Sarah McDonnell read a paper on the aims and purposes of the ladies auxiliary of the A. O. H. It was admirably prepared and contained numerous good points. Mrs. McDonnell is an earnest worker for everything that is elevating in our community and is always willing as well as capable of performing any task assigned her. Her paper was well received.


-- the funeral of Bernard Sandvig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Sandvig, was held Friday afternoon from the Lutheran Church. Mr. and Mrs. Sandvig have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Sandvig was in New Mexico for her health and was on her way back to Ruthven and did not know her baby was dead.
-- John Nolan, and daughter, Mrs. Gerhard Sandvig, arrived home Saturday evening from New Mexico where they had been for some time. Mr. Sandvig met them in Tara while on his way to Colorado and did not know they were on their way home as they were to stop in Colorado for awhile, but the climate did not agree with Mrs. Sandvig's health, so they returned home. Their many friends are glad to see them back again.

-- Mrs. Emma Falb and baby and sister, Leah Falb, left Thursday for Missouri where they will meet their future home
-- Fred Crisman has moved into the house vacated by John Wagner, the latter having moved to his farm near St. Joe
-- Grandma Cates, who had been sick for quite a long time, died last Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Martin. Mrs. Martin has the sympathy of all in her sorrow

-- Pat Sherlock and family have moved into the Dargan house on the hill.
-- Miss Bittner, a sister of Mrs. Nimerfro, is here from Minnesota for a short visit with the latter.
-- Robert Larson, and Andy and William Axelton left Tuesday morning for Portland, Oregon, where they will try and grow up with the country
-- Bernard Bradley was quite ill last week is considerably better at this writing. Mrs. Cahill, his daughter, was up from Emmetsburg taking care of him
-- last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lambe, who were married in the forenoon, left for North Dakota, where they will make their future home. The good wishes of their many friends go with them.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, March 15, 1905

-- Mrs. Anna Mahoney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Maher, formerly of Emmetsburg, recently died at Fort Dodge. She leaves for small children. She grew to womanhood in Emmetsburg
-- Edward McNally will sell the remaining articles of the Joynt and Wellner stock of farm implements at public auction next Friday at one o'clock. The sale will take place at the building formerly owned by the firm named.

Father of Hon. Edwin and John Anderson, of Ruthven

Andreas Anderson was born in Sweden, September 27, 1827, and was united in marriage to Miss Matilda Johnson June 15, 1851. They came to the United States in the year 1869. Deceased has been a resident of Ruthven for many years. His untimely death, which occurred on Wednesday afternoon, March 8, 1905, was a shock to the community. His beloved wife died a few years ago.

Four children are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father, as follows: Edwin and John H. Anderson, of the city; Mrs. Erick Johnson, of Kalo, Iowa; and Mrs. G. G. Brown, of Manson, Iowa, all of which were in attendance at the funeral.

The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Methodist Church, Reverend G. F. Whitfield conducting the services. The remains were laid to rest by the side of his beloved wife in the Ruthven cemetery, followed there by a large concourse of friends.

The pallbearers were John McNary, D. J. Edmondson, L. H. Sporan, C. E. Redfield, J. W. Church and G. L. Dickerman.

The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones. -- Ruthven Appeal

It Was Fine in 1862

J. J. Mahan was down from Graettinger Friday. And speaking of the weather, he remarked that the ground was in splendid condition for seeding purposes on March 17, 1862. On that day a number of the pioneers gathered at his father's home to witness a donkey race. A man living at Spirit Lake had more donkeys than he could winter and he brought Mr. Mahan eight of them to keep for him until spring. The young men of the colony gathered on the day named and decided to have some fun. He can't remember the names of the winners, but he says the race was a most amusing one. Some of the donkeys ran very well but others objected and threw their writers. One or two boys were injured but not seriously. Mr. Mahan’s parents were members of the original colony. He was only two years old when they came to this locality. He can relate interesting incidents of pioneer days.

He Likes Minnesota

A letter received from John Wedoo, formerly of Great Oak, but now of Baker, Minnesota, states that he sold his farm sometime ago and is now renting a larger farm. A new girl recently blessed his home and of course he thinks President Roosevelt's family ideas are all right. Mr. Wedoo says that the black rust damaged the wheat pretty badly near Baker last season. He had only seven bushels per acre and he sold it at the elevator for 50 to 60 cents per bushel. However, his oats yielded 50 bushels per acre and his flax 14 bushels per acre. Potatoes were also good. He is pleased with Minnesota and has decided to remain there permanently.

- Frank P. Sergeant, the Emigrant Commissioner, predicts that 1905 will be a record breaker for the number of Europeans who will come to the United States to make their future homes. They will find plenty to do when they come. Thousands of our American young men and women refuse to work as their parents did and are looking for soft snaps that they will never secure. The foreigner is not afraid to soil his hands or clothes, so he comes here and is glad to take the money that should be earned by our home people. In years to come those foreigners will be our citizens of means and the idlers of today may be glad to become their employees.

Griffith Goes to Fort Dodge

Mr. Griffith, the popular and successful landlord of the Waverly hotel, will leave for Fort Dodge next week to become manager of the Duncombe house. We have not learned who is to succeed him in the Waverly. Mr. Griffith is a first-class hotel man and has built up a splendid patronage for the Waverly. In fact he has been one of the very best landlords the house has ever had. Our business and society people will regret to lose Mr. and Mrs. Griffith. May they be as successful in Fort Dodge as they have been in Emmetsburg.

Separated for Fifty Years

Mrs. C. N. Sprout enjoyed a visit during the past few days from her brother, James Smith, of Pocahontas, whom she had not seen for fifty years. He has lived six years at Rolfe. He resided for some time in Linn county. He lost track of her when they lived in Wisconsin. He was here sixteen years ago looking for land, but did not know of her whereabouts. He saw the account of Mr. Sprout’s death in the newspapers and thus located her.

His daughter, Mrs. Meehan, lives west of the city, but she did not know that she was related to the Sprout families. The meeting was, of course, a pleasant one. Mr. Smith is soon to move to Willow Lake, South Dakota, where he will make his future home.

Mrs. E.F. O’Toole Dead

Mrs. E. F. O'Toole died at her home in the city yesterday at 3:30. Friday she gave birth to a girl, but the infant lived only a day. Her condition was considered serious and a consultation of the best physicians that could be secured was held. But it was useless. Death claimed her last evening. This is sad news to many friends of the family. A more extended notice will be published next week. Mrs. O'Toole was 36 years of age.

The St. Patrick's Day Doings

Friday will be St. Patrick's Day. It will be observed as usual in Emmetsburg. There will be high Mass at Assumption church at 10:30. The Hibernians will attend in a body as usual. At noon and in the evening meals will be served by the Ladies’ auxiliary of the A.O.H. in the Marks store building. At two o'clock in the afternoon and at eight o'clock in the evening, Reverend Alexander Corky, of Fairfield, will deliver a lecture at the courthouse. His subject is, "The Truth About Ireland." Mr. Corky was born in Ireland and he recently made a trip to his native land to study conditions as they exist at the present time. He is one of the brilliant lecturers of the west and his discourse should be heard by all our citizens as well as those of Irish birth and parentage. Let there be a large attendance both in the afternoon and evening. The admission fee will be 25 cents. There will be no reserved seats.

Married at Wichita, Kansas

Mr. Frank Smith, formerly of this place, and Miss May Williams, of Valley Junction, were married at Wichita, Kansas, Tuesday, March 7, Father Howe, of that place, officiating. They immediately left for some point in Oklahoma, where they will make their future home. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, of Great Oak Township. He is a civil, a bright, energetic young man and enjoys the respect of all who knew him. He told us a few evenings ago when he was leaving Emmetsburg that he was going to Kansas to visit friends. He evidently kept his word. The Democrats extend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

-- a marriage license has been issued to Fred Hamilton and Lula Anderson
-- Joseph Doyle, of Great Oak township, has rented the George Noble Farm in Vernon township
-- Mink trappings along Medium lake have proven profitable during the past few months. One of Mr. Pringle's sons has caught a large number. The hides bring about a dollar each
-- A. D. Carnahan recently moved his family back to this county from South Dakota and is living on the old Colburn farm near Ayrshire. He still retains his land in South Dakota.
-- the new iron bridge across the river on the Mallard Road will be completed this week. This will be appreciated by our citizens as well as by those living south of town
-- George Utter, who claims to be an illegitimate son of the late John F. Smith, of Fort Dodge, has commenced action to secure property left by him. There seems to be a boom in illegitimate property this spring.
-- Mrs. J. B. Guerdet and family left for Bowbells, North Dakota, Monday morning where they will make their future home. The boys have been there for some time and like the country. Those people have resided in this county for a long time and have made numerous friends who will miss them. May they prosper in their new home.
-- the hard coal stove raffled by P.J. Nally was won by "Doc" Baird, of Ruthven. His number was 33.


-- Friday night little Mary Dunn died. She had been operated upon Friday afternoon for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn have the sympathy of everyone.
-- Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Reilly went to Livermore Friday evening to attend the funeral of Mrs. Harrington

-- Mrs. Tom Hand’s little boy, aged nine, cut off his thumb Sunday. She brought him to Curlew. Dr. Scribner discovered that the cord was broken up in the arm also. The little sufferer was put under the influence of chloroform. He is a very nervy little fellow and bore the pain wonderfully well.
-- Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonebreak, March 2nd, a daughter.
-- a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Johnson Monday. The Democrat congratulates.


Babe Is Poisoned

The babe of Mr. and Mrs. William Neusome of Fort Dodge died in three quarters of an hour from eating cathartic pills. Death was due to the small proportion of strychnine contained in each pill. The mother had left the child asleep in a crib near a dresser. When it awoke it managed to reach a cover on which was the box of pills, and ate nearly the entire contents of the box before it was discovered. Before a doctor arrived the little one had died in convulsions.

Suffocated in Folding Bed

The six- months baby daughter of H. A. Mondt of Boone was smothered to death in a folding bed one night last week. The parents had gone for a visit to relatives, leaving the babe playing on the bed. An aunt who is clearing up the furniture in the room failed to perceive the infant and closed the bed.

John Bloom Acquitted

John Bloom of Clarinda was acquitted by a jury of the murder of his son. Insanity, urged by Bloom's counsel, was sustained in the verdict. During a fit of jealous rage blew shot his oldest son in the head, killing him instantly. The crime occurred in November.

Staples Divorces Wife

Dr. Allen Staples has been granted a divorce at Dubuque from his wife, Blanche Hancock staples. She is allowed $13,000 alimony.

Farmer Shoots Himself

William Naber, a prominent farmer living north of Marshalltown, committed suicide by shooting. Ill health the cause.

Boy Shot by His Brother

Elmer Ford, aged 13, of Garwin, was shot by his brother Harry, while the latter was extracting a cartridge. The rifle bullet entered this skull and will prove fatal.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, March 22, 1905

-- Mrs. Meredith has been enjoying a visit for several days from her brother, William Wellock, of Oklahoma, Iowa
-- Mrs. Burt Yarns came down from Spirit Lake Wednesday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Voigt
-- Miss Mary Cullen came over from Whittemore Saturday morning to visit for a week with her aunt, Mrs. Duhigg
-- Miss Marguerite Turner, of Spencer, who had been in this city for a couple of days with her uncle, A.L. Fish, left for St. Paul Friday to visit other relatives
-- Miss, Oskerson returned to her home at Gukeen, Minnesota, Saturday. She had been here several days visiting her sisters, Mrs. Nels Simonson and Miss Mary Oskerson.
-- Mr. Everett E. Puffer, of Mechanicsville, Iowa, and Miss Grace M. Kohl, of West Bend, were married at the M. E. Parsonage Wednesday afternoon, Reverend S. R. Beatty officiating. They will make their future home at Mechanicsville

-- Miss Jane Higgins came over from Whittemore Wednesday to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. John Myers Jr.
-- S. H. Lynch returned to Aberdeen, South Dakota, Friday. He came to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. O'Toole.
-- Miss Florence Vandervort, from some point in Illinois, arrived in the city Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. L. H. Mayne.
-- Herbert, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oleson, of Fairfield township, died Sunday and was buried Tuesday
-- last week George Helgen purchased the piece of land known as the Fred Falb quarter, four miles south of town. We did not learn the consideration
-- Mrs. Charles Hulse returned to her home at Monona, Iowa, Monday after a three-week visit with her cousin, Mrs. Charles Siegle
-- Mrs. S. H. Lynch left Monday morning for her home at Aberdeen, S. D. she was called here by the illness and death of her sister, Mrs. O'Toole
-- Leo Vernon, of Mason city, returned home Wednesday evening after a few days visit with his sister, Mrs. C. R. VanGorden
-- Mr. Weibel Sr. has rented the P. D. Jones residence on the south side and will move back to Emmetsburg about April 1. He has been living on his farm near Milford, but he says Emmetsburg has the best people on earth and he wants to spend his remaining days among them. Mr. Weibel is a kindhearted and most exemplary old gentleman and we are glad to have him return to our community

Despite Inclement Weather, It Was Successfully Observed in Emmetsburg

St. Patrick's Day was wet and disagreeable and comparatively few from the country were in town. However, the program was carried out as advertised and the various exercises of the day were fairly successful. At 10:30 Mass was celebrated at Assumption church, the Very Rev. J. J. Smith officiating. A large number of the Hibernians in uniform attended in a body. The sermon, by Father Kelly, of Graettinger, on the life and achievements of Ireland's patron saint was by far the best he has ever delivered in Emmetsburg. The facts are familiar to most people of Irish birth and parentage. He referred briefly to the efforts of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and Cromwell to make the people of the Emerald Isle ignorant and to rob them of their faith by destroying their seminaries and other institutions of learning. He spoke of what the exiles of Erin have done for education, religion, science, industrial progress, and commerce, in every region of the globe and predicted for his race a future as bright and is brilliant in spiritual and material achievements as its past has been glorious and unfaltering in devotion to faith and nationality. His discourse was carefully and judiciously prepared and was delivered in such a manner as to win for him the warm praises of all who had the pleasure of listening to him.

Dinner was served in the Marks building, as advertised, by the Ladies ' Auxiliary of the A. O. H. They furnished an abundance of choice victuals to all who called and they were liberally patronized. Their total receipts were about $116. They are, of course, highly elated over the success of their undertaking, considering the inclemency of the weather.

The lecture at the courthouse during the afternoon and evening, by Reverend Alexander Corky, of Fairfield, Iowa, was highly enjoyed by all who heard him, though the attendance was not so large as it should have been. His subject was "Truth about Ireland." Mr. Corky was born in the neighborhood of Londonderry. He was educated in a university in that city. When he had finished his studies he was ordained as a Presbyterian clergyman and in 1899 came to the United States.. In 1899 he visited his native country and subsequently prepared his lecture. He is a brilliant rhetorician and a fluent, earnest, impressive speaker. For over an hour he held the closest attention of his audience. He described in interesting detail the beautiful Seagirt Isle, its fertility and his productiveness, its picturesque scenery, and the industries in which its people are engaged. He spoke of the history of his people, of their undying love of home and country, of their courage on the battlefield, of their attainments in art, in science, and in literature, and of their high rank at the bar, in journalism, and as religious teachers and leaders in nearly every country but their own. There alas! they have seldom been permitted to enjoy the honors and the blessings that the people of other lands are so willing to bestow upon them. He was frequently and enthusiastically applauded and when he had finished many quickly stepped forward and warmly congratulated him on his instructive, admirably prepared, and eloquently rendered effort. He returned to Fairfield with many pleading memories of his visit to Emmetsburg.

All things considered, the day was spent in a manner that will be pleasantly recalled by our citizens.

Mrs. R. C. Kurvink Dead

Mrs. R. C. Kurvink died at Edgerton, Minnesota, Sunday morning, March 19, 1905. She had been ill with consumption for four months. She leaves her husband and four children. The oldest is 11 years of age and the youngest a child of three months. Mrs. Kurvink was born in Holland. Her age was 34. The funeral will take place this afternoon at the residence. The burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. A number of the relatives of the deceased arrived in the city last evening to attend the funeral. The husband and children have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.

Sudden Death of Mrs. Hainzinger

Tuesday evening of last week, just after the Democrat had gone to press, we learned that Mrs. G. H. Hainzinger had been found dead in her home in the east part of town. When Mr. Hainzinger returned to the house after his day's work, he found her lying on the floor in her nightclothes and his three small children in bed asleep. Life had evidently been extinct for some time, as the body was cold. The corner was summoned and, after a careful investigation of the circumstances connected with this sad affair, the jury decided that her death was caused by heart failure. She had been washing during the day and it is possible that over exertion contributed to bring about her untimely end, though it might have occurred under other circumstances.

The funeral was held Friday. The services were conducted in the Lutheran church, Rev.Walters, of Spencer, officiating. Interment was in Evergreen cemetery. The pallbearers were Henry Dimler, George Blaey, Chris Vogan, William Maroshek, August Stahl and Lewis Bratz.

The maiden name of the deceased was Martha Schellin. She was born in Lott's Creek township, Kossuth county, March 30, 1878. She grew to womanhood in that community. October 30, 1900, she became the wife of Mr. Hainzinger. They lived in Fenton for some time, but in March, 1904, they came to Emmetsburg.

[Transcriber note: rest of article torn]

Mrs. E. F. O'Toole Laid to Rest

Last week we made brief mention of the sad death of Mrs. E. F. O’Toole, which occurred a few hours before we went to press. The funeral was held Thursday. There was a very large possession. The services were conducted at Assumption Church, Very Rev. J. J. Smith officiating. He spoke feelingly of the life and character of the deceased, whom he had known since she was a mere child. There were a large number of beautiful floral offerings, the gift of friends and the various societies to which the deceased belonged. The interment was in St. John's cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. F. Neary, P. V. Nolan, E. J. Scott, A. E. Troyer, M. F. Coonan, and Alex Cullen. The members of the order of Elk, of which Mr. O'Toole is a member, attended the funeral in a body, as did also the members of the Friday club, of which Mrs. O’Toole was a member. Besides the husband, the deceased is mourned by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelly, three brothers, B. E., Daniel, and J. H., and four sisters, Mrs. S. H. Lynch and Misses Henrietta, Celia and Jennie Kelley. Miss Celia was absent in California and could not reach home in time to attend the funeral.

Mary Kelly was born at Shellsburg, Wisconsin, December 23, 1868. Two years later her parents came to this county and located on a farm in Great Oak township. Subsequently they became residents of Emmetsburg. Miss Kelly received her education in the schools of our county and when she grew to womanhood taught for a number of years. She was eminently successful in her chosen line of work and so won high rank among the educational workers of this locality. June 20, 1896, she was united in marriage to E. F. O'Toole. They afterward made their home in the city.

No woman in the community was more widely or more highly esteemed than was the most worthy Christian woman who has in the past few days been called to her eternal reward. Even-tempered, and charitably disposed towards all, she easily formed valued friendships and retained them. The highest religious zeal guided her and her conduct and labors as a young lady and in her duties and responsibilities as a devoted wife and as a member of society. She led a most edifying life. Her example and meritorious acts had a most wholesome influence on the lives of those who mingled with her in social and educational affairs. The writer knew her for nearly twenty years, and often have we heard her commended for her marked kindness to those about her and for her equanimity amid surroundings that would have disturbed the feelings of others. The good that such a lady can accomplish in a community can not be valued too highly. Her praiseworthy career is ended by her motives and her deeds will be reflected in the lives of those who associated with her. The profound sympathy of all is extended to the husband and the other immediate relatives.


-- John McGinnis’s brother arrived last week and is visiting him. They had not met before for 32 years

-- Miss Mamie Jenwold, of Depew, recently spent a couple of days visiting her sister, Mrs. Woodbridge.
-- Andrew Jacobson, who went to Chicago last week to take treatment at one of the hospitals, died there Tuesday. His remains were brought here Thursday morning. The funeral was held Friday at the Lutheran church in Fairfield township. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery east of the church.

-- John Hefley has taken his brother Will's place in the Tribune office.
-- Thomas Condon will leave for Barnum this week. He has not yet decided what he will do.
-- Mr. Nugent, of Vernon, will quit farming and will return to Sioux City to work at the carpenter trade. He recently won in the supreme court his $2500 damage suit against the Cudahy Packing co.. He had his skull fractured in an accident while in the employ of the company.
-- those who participated in the St. Patrick's day doings feel deeply indebted to E. J. Higgins Jr. for the use of his phonograph in the hall during the afternoon and evening and also in the room where the meals were served. Favorite Irish and other airs were played and were enjoyed by all.
-- Tuesday having been the 20th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Baldwin, a surprise party was given them by their friends, in honor of the event. Those in attendance from Osgood were Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Guida, and Mrs. Bryce. A splendid dinner was enjoyed at noon and the guests departed, having had a good time and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin many happy returns.
-- a few days ago T. J. Duffy had a letter from his son Frank, who is now at Pirie, South Australia. He considers that country worthless and there is no work to be found. His letter was posted January 30. He left home two years ago and said he was going to South Dakota to remain for a short time. He since been on the Pacific coast, in Japan, China, the Philippines, South Africa, and Australia. He says he would like to be home again.
-- the city carcasses were all held last week. C.E. Taylor was nominated for alderman in the first ward, C.C. Mueller in the second, Robert Shea in the third, and Myles McNally and Thomas Foy in the fourth, the latter for the short-term. Later the Republicans in the fourth Ward met and nominated A. R. Theile for alderman for the long term. As the democrats have a majority of over two to one in the last named ward, they will doubtless elect both of their nominees. There will not be any opposition in the other wards.

The Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, March 29, 1905

Aged Man Is Wandering about in Iowa

Burlington, Iowa, March 28 -- Somewhere between Burlington and Rome, Iowa, Robert Berry, an octogenarian, is believed to be wandering with $20,000 on his person. At the instance of his niece, Miss Lena Balles of Rome, the police have been notified and a vigorous search instituted. It is understood that Berry had promised a gift of $50,000 to Miss Balles, claiming that he was her father's long-lost brother.

Berry had $40,000 in cash and a certified check for $50,000. He started for Burlington to get the check cashed.

-- F. E. Potter will, it is reported, sell or close out his stock of groceries at Whittemore.
-- Willis McCarty intends leaving soon for Austin, Texas, where he reports that he has secured a good position
-- Hon. and Mrs. E. E. Blanchard of Mitchell, South Dakota, returned home Saturday after visiting for a couple of days in this city with their daughters, Mrs. George Sturtevant and Mrs. Milham.
-- Wednesday the sheriff of Kossuth county arrested Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. John Randall, of Whittemore, for selling booze. They were taken to Algona for a hearing. All were discharged except Clayton, who was taxed at $50 and costs.
-- a recent report from Iowa Falls says that the nine-year-old son of Aaron Tjarkes, a prominent farmer, living near there, was instantly killed Sunday evening. While at the barn doing the evening chores, the lad went to the hay now to throw down some hay for stock. Having completed his task, he slid down into the manger and struck a pitchfork that was standing tines upward. One tine struck the lad’s left cheek and passed through the back of the right eye into the brain. He died instantly and was found a few minutes later by members of the family.

Martin Carroll Dies Suddenly

Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carroll, of Emmetsburg, died suddenly Saturday afternoon. He went out to the granary for his mother to get a sack of beans. It appears that he stood on the fanning mill while taking down the sack and that he fell face downward into some screenings and smothered. It seems that he received a sunstroke several years ago and that he was subsequently subject to apoplectic spells. He was probably taken with one of those at the time stated and hence his sad and untimely end. The funeral was held Monday. The funeral services were held at Assumption church and were conducted by Very Rev. J. J. Smith. The pallbearers were C. C. Egan, William Kelly, Charles Gibbs, William McNally, Thomas Ryan, and Thomas Burns. The interment was in St. John's Cemetery. There was an unusually large funeral procession, the family being one of the oldest and most respected in the county. The deceased is survived by his parents, three brothers and four sisters. The sons are Patrick, Edward, and Dennis. The daughters are Mesdames Henry Kneer, Matthew Neary, and N. Martini Jr. and Miss Anna Carroll. All live in this neighborhood.

Martin Carroll was born in Palo Alto county July 28, 1874. He grew to manhood in this community. He was unmarried. He was quiet, unassuming, industrious young man. He had no bad habits and was morally in every way above reproach. As such his worth as a member of our society was fully appreciated by those who knew him as a kind and considerate neighbor and friend and was a source of pardonable pride to those who loved him as a true, devoted son and a faithful, helpful, loyal brother. The sympathy of the many friends of the family is extended to its members in their present bereavement.

Ordered Second Trial
Some Sensational Developments in the Crouch Case

The Crouch trial, which was commenced Tuesday noon was brought to a rather unexpected termination Friday noon after the state had rested its case and the court had denied a motion to take it from the jury. James Cahill, one of the jurors, notified the court that Thomas Murray had approached him Thursday evening and offered him $10 to use his effort to secure an acquittal or hang the jury. Mr. Cahill says that he asked Murray who authorized him to make the offer and he said it was Mr. Crouch. Murray, he said told him he would get the $10 in an envelope that would be sent through the post office at the close of the trial. Mr. Cahill was placed under oath and swore to his statements, which are substantially as stated. The judge ordered Murray arrested and brought before him. The latter denied the charge. However, the judge relied on the testimony of Mr. Cahill and fined the offender $50 and one day in jail for contempt of court, which is the full limit under the statute. He immediately ordered the grand jury recalled, presumably for the purpose of indicting him for attempted jury bribing. The penalty in case of conviction is from one to five years in the penitentiary. Mr. Crouch denies that he authorized Murray to make the offer. Murray's record is against him, he having served two terms in the penitentiary for past offenses.

Judge Quarton ordered the jury discharged and a new jury drawn to begin a case over on Monday. The second trial is now in progress

Davidson & Burt and E.A. Morling are prosecuting and C.E. Cohoon., of this city, and George E. Clark, of Algona, are defending.

In last week's trial, the complaining witness, Miss Ellen Wait, who is weak minded, seemed unwilling to talk, even when questioned by her own attorney, and on cross examination, she would remain silent for long spells and it was extremely difficult to get her to answer. She claims that Mr. Crouch, who has a grown family, came to her father's home and accomplished her ruin, while the other members of the family were away from the place. He had, according to her testimony, been at the house twice, but the first time her father was home and the defendant made an excuse that he wanted a drink and went away. The second time he made some other excuse until he found that she was alone. There were a number of other witnesses including her father, sister, Sheriff Coakley, and Drs. Powers and Hunter, whose testimony had very important bearing on the case. Much of the evidence is unfit for publication, as is usually the case in such trials. So far Mr. Crouch and his witnesses have not taken the stand. The affair is a most unfortunate one. The Wait people are among the best citizens of our county and they have the sympathy of all who know them in the unpleasant litigation in which it has become their duty to engage. The outcome of the trial will be reported next week.

-- Will Hester left Wednesday for Louiston, Idaho, where he will visit with his uncle, Patrick Hester
-- Dan McNally returned from Milwaukee Friday where he had been visiting with relatives for a couple of weeks
-- Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brennan left for Osakis, Minnesota, Tuesday evening of last week. Their son and daughter went there some time ago. The Democrat wishes them success in their new home.
-- Mrs. F. E. Jones, of Cylinder, came over to Emmetsburg for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Demouth.

-- Miss Bertha Aukema, arrived in this city from Boise, Idaho, Wednesday evening, to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Kurvink. She will return in about three weeks. She is delighted with Boise. There are 90 Emmetsburgers there and all like the place. The apple and peach trees were in bloom in Idaho when Miss Aukema left there.
-- Michael Jackman, of Waterloo, arrived in this city Monday morning for a brief visit with his mother and other relatives.
-- John Box, father of John Box, of this city, died at Dunkeld, Scotland, March 10. He is suffered from paralysis for two years. He was 60 years of age. He was very prominent in North Scotland and held positions of distinction for 38 years. Mr. Box has the sympathy of his numerous Emmetsburg friends in his sorrow.


Explosion of Illuminating Gas at Sioux City Badly Injures Four Persons and Wrecks a Dwelling

At nine o'clock one night last week Mrs. George Yeaman of 312 W. 7th St., Sioux City, returned to her home with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Jones, and her little children, Gladys and Frances Yeatman. Upon entering the house Mrs. Yeaman struck a match and instantly there was an explosion which lifted the roof off the house. All four were badly burned and the face of Mrs. Jones was almost stripped of skin. Her hands and arms were cooked, the raw flesh being exposed. She will likely die. Gas had been escaping.

Busse May Go Free

Louis Busse, the alleged wife murderer, who was recently convicted in Bremer county and sentenced to be hanged, will in all probability go free. It was just announced that the grand jury which found the indictment against him consisted of only six members, the Iowa law requiring that the grand jury shall consist of seven. The point was overlooked until the case was ready for the Supreme Court where it will be presented. The decisions in Iowa leave practically no doubt that Busse, having been placed in jeopardy, will have to be discharged. It will be impossible to try him again. Busse’s crime was a peculiarly heinous one, and there is much indignation over the report that he will probably go free.

Farmer Dies Suddenly

C. F. Parish, one of the wealthiest farmers in central Iowa, died suddenly at his home at Whitten last week. He was 73 years old

Kiss Cost a Life

Joe St. Pierre, it is alleged, was stabbed to death by his cousin, George Coffey, at the home of Emma Rebble, 506 Pearl St, in Sioux City last week. It is said they both were in love with the Rebble woman. She went into a side room on an errand and while in there St. Pierre is said to have kissed her. The kiss cost him his life. Coffey, it is alleged, struck him and in a fistic encounter slashed St. Pierre's right arm and stabbed him above the heart. St. Pierre died in 10 minutes. Coffey went to the police station and surrendered.

Taken Back to Jail

Frank Powers, alias Ed Foster, and Frank Murphy, alias Owens, two of the five men who recently broke out of the county jail at Sioux City, were arrested at Canton, S. D., and taken back there last week. When arrested the two men had 12 sticks of dynamite, 10 fine saws, 100 dynamite caps, 100 feet of fuse, hammers and soap and other material. They agreed to return to Sioux City without requisitioned papers. Both men are under indictment by the grand jury for robbery.

Bigamy Is Charged

The county records in Council Bluffs disclosed that Odram Fritz, who is under arrest in Juneau County, Wisconsin, for bigamy, was married at Council Bluffs October 17, 1903, to Miss Christina Hendrichson, whom he deserted a few months later, going to Chicago. Common conjecture is that Fritz may have a number of wives. His Council Bluffs spouse is now with her parents in that city.

Bride Giggles and Is Fined $3

Because she giggled while attending a church wedding of the Pentecost people, at Mount Pleasant, the bride of James Raines was arrested upon the complaint of the deacons of the church and was taken to the mayor's office. She was fined $3.

Farmer Ends His Life

At Mt. sterling, last week, after beating his wife into insensibility with a beer bottle and then setting fire to his house and barn, S. A. Carr, a farmer, committed suicide by shooting. Mrs. Carr will probably recover.

Two Perish by Fire

Early one morning last week H. H. Kneebone, while starting a gasoline stove, caused an explosion that fired his house at Sioux City. Driven outside, he called to his sister, Mrs. Harland Newton of Shelton, Nebraska, who, with a son, aged nine, was sleeping up stairs. They rose, came to the window, turned back, and perished in the flames. Kneebone rushed into the house and was fatally burned.

Breach of Promise Case Settled

George W. Bowder of Waterloo, whose sensational suit for breach of promise and damages against Mrs. E. H. Curtiss of Waverly has attracted much attention, is said to have received $2000 to settle the case out of court. Bowder sued for $3280 which he claimed to have spent for presents for Mrs. Curtiss and also for $25,000 damages on balm for his slight of affection. A peculiar phase of the case is that it is now claimed that while Bowder was pressing his suit for damages he was married to a woman in Chicago.

Fatally Kicked by a Horse

William Ashman, a farmer, aged 45, was kicked in the stomach at Oskaloosa by a driving horse and died in great agony three hours later.

-- a marriage license has been issued to Peter C. Jensen and Helena K. Paulsen
-- J. J. Kane intend selling out soon and moving to Emmetsburg. He and his good wife have toiled hard for over 30 years and are entitled to a rest
-- last week our reporter failed to chronicle the arrival of a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Joynt, which occurred March 17. The Democrat extends congratulations.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers will leave for Superior, Wisconsin, about April 1 where they intend to make their home. They will retain their valuable property in this county. Our citizens will miss those splendid people. May they prosper at Superior as they have in Palo Alto.


-- William Smith is visiting this week with his mother at Lansing, Iowa
-- Donna Jenswold, of Graettinger, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. Anderson.
-- Mrs. C. F. Underwood has been called to some point in Pennsylvania by a message announcing the serious illness of her mother.

-- Mrs. Habeger and Miss Emma left Saturday morning for Jolley to see their daughter and sister, Mrs. Carlstead, who is quite sick
-- Mrs. Platzer and family left Monday for Washington where they will make their future home
-- Mr. and Mrs. Froelich left Monday evening for their new home in Canada.
-- Mrs. Ben Shade and baby, of Ruthven, arrived Monday and will make their future home here.

-- last Saturday the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Dawson died after a lingering illness. The funeral was held Monday at the M. E. Church
-- F. L. Emerson, who conducted a notion store here during the past year, has packed all the goods that he had left and lease for Harris this week, where he will go into business again
-- Mrs. D. E. Collins came up from Emmetsburg Saturday to spend a few days with her lady friends at this place before leaving for her new home at Gregory, S. D., which is located near the Rosebud reservation. On Monday afternoon the ladies of this place gave a reception to Mrs. Collins at the home of Mrs. C. S. George, at which a large number of our ladies were in attendance, and an enjoyable time was had
-- Miss Christie Collins left last week with her father for New York where she goes to make her future home

Submitted by: C.J.L.


Iowa Old Press
Palo Alto County